/** * This test ensures that the VM gracefully handles an sb2 project with * a missing vector costume. The VM should handle this safely by displaying * a Gray Question Mark, but keeping track of the original costume data * and serializing the original costume data back out. The saved project.json * should not reflect that the costume is broken and should therefore re-attempt * to load the costume if the saved project is re-loaded. */ const path = require('path'); const tap = require('tap'); const makeTestStorage = require('../fixtures/make-test-storage'); const FakeRenderer = require('../fixtures/fake-renderer'); const FakeBitmapAdapter = require('../fixtures/fake-bitmap-adapter'); const readFileToBuffer = require('../fixtures/readProjectFile').readFileToBuffer; const VirtualMachine = require('../../src/index'); const projectUri = path.resolve(__dirname, '../fixtures/missing_svg.sb2'); const project = readFileToBuffer(projectUri); const missingCostumeAssetId = 'beca8009621913e2f5b3111eed2d8210'; global.Image = function () { const image = { width: 1, height: 1 }; setTimeout(() => image.onload(), 1000); return image; }; global.document = { createElement: () => ({ // Create mock canvas getContext: () => ({ drawImage: () => ({}) }) }) }; let vm; tap.beforeEach(() => { const storage = makeTestStorage(); vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.attachStorage(storage); vm.attachRenderer(new FakeRenderer()); vm.attachV2BitmapAdapter(new FakeBitmapAdapter()); return vm.loadProject(project); }); const test = tap.test; test('loading sb2 project with missing vector costume file', t => { t.equal(vm.runtime.targets.length, 2); const stage = vm.runtime.targets[0]; t.ok(stage.isStage); const blueGuySprite = vm.runtime.targets[1]; t.equal(blueGuySprite.getName(), 'Blue Guy'); t.equal(blueGuySprite.getCostumes().length, 1); const missingCostume = blueGuySprite.getCostumes()[0]; t.equal(missingCostume.name, 'Blue Guy 2'); // Costume should have both default cosutme (e.g. Gray Question Mark) data and original data const defaultVectorAssetId = vm.runtime.storage.defaultAssetId.ImageVector; t.equal(missingCostume.assetId, defaultVectorAssetId); t.equal(missingCostume.dataFormat, 'svg'); // Runtime should have info about broken asset t.ok(missingCostume.broken); t.equal(missingCostume.broken.assetId, missingCostumeAssetId); t.end(); }); test('load and then save sb2 project with missing costume file', t => { const resavedProject = JSON.parse(vm.toJSON()); t.equal(resavedProject.targets.length, 2); const stage = resavedProject.targets[0]; t.ok(stage.isStage); const blueGuySprite = resavedProject.targets[1]; t.equal(blueGuySprite.name, 'Blue Guy'); t.equal(blueGuySprite.costumes.length, 1); const missingCostume = blueGuySprite.costumes[0]; t.equal(missingCostume.name, 'Blue Guy 2'); // Costume should have both default cosutme (e.g. Gray Question Mark) data and original data t.equal(missingCostume.assetId, missingCostumeAssetId); t.equal(missingCostume.dataFormat, 'svg'); // Test that we didn't save any data about the costume being broken t.notOk(missingCostume.broken); t.end(); process.nextTick(process.exit); });