const color = require('../util/color'); const log = require('../util/log'); /** * Manage power, direction, and timers for one WeDo 2.0 motor. */ class WeDo2Motor { /** * Construct a WeDo2Motor instance. * @param {WeDo2} parent - the WeDo 2.0 device which owns this motor. * @param {int} index - the zero-based index of this motor on its parent device. */ constructor (parent, index) { /** * The WeDo 2.0 device which owns this motor. * @type {WeDo2} * @private */ this._parent = parent; /** * The zero-based index of this motor on its parent device. * @type {int} * @private */ this._index = index; /** * This motor's current direction: 1 for "this way" or -1 for "that way" * @type {number} * @private */ this._direction = 1; /** * This motor's current power level, in the range [0,100]. * @type {number} * @private */ this._power = 100; /** * Is this motor currently moving? * @type {boolean} * @private */ this._isOn = false; /** * If the motor has been turned on or is actively braking for a specific duration, this is the timeout ID for * the end-of-action handler. Cancel this when changing plans. * @type {Object} * @private */ this._pendingTimeoutId = null; this.startBraking = this.startBraking.bind(this); this.setMotorOff = this.setMotorOff.bind(this); } /** * @return {number} - the duration of active braking after a call to startBraking(). Afterward, turn the motor off. * @constructor */ static get BRAKE_TIME_MS () { return 1000; } /** * @return {int} - this motor's current direction: 1 for "this way" or -1 for "that way" */ get direction () { return this._direction; } /** * @param {int} value - this motor's new direction: 1 for "this way" or -1 for "that way" */ set direction (value) { if (value < 0) { this._direction = -1; } else { this._direction = 1; } } /** * @return {int} - this motor's current power level, in the range [0,100]. */ get power () { return this._power; } /** * @param {int} value - this motor's new power level, in the range [0,100]. */ set power (value) { this._power = Math.max(0, Math.min(value, 100)); } /** * @return {boolean} - true if this motor is currently moving, false if this motor is off or braking. */ get isOn () { return this._isOn; } /** * Turn this motor on indefinitely. */ setMotorOn () { this._parent._send('motorOn', {motorIndex: this._index, power: this._direction * this._power}); this._isOn = true; this._clearTimeout(); } /** * Turn this motor on for a specific duration. * @param {number} milliseconds - run the motor for this long. */ setMotorOnFor (milliseconds) { milliseconds = Math.max(0, milliseconds); this.setMotorOn(); this._setNewTimeout(this.startBraking, milliseconds); } /** * Start active braking on this motor. After a short time, the motor will turn off. */ startBraking () { this._parent._send('motorBrake', {motorIndex: this._index}); this._isOn = false; this._setNewTimeout(this.setMotorOff, WeDo2Motor.BRAKE_TIME_MS); } /** * Turn this motor off. */ setMotorOff () { this._parent._send('motorOff', {motorIndex: this._index}); this._isOn = false; } /** * Clear the motor action timeout, if any. Safe to call even when there is no pending timeout. * @private */ _clearTimeout () { if (this._pendingTimeoutId !== null) { clearTimeout(this._pendingTimeoutId); this._pendingTimeoutId = null; } } /** * Set a new motor action timeout, after clearing an existing one if necessary. * @param {Function} callback - to be called at the end of the timeout. * @param {int} delay - wait this many milliseconds before calling the callback. * @private */ _setNewTimeout (callback, delay) { this._clearTimeout(); const timeoutID = setTimeout(() => { if (this._pendingTimeoutId === timeoutID) { this._pendingTimeoutId = null; } callback(); }, delay); this._pendingTimeoutId = timeoutID; } } /** * Manage communication with a WeDo 2.0 device over a Device Manager client socket. */ class WeDo2 { /** * @return {string} - the type of Device Manager device socket that this class will handle. */ static get DEVICE_TYPE () { return 'wedo2'; } /** * Construct a WeDo2 communication object. * @param {Socket} socket - the socket for a WeDo 2.0 device, as provided by a Device Manager client. */ constructor (socket) { /** * The socket-IO socket used to communicate with the Device Manager about this device. * @type {Socket} * @private */ this._socket = socket; /** * The motors which this WeDo 2.0 could possibly have. * @type {[WeDo2Motor]} * @private */ this._motors = [new WeDo2Motor(this, 0), new WeDo2Motor(this, 1)]; /** * The most recently received value for each sensor. * @type {Object.} * @private */ this._sensors = { tiltX: 0, tiltY: 0, distance: 0 }; this._onSensorChanged = this._onSensorChanged.bind(this); this._onDisconnect = this._onDisconnect.bind(this); this._connectEvents(); } /** * Manually dispose of this object. */ dispose () { this._disconnectEvents(); } /** * @return {number} - the latest value received for the tilt sensor's tilt about the X axis. */ get tiltX () { return this._sensors.tiltX; } /** * @return {number} - the latest value received for the tilt sensor's tilt about the Y axis. */ get tiltY () { return this._sensors.tiltY; } /** * @return {number} - the latest value received from the distance sensor. */ get distance () { return this._sensors.distance; } /** * Access a particular motor on this device. * @param {int} index - the zero-based index of the desired motor. * @return {WeDo2Motor} - the WeDo2Motor instance, if any, at that index. */ motor (index) { return this._motors[index]; } /** * Set the WeDo 2.0 hub's LED to a specific color. * @param {int} rgb - a 24-bit RGB color in 0xRRGGBB format. */ setLED (rgb) { this._send('setLED', {rgb}); } /** * Play a tone from the WeDo 2.0 hub for a specific amount of time. * @param {int} tone - the pitch of the tone, in Hz. * @param {int} milliseconds - the duration of the note, in milliseconds. */ playTone (tone, milliseconds) { this._send('playTone', {tone, ms: milliseconds}); } /** * Stop the tone playing from the WeDo 2.0 hub, if any. */ stopTone () { this._send('stopTone'); } /** * Attach event handlers to the device socket. * @private */ _connectEvents () { this._socket.on('sensorChanged', this._onSensorChanged); this._socket.on('deviceWasClosed', this._onDisconnect); this._socket.on('disconnect', this._onDisconnect); } /** * Detach event handlers from the device socket. * @private */ _disconnectEvents () {'sensorChanged', this._onSensorChanged);'deviceWasClosed', this._onDisconnect);'disconnect', this._onDisconnect); } /** * Store the sensor value from an incoming 'sensorChanged' event. * @param {object} event - the 'sensorChanged' event. * @property {string} sensorName - the name of the sensor which changed. * @property {number} sensorValue - the new value of the sensor. * @private */ _onSensorChanged (event) { this._sensors[event.sensorName] = event.sensorValue; } /** * React to device disconnection. May be called more than once. * @private */ _onDisconnect () { this._disconnectEvents(); } /** * Send a message to the device socket. * @param {string} message - the name of the message, such as 'playTone'. * @param {object} [details] - optional additional details for the message, such as tone duration and pitch. * @private */ _send (message, details) { this._socket.emit(message, details); } } /** * Enum for motor specification. * @readonly * @enum {string} */ const MotorID = { DEFAULT: 'motor', A: 'motor A', B: 'motor B', ALL: 'all motors' }; /** * Enum for motor direction specification. * @readonly * @enum {string} */ const MotorDirection = { FORWARD: 'this way', BACKWARD: 'that way', REVERSE: 'reverse' }; /** * Enum for tilt sensor direction. * @readonly * @enum {string} */ const TiltDirection = { UP: 'up', DOWN: 'down', LEFT: 'left', RIGHT: 'right', ANY: 'any' }; /** * Scratch 3.0 blocks to interact with a LEGO WeDo 2.0 device. */ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { /** * @return {string} - the name of this extension. */ static get EXTENSION_NAME () { return 'wedo2'; } /** * @return {number} - the tilt sensor counts as "tilted" if its tilt angle meets or exceeds this threshold. */ static get TILT_THRESHOLD () { return 15; } /** * Construct a set of WeDo 2.0 blocks. * @param {Runtime} runtime - the Scratch 3.0 runtime. */ constructor (runtime) { /** * The Scratch 3.0 runtime. * @type {Runtime} */ this.runtime = runtime; this.runtime.HACK_WeDo2Blocks = this; } /** * Use the Device Manager client to attempt to connect to a WeDo 2.0 device. */ connect () { if (this._device || this._finder) { return; } const deviceManager = this.runtime.ioDevices.deviceManager; const finder = this._finder = deviceManager.searchAndConnect(Scratch3WeDo2Blocks.EXTENSION_NAME, WeDo2.DEVICE_TYPE); this._finder.promise.then( socket => { if (this._finder === finder) { this._finder = null; this._device = new WeDo2(socket); } else { log.warn('Ignoring success from stale WeDo 2.0 connection attempt'); } }, reason => { if (this._finder === finder) { this._finder = null; log.warn(`WeDo 2.0 connection failed: ${reason}`); } else { log.warn('Ignoring failure from stale WeDo 2.0 connection attempt'); } }); } /** * Retrieve the block primitives implemented by this package. * @return {object.} Mapping of opcode to Function. */ getPrimitives () { return { wedo2_motorOnFor: this.motorOnFor, wedo2_motorOn: this.motorOn, wedo2_motorOff: this.motorOff, wedo2_startMotorPower: this.startMotorPower, wedo2_setMotorDirection: this.setMotorDirection, wedo2_setLightHue: this.setLightHue, wedo2_playNoteFor: this.playNoteFor, wedo2_whenDistance: this.whenDistance, wedo2_whenTilted: this.whenTilted, wedo2_getDistance: this.getDistance, wedo2_isTilted: this.isTilted, wedo2_getTiltAngle: this.getTiltAngle }; } /** * Turn specified motor(s) on for a specified duration. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {MotorID} MOTOR_ID - the motor(s) to activate. * @property {int} DURATION - the amount of time to run the motors. * @return {Promise} - a promise which will resolve at the end of the duration. */ motorOnFor (args) { return new Promise(resolve => { this._forEachMotor(args.MOTOR_ID, motorIndex => { this._device.motor(motorIndex).setMotorOnFor(args.DURATION); }); // Ensure this block runs for a fixed amount of time even when no device is connected. setTimeout(resolve, args.DURATION); }); } /** * Turn specified motor(s) on indefinitely. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {MotorID} MOTOR_ID - the motor(s) to activate. */ motorOn (args) { this._forEachMotor(args.MOTOR_ID, motorIndex => { this._device.motor(motorIndex).setMotorOn(); }); } /** * Turn specified motor(s) off. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {MotorID} MOTOR_ID - the motor(s) to deactivate. */ motorOff (args) { this._forEachMotor(args.MOTOR_ID, motorIndex => { this._device.motor(motorIndex).setMotorOff(); }); } /** * Turn specified motor(s) off. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {MotorID} MOTOR_ID - the motor(s) to be affected. * @property {int} POWER - the new power level for the motor(s). */ startMotorPower (args) { this._forEachMotor(args.MOTOR_ID, motorIndex => { const motor = this._device.motor(motorIndex); motor.power = args.POWER; motor.setMotorOn(); }); } /** * Set the direction of rotation for specified motor(s). * If the direction is 'reverse' the motor(s) will be reversed individually. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {MotorID} MOTOR_ID - the motor(s) to be affected. * @property {MotorDirection} DIRECTION - the new direction for the motor(s). */ setMotorDirection (args) { this._forEachMotor(args.MOTOR_ID, motorIndex => { const motor = this._device.motor(motorIndex); switch (args.DIRECTION) { case MotorDirection.FORWARD: motor.direction = 1; break; case MotorDirection.BACKWARD: motor.direction = -1; break; case MotorDirection.REVERSE: motor.direction = -motor.direction; break; default: log.warn(`Unknown motor direction in setMotorDirection: ${args.DIRECTION}`); break; } }); } /** * Set the LED's hue. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {number} HUE - the hue to set, in the range [0,100]. */ setLightHue (args) { // Convert from [0,100] to [0,360] const hue = args.HUE * 360 / 100; const rgbObject = color.hsvToRgb({h: hue, s: 1, v: 1}); const rgbDecimal = color.rgbToDecimal(rgbObject); this._device.setLED(rgbDecimal); } /** * Make the WeDo 2.0 hub play a MIDI note for the specified duration. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {number} NOTE - the MIDI note to play. * @property {number} DURATION - the duration of the note, in seconds. * @return {Promise} - a promise which will resolve at the end of the duration. */ playNoteFor (args) { return new Promise(resolve => { const durationMS = args.DURATION * 1000; const tone = this._noteToTone(args.NOTE); this._device.playTone(tone, durationMS); // Ensure this block runs for a fixed amount of time even when no device is connected. setTimeout(resolve, durationMS); }); } /** * Compare the distance sensor's value to a reference. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {string} OP - the comparison operation: '<' or '>'. * @property {number} REFERENCE - the value to compare against. * @return {boolean} - the result of the comparison, or false on error. */ whenDistance (args) { switch (args.OP) { case '<': return this._device.distance < args.REFERENCE; case '>': return this._device.distance > args.REFERENCE; default: log.warn(`Unknown comparison operator in whenDistance: ${args.OP}`); return false; } } /** * Test whether the tilt sensor is currently tilted. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {TiltDirection} DIRECTION - the tilt direction to test (up, down, left, right, or any). * @return {boolean} - true if the tilt sensor is tilted past a threshold in the specified direction. */ whenTilted (args) { return this._isTilted(args.DIRECTION); } /** * @return {number} - the distance sensor's value, scaled to the [0,100] range. */ getDistance () { return this._device.distance * 10; } /** * Test whether the tilt sensor is currently tilted. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {TiltDirection} DIRECTION - the tilt direction to test (up, down, left, right, or any). * @return {boolean} - true if the tilt sensor is tilted past a threshold in the specified direction. */ isTilted (args) { return this._isTilted(args.DIRECTION); } /** * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {TiltDirection} DIRECTION - the direction (up, down, left, right) to check. * @return {number} - the tilt sensor's angle in the specified direction. * Note that getTiltAngle(up) = -getTiltAngle(down) and getTiltAngle(left) = -getTiltAngle(right). */ getTiltAngle (args) { return this._getTiltAngle(args.DIRECTION); } /** * Test whether the tilt sensor is currently tilted. * @param {TiltDirection} direction - the tilt direction to test (up, down, left, right, or any). * @return {boolean} - true if the tilt sensor is tilted past a threshold in the specified direction. * @private */ _isTilted (direction) { switch (direction) { case TiltDirection.ANY: return (Math.abs(this._device.tiltX) >= Scratch3WeDo2Blocks.TILT_THRESHOLD) || (Math.abs(this._device.tiltY) >= Scratch3WeDo2Blocks.TILT_THRESHOLD); default: return this._getTiltAngle(direction) >= Scratch3WeDo2Blocks.TILT_THRESHOLD; } } /** * @param {TiltDirection} direction - the direction (up, down, left, right) to check. * @return {number} - the tilt sensor's angle in the specified direction. * Note that getTiltAngle(up) = -getTiltAngle(down) and getTiltAngle(left) = -getTiltAngle(right). * @private */ _getTiltAngle (direction) { switch (direction) { case TiltDirection.UP: return -this._device.tiltY; case TiltDirection.DOWN: return this._device.tiltY; case TiltDirection.LEFT: return -this._device.tiltX; case TiltDirection.RIGHT: return this._device.tiltX; default: log.warn(`Unknown tilt direction in _getTiltAngle: ${direction}`); } } /** * Call a callback for each motor indexed by the provided motor ID. * @param {MotorID} motorID - the ID specifier. * @param {Function} callback - the function to call with the numeric motor index for each motor. * @private */ _forEachMotor (motorID, callback) { let motors; switch (motorID) { case MotorID.A: motors = [0]; break; case MotorID.B: motors = [1]; break; case MotorID.ALL: case MotorID.DEFAULT: motors = [0, 1]; break; default: log.warn(`Invalid motor ID: ${motorID}`); motors = []; break; } for (const index of motors) { callback(index); } } /** * @param {number} midiNote - the MIDI note value to convert. * @return {number} - the frequency, in Hz, corresponding to that MIDI note value. * @private */ _noteToTone (midiNote) { // Note that MIDI note 69 is A4, 440 Hz return 440 * Math.pow(2, (midiNote - 69) / 12); } } module.exports = Scratch3WeDo2Blocks;