diff --git a/src/engine/runtime.js b/src/engine/runtime.js index c12809c64..f45393616 100644 --- a/src/engine/runtime.js +++ b/src/engine/runtime.js @@ -264,7 +264,10 @@ class Runtime extends EventEmitter { video: new Video(this) }; - this.extensionDevices = {}; + /** + * A list of extensions, used to manage hardware connection. + */ + this.peripheralExtensions = {}; /** * A runtime profiler that records timed events for later playback to @@ -928,32 +931,56 @@ class Runtime extends EventEmitter { (result, categoryInfo) => result.concat(categoryInfo.blocks.map(blockInfo => blockInfo.json)), []); } - registerExtensionDevice (extensionId, device) { - this.extensionDevices[extensionId] = device; + /** + * Register an extension that communications with a hardware peripheral by id, + * to have access to it and its peripheral functions in the future. + * @param {string} extensionId - the id of the extension. + * @param {object} extension - the extension to register. + */ + registerPeripheralExtension (extensionId, extension) { + this.peripheralExtensions[extensionId] = extension; } - startDeviceScan (extensionId) { - if (this.extensionDevices[extensionId]) { - this.extensionDevices[extensionId].startDeviceScan(); + /** + * Tell the specified extension to scan for a peripheral. + * @param {string} extensionId - the id of the extension. + */ + scanForPeripheral (extensionId) { + if (this.peripheralExtensions[extensionId]) { + this.peripheralExtensions[extensionId].scan(); } } - connectToPeripheral (extensionId, peripheralId) { - if (this.extensionDevices[extensionId]) { - this.extensionDevices[extensionId].connectDevice(peripheralId); + /** + * Connect to the extension's specified peripheral. + * @param {string} extensionId - the id of the extension. + * @param {number} peripheralId - the id of the peripheral. + */ + connectPeripheral (extensionId, peripheralId) { + if (this.peripheralExtensions[extensionId]) { + this.peripheralExtensions[extensionId].connect(peripheralId); } } - disconnectExtensionSession (extensionId) { - if (this.extensionDevices[extensionId]) { - this.extensionDevices[extensionId].disconnectSession(); + /** + * Disconnect from the extension's connected peripheral. + * @param {string} extensionId - the id of the extension. + */ + disconnectPeripheral (extensionId) { + if (this.peripheralExtensions[extensionId]) { + this.peripheralExtensions[extensionId].disconnect(); } } + /** + * Returns whether the extension has a currently connected peripheral. + * @param {string} extensionId - the id of the extension. + * @return {boolean} - whether the extension has a connected peripheral. + */ getPeripheralIsConnected (extensionId) { let isConnected = false; - if (this.extensionDevices[extensionId]) { - isConnected = this.extensionDevices[extensionId].getPeripheralIsConnected(); + if (this.peripheralExtensions[extensionId]) { + isConnected = this.peripheralExtensions[extensionId].isConnected(); } return isConnected; } diff --git a/src/extensions/scratch3_ev3/index.js b/src/extensions/scratch3_ev3/index.js index 3c735afea..a0b490e27 100644 --- a/src/extensions/scratch3_ev3/index.js +++ b/src/extensions/scratch3_ev3/index.js @@ -3,12 +3,10 @@ const BlockType = require('../../extension-support/block-type'); const Cast = require('../../util/cast'); const formatMessage = require('format-message'); const uid = require('../../util/uid'); -// const log = require('../../util/log'); +const BT = require('../../io/bt'); const Base64Util = require('../../util/base64-util'); -const BTSession = require('../../io/btSession'); const MathUtil = require('../../util/math-util'); - -// TODO: Refactor/rename all these high level primitives to be clearer/match +const log = require('../../util/log'); /** * Icon svg to be displayed at the left edge of each extension block, encoded as a data URI. @@ -18,75 +16,66 @@ const MathUtil = require('../../util/math-util'); const blockIconURI = ''; /** - * High-level primitives / constants used by the extension. - * @type {object} + * Enum for Ev3 direct command types. + * Found in the 'EV3 Communication Developer Kit', section 4, page 24, at + * https://education.lego.com/en-us/support/mindstorms-ev3/developer-kits. + * @readonly + * @enum {number} */ -const BTCommand = { - LAYER: 0x00, - NUM8: 0x81, - NUM16: 0x82, - NUM32: 0x83, - COAST: 0x0, - BRAKE: 0x1, - LONGRAMP: 50, - STEPSPEED: 0xAE, - TIMESPEED: 0xAF, - OUTPUTSTOP: 0xA3, - OUTPUTRESET: 0xA2, - STEPSPEEDSYNC: 0xB0, - TIMESPEEDSYNC: 0xB1 +const Ev3Command = { + DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY: 0x00, + DIRECT_COMMAND_NO_REPLY: 0x80, + DIRECT_REPLY: 0x02 }; -const MOTOR_PORTS = [ - { - name: 'A', - value: 0 - }, - { - name: 'B', - value: 1 - }, - { - name: 'C', - value: 2 - }, - { - name: 'D', - value: 3 - } -]; - -const VALID_MOTOR_PORTS = [0, 1, 2, 3]; +/** + * Enum for Ev3 commands opcodes. + * Found in the 'EV3 Firmware Developer Kit', section 4, page 10, at + * https://education.lego.com/en-us/support/mindstorms-ev3/developer-kits. + * @readonly + * @enum {number} + */ +const Ev3Opcode = { + OPOUTPUT_STEP_SPEED: 0xAE, + OPOUTPUT_TIME_SPEED: 0xAF, + OPOUTPUT_STOP: 0xA3, + OPOUTPUT_RESET: 0xA2, + OPOUTPUT_STEP_SYNC: 0xB0, + OPOUTPUT_TIME_SYNC: 0xB1, + OPOUTPUT_GET_COUNT: 0xB3, + OPSOUND: 0x94, + OPSOUND_CMD_TONE: 1, + OPSOUND_CMD_STOP: 0, + OPINPUT_DEVICE_LIST: 0x98, + OPINPUT_READSI: 0x9D +}; /** - * Array of accepted sensor ports. - * @note These should not be translated as they correspond to labels on - * the EV3 hub. - * @type {array} + * Enum for Ev3 values used as arguments to various opcodes. + * Found in the 'EV3 Firmware Developer Kit', section4, page 10, at + * https://education.lego.com/en-us/support/mindstorms-ev3/developer-kits. + * @readonly + * @enum {string} */ -const SENSOR_PORTS = [ - { - name: '1', - value: 0 - }, - { - name: '2', - value: 1 - }, - { - name: '3', - value: 2 - }, - { - name: '4', - value: 3 - } -]; +const Ev3Value = { + LAYER: 0x00, // always 0, chained EV3s not supported + NUM8: 0x81, // "1 byte to follow" + NUM16: 0x82, // "2 bytes to follow" + NUM32: 0x83, // "4 bytes to follow" + COAST: 0x00, + BRAKE: 0x01, + LONG_RAMP: 50, + DO_NOT_CHANGE_TYPE: 0 +}; -const VALID_SENSOR_PORTS = [0, 1, 2, 3]; - -// firmware pdf page 100 -const EV_DEVICE_TYPES = { +/** + * Enum for Ev3 device type numbers. + * Found in the 'EV3 Firmware Developer Kit', section 5, page 100, at + * https://education.lego.com/en-us/support/mindstorms-ev3/developer-kits. + * @readonly + * @enum {string} + */ +const Ev3Device = { 29: 'color', 30: 'ultrasonic', 32: 'gyro', @@ -97,20 +86,315 @@ const EV_DEVICE_TYPES = { 125: 'none' }; -// firmware pdf page 100? -const EV_DEVICE_MODES = { - touch: 0, - color: 1, - ultrasonic: 1, +/** + * Enum for Ev3 device modes. + * Found in the 'EV3 Firmware Developer Kit', section 5, page 100, at + * https://education.lego.com/en-us/support/mindstorms-ev3/developer-kits. + * @readonly + * @enum {number} + */ +const Ev3Mode = { + touch: 0, // touch + color: 1, // ambient + ultrasonic: 1, // inch none: 0 }; -const EV_DEVICE_LABELS = { +/** + * Enum for Ev3 device labels used in the Scratch blocks/UI. + * @readonly + * @enum {string} + */ +const Ev3Label = { // TODO: rename? touch: 'button', color: 'brightness', ultrasonic: 'distance' }; +/** + * Manage power, direction, and timers for one EV3 motor. + */ +class EV3Motor { + + /** + * Construct a EV3 Motor instance, which could be of type 'largeMotor' or + * 'mediumMotor'. + * + * @param {EV3} parent - the EV3 peripheral which owns this motor. + * @param {int} index - the zero-based index of this motor on its parent peripheral. + * @param {string} type - the type of motor (i.e. 'largeMotor' or 'mediumMotor'). + */ + constructor (parent, index, type) { + /** + * The EV3 peripheral which owns this motor. + * @type {EV3} + * @private + */ + this._parent = parent; + + /** + * The zero-based index of this motor on its parent peripheral. + * @type {int} + * @private + */ + this._index = index; + + /** + * The type of EV3 motor this could be: 'largeMotor' or 'mediumMotor'. + * @type {string} + * @private + */ + this._type = type; + + /** + * This motor's current direction: 1 for "clockwise" or -1 for "counterclockwise" + * @type {number} + * @private + */ + this._direction = 1; + + /** + * This motor's current power level, in the range [0,100]. + * @type {number} + * @private + */ + this._power = 100; + + /** + * This motor's current position, in the range [0,360]. + * @type {number} + * @private + */ + this._position = 0; + + /** + * An ID for the current coast command, to help override multiple coast + * commands sent in succession. + * @type {number} + * @private + */ + this._commandID = null; + + /** + * A delay, in milliseconds, to add to coasting, to make sure that a brake + * first takes effect if one was sent. + * @type {number} + * @private + */ + this._coastDelay = 1000; + } + + /** + * @return {string} - this motor's type: 'largeMotor' or 'mediumMotor' + */ + get type () { + return this._type; + } + + /** + * @param {string} value - this motor's new type: 'largeMotor' or 'mediumMotor' + */ + set type (value) { + this._type = value; + } + + /** + * @return {int} - this motor's current direction: 1 for "clockwise" or -1 for "counterclockwise" + */ + get direction () { + return this._direction; + } + + /** + * @param {int} value - this motor's new direction: 1 for "clockwise" or -1 for "counterclockwise" + */ + set direction (value) { + if (value < 0) { + this._direction = -1; + } else { + this._direction = 1; + } + } + + /** + * @return {int} - this motor's current power level, in the range [0,100]. + */ + get power () { + return this._power; + } + + /** + * @param {int} value - this motor's new power level, in the range [0,100]. + */ + set power (value) { + this._power = value; + } + + /** + * @return {int} - this motor's current position, in the range [0,360]. + */ + get position () { + let value = this._position; + value = value % 360; + value = value < 0 ? value * -1 : value; + + return value; + } + + /** + * @param {int} array - this motor's new position, in the range [0,360]. + */ + set position (array) { + // tachoValue from Paula + let value = array[0] + (array[1] * 256) + (array[2] * 256 * 256) + (array[3] * 256 * 256 * 256); + if (value > 0x7fffffff) { + value = value - 0x100000000; + } + this._position = value; + } + + /** + * Turn this motor on for a specific duration. + * Found in the 'EV3 Firmware Developer Kit', page 56, at + * https://education.lego.com/en-us/support/mindstorms-ev3/developer-kits. + * + * Opcode arguments: + * (Data8) LAYER – Specify chain layer number [0 - 3] + * (Data8) NOS – Output bit field [0x00 – 0x0F] + * (Data8) SPEED – Power level, [-100 – 100] + * (Data32) STEP1 – Time in milliseconds for ramp up + * (Data32) STEP2 – Time in milliseconds for continues run + * (Data32) STEP3 – Time in milliseconds for ramp down + * (Data8) BRAKE - Specify break level [0: Float, 1: Break] + * + * @param {number} milliseconds - run the motor for this long. + */ + turnOnFor (milliseconds) { + const port = this._portMask(this._index); + let n = milliseconds; + let speed = this._power * this._direction; + const ramp = Ev3Value.LONG_RAMP; + + let byteCommand = []; + byteCommand[0] = Ev3Opcode.OPOUTPUT_TIME_SPEED; + + // If speed is less than zero, make it positive and multiply the input + // value by -1 + if (speed < 0) { + speed = -1 * speed; + n = -1 * n; + } + // If the input value is less than 0 + const dir = (n < 0) ? 0x100 - speed : speed; // step negative or positive + n = Math.abs(n); + // Setup motor run duration and ramping behavior + let rampup = ramp; + let rampdown = ramp; + let run = n - (ramp * 2); + if (run < 0) { + rampup = Math.floor(n / 2); + run = 0; + rampdown = n - rampup; + } + // Generate motor command values + const runcmd = this._runValues(run); + byteCommand = byteCommand.concat([ + Ev3Value.LAYER, + port, + Ev3Value.NUM8, + dir & 0xff, + Ev3Value.NUM8, + rampup + ]).concat(runcmd.concat([ + Ev3Value.NUM8, + rampdown, + Ev3Value.BRAKE + ])); + + const cmd = this._parent.generateCommand( + Ev3Command.DIRECT_COMMAND_NO_REPLY, + byteCommand + ); + + this._parent.send(cmd); + + this.coastAfter(milliseconds); + } + + /** + * Set the motor to coast after a specified amount of time. + * TODO: rename this startBraking? + * @param {number} time - the time in milliseconds. + */ + coastAfter (time) { + // Set the motor command id to check before starting coast + const commandId = uid(); + this._commandID = commandId; + + // Send coast message + setTimeout(() => { + // Do not send coast if another motor command changed the command id. + if (this._commandID === commandId) { + this.coast(); + this._commandID = null; + } + }, time + this._coastDelay); // add a delay so the brake takes effect + } + + /** + * Set the motor to coast. + */ + coast () { + const cmd = this._parent.generateCommand( + Ev3Command.DIRECT_COMMAND_NO_REPLY, + [ + Ev3Opcode.OPOUTPUT_STOP, + Ev3Value.LAYER, + this._portMask(this._index), // port output bit field + Ev3Value.COAST + ] + ); + + this._parent.send(cmd); + } + + /** + * Generate motor run values for a given input. + * @param {number} run - run input. + * @return {array} - run values as a byte array. + */ + _runValues (run) { + // If run duration is less than max 16-bit integer + if (run < 0x7fff) { + return [ + Ev3Value.NUM16, + run & 0xff, + (run >> 8) & 0xff + ]; + } + + // Run forever + return [ + Ev3Value.NUM32, + run & 0xff, + (run >> 8) & 0xff, + (run >> 16) & 0xff, + (run >> 24) & 0xff + ]; + } + + /** + * Return a port value for the EV3 that is in the format for 'output bit field' + * as 1/2/4/8, generally needed for motor ports, instead of the typical 0/1/2/3. + * The documentation in the 'EV3 Firmware Developer Kit' for motor port arguments + * is sometimes mistaken, but we believe motor ports are mostly addressed this way. + * @param {number} port - the port number to convert to an 'output bit field'. + * @return {number} - the converted port number. + */ + _portMask (port) { + return Math.pow(2, port); + } +} class EV3 { @@ -122,98 +406,75 @@ class EV3 { * @private */ this._runtime = runtime; - this._runtime.on('PROJECT_STOP_ALL', this._stopAll.bind(this)); + this._runtime.on('PROJECT_STOP_ALL', this.stopAll.bind(this)); /** - * State + * A list of the names of the sensors connected in ports 1,2,3,4. + * @type {string[]} + * @private */ this._sensorPorts = []; + + /** + * A list of the names of the motors connected in ports A,B,C,D. + * @type {string[]} + * @private + */ this._motorPorts = []; + + /** + * The state of all sensor values. + * @type {string[]} + * @private + */ this._sensors = { distance: 0, brightness: 0, buttons: [0, 0, 0, 0] }; - this._motors = { - speeds: [50, 50, 50, 50], - positions: [0, 0, 0, 0], - busy: [0, 0, 0, 0], - commandId: [null, null, null, null] - }; + + /** + * The motors which this EV3 could possibly have connected. + * @type {string[]} + * @private + */ + this._motors = [null, null, null, null]; + + /** + * The polling interval, in milliseconds. + * @type {number} + * @private + */ + this._pollingInterval = 150; + + /** + * The polling interval ID. + * @type {number} + * @private + */ this._pollingIntervalID = null; + + /** + * The counter keeping track of polling cycles. + * @type {string[]} + * @private + */ this._pollingCounter = 0; /** - * The Bluetooth connection session for reading/writing device data. - * @type {BTSession} + * The Bluetooth socket connection for reading/writing peripheral data. + * @type {BT} * @private */ this._bt = null; - this._runtime.registerExtensionDevice(extensionId, this); - } + this._runtime.registerPeripheralExtension(extensionId, this); - // TODO: keep here? / refactor - /** - * Called by the runtime when user wants to scan for a device. - */ - startDeviceScan () { - this._bt = new BTSession(this._runtime, { - majorDeviceClass: 8, - minorDeviceClass: 1 - }, this._onSessionConnect.bind(this), this._onSessionMessage.bind(this)); - } - - // TODO: keep here? / refactor - /** - * Called by the runtime when user wants to connect to a certain device. - * @param {number} id - the id of the device to connect to. - */ - connectDevice (id) { - this._bt.connectDevice(id); - } - - // TODO: keep here? / refactor - /** - * Called by the runtime when user wants to disconnect from the device. - */ - disconnectSession () { - this._bt.disconnectSession(); - window.clearInterval(this._pollingIntervalID); // TODO: window? - this._sensorPorts = []; - this._motorPorts = []; - this._sensors = { - distance: 0, - brightness: 0, - buttons: [0, 0, 0, 0] - }; - this._motors = { - speeds: [50, 50, 50, 50], - positions: [0, 0, 0, 0], - busy: [0, 0, 0, 0], - commandId: [null, null, null, null] - }; - this._pollingIntervalID = null; - } - - // TODO: keep here? / refactor - /** - * Called by the runtime to detect whether the device is connected. - * @return {boolean} - the connected state. - */ - getPeripheralIsConnected () { - let connected = false; - if (this._bt) { - connected = this._bt.getPeripheralIsConnected(); - } - return connected; + this._onConnect = this._onConnect.bind(this); + this._onMessage = this._onMessage.bind(this); + this._pollValues = this._pollValues.bind(this); } get distance () { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return 0; - - // https://shop.lego.com/en-US/EV3-Ultrasonic-Sensor-45504 - // Measures distances between one and 250 cm (one to 100 in.) - // Accurate to +/- 1 cm (+/- .394 in.) let value = this._sensors.distance > 100 ? 100 : this._sensors.distance; value = value < 0 ? 0 : value; value = Math.round(100 * value) / 100; @@ -222,597 +483,401 @@ class EV3 { } get brightness () { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return 0; - return this._sensors.brightness; } - getMotorPosition (port) { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - - let value = this._motors.positions[port]; - value = value % 360; - value = value < 0 ? value * -1 : value; - - return value; + /** + * Access a particular motor on this peripheral. + * @param {int} index - the zero-based index of the desired motor. + * @return {EV3Motor} - the EV3Motor instance, if any, at that index. + */ + motor (index) { + return this._motors[index]; } isButtonPressed (port) { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - - return this._sensors.buttons[port]; + return this._sensors.buttons[port] === 1; } beep (freq, time) { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - - const cmd = []; - cmd[0] = 15; // length - cmd[1] = 0; // 0x00 - cmd[2] = 0; // 0x00 - cmd[3] = 0; // 0x00 - cmd[4] = 128; // 0x80 // Direct command, reply not require - cmd[5] = 0; // 0x00 - cmd[6] = 0; // 0x00 - cmd[7] = 148; // 0x94 op: sound - cmd[8] = 1; // 0x01 cmd: tone - cmd[9] = 129; // 0x81 volume following in 1 byte - cmd[10] = 2; // volume byte 1 - cmd[11] = 130; // 0x82 frequency following in 2 bytes - cmd[12] = freq; // frequency byte 1 - cmd[13] = freq >> 8; // frequency byte 2 - cmd[14] = 130; // 0x82 time following in 2 bytes - cmd[15] = time; // time byte 1 - cmd[16] = time >> 8; // time byte 2 - - this._bt.sendMessage({ - message: Base64Util.arrayBufferToBase64(cmd), - encoding: 'base64' - }); - - // Yield for sound duration - // TODO: does this work? - return new Promise(resolve => { - setTimeout(() => { - resolve(); - }, time); - }); - } - - motorTurnClockwise (port, time) { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - - // Build up motor command - const cmd = this._applyPrefix(0, this._motorCommand( - BTCommand.TIMESPEED, - this._portMask(port), - time, - this._motors.speeds[port], - BTCommand.LONGRAMP - )); - - // Send turn message - this._bt.sendMessage({ - message: Base64Util.arrayBufferToBase64(cmd), - encoding: 'base64' - }); - - this.coastAfter(port, time); - - // Yield for turn time + brake time - const coastTime = 100; // TODO: calculate coasting or set flag - return new Promise(resolve => { - setTimeout(() => { - resolve(); - }, time + coastTime); - }); - } - - motorTurnCounterClockwise (port, time) { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - - // Build up motor command - const cmd = this._applyPrefix(0, this._motorCommand( - BTCommand.TIMESPEED, - this._portMask(port), - time, - this._motors.speeds[port] * -1, - BTCommand.LONGRAMP - )); - - // Send turn message - this._bt.sendMessage({ - message: Base64Util.arrayBufferToBase64(cmd), - encoding: 'base64' - }); - - // Set motor to busy - // this._motors.busy[port] = 1; - - this.coastAfter(port, time); - - // Yield for time - const coastTime = 100; // TODO: calculate coasting or set flag - return new Promise(resolve => { - setTimeout(() => { - resolve(); - }, time + coastTime); - }); - } - - coastAfter (port, time) { - // Set the motor command id to check before starting coast - const commandId = uid(); - this._motors.commandId[port] = commandId; - - // Send coast message - setTimeout(() => { - // Do not send coast if another motor command changed the command id. - if (this._motors.commandId[port] === commandId) { - this.motorCoast(port); - this._motors.commandId[port] = null; - } - }, time + 1000); // add a 1 second delay so the brake takes effect - } - - motorCoast (port) { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - - const cmd = []; - cmd[0] = 9; // length - cmd[1] = 0; // length - cmd[2] = 1; // 0x01 - cmd[3] = 0; // 0x00 - cmd[4] = 0; // 0x00 - cmd[5] = 0; // 0x00 - cmd[6] = 0; // 0x00 - cmd[7] = 163; // 0xA3 Motor brake/coast command - cmd[8] = 0; // layer - cmd[9] = this._portMask(port); // port output bit field - cmd[10] = 0; // float = coast = 0 - - this._bt.sendMessage({ - message: Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(cmd), - encoding: 'base64' - }); - } - - motorRotate (port, degrees) { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - - // Build up motor command - const cmd = this._applyPrefix(0, this._motorCommand( - BTCommand.STEPSPEED, - this._portMask(port), - degrees, - this._motors.speeds[port], - BTCommand.LONGRAMP - )); - - // Send rotate message - this._bt.sendMessage({ - message: Base64Util.arrayBufferToBase64(cmd), - encoding: 'base64' - }); - - // Set motor to busy - // this._motors.busy[port] = 1; - - /* - // Yield for time - // TODO: calculate time? - return new Promise(resolve => { - setTimeout(() => { - resolve(); - }, time); - }); - */ - } - - motorSetPosition (port, degrees) { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - - // Calculate degrees to turn - let previousPos = this._motors.positions[port]; - previousPos = previousPos % 360; - previousPos = previousPos < 0 ? previousPos * -1 : previousPos; - const newPos = degrees % 360; - let degreesToTurn = 0; - let direction = 1; - if (previousPos <= newPos) { - degreesToTurn = newPos - previousPos; - } else { - degreesToTurn = previousPos - newPos; - direction = -1; - } - - // Build up motor command - const cmd = this._applyPrefix(0, this._motorCommand( - BTCommand.STEPSPEED, - this._portMask(port), - degreesToTurn, - this._motors.speeds[port] * direction, - BTCommand.LONGRAMP - )); - - // Send rotate message - this._bt.sendMessage({ - message: Base64Util.arrayBufferToBase64(cmd), - encoding: 'base64' - }); - - // Set motor to busy - // this._motors.busy[port] = 1; - - /* - // Yield for time - // TODO: calculate time? - return new Promise(resolve => { - setTimeout(() => { - resolve(); - }, time); - }); - */ - } - - motorSetPower (port, power) { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - - this._motors.speeds[port] = power; - } - - // ******* - // PRIVATE - // ******* - - _stopAll () { - this._stopAllMotors(); - this._stopSound(); - } - - _stopSound () { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - - const cmd = []; - cmd[0] = 7; // Command size, Little Endian. Command size not including these 2 bytes - cmd[1] = 0; // Command size, Little Endian. Command size not including these 2 bytes - cmd[2] = 0; // Message counter, Little Endian. Forth running counter - cmd[3] = 0; // Message counter, Little Endian. Forth running counter - cmd[4] = 128; // 0x80 // Command type. See defines above : Direct command, reply not require - cmd[5] = 0; // Reservation (allocation) of global and local variables - cmd[6] = 0; // Reservation (allocation) of global and local variables - cmd[7] = 148; // 0x94 op: sound - cmd[8] = 0; // 0x00 cmd: break 0x00 (Stop current sound playback) - - this._bt.sendMessage({ - message: Base64Util.arrayBufferToBase64(cmd), - encoding: 'base64' - }); - } - - _stopAllMotors () { - for (let i = 0; i < this._motorPorts.length; i++) { - if (this._motorPorts[i] !== 'none') { - this.motorCoast(i); - } - } - } - - // TODO: keep here? / refactor - _applyPrefix (n, cmd) { - // TODO: document - const len = cmd.length + 5; - return [].concat( - len & 0xFF, - (len >> 8) & 0xFF, - 0x1, - 0x0, - 0x0, - n, - 0x0, - cmd + const cmd = this.generateCommand( + Ev3Command.DIRECT_COMMAND_NO_REPLY, + [ + Ev3Opcode.OPSOUND, + Ev3Opcode.OPSOUND_CMD_TONE, + Ev3Value.NUM8, + 2, + Ev3Value.NUM16, + freq, + freq >> 8, + Ev3Value.NUM16, + time, + time >> 8 + ] ); + + this.send(cmd); } - // TODO: keep here? / refactor - /** - * Generate a motor command in EV3 byte array format (CMD, LAYER, PORT, - * SPEED, RAMP UP, RUN, RAMP DOWN, BREAKING TYPE) - * @param {string} command Motor command primitive (i.e. "prefix") - * @param {string} port Port to address - * @param {number} n Value to be passed to motor command - * @param {number} speed Speed value - * @param {number} ramp Ramp value - * @return {array} Byte array - */ - _motorCommand (command, port, n, speed, ramp) { - // TODO: document - /** - * Generate run values for a given input. - * @param {number} run Run input - * @return {array} Run values (byte array) - */ - const getRunValues = function (run) { - // If run duration is less than max 16-bit integer - if (run < 0x7fff) { - return [ - BTCommand.NUM16, - run & 0xff, - (run >> 8) & 0xff - ]; + stopAll () { + this.stopAllMotors(); + this.stopSound(); + } + + stopSound () { + const cmd = this.generateCommand( + Ev3Command.DIRECT_COMMAND_NO_REPLY, + [ + Ev3Opcode.OPSOUND, + Ev3Opcode.OPSOUND_CMD_STOP + ] + ); + + this.send(cmd); + } + + stopAllMotors () { + this._motors.forEach(motor => { + if (motor) { + motor.coast(); } - - // Run forever - return [ - BTCommand.NUM32, - run & 0xff, - (run >> 8) & 0xff, - (run >> 16) & 0xff, - (run >> 24) & 0xff - ]; - }; - - // If speed is less than zero, make it positive and multiply the input - // value by -1 - if (speed < 0) { - speed = -1 * speed; - n = -1 * n; - } - - // If the input value is less than 0 - const dir = (n < 0) ? 0x100 - speed : speed; // step negative or possitive - n = Math.abs(n); - - // Setup motor run duration and ramping behavior - let rampup = ramp; - let rampdown = ramp; - let run = n - (ramp * 2); - if (run < 0) { - rampup = Math.floor(n / 2); - run = 0; - rampdown = n - rampup; - } - - // Generate motor command - const runcmd = getRunValues(run); - return [ - command, - BTCommand.LAYER, - port, - BTCommand.NUM8, - dir & 0xff, - BTCommand.NUM8, - rampup - ].concat(runcmd.concat([ - BTCommand.NUM8, - rampdown, - BTCommand.BRAKE - ])); + }); } - // TODO: keep here? / refactor - _onSessionConnect () { - // start polling - // TODO: window? - this._pollingIntervalID = window.setInterval(this._getSessionData.bind(this), 150); + /** + * Called by the runtime when user wants to scan for an EV3 peripheral. + */ + scan () { + this._bt = new BT(this._runtime, { + majorDeviceClass: 8, + minorDeviceClass: 1 + }, this._onConnect, this._onMessage); } - // TODO: keep here? / refactor - _getSessionData () { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) { + /** + * Called by the runtime when user wants to connect to a certain EV3 peripheral. + * @param {number} id - the id of the peripheral to connect to. + */ + connect (id) { + this._bt.connectPeripheral(id); + } + + /** + * Called by the runtime when user wants to disconnect from the EV3 peripheral. + */ + disconnect () { + this._bt.disconnect(); + this._clearSensorsAndMotors(); + window.clearInterval(this._pollingIntervalID); + this._pollingIntervalID = null; + } + + /** + * Called by the runtime to detect whether the EV3 peripheral is connected. + * @return {boolean} - the connected state. + */ + isConnected () { + let connected = false; + if (this._bt) { + connected = this._bt.isConnected(); + } + return connected; + } + + /** + * Send a message to the peripheral BT socket. + * @param {Uint8Array} message - the message to send. + * @return {Promise} - a promise result of the send operation. + */ + send (message) { + // TODO: add rate limiting? + if (!this.isConnected()) return Promise.resolve(); + + return this._bt.sendMessage({ + message: Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(message), + encoding: 'base64' + }); + } + + /** + * Genrates direct commands that are sent to the EV3 as a single or compounded byte arrays. + * See 'EV3 Communication Developer Kit', section 4, page 24 at + * https://education.lego.com/en-us/support/mindstorms-ev3/developer-kits. + * + * Direct commands are one of two types: + * DIRECT_COMMAND_NO_REPLY = a direct command where no reply is expected + * DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY = a direct command where a reply is expected, and the + * number and length of returned values needs to be specified. + * + * The direct command byte array sent takes the following format: + * Byte 0 - 1: Command size, Little Endian. Command size not including these 2 bytes + * Byte 2 - 3: Message counter, Little Endian. Forth running counter + * Byte 4: Command type. Either DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY or DIRECT_COMMAND_NO_REPLY + * Byte 5 - 6: Reservation (allocation) of global and local variables using a compressed format + * (globals reserved in byte 5 and the 2 lsb of byte 6, locals reserved in the upper + * 6 bits of byte 6) – see documentation for more details. + * Byte 7 - n: Byte codes as a single command or compound commands (I.e. more commands composed + * as a small program) + * + * @param {number} type - the direct command type. + * @param {string} byteCommands - a compound array of EV3 Opcode + arguments. + * @param {number} allocation - the allocation of global and local vars needed for replies. + * @return {array} - generated complete command byte array, with header and compounded commands. + */ + generateCommand (type, byteCommands, allocation = 0) { + + // Header (Bytes 0 - 6) + let command = []; + command[2] = 0; // Message counter unused for now + command[3] = 0; // Message counter unused for now + command[4] = type; + command[5] = allocation & 0xFF; + command[6] = allocation >> 8 && 0xFF; + + // Bytecodes (Bytes 7 - n) + command = command.concat(byteCommands); + + // Calculate command length minus first two header bytes + const len = command.length - 2; + command[0] = len & 0xFF; + command[1] = len >> 8 && 0xFF; + + return command; + } + + /** + * When the EV3 peripheral connects, start polling for sensor and motor values. + * @private + */ + _onConnect () { + this._pollingIntervalID = window.setInterval(this._pollValues, this._pollingInterval); + } + + /** + * Poll the EV3 for sensor and motor input values, based on the list of + * known connected sensors and motors. This is sent as many compound commands + * in a direct command, with a reply expected. + * + * See 'EV3 Firmware Developer Kit', section 4.8, page 46, at + * https://education.lego.com/en-us/support/mindstorms-ev3/developer-kits + * for a list of polling/input device commands and their arguments. + * + * @private + */ + _pollValues () { + if (!this.isConnected()) { window.clearInterval(this._pollingIntervalID); return; } - const cmd = []; // a compound command - - // HEADER - cmd[0] = null; // calculate length later - cmd[1] = 0; // ... - cmd[2] = 1; // message counter // TODO: ????? - cmd[3] = 0; // message counter // TODO: ????? - cmd[4] = 0; // command type: direct command - cmd[5] = null; // calculate vars length later - cmd[6] = 0; // ... + const byteCommands = []; // a compound command + let allocation = 0; let sensorCount = 0; - // Either request device list or request sensor data ?? + + // For the command to send, either request device list or request sensor data + // based on the polling counter value. (i.e., reset the list of devices every + // 20 counts). + if (this._pollingCounter % 20 === 0) { // GET DEVICE LIST - cmd[7] = 152; // 0x98 op: get device list - cmd[8] = 129; // 0x81 LENGTH // TODO: ????? - cmd[9] = 33; // 0x21 ARRAY // TODO: ????? - cmd[10] = 96; // 0x60 CHANGED // TODO: ????? - cmd[11] = 225; // 0xE1 size of global var - 1 byte to follow - cmd[12] = 32; // 0x20 global var index "0" 0b00100000 + byteCommands[0] = Ev3Opcode.OPINPUT_DEVICE_LIST; + byteCommands[1] = Ev3Value.NUM8; // 1 byte to follow + byteCommands[2] = 33; // 0x21 ARRAY // TODO: ???? + byteCommands[3] = 96; // 0x60 CHANGED // TODO: ???? + byteCommands[4] = 225; // 0xE1 size of global var - 1 byte to follow // TODO: ???? + byteCommands[5] = 32; // 0x20 global var index "0" 0b00100000 // TODO: ???? // Command and payload lengths - cmd[0] = cmd.length - 2; - cmd[5] = 33; + allocation = 33; - // Clear sensor data + // Clear sensor data // TODO: is this enough? this._updateDevices = true; - this._sensorPorts = []; - this._motorPorts = []; - // TODO: figure out when/how to clear out sensor data } else { - - let index = 7; - - // GET SENSOR VALUES + // GET SENSOR VALUES FOR CONNECTED SENSORS + let index = 0; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined - if (!this._sensorPorts.includes(undefined)) { + if (!this._sensorPorts.includes(undefined)) { // TODO: why is this needed? for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (this._sensorPorts[i] !== 'none') { - cmd[index + 0] = 157; // 0x9D op: get sensor value - cmd[index + 1] = 0; // layer - cmd[index + 2] = i; // port - cmd[index + 3] = 0; // do not change type - cmd[index + 4] = EV_DEVICE_MODES[this._sensorPorts[i]]; // mode - cmd[index + 5] = 225; // 0xE1 one byte to follow - cmd[index + 6] = sensorCount * 4; // global index + byteCommands[index + 0] = Ev3Opcode.OPINPUT_READSI; + byteCommands[index + 1] = Ev3Value.LAYER; + byteCommands[index + 2] = i; // PORT + byteCommands[index + 3] = Ev3Value.DO_NOT_CHANGE_TYPE; + byteCommands[index + 4] = Ev3Mode[this._sensorPorts[i]]; + byteCommands[index + 5] = 225; // 0xE1 one byte to follow // TODO: ???? + byteCommands[index + 6] = sensorCount * 4; // global index // TODO: ???? index += 7; } sensorCount++; } } - // GET MOTOR POSITION VALUES + // GET MOTOR POSITION VALUES, EVEN IF NO MOTOR PRESENT // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined if (!this._motorPorts.includes(undefined)) { for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - cmd[index + 0] = 179; // 0XB3 op: get motor position value - cmd[index + 1] = 0; // layer - cmd[index + 2] = i; // port - cmd[index + 3] = 225; // 0xE1 byte following - cmd[index + 4] = sensorCount * 4; // global index + byteCommands[index + 0] = Ev3Opcode.OPOUTPUT_GET_COUNT; + byteCommands[index + 1] = Ev3Value.LAYER; + byteCommands[index + 2] = i; // port + byteCommands[index + 3] = 225; // 0xE1 byte following + byteCommands[index + 4] = sensorCount * 4; // global index index += 5; sensorCount++; } } // Command and payload lengths - cmd[0] = cmd.length - 2; - cmd[5] = sensorCount * 4; + allocation = sensorCount * 4; } - // GET MOTOR BUSY STATES - /* - for (let i = 0; i < this._motorPorts.length; i++) { - if (this._motorPorts[i] !== 'none') { - sensorCount++; - compoundCommand[compoundCommandIndex + 0] = 169; // 0xA9 op: test if output port is busy - compoundCommand[compoundCommandIndex + 1] = 0; // layer - compoundCommand[compoundCommandIndex + 2] = this._portMask(i); // output bit field - compoundCommand[compoundCommandIndex + 3] = 225; // 0xE1 1 byte following - compoundCommand[compoundCommandIndex + 4] = sensorCount * 4; // global index - compoundCommandIndex += 5; - } - } - */ + const cmd = this.generateCommand( + Ev3Command.DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY, + byteCommands, + allocation + ); - this._bt.sendMessage({ - message: Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(cmd), - encoding: 'base64' - }); + this.send(cmd); this._pollingCounter++; } - // TODO: rename and document better - _onSessionMessage (params) { + /** + * Message handler for incoming EV3 reply messages, either a list of connected + * devices (sensors and motors) or the values of the connected sensors and motors. + * + * See 'EV3 Communication Developer Kit', section 4.1, page 24 at + * https://education.lego.com/en-us/support/mindstorms-ev3/developer-kits + * for more details on direct reply formats. + * + * The direct reply byte array sent takes the following format: + * Byte 0 – 1: Reply size, Little Endian. Reply size not including these 2 bytes + * Byte 2 – 3: Message counter, Little Endian. Equals the Direct Command + * Byte 4: Reply type. Either DIRECT_REPLY or DIRECT_REPLY_ERROR + * Byte 5 - n: Resonse buffer. I.e. the content of the by the Command reserved global variables. + * I.e. if the command reserved 64 bytes, these bytes will be placed in the reply + * packet as the bytes 5 to 68. + * + * See 'EV3 Firmware Developer Kit', section 4.8, page 56 at + * https://education.lego.com/en-us/support/mindstorms-ev3/developer-kits + * for direct response buffer formats for various commands. + * + * @param {object} params - incoming message parameters + * @private + */ + _onMessage (params) { const message = params.message; - const array = Base64Util.base64ToUint8Array(message); + const data = Base64Util.base64ToUint8Array(message); // log.info(`received array: ${array}`); - if (array.length < 35) { // TODO: find safer solution - return; // don't parse results that aren't sensor data list or device list + // TODO: Is this the correct check? + if (data[4] !== Ev3Command.DIRECT_REPLY) { + return; } if (this._updateDevices) { - // READ DEVICE LIST - this._sensorPorts[0] = EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[5]] ? EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[5]] : 'none'; - this._sensorPorts[1] = EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[6]] ? EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[6]] : 'none'; - this._sensorPorts[2] = EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[7]] ? EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[7]] : 'none'; - this._sensorPorts[3] = EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[8]] ? EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[8]] : 'none'; - this._motorPorts[0] = EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[21]] ? EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[21]] : 'none'; - this._motorPorts[1] = EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[22]] ? EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[22]] : 'none'; - this._motorPorts[2] = EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[23]] ? EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[23]] : 'none'; - this._motorPorts[3] = EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[24]] ? EV_DEVICE_TYPES[array[24]] : 'none'; - // log.info(`sensor ports: ${this._sensorPorts}`); - // log.info(`motor ports: ${this._motorPorts}`); + // ***************** + // PARSE DEVICE LIST + // ***************** + // TODO: put these in for loop? + this._sensorPorts[0] = Ev3Device[data[5]] ? Ev3Device[data[5]] : 'none'; + this._sensorPorts[1] = Ev3Device[data[6]] ? Ev3Device[data[6]] : 'none'; + this._sensorPorts[2] = Ev3Device[data[7]] ? Ev3Device[data[7]] : 'none'; + this._sensorPorts[3] = Ev3Device[data[8]] ? Ev3Device[data[8]] : 'none'; + this._motorPorts[0] = Ev3Device[data[21]] ? Ev3Device[data[21]] : 'none'; + this._motorPorts[1] = Ev3Device[data[22]] ? Ev3Device[data[22]] : 'none'; + this._motorPorts[2] = Ev3Device[data[23]] ? Ev3Device[data[23]] : 'none'; + this._motorPorts[3] = Ev3Device[data[24]] ? Ev3Device[data[24]] : 'none'; + for (let m = 0; m < 4; m++) { + const type = this._motorPorts[m]; + if (type !== 'none' && !this._motors[m]) { + // add new motor if don't already have one + this._motors[m] = new EV3Motor(this, m, type); + } + if (type === 'none' && this._motors[m]) { + // clear old motor + this._motors[m] = null; + } + } this._updateDevices = false; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined } else if (!this._sensorPorts.includes(undefined) && !this._motorPorts.includes(undefined)) { - // READ SENSOR VALUES + // ******************* + // PARSE SENSOR VALUES + // ******************* let offset = 5; // start reading sensor values at byte 5 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - const value = this._array2float([ - array[offset], - array[offset + 1], - array[offset + 2], - array[offset + 3] - ]); - if (EV_DEVICE_LABELS[this._sensorPorts[i]] === 'button') { + // array 2 float + const buffer = new Uint8Array([ + data[offset], + data[offset + 1], + data[offset + 2], + data[offset + 3] + ]).buffer; + const view = new DataView(buffer); + const value = view.getFloat32(0, true); + + if (Ev3Label[this._sensorPorts[i]] === 'button') { // Read a button value per port this._sensors.buttons[i] = value ? value : 0; - } else if (EV_DEVICE_LABELS[this._sensorPorts[i]]) { // if valid + } else if (Ev3Label[this._sensorPorts[i]]) { // if valid // Read brightness / distance values and set to 0 if null - this._sensors[EV_DEVICE_LABELS[this._sensorPorts[i]]] = value ? value : 0; + this._sensors[Ev3Label[this._sensorPorts[i]]] = value ? value : 0; } - // log.info(`${JSON.stringify(this._sensors)}`); offset += 4; } - // READ MOTOR POSITION VALUES + // ***************************************************** + // PARSE MOTOR POSITION VALUES, EVEN IF NO MOTOR PRESENT + // ***************************************************** for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - let value = this._tachoValue([ // from Paula - array[offset], - array[offset + 1], - array[offset + 2], - array[offset + 3] - ]); - if (value > 0x7fffffff) { // from Paula - value = value - 0x100000000; + const positionArray = [ + data[offset], + data[offset + 1], + data[offset + 2], + data[offset + 3] + ]; + if (this._motors[i]) { + this._motors[i].position = positionArray; } - if (value) { - this._motors.positions[i] = value; - } - // log.info(`motor positions: ${this._motors.positions}`); offset += 4; } } - - /* - // READ MOTOR BUSY STATES - /* - for (let i = 0; i < this._motorPorts.length; i++) { - if (this._motorPorts[i] !== 'none') { - const busy = array[offset]; - if (busy === 0 && this._motors.busy[i]) { - this.motorCoast(i); // always set to coast for now, but really should only do for recently moved - this._motors.busy[i] = 0; // reset busy - } - // this._motors.positions[i] = value; - log.info(`motor ${i} busy: ${busy}`); - offset += 1; - } - } - */ } - // TODO: keep here? / refactor - _portMask (port) { - // TODO: convert to enum or lookup - let p = null; - if (port === 0) { - p = 1; - } else if (port === 1) { - p = 2; - } else if (port === 2) { - p = 4; - } else if (port === 3) { - p = 8; - } - - return p; - } - - // TODO: keep here? / refactor - _tachoValue (list) { - const value = list[0] + (list[1] * 256) + (list[2] * 256 * 256) + (list[3] * 256 * 256 * 256); - return value; - } - - // TODO: keep here? / refactor - _array2float (list) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(list).buffer; - const view = new DataView(buffer); - return view.getFloat32(0, true); + /** + * Clear all the senor port and motor names, and their values. + * @private + */ + _clearSensorsAndMotors () { + this._sensorPorts = []; + this._motorPorts = []; + this._sensors = { + distance: 0, + brightness: 0, + buttons: [0, 0, 0, 0] + }; + this._motors = [null, null, null, null]; } } +/** + * Enum for motor port names. + * Note: if changed, will break compatibility with previously saved projects. + * @readonly + * @enum {string} + */ +const Ev3MotorMenu = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']; + +/** + * Enum for sensor port names. + * Note: if changed, will break compatibility with previously saved projects. + * @readonly + * @enum {string} + */ +const Ev3SensorMenu = ['1', '2', '3', '4']; + class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { /** @@ -835,8 +900,8 @@ class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { */ this.runtime = runtime; - // Create a new EV3 device instance - this._device = new EV3(this.runtime, Scratch3Ev3Blocks.EXTENSION_ID); + // Create a new EV3 peripheral instance + this._peripheral = new EV3(this.runtime, Scratch3Ev3Blocks.EXTENSION_ID); } /** @@ -862,7 +927,7 @@ class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { PORT: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'motorPorts', - defaultValue: 'A' + defaultValue: 0 }, TIME: { type: ArgumentType.NUMBER, @@ -882,7 +947,7 @@ class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { PORT: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'motorPorts', - defaultValue: 'A' + defaultValue: 0 }, TIME: { type: ArgumentType.NUMBER, @@ -890,38 +955,6 @@ class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { } } }, - /* { - opcode: 'motorRotate', - text: 'motor [PORT] rotate [DEGREES] degrees', - blockType: BlockType.COMMAND, - arguments: { - PORT: { - type: ArgumentType.STRING, - menu: 'motorPorts', - defaultValue: 'A' - }, - DEGREES: { - type: ArgumentType.NUMBER, - defaultValue: 90 - } - } - }, - { - opcode: 'motorSetPosition', - text: 'motor [PORT] set position [DEGREES] degrees', - blockType: BlockType.COMMAND, - arguments: { - PORT: { - type: ArgumentType.STRING, - menu: 'motorPorts', - defaultValue: 'A' - }, - DEGREES: { - type: ArgumentType.NUMBER, - defaultValue: 90 - } - } - }, */ { opcode: 'motorSetPower', text: formatMessage({ @@ -934,7 +967,7 @@ class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { PORT: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'motorPorts', - defaultValue: 'A' + defaultValue: 0 }, POWER: { type: ArgumentType.NUMBER, @@ -954,7 +987,7 @@ class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { PORT: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'motorPorts', - defaultValue: 'A' + defaultValue: 0 } } }, @@ -970,7 +1003,7 @@ class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { PORT: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'sensorPorts', - defaultValue: SENSOR_PORTS[0].value + defaultValue: 0 } } }, @@ -1016,7 +1049,7 @@ class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { PORT: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'sensorPorts', - defaultValue: SENSOR_PORTS[0].value + defaultValue: 0 } } }, @@ -1059,39 +1092,29 @@ class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { } ], menus: { - motorPorts: this._buildMenu(MOTOR_PORTS), - sensorPorts: this._buildMenu(SENSOR_PORTS) + motorPorts: this._formatMenu(Ev3MotorMenu), + sensorPorts: this._formatMenu(Ev3SensorMenu) } }; } - // TODO: redo? - /** - * Create data for a menu in scratch-blocks format, consisting of an array of objects with text and - * value properties. The text is a translated string, and the value is one-indexed. - * @param {object[]} info - An array of info objects each having a name property. - * @return {array} - An array of objects with text and value properties. - * @private - */ - _buildMenu (info) { - return info.map((entry, index) => { - const obj = {}; - obj.text = entry.name; - obj.value = String(index); - return obj; - }); - } - motorTurnClockwise (args) { const port = Cast.toNumber(args.PORT); let time = Cast.toNumber(args.TIME) * 1000; time = MathUtil.clamp(time, 0, 15000); - if (!VALID_MOTOR_PORTS.includes(port)) { - return; - } + return new Promise(resolve => { + this._forEachMotor(port, motorIndex => { + const motor = this._peripheral.motor(motorIndex); + if (motor) { + motor.direction = 1; + motor.turnOnFor(time); + } + }); - return this._device.motorTurnClockwise(port, time); + // Run for some time even when no motor is connected + setTimeout(resolve, time); + }); } motorTurnCounterClockwise (args) { @@ -1099,99 +1122,82 @@ class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { let time = Cast.toNumber(args.TIME) * 1000; time = MathUtil.clamp(time, 0, 15000); - if (!VALID_MOTOR_PORTS.includes(port)) { - return; - } + return new Promise(resolve => { + this._forEachMotor(port, motorIndex => { + const motor = this._peripheral.motor(motorIndex); + if (motor) { + motor.direction = -1; + motor.turnOnFor(time); + } + }); - return this._device.motorTurnCounterClockwise(port, time); + // Run for some time even when no motor is connected + setTimeout(resolve, time); + }); } - /* - motorRotate (args) { - const port = Cast.toNumber(args.PORT); - const degrees = Cast.toNumber(args.DEGREES); - - if (!VALID_MOTOR_PORTS.includes(port)) { - return; - } - - this._device.motorRotate(port, degrees); - return; - } - - motorSetPosition (args) { - const port = Cast.toNumber(args.PORT); - const degrees = Cast.toNumber(args.DEGREES); - - if (!VALID_MOTOR_PORTS.includes(port)) { - return; - } - - this._device.motorSetPosition(port, degrees); - return; - } - */ - motorSetPower (args) { const port = Cast.toNumber(args.PORT); const power = MathUtil.clamp(Cast.toNumber(args.POWER), 0, 100); - if (!VALID_MOTOR_PORTS.includes(port)) { - return; - } - - this._device.motorSetPower(port, power); - return; + this._forEachMotor(port, motorIndex => { + const motor = this._peripheral.motor(motorIndex); + if (motor) { + motor.power = power; + } + }); } getMotorPosition (args) { const port = Cast.toNumber(args.PORT); - if (!VALID_MOTOR_PORTS.includes(port)) { + if (![0, 1, 2, 3].includes(port)) { return; } - return this._device.getMotorPosition(port); + const motor = this._peripheral.motor(port); + + return motor ? motor.position : 0; } whenButtonPressed (args) { const port = Cast.toNumber(args.PORT); - if (!VALID_SENSOR_PORTS.includes(port)) { + if (![0, 1, 2, 3].includes(port)) { return; } - return this._device.isButtonPressed(port); + return this._peripheral.isButtonPressed(port); } whenDistanceLessThan (args) { const distance = MathUtil.clamp(Cast.toNumber(args.DISTANCE), 0, 100); - return this._device.distance < distance; + return this._peripheral.distance < distance; } whenBrightnessLessThan (args) { const brightness = MathUtil.clamp(Cast.toNumber(args.DISTANCE), 0, 100); - return this._device.brightness < brightness; + return this._peripheral.brightness < brightness; } buttonPressed (args) { const port = Cast.toNumber(args.PORT); - if (!VALID_SENSOR_PORTS.includes(port)) { + if (![0, 1, 2, 3].includes(port)) { return; } - return this._device.isButtonPressed(port); + return this._peripheral.isButtonPressed(port); } getDistance () { - return this._device.distance; + return this._peripheral.distance; } getBrightness () { - return this._device.brightness; + return this._peripheral.brightness; } beep (args) { @@ -1203,10 +1209,76 @@ class Scratch3Ev3Blocks { return; // don't send a beep time of 0 } - // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIDI_tuning_standard#Frequency_values - const freq = Math.pow(2, ((note - 69 + 12) / 12)) * 440; + return new Promise(resolve => { + // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIDI_tuning_standard#Frequency_values + const freq = Math.pow(2, ((note - 69 + 12) / 12)) * 440; + this._peripheral.beep(freq, time); - return this._device.beep(freq, time); + // Run for some time even when no piezo is connected. + setTimeout(resolve, time); + }); + } + + /** + * Call a callback for each motor indexed by the provided motor ID. + * @param {MotorID} motorID - the ID specifier. + * @param {Function} callback - the function to call with the numeric motor index for each motor. + * @private + */ + // TODO: unnecessary, but could be useful if 'all motors' is added (see WeDo2 extension) + _forEachMotor (motorID, callback) { + let motors; + switch (motorID) { + case 0: + motors = [0]; + break; + case 1: + motors = [1]; + break; + case 2: + motors = [2]; + break; + case 3: + motors = [3]; + break; + default: + log.warn(`Invalid motor ID: ${motorID}`); + motors = []; + break; + } + for (const index of motors) { + callback(index); + } + } + + /** + * Formats menus into a format suitable for block menus, and loading previously + * saved projects: + * [ + * { + * text: label, + * value: index + * }, + * { + * text: label, + * value: index + * }, + * etc... + * ] + * + * @param {array} menu - a menu to format. + * @return {object} - a formatted menu as an object. + * @private + */ + _formatMenu (menu) { + const m = []; + for (let i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) { + const obj = {}; + obj.text = menu[i]; + obj.value = i.toString(); + m.push(obj); + } + return m; } } diff --git a/src/extensions/scratch3_microbit/index.js b/src/extensions/scratch3_microbit/index.js index 6659e741f..d40e22fd8 100644 --- a/src/extensions/scratch3_microbit/index.js +++ b/src/extensions/scratch3_microbit/index.js @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ const BlockType = require('../../extension-support/block-type'); const log = require('../../util/log'); const cast = require('../../util/cast'); const formatMessage = require('format-message'); -const BLESession = require('../../io/bleSession'); +const BLE = require('../../io/ble'); const Base64Util = require('../../util/base64-util'); /** @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ const BLECommand = { CMD_DISPLAY_LED: 0x82 }; -const BLETimeout = 4500; // TODO: might need tweaking based on how long the device takes to start sending data +// TODO: Needs comment +const BLETimeout = 4500; // TODO: might need tweaking based on how long the peripheral takes to start sending data /** * A time interval to wait (in milliseconds) while a block that sends a BLE message is running. @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ const BLEUUID = { }; /** - * Manage communication with a MicroBit device over a Scrath Link client socket. + * Manage communication with a MicroBit peripheral over a Scrath Link client socket. */ class MicroBit { @@ -65,12 +66,12 @@ class MicroBit { this._runtime = runtime; /** - * The BluetoothLowEnergy connection session for reading/writing device data. - * @type {BLESession} + * The BluetoothLowEnergy connection socket for reading/writing peripheral data. + * @type {BLE} * @private */ this._ble = null; - this._runtime.registerExtensionDevice(extensionId, this); + this._runtime.registerPeripheralExtension(extensionId, this); /** * The most recently received value for each sensor. @@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ class MicroBit { this._timeoutID = null; /** - * A flag that is true while we are busy sending data to the BLE session. + * A flag that is true while we are busy sending data to the BLE socket. * @type {boolean} * @private */ @@ -127,60 +128,30 @@ class MicroBit { * true for a long time. */ this._busyTimeoutID = null; - } - // TODO: keep here? - /** - * Called by the runtime when user wants to scan for a device. - */ - startDeviceScan () { - this._ble = new BLESession(this._runtime, { - filters: [ - {services: [BLEUUID.service]} - ] - }, this._onSessionConnect.bind(this)); - } - - // TODO: keep here? - /** - * Called by the runtime when user wants to connect to a certain device. - * @param {number} id - the id of the device to connect to. - */ - connectDevice (id) { - this._ble.connectDevice(id); - } - - disconnectSession () { - window.clearInterval(this._timeoutID); - this._ble.disconnectSession(); - } - - getPeripheralIsConnected () { - let connected = false; - if (this._ble) { - connected = this._ble.getPeripheralIsConnected(); - } - return connected; + this.disconnect = this.disconnect.bind(this); + this._onConnect = this._onConnect.bind(this); + this._onMessage = this._onMessage.bind(this); } /** * @param {string} text - the text to display. - * @return {Promise} - a Promise that resolves when writing to device. + * @return {Promise} - a Promise that resolves when writing to peripheral. */ displayText (text) { const output = new Uint8Array(text.length); for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { output[i] = text.charCodeAt(i); } - return this._writeSessionData(BLECommand.CMD_DISPLAY_TEXT, output); + return this.send(BLECommand.CMD_DISPLAY_TEXT, output); } /** * @param {Uint8Array} matrix - the matrix to display. - * @return {Promise} - a Promise that resolves when writing to device. + * @return {Promise} - a Promise that resolves when writing to peripheral. */ displayMatrix (matrix) { - return this._writeSessionData(BLECommand.CMD_DISPLAY_LED, matrix); + return this.send(BLECommand.CMD_DISPLAY_LED, matrix); } /** @@ -226,20 +197,87 @@ class MicroBit { } /** - * @param {number} pin - the pin to check touch state. - * @return {number} - the latest value received for the touch pin states. + * Called by the runtime when user wants to scan for a peripheral. */ - _checkPinState (pin) { - return this._sensors.touchPins[pin]; + scan () { + this._ble = new BLE(this._runtime, { + filters: [ + {services: [BLEUUID.service]} + ] + }, this._onConnect); } /** - * Starts reading data from device after BLE has connected to it. + * Called by the runtime when user wants to connect to a certain peripheral. + * @param {number} id - the id of the peripheral to connect to. */ - _onSessionConnect () { - const callback = this._processSessionData.bind(this); - this._ble.read(BLEUUID.service, BLEUUID.rxChar, true, callback); - this._timeoutID = window.setInterval(this.disconnectSession.bind(this), BLETimeout); + connect (id) { + this._ble.connectPeripheral(id); + } + + /** + * Disconnect from the micro:bit. + */ + disconnect () { + window.clearInterval(this._timeoutID); + this._ble.disconnect(); + } + + /** + * Return true if connected to the micro:bit. + * @return {boolean} - whether the micro:bit is connected. + */ + isConnected () { + let connected = false; + if (this._ble) { + connected = this._ble.isConnected(); + } + return connected; + } + + /** + * Send a message to the peripheral BLE socket. + * @param {number} command - the BLE command hex. + * @param {Uint8Array} message - the message to write + */ + send (command, message) { + if (!this.isConnected()) return; + if (this._busy) return; + + // Set a busy flag so that while we are sending a message and waiting for + // the response, additional messages are ignored. + this._busy = true; + + // Set a timeout after which to reset the busy flag. This is used in case + // a BLE message was sent for which we never received a response, because + // e.g. the peripheral was turned off after the message was sent. We reset + // the busy flag after a while so that it is possible to try again later. + this._busyTimeoutID = window.setTimeout(() => { + this._busy = false; + }, 5000); + + const output = new Uint8Array(message.length + 1); + output[0] = command; // attach command to beginning of message + for (let i = 0; i < message.length; i++) { + output[i + 1] = message[i]; + } + const data = Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(output); + + this._ble.write(BLEUUID.service, BLEUUID.txChar, data, 'base64', true).then( + () => { + this._busy = false; + window.clearTimeout(this._busyTimeoutID); + } + ); + } + + /** + * Starts reading data from peripheral after BLE has connected to it. + * @private + */ + _onConnect () { + this._ble.read(BLEUUID.service, BLEUUID.rxChar, true, this._onMessage); + this._timeoutID = window.setInterval(this.disconnect, BLETimeout); } /** @@ -247,7 +285,7 @@ class MicroBit { * @param {object} base64 - the incoming BLE data. * @private */ - _processSessionData (base64) { + _onMessage (base64) { // parse data const data = Base64Util.base64ToUint8Array(base64); @@ -267,44 +305,16 @@ class MicroBit { // cancel disconnect timeout and start a new one window.clearInterval(this._timeoutID); - this._timeoutID = window.setInterval(this.disconnectSession.bind(this), BLETimeout); + this._timeoutID = window.setInterval(this.disconnect, BLETimeout); } /** - * Send a message to the device BLE session. - * @param {number} command - the BLE command hex. - * @param {Uint8Array} message - the message to write + * @param {number} pin - the pin to check touch state. + * @return {number} - the latest value received for the touch pin states. * @private */ - _writeSessionData (command, message) { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - if (this._busy) return; - - // Set a busy flag so that while we are sending a message and waiting for - // the response, additional messages are ignored. - this._busy = true; - - // Set a timeout after which to reset the busy flag. This is used in case - // a BLE message was sent for which we never received a response, because - // e.g. the device was turned off after the message was sent. We reset - // the busy flag after a while so that it is possible to try again later. - this._busyTimeoutID = window.setTimeout(() => { - this._busy = false; - }, 5000); - - const output = new Uint8Array(message.length + 1); - output[0] = command; // attach command to beginning of message - for (let i = 0; i < message.length; i++) { - output[i + 1] = message[i]; - } - const data = Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(output); - - this._ble.write(BLEUUID.service, BLEUUID.txChar, data, 'base64', true).then( - () => { - this._busy = false; - window.clearTimeout(this._busyTimeoutID); - } - ); + _checkPinState (pin) { + return this._sensors.touchPins[pin]; } } @@ -354,7 +364,7 @@ const PinState = { }; /** - * Scratch 3.0 blocks to interact with a MicroBit device. + * Scratch 3.0 blocks to interact with a MicroBit peripheral. */ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks { @@ -527,8 +537,8 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks { */ this.runtime = runtime; - // Create a new MicroBit device instance - this._device = new MicroBit(this.runtime, Scratch3MicroBitBlocks.EXTENSION_ID); + // Create a new MicroBit peripheral instance + this._peripheral = new MicroBit(this.runtime, Scratch3MicroBitBlocks.EXTENSION_ID); } /** @@ -725,11 +735,11 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks { */ whenButtonPressed (args) { if (args.BTN === 'any') { - return this._device.buttonA | this._device.buttonB; + return this._peripheral.buttonA | this._peripheral.buttonB; } else if (args.BTN === 'A') { - return this._device.buttonA; + return this._peripheral.buttonA; } else if (args.BTN === 'B') { - return this._device.buttonB; + return this._peripheral.buttonB; } return false; } @@ -741,11 +751,11 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks { */ isButtonPressed (args) { if (args.BTN === 'any') { - return this._device.buttonA | this._device.buttonB; + return this._peripheral.buttonA | this._peripheral.buttonB; } else if (args.BTN === 'A') { - return this._device.buttonA; + return this._peripheral.buttonA; } else if (args.BTN === 'B') { - return this._device.buttonB; + return this._peripheral.buttonB; } return false; } @@ -758,11 +768,11 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks { whenGesture (args) { const gesture = cast.toString(args.GESTURE); if (gesture === 'moved') { - return (this._device.gestureState >> 2) & 1; + return (this._peripheral.gestureState >> 2) & 1; } else if (gesture === 'shaken') { - return this._device.gestureState & 1; + return this._peripheral.gestureState & 1; } else if (gesture === 'jumped') { - return (this._device.gestureState >> 1) & 1; + return (this._peripheral.gestureState >> 1) & 1; } return false; } @@ -780,12 +790,12 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks { }; const hex = symbol.split('').reduce(reducer, 0); if (hex !== null) { - this._device.ledMatrixState[0] = hex & 0x1F; - this._device.ledMatrixState[1] = (hex >> 5) & 0x1F; - this._device.ledMatrixState[2] = (hex >> 10) & 0x1F; - this._device.ledMatrixState[3] = (hex >> 15) & 0x1F; - this._device.ledMatrixState[4] = (hex >> 20) & 0x1F; - this._device.displayMatrix(this._device.ledMatrixState); + this._peripheral.ledMatrixState[0] = hex & 0x1F; + this._peripheral.ledMatrixState[1] = (hex >> 5) & 0x1F; + this._peripheral.ledMatrixState[2] = (hex >> 10) & 0x1F; + this._peripheral.ledMatrixState[3] = (hex >> 15) & 0x1F; + this._peripheral.ledMatrixState[4] = (hex >> 20) & 0x1F; + this._peripheral.displayMatrix(this._peripheral.ledMatrixState); } return new Promise(resolve => { @@ -803,7 +813,7 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks { */ displayText (args) { const text = String(args.TEXT).substring(0, 19); - if (text.length > 0) this._device.displayText(text); + if (text.length > 0) this._peripheral.displayText(text); return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { @@ -818,9 +828,9 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks { */ displayClear () { for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { - this._device.ledMatrixState[i] = 0; + this._peripheral.ledMatrixState[i] = 0; } - this._device.displayMatrix(this._device.ledMatrixState); + this._peripheral.displayMatrix(this._peripheral.ledMatrixState); return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { @@ -868,8 +878,8 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks { _isTilted (direction) { switch (direction) { case TiltDirection.ANY: - return (Math.abs(this._device.tiltX / 10) >= Scratch3MicroBitBlocks.TILT_THRESHOLD) || - (Math.abs(this._device.tiltY / 10) >= Scratch3MicroBitBlocks.TILT_THRESHOLD); + return (Math.abs(this._peripheral.tiltX / 10) >= Scratch3MicroBitBlocks.TILT_THRESHOLD) || + (Math.abs(this._peripheral.tiltY / 10) >= Scratch3MicroBitBlocks.TILT_THRESHOLD); default: return this._getTiltAngle(direction) >= Scratch3MicroBitBlocks.TILT_THRESHOLD; } @@ -884,13 +894,13 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks { _getTiltAngle (direction) { switch (direction) { case TiltDirection.FRONT: - return Math.round(this._device.tiltY / -10); + return Math.round(this._peripheral.tiltY / -10); case TiltDirection.BACK: - return Math.round(this._device.tiltY / 10); + return Math.round(this._peripheral.tiltY / 10); case TiltDirection.LEFT: - return Math.round(this._device.tiltX / -10); + return Math.round(this._peripheral.tiltX / -10); case TiltDirection.RIGHT: - return Math.round(this._device.tiltX / 10); + return Math.round(this._peripheral.tiltX / 10); default: log.warn(`Unknown tilt direction in _getTiltAngle: ${direction}`); } @@ -905,7 +915,7 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks { const pin = parseInt(args.PIN, 10); if (isNaN(pin)) return; if (pin < 0 || pin > 2) return false; - return this._device._checkPinState(pin); + return this._peripheral._checkPinState(pin); } } diff --git a/src/extensions/scratch3_wedo2/index.js b/src/extensions/scratch3_wedo2/index.js index a9246663e..6e6122f4a 100644 --- a/src/extensions/scratch3_wedo2/index.js +++ b/src/extensions/scratch3_wedo2/index.js @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ const BlockType = require('../../extension-support/block-type'); const Cast = require('../../util/cast'); const formatMessage = require('format-message'); const color = require('../../util/color'); -const log = require('../../util/log'); -const BLESession = require('../../io/bleSession'); +const BLE = require('../../io/ble'); const Base64Util = require('../../util/base64-util'); const MathUtil = require('../../util/math-util'); const RateLimiter = require('../../util/rateLimiter.js'); +const log = require('../../util/log'); /** * Icon svg to be displayed at the left edge of each extension block, encoded as a data URI. @@ -16,9 +16,29 @@ const RateLimiter = require('../../util/rateLimiter.js'); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len const iconURI = ''; -const UUID = { +/** + * A list of WeDo 2.0 BLE service UUIDs. + * @enum + */ +const BLEService = { DEVICE_SERVICE: '00001523-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123', - IO_SERVICE: '00004f0e-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123', + IO_SERVICE: '00004f0e-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123' +}; + +/** + * A list of WeDo 2.0 BLE characteristic UUIDs. + * + * Characteristics on DEVICE_SERVICE: + * - ATTACHED_IO + * + * Characteristics on IO_SERVICE: + * - INPUT_VALUES + * - INPUT_COMMAND + * - OUTPUT_COMMAND + * + * @enum + */ +const BLECharacteristic = { ATTACHED_IO: '00001527-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123', INPUT_VALUES: '00001560-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123', INPUT_COMMAND: '00001563-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123', @@ -38,11 +58,11 @@ const BLESendInterval = 100; const BLESendRateMax = 20; /** - * Enum for WeDo2 sensor and output types. + * Enum for WeDo 2.0 sensor and output types. * @readonly * @enum {number} */ -const WeDo2Types = { +const WeDo2Device = { MOTOR: 1, PIEZO: 22, LED: 23, @@ -51,21 +71,22 @@ const WeDo2Types = { }; /** - * Enum for connection/port ids assigned to internal WeDo2 output devices. + * Enum for connection/port ids assigned to internal WeDo 2.0 output devices. * @readonly * @enum {number} */ -const WeDo2ConnectIDs = { +// TODO: Check for these more accurately at startup? +const WeDo2ConnectID = { LED: 6, PIEZO: 5 }; /** - * Enum for ids for various output commands on the WeDo2. + * Enum for ids for various output commands on the WeDo 2.0. * @readonly * @enum {number} */ -const WeDo2Commands = { +const WeDo2Command = { MOTOR_POWER: 1, PLAY_TONE: 2, STOP_TONE: 3, @@ -74,21 +95,27 @@ const WeDo2Commands = { }; /** - * Enum for modes for input sensors on the WeDo2. + * Enum for modes for input sensors on the WeDo 2.0. * @enum {number} */ -const WeDo2Modes = { +const WeDo2Mode = { TILT: 0, // angle - DISTANCE: 0 // detect + DISTANCE: 0, // detect + LED: 1 // RGB }; /** - * Enum for units for input sensors on the WeDo2. + * Enum for units for input sensors on the WeDo 2.0. + * + * 0 = raw + * 1 = percent + * * @enum {number} */ -const WeDo2Units = { - TILT: 0, // raw - DISTANCE: 1 // percent +const WeDo2Unit = { + TILT: 0, + DISTANCE: 1, + LED: 0 }; /** @@ -96,20 +123,20 @@ const WeDo2Units = { */ class WeDo2Motor { /** - * Construct a WeDo2Motor instance. - * @param {WeDo2} parent - the WeDo 2.0 device which owns this motor. - * @param {int} index - the zero-based index of this motor on its parent device. + * Construct a WeDo 2.0 Motor instance. + * @param {WeDo2} parent - the WeDo 2.0 peripheral which owns this motor. + * @param {int} index - the zero-based index of this motor on its parent peripheral. */ constructor (parent, index) { /** - * The WeDo 2.0 device which owns this motor. + * The WeDo 2.0 peripheral which owns this motor. * @type {WeDo2} * @private */ this._parent = parent; /** - * The zero-based index of this motor on its parent device. + * The zero-based index of this motor on its parent peripheral. * @type {int} * @private */ @@ -159,7 +186,7 @@ class WeDo2Motor { this._pendingTimeoutDelay = null; this.startBraking = this.startBraking.bind(this); - this.setMotorOff = this.setMotorOff.bind(this); + this.turnOff = this.turnOff.bind(this); } /** @@ -226,14 +253,14 @@ class WeDo2Motor { /** * Turn this motor on indefinitely. */ - setMotorOn () { - const cmd = new Uint8Array(4); - cmd[0] = this._index + 1; // connect id - cmd[1] = WeDo2Commands.MOTOR_POWER; // command - cmd[2] = 1; // 1 byte to follow - cmd[3] = this._power * this._direction; // power in range 0-100 + turnOn () { + const cmd = this._parent.generateOutputCommand( + this._index + 1, + WeDo2Command.MOTOR_POWER, + [this._power * this._direction] // power in range 0-100 + ); - this._parent._send(UUID.OUTPUT_COMMAND, Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(cmd)); + this._parent.send(BLECharacteristic.OUTPUT_COMMAND, cmd); this._isOn = true; this._clearTimeout(); @@ -243,40 +270,41 @@ class WeDo2Motor { * Turn this motor on for a specific duration. * @param {number} milliseconds - run the motor for this long. */ - setMotorOnFor (milliseconds) { + turnOnFor (milliseconds) { milliseconds = Math.max(0, milliseconds); - this.setMotorOn(); + this.turnOn(); this._setNewTimeout(this.startBraking, milliseconds); } /** * Start active braking on this motor. After a short time, the motor will turn off. + * // TODO: rename this to coastAfter? */ startBraking () { - const cmd = new Uint8Array(4); - cmd[0] = this._index + 1; // connect id - cmd[1] = WeDo2Commands.MOTOR_POWER; // command - cmd[2] = 1; // 1 byte to follow - cmd[3] = 127; // power in range 0-100 + const cmd = this._parent.generateOutputCommand( + this._index + 1, + WeDo2Command.MOTOR_POWER, + [127] // 127 = break + ); - this._parent._send(UUID.OUTPUT_COMMAND, Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(cmd)); + this._parent.send(BLECharacteristic.OUTPUT_COMMAND, cmd); this._isOn = false; - this._setNewTimeout(this.setMotorOff, WeDo2Motor.BRAKE_TIME_MS); + this._setNewTimeout(this.turnOff, WeDo2Motor.BRAKE_TIME_MS); } /** * Turn this motor off. * @param {boolean} [useLimiter=true] - if true, use the rate limiter */ - setMotorOff (useLimiter = true) { - const cmd = new Uint8Array(4); - cmd[0] = this._index + 1; // connect id - cmd[1] = WeDo2Commands.MOTOR_POWER; // command - cmd[2] = 1; // 1 byte to follow - cmd[3] = 0; // power in range 0-100 + turnOff (useLimiter = true) { + const cmd = this._parent.generateOutputCommand( + this._index + 1, + WeDo2Command.MOTOR_POWER, + [0] // 0 = stop + ); - this._parent._send(UUID.OUTPUT_COMMAND, Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(cmd), useLimiter); + this._parent.send(BLECharacteristic.OUTPUT_COMMAND, cmd, useLimiter); this._isOn = false; } @@ -315,7 +343,7 @@ class WeDo2Motor { } /** - * Manage communication with a WeDo 2.0 device over a Bluetooth Low Energy client socket. + * Manage communication with a WeDo 2.0 peripheral over a Bluetooth Low Energy client socket. */ class WeDo2 { @@ -327,14 +355,14 @@ class WeDo2 { * @private */ this._runtime = runtime; - this._runtime.on('PROJECT_STOP_ALL', this._stopAll.bind(this)); + this._runtime.on('PROJECT_STOP_ALL', this.stopAll.bind(this)); /** - * The device ports that connect to motors and sensors. + * A list of the ids of the motors or sensors in ports 1 and 2. * @type {string[]} * @private */ - this._ports = ['none', 'none']; // TODO: rename? + this._ports = ['none', 'none']; /** * The motors which this WeDo 2.0 could possibly have. @@ -355,15 +383,12 @@ class WeDo2 { }; /** - * The Bluetooth connection session for reading/writing device data. - * @type {BLESession} + * The Bluetooth connection socket for reading/writing peripheral data. + * @type {BLE} * @private */ this._ble = null; - this._runtime.registerExtensionDevice(extensionId, this); - - this._onConnect = this._onConnect.bind(this); - this._onMessage = this._onMessage.bind(this); + this._runtime.registerPeripheralExtension(extensionId, this); /** * A rate limiter utility, to help limit the rate at which we send BLE messages @@ -372,6 +397,9 @@ class WeDo2 { * @private */ this._rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(BLESendRateMax); + + this._onConnect = this._onConnect.bind(this); + this._onMessage = this._onMessage.bind(this); } /** @@ -396,7 +424,7 @@ class WeDo2 { } /** - * Access a particular motor on this device. + * Access a particular motor on this peripheral. * @param {int} index - the zero-based index of the desired motor. * @return {WeDo2Motor} - the WeDo2Motor instance, if any, at that index. */ @@ -413,102 +441,134 @@ class WeDo2 { // Send the motor off command without using the rate limiter. // This allows the stop button to stop motors even if we are // otherwise flooded with commands. - motor.setMotorOff(false); + motor.turnOff(false); } }); } /** - * Set the WeDo 2.0 hub's LED to a specific color. - * @param {int} rgb - a 24-bit RGB color in 0xRRGGBB format. + * Set the WeDo 2.0 peripheral's LED to a specific color. + * @param {int} inputRGB - a 24-bit RGB color in 0xRRGGBB format. * @return {Promise} - a promise of the completion of the set led send operation. */ - setLED (rgb) { - const cmd = new Uint8Array(6); - cmd[0] = WeDo2ConnectIDs.LED; // connect id - cmd[1] = WeDo2Commands.WRITE_RGB; // command - cmd[2] = 3; // 3 bytes to follow - cmd[3] = (rgb >> 16) & 0x000000FF; - cmd[4] = (rgb >> 8) & 0x000000FF; - cmd[5] = (rgb) & 0x000000FF; + setLED (inputRGB) { + const rgb = [ + (inputRGB >> 16) & 0x000000FF, + (inputRGB >> 8) & 0x000000FF, + (inputRGB) & 0x000000FF + ]; - return this._send(UUID.OUTPUT_COMMAND, Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(cmd)); + const cmd = this.generateOutputCommand( + WeDo2ConnectID.LED, + WeDo2Command.WRITE_RGB, + rgb + ); + + return this.send(BLECharacteristic.OUTPUT_COMMAND, cmd); } /** - * Switch off the LED on the WeDo2. + * Sets the input mode of the LED to RGB. + * @return {Promise} - a promise returned by the send operation. + */ + setLEDMode () { + const cmd = this.generateInputCommand( + WeDo2ConnectID.LED, + WeDo2Device.LED, + WeDo2Mode.LED, + 0, + WeDo2Unit.LED, + false + ); + + return this.send(BLECharacteristic.INPUT_COMMAND, cmd); + } + + /** + * Switch off the LED on the WeDo 2.0. * @return {Promise} - a promise of the completion of the stop led send operation. */ stopLED () { - const cmd = new Uint8Array(6); - cmd[0] = WeDo2ConnectIDs.LED; // connect id - cmd[1] = WeDo2Commands.WRITE_RGB; // command - cmd[2] = 3; // 3 bytes to follow - cmd[3] = 0x000000; // off - cmd[4] = 0x000000; - cmd[5] = 0x000000; + const cmd = this.generateOutputCommand( + WeDo2ConnectID.LED, + WeDo2Command.WRITE_RGB, + [0, 0, 0] + ); - return this._send(UUID.OUTPUT_COMMAND, Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(cmd)); + return this.send(BLECharacteristic.OUTPUT_COMMAND, cmd); } /** - * Play a tone from the WeDo 2.0 hub for a specific amount of time. + * Play a tone from the WeDo 2.0 peripheral for a specific amount of time. * @param {int} tone - the pitch of the tone, in Hz. * @param {int} milliseconds - the duration of the note, in milliseconds. * @return {Promise} - a promise of the completion of the play tone send operation. */ playTone (tone, milliseconds) { - const cmd = new Uint8Array(7); - cmd[0] = WeDo2ConnectIDs.PIEZO; // connect id - cmd[1] = WeDo2Commands.PLAY_TONE; // command - cmd[2] = 4; // 4 bytes to follow - cmd[3] = tone; - cmd[4] = tone >> 8; - cmd[5] = milliseconds; - cmd[6] = milliseconds >> 8; + const cmd = this.generateOutputCommand( + WeDo2ConnectID.PIEZO, + WeDo2Command.PLAY_TONE, + [ + tone, + tone >> 8, + milliseconds, + milliseconds >> 8 + ] + ); - return this._send(UUID.OUTPUT_COMMAND, Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(cmd)); + return this.send(BLECharacteristic.OUTPUT_COMMAND, cmd); } /** - * Stop the tone playing from the WeDo 2.0 hub, if any. + * Stop the tone playing from the WeDo 2.0 peripheral, if any. * @return {Promise} - a promise that the command sent. */ stopTone () { - const cmd = new Uint8Array(2); - cmd[0] = WeDo2ConnectIDs.PIEZO; // connect id - cmd[1] = WeDo2Commands.STOP_TONE; // command + const cmd = this.generateOutputCommand( + WeDo2ConnectID.PIEZO, + WeDo2Command.STOP_TONE + ); - // Send this command without using the rate limiter, because it is only triggered - // by the stop button. - return this._send(UUID.OUTPUT_COMMAND, Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(cmd), false); + // Send this command without using the rate limiter, because it is + // only triggered by the stop button. + return this.send(BLECharacteristic.OUTPUT_COMMAND, cmd, false); } /** - * Called by the runtime when user wants to scan for a device. + * Stop the tone playing and motors on the WeDo 2.0 peripheral. */ - // TODO: rename scan? - startDeviceScan () { - this._ble = new BLESession(this._runtime, { - filters: [{services: [UUID.DEVICE_SERVICE]}], - optionalServices: [UUID.IO_SERVICE] + stopAll () { + if (!this.isConnected()) return; + this.stopTone() + .then(() => { // TODO: Promise? + this.stopAllMotors(); + }); + } + + /** + * Called by the runtime when user wants to scan for a WeDo 2.0 peripheral. + */ + scan () { + this._ble = new BLE(this._runtime, { + filters: [{ + services: [BLEService.DEVICE_SERVICE] + }], + optionalServices: [BLEService.IO_SERVICE] }, this._onConnect); } /** - * Called by the runtime when user wants to connect to a certain device. - * @param {number} id - the id of the device to connect to. + * Called by the runtime when user wants to connect to a certain WeDo 2.0 peripheral. + * @param {number} id - the id of the peripheral to connect to. */ - // TODO: rename connect? - connectDevice (id) { - this._ble.connectDevice(id); + connect (id) { + this._ble.connectPeripheral(id); } /** - * Disconnects from the current BLE session. + * Disconnects from the current BLE socket. */ - // TODO: rename disconnect? - disconnectSession () { + disconnect () { this._ports = ['none', 'none']; this._motors = [null, null]; this._sensors = { @@ -517,54 +577,118 @@ class WeDo2 { distance: 0 }; - this._ble.disconnectSession(); + this._ble.disconnect(); } /** - * Called by the runtime to detect whether the device is connected. + * Called by the runtime to detect whether the WeDo 2.0 peripheral is connected. * @return {boolean} - the connected state. */ - // TODO: rename isConnected - getPeripheralIsConnected () { + isConnected () { let connected = false; if (this._ble) { - connected = this._ble.getPeripheralIsConnected(); + connected = this._ble.isConnected(); } return connected; } /** - * Sets LED mode and initial color and starts reading data from device after BLE has connected. - * @private - */ - _onConnect () { - // set LED input mode to RGB - this._setLEDMode() - .then(() => { - // set LED to blue - this.setLED(0x0000FF); - }) - .then(() => { - this._ble.startNotifications(UUID.DEVICE_SERVICE, UUID.ATTACHED_IO, this._onMessage); - }); - } - - /** - * Write a message to the device BLE session. + * Write a message to the WeDo 2.0 peripheral BLE socket. * @param {number} uuid - the UUID of the characteristic to write to - * @param {Uint8Array} message - the message to write. + * @param {Array} message - the message to write. * @param {boolean} [useLimiter=true] - if true, use the rate limiter * @return {Promise} - a promise result of the write operation - * @private */ - _send (uuid, message, useLimiter = true) { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return Promise.resolve(); + send (uuid, message, useLimiter = true) { + if (!this.isConnected()) return Promise.resolve(); if (useLimiter) { if (!this._rateLimiter.okayToSend()) return Promise.resolve(); } - return this._ble.write(UUID.IO_SERVICE, uuid, message, 'base64'); + return this._ble.write( + BLEService.IO_SERVICE, + uuid, + Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(message), + 'base64' + ); + } + + /** + * Generate a WeDo 2.0 'Output Command' in the byte array format + * (CONNECT ID, COMMAND ID, NUMBER OF BYTES, VALUES ...). + * + * This sends a command to the WeDo 2.0 to actuate the specified outputs. + * + * @param {number} connectID - the port (Connect ID) to send a command to. + * @param {number} commandID - the id of the byte command. + * @param {array} values - the list of values to write to the command. + * @return {array} - a generated output command. + */ + generateOutputCommand (connectID, commandID, values = null) { + let command = [connectID, commandID]; + if (values) { + command = command.concat( + values.length + ).concat( + values + ); + } + return command; + } + + /** + * Generate a WeDo 2.0 'Input Command' in the byte array format + * (COMMAND ID, COMMAND TYPE, CONNECT ID, TYPE ID, MODE, DELTA INTERVAL (4 BYTES), + * UNIT, NOTIFICATIONS ENABLED). + * + * This sends a command to the WeDo 2.0 that sets that input format + * of the specified inputs and sets value change notifications. + * + * @param {number} connectID - the port (Connect ID) to send a command to. + * @param {number} type - the type of input sensor. + * @param {number} mode - the mode of the input sensor. + * @param {number} delta - the delta change needed to trigger notification. + * @param {array} units - the unit of the input sensor value. + * @param {boolean} enableNotifications - whether to enable notifications. + * @return {array} - a generated input command. + */ + generateInputCommand (connectID, type, mode, delta, units, enableNotifications) { + const command = [ + 1, // Command ID = 1 = "Sensor Format" + 2, // Command Type = 2 = "Write" + connectID, + type, + mode, + delta, + 0, // Delta Interval Byte 2 + 0, // Delta Interval Byte 3 + 0, // Delta Interval Byte 4 + units, + enableNotifications ? 1 : 0 + ]; + + return command; + } + + /** + * Sets LED mode and initial color and starts reading data from peripheral after BLE has connected. + * @private + */ + _onConnect () { + // set LED input mode to RGB + this.setLEDMode() + .then(() => { // TODO: Promise? + // set LED to blue + this.setLED(0x0000FF); + }) + .then(() => { // TODO: Promise? + this._ble.startNotifications( + BLEService.DEVICE_SERVICE, + BLECharacteristic.ATTACHED_IO, + this._onMessage + ); + }); } /** @@ -599,10 +723,10 @@ class WeDo2 { // read incoming sensor value const connectID = data[1]; const type = this._ports[connectID - 1]; - if (type === WeDo2Types.DISTANCE) { + if (type === WeDo2Device.DISTANCE) { this._sensors.distance = data[2]; } - if (type === WeDo2Types.TILT) { + if (type === WeDo2Device.TILT) { this._sensors.tiltX = data[2]; this._sensors.tiltY = data[3]; } @@ -611,6 +735,44 @@ class WeDo2 { } } + /** + * Register a new sensor or motor connected at a port. Store the type of + * sensor or motor internally, and then register for notifications on input + * values if it is a sensor. + * @param {number} connectID - the port to register a sensor or motor on. + * @param {number} type - the type ID of the sensor or motor + * @private + */ + _registerSensorOrMotor (connectID, type) { + // Record which port is connected to what type of device + this._ports[connectID - 1] = type; + + // Record motor port + if (type === WeDo2Device.MOTOR) { + this._motors[connectID - 1] = new WeDo2Motor(this, connectID - 1); + } else { + // Set input format for tilt or distance sensor + const typeString = type === WeDo2Device.DISTANCE ? 'DISTANCE' : 'TILT'; + const cmd = this.generateInputCommand( + connectID, + type, + WeDo2Mode[typeString], + 1, + WeDo2Unit[typeString], + true + ); + + this.send(BLECharacteristic.INPUT_COMMAND, cmd) + .then(() => { // TODO: Promise? + this._ble.startNotifications( + BLEService.IO_SERVICE, + BLECharacteristic.INPUT_VALUES, + this._onMessage + ); + }); + } + } + /** * Clear the sensor or motor present at port 1 or 2. * @param {number} connectID - the port to clear. @@ -618,85 +780,15 @@ class WeDo2 { */ _clearPort (connectID) { const type = this._ports[connectID - 1]; - if (type === WeDo2Types.TILT) { + if (type === WeDo2Device.TILT) { this._sensors.tiltX = this._sensors.tiltY = 0; } - if (type === WeDo2Types.DISTANCE) { + if (type === WeDo2Device.DISTANCE) { this._sensors.distance = 0; } this._ports[connectID - 1] = 'none'; this._motors[connectID - 1] = null; } - - /** - * Register a new sensor or motor connected at a port. Store the type of - * sensor or motor internally, and then register for notifications on input - * values if it is a sensor. - * @param {number} connectID - the port to register a sensor or motor on. - * @param {number} type - the type ID of the sensor or motor - */ - _registerSensorOrMotor (connectID, type) { - // Record which port is connected to what type of device - this._ports[connectID - 1] = type; - - // Register motor - if (type === WeDo2Types.MOTOR) { - this._motors[connectID - 1] = new WeDo2Motor(this, connectID - 1); - } else { - // Register tilt or distance sensor - const typeString = type === WeDo2Types.DISTANCE ? 'DISTANCE' : 'TILT'; - const cmd = new Uint8Array(11); - cmd[0] = 1; // sensor format - cmd[1] = 2; // command type: write - cmd[2] = connectID; // connect id - cmd[3] = type; // type - cmd[4] = WeDo2Modes[typeString]; // mode - cmd[5] = 1; // delta interval, 4 bytes, 1 = continuous updates - cmd[6] = 0; - cmd[7] = 0; - cmd[8] = 0; - cmd[9] = WeDo2Units[typeString]; // unit - cmd[10] = 1; // notifications enabled: true - - this._send(UUID.INPUT_COMMAND, Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(cmd)) - .then(() => { - this._ble.startNotifications(UUID.IO_SERVICE, UUID.INPUT_VALUES, this._onMessage); - }); - } - } - - /** - * Sets the input mode of the LED to RGB. - * @return {Promise} - a promise returned by the send operation. - * @private - */ - _setLEDMode () { - const cmd = new Uint8Array(11); - cmd[0] = 1; // sensor format - cmd[1] = 2; // command type: 2 = write - cmd[2] = WeDo2ConnectIDs.LED; // port - cmd[3] = WeDo2Types.LED; // type - cmd[4] = 1; // mode - cmd[5] = 0; // delta interval, 4 bytes - cmd[6] = 0; - cmd[7] = 0; - cmd[8] = 0; - cmd[9] = 0; // unit = raw - cmd[10] = 0; // notifications enabled: false - - return this._send(UUID.INPUT_COMMAND, Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(cmd)); - } - - /** - * Stop the tone playing and motors on the WeDo 2.0 hub. - */ - _stopAll () { - if (!this.getPeripheralIsConnected()) return; - this.stopTone() - .then(() => { - this.stopAllMotors(); - }); - } } /** @@ -704,7 +796,7 @@ class WeDo2 { * @readonly * @enum {string} */ -const MotorID = { +const WeDo2MotorLabel = { DEFAULT: 'motor', A: 'motor A', B: 'motor B', @@ -716,7 +808,7 @@ const MotorID = { * @readonly * @enum {string} */ -const MotorDirection = { +const WeDo2MotorDirection = { FORWARD: 'this way', BACKWARD: 'that way', REVERSE: 'reverse' @@ -727,7 +819,7 @@ const MotorDirection = { * @readonly * @enum {string} */ -const TiltDirection = { +const WeDo2TiltDirection = { UP: 'up', DOWN: 'down', LEFT: 'left', @@ -736,7 +828,7 @@ const TiltDirection = { }; /** - * Scratch 3.0 blocks to interact with a LEGO WeDo 2.0 device. + * Scratch 3.0 blocks to interact with a LEGO WeDo 2.0 peripheral. */ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { @@ -765,8 +857,8 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { */ this.runtime = runtime; - // Create a new WeDo2 device instance - this._device = new WeDo2(this.runtime, Scratch3WeDo2Blocks.EXTENSION_ID); + // Create a new WeDo 2.0 peripheral instance + this._peripheral = new WeDo2(this.runtime, Scratch3WeDo2Blocks.EXTENSION_ID); } /** @@ -791,7 +883,7 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { MOTOR_ID: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'MOTOR_ID', - defaultValue: MotorID.DEFAULT + defaultValue: WeDo2MotorLabel.DEFAULT }, DURATION: { type: ArgumentType.NUMBER, @@ -811,7 +903,7 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { MOTOR_ID: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'MOTOR_ID', - defaultValue: MotorID.DEFAULT + defaultValue: WeDo2MotorLabel.DEFAULT } } }, @@ -827,7 +919,7 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { MOTOR_ID: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'MOTOR_ID', - defaultValue: MotorID.DEFAULT + defaultValue: WeDo2MotorLabel.DEFAULT } } }, @@ -843,7 +935,7 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { MOTOR_ID: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'MOTOR_ID', - defaultValue: MotorID.DEFAULT + defaultValue: WeDo2MotorLabel.DEFAULT }, POWER: { type: ArgumentType.NUMBER, @@ -863,12 +955,12 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { MOTOR_ID: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'MOTOR_ID', - defaultValue: MotorID.DEFAULT + defaultValue: WeDo2MotorLabel.DEFAULT }, MOTOR_DIRECTION: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'MOTOR_DIRECTION', - defaultValue: MotorDirection.FORWARD + defaultValue: WeDo2MotorDirection.FORWARD } } }, @@ -940,7 +1032,7 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { TILT_DIRECTION_ANY: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'TILT_DIRECTION_ANY', - defaultValue: TiltDirection.ANY + defaultValue: WeDo2TiltDirection.ANY } } }, @@ -965,7 +1057,7 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { TILT_DIRECTION_ANY: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'TILT_DIRECTION_ANY', - defaultValue: TiltDirection.ANY + defaultValue: WeDo2TiltDirection.ANY } } }, @@ -981,17 +1073,36 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { TILT_DIRECTION: { type: ArgumentType.STRING, menu: 'TILT_DIRECTION', - defaultValue: TiltDirection.UP + defaultValue: WeDo2TiltDirection.UP } } } ], menus: { - MOTOR_ID: [MotorID.DEFAULT, MotorID.A, MotorID.B, MotorID.ALL], - MOTOR_DIRECTION: [MotorDirection.FORWARD, MotorDirection.BACKWARD, MotorDirection.REVERSE], - TILT_DIRECTION: [TiltDirection.UP, TiltDirection.DOWN, TiltDirection.LEFT, TiltDirection.RIGHT], - TILT_DIRECTION_ANY: - [TiltDirection.UP, TiltDirection.DOWN, TiltDirection.LEFT, TiltDirection.RIGHT, TiltDirection.ANY], + MOTOR_ID: [ + WeDo2MotorLabel.DEFAULT, + WeDo2MotorLabel.A, + WeDo2MotorLabel.B, + WeDo2MotorLabel.ALL + ], + MOTOR_DIRECTION: [ + WeDo2MotorDirection.FORWARD, + WeDo2MotorDirection.BACKWARD, + WeDo2MotorDirection.REVERSE + ], + TILT_DIRECTION: [ + WeDo2TiltDirection.UP, + WeDo2TiltDirection.DOWN, + WeDo2TiltDirection.LEFT, + WeDo2TiltDirection.RIGHT + ], + TILT_DIRECTION_ANY: [ + WeDo2TiltDirection.UP, + WeDo2TiltDirection.DOWN, + WeDo2TiltDirection.LEFT, + WeDo2TiltDirection.RIGHT, + WeDo2TiltDirection.ANY + ], OP: ['<', '>'] } }; @@ -1005,17 +1116,18 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { * @return {Promise} - a promise which will resolve at the end of the duration. */ motorOnFor (args) { + // TODO: cast args.MOTOR_ID? let durationMS = Cast.toNumber(args.DURATION) * 1000; durationMS = MathUtil.clamp(durationMS, 0, 15000); return new Promise(resolve => { this._forEachMotor(args.MOTOR_ID, motorIndex => { - const motor = this._device.motor(motorIndex); + const motor = this._peripheral.motor(motorIndex); if (motor) { - motor.setMotorOnFor(durationMS); + motor.turnOnFor(durationMS); } }); - // Ensure this block runs for a fixed amount of time even when no device is connected. + // Run for some time even when no motor is connected setTimeout(resolve, durationMS); }); } @@ -1027,10 +1139,11 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { * @return {Promise} - a Promise that resolves after some delay. */ motorOn (args) { + // TODO: cast args.MOTOR_ID? this._forEachMotor(args.MOTOR_ID, motorIndex => { - const motor = this._device.motor(motorIndex); + const motor = this._peripheral.motor(motorIndex); if (motor) { - motor.setMotorOn(); + motor.turnOn(); } }); @@ -1048,10 +1161,11 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { * @return {Promise} - a Promise that resolves after some delay. */ motorOff (args) { + // TODO: cast args.MOTOR_ID? this._forEachMotor(args.MOTOR_ID, motorIndex => { - const motor = this._device.motor(motorIndex); + const motor = this._peripheral.motor(motorIndex); if (motor) { - motor.setMotorOff(); + motor.turnOff(); } }); @@ -1070,11 +1184,12 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { * @return {Promise} - a Promise that resolves after some delay. */ startMotorPower (args) { + // TODO: cast args.MOTOR_ID? this._forEachMotor(args.MOTOR_ID, motorIndex => { - const motor = this._device.motor(motorIndex); + const motor = this._peripheral.motor(motorIndex); if (motor) { motor.power = MathUtil.clamp(Cast.toNumber(args.POWER), 0, 100); - motor.setMotorOn(); + motor.turnOn(); } }); @@ -1094,17 +1209,18 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { * @return {Promise} - a Promise that resolves after some delay. */ setMotorDirection (args) { + // TODO: cast args.MOTOR_ID? this._forEachMotor(args.MOTOR_ID, motorIndex => { - const motor = this._device.motor(motorIndex); + const motor = this._peripheral.motor(motorIndex); if (motor) { switch (args.MOTOR_DIRECTION) { - case MotorDirection.FORWARD: + case WeDo2MotorDirection.FORWARD: motor.direction = 1; break; - case MotorDirection.BACKWARD: + case WeDo2MotorDirection.BACKWARD: motor.direction = -1; break; - case MotorDirection.REVERSE: + case WeDo2MotorDirection.REVERSE: motor.direction = -motor.direction; break; default: @@ -1114,9 +1230,9 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { // keep the motor on if it's running, and update the pending timeout if needed if (motor.isOn) { if (motor.pendingTimeoutDelay) { - motor.setMotorOnFor(motor.pendingTimeoutStartTime + motor.pendingTimeoutDelay - Date.now()); + motor.turnOnFor(motor.pendingTimeoutStartTime + motor.pendingTimeoutDelay - Date.now()); } else { - motor.setMotorOn(); + motor.turnOn(); } } } @@ -1145,7 +1261,7 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { const rgbDecimal = color.rgbToDecimal(rgbObject); - this._device.setLED(rgbDecimal); + this._peripheral.setLED(rgbDecimal); return new Promise(resolve => { window.setTimeout(() => { @@ -1155,7 +1271,7 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { } /** - * Make the WeDo 2.0 hub play a MIDI note for the specified duration. + * Make the WeDo 2.0 peripheral play a MIDI note for the specified duration. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @property {number} NOTE - the MIDI note to play. * @property {number} DURATION - the duration of the note, in seconds. @@ -1164,13 +1280,13 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { playNoteFor (args) { let durationMS = Cast.toNumber(args.DURATION) * 1000; durationMS = MathUtil.clamp(durationMS, 0, 3000); - const note = MathUtil.clamp(Cast.toNumber(args.NOTE), 25, 125); // valid WeDo2 sounds - if (durationMS === 0) return; // WeDo2 plays duration '0' forever + const note = MathUtil.clamp(Cast.toNumber(args.NOTE), 25, 125); // valid WeDo 2.0 sounds + if (durationMS === 0) return; // WeDo 2.0 plays duration '0' forever return new Promise(resolve => { const tone = this._noteToTone(note); - this._device.playTone(tone, durationMS); + this._peripheral.playTone(tone, durationMS); - // Ensure this block runs for a fixed amount of time even when no device is connected. + // Run for some time even when no piezo is connected setTimeout(resolve, durationMS); }); } @@ -1185,11 +1301,9 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { whenDistance (args) { switch (args.OP) { case '<': - case '<': - return this._device.distance < Cast.toNumber(args.REFERENCE); + return this._peripheral.distance < Cast.toNumber(args.REFERENCE); case '>': - case '>': - return this._device.distance > Cast.toNumber(args.REFERENCE); + return this._peripheral.distance > Cast.toNumber(args.REFERENCE); default: log.warn(`Unknown comparison operator in whenDistance: ${args.OP}`); return false; @@ -1210,7 +1324,7 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { * @return {number} - the distance sensor's value, scaled to the [0,100] range. */ getDistance () { - return this._device.distance; + return this._peripheral.distance; } /** @@ -1241,9 +1355,9 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { */ _isTilted (direction) { switch (direction) { - case TiltDirection.ANY: - return (Math.abs(this._device.tiltX) >= Scratch3WeDo2Blocks.TILT_THRESHOLD) || - (Math.abs(this._device.tiltY) >= Scratch3WeDo2Blocks.TILT_THRESHOLD); + case WeDo2TiltDirection.ANY: + return (Math.abs(this._peripheral.tiltX) >= Scratch3WeDo2Blocks.TILT_THRESHOLD) || + (Math.abs(this._peripheral.tiltY) >= Scratch3WeDo2Blocks.TILT_THRESHOLD); default: return this._getTiltAngle(direction) >= Scratch3WeDo2Blocks.TILT_THRESHOLD; } @@ -1257,14 +1371,14 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { */ _getTiltAngle (direction) { switch (direction) { - case TiltDirection.UP: - return this._device.tiltY > 45 ? 256 - this._device.tiltY : -this._device.tiltY; - case TiltDirection.DOWN: - return this._device.tiltY > 45 ? this._device.tiltY - 256 : this._device.tiltY; - case TiltDirection.LEFT: - return this._device.tiltX > 45 ? 256 - this._device.tiltX : -this._device.tiltX; - case TiltDirection.RIGHT: - return this._device.tiltX > 45 ? this._device.tiltX - 256 : this._device.tiltX; + case WeDo2TiltDirection.UP: + return this._peripheral.tiltY > 45 ? 256 - this._peripheral.tiltY : -this._peripheral.tiltY; + case WeDo2TiltDirection.DOWN: + return this._peripheral.tiltY > 45 ? this._peripheral.tiltY - 256 : this._peripheral.tiltY; + case WeDo2TiltDirection.LEFT: + return this._peripheral.tiltX > 45 ? 256 - this._peripheral.tiltX : -this._peripheral.tiltX; + case WeDo2TiltDirection.RIGHT: + return this._peripheral.tiltX > 45 ? this._peripheral.tiltX - 256 : this._peripheral.tiltX; default: log.warn(`Unknown tilt direction in _getTiltAngle: ${direction}`); } @@ -1279,14 +1393,14 @@ class Scratch3WeDo2Blocks { _forEachMotor (motorID, callback) { let motors; switch (motorID) { - case MotorID.A: + case WeDo2MotorLabel.A: motors = [0]; break; - case MotorID.B: + case WeDo2MotorLabel.B: motors = [1]; break; - case MotorID.ALL: - case MotorID.DEFAULT: + case WeDo2MotorLabel.ALL: + case WeDo2MotorLabel.DEFAULT: motors = [0, 1]; break; default: diff --git a/src/io/bleSession.js b/src/io/ble.js similarity index 86% rename from src/io/bleSession.js rename to src/io/ble.js index ce77d44c9..14f927e02 100644 --- a/src/io/bleSession.js +++ b/src/io/ble.js @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ const JSONRPCWebSocket = require('../util/jsonrpc-web-socket'); -// const log = require('../util/log'); const ScratchLinkWebSocket = 'wss://device-manager.scratch.mit.edu:20110/scratch/ble'; +// const log = require('../util/log'); -class BLESession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { +class BLE extends JSONRPCWebSocket { /** - * A BLE device session object. It handles connecting, over web sockets, to - * BLE devices, and reading and writing data to them. + * A BLE peripheral socket object. It handles connecting, over web sockets, to + * BLE peripherals, and reading and writing data to them. * @param {Runtime} runtime - the Runtime for sending/receiving GUI update events. - * @param {object} deviceOptions - the list of options for device discovery. + * @param {object} peripheralOptions - the list of options for peripheral discovery. * @param {object} connectCallback - a callback for connection. */ - constructor (runtime, deviceOptions, connectCallback) { + constructor (runtime, peripheralOptions, connectCallback) { const ws = new WebSocket(ScratchLinkWebSocket); super(ws); this._ws = ws; - this._ws.onopen = this.requestDevice.bind(this); // only call request device after socket opens + this._ws.onopen = this.requestPeripheral.bind(this); // only call request peripheral after socket opens this._ws.onerror = this._sendError.bind(this, 'ws onerror'); this._ws.onclose = this._sendError.bind(this, 'ws onclose'); @@ -24,21 +24,23 @@ class BLESession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { this._connectCallback = connectCallback; this._connected = false; this._characteristicDidChangeCallback = null; - this._deviceOptions = deviceOptions; + this._peripheralOptions = peripheralOptions; this._discoverTimeoutID = null; this._runtime = runtime; } /** - * Request connection to the device. + * Request connection to the peripheral. * If the web socket is not yet open, request when the socket promise resolves. */ - requestDevice () { + requestPeripheral () { if (this._ws.readyState === 1) { // is this needed since it's only called on ws.onopen? this._availablePeripherals = {}; this._discoverTimeoutID = window.setTimeout(this._sendDiscoverTimeout.bind(this), 15000); - this.sendRemoteRequest('discover', this._deviceOptions) - .catch(e => this._sendError(e)); // never reached? + this.sendRemoteRequest('discover', this._peripheralOptions) + .catch(e => { + this._sendError(e); + }); // never reached? } // TODO: else? } @@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ class BLESession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { * callback if connection is successful. * @param {number} id - the id of the peripheral to connect to */ - connectDevice (id) { + connectPeripheral (id) { this.sendRemoteRequest('connect', {peripheralId: id}) .then(() => { this._connected = true; @@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ class BLESession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { /** * Close the websocket. */ - disconnectSession () { + disconnect () { this._ws.close(); this._connected = false; } @@ -71,37 +73,10 @@ class BLESession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { /** * @return {bool} whether the peripheral is connected. */ - getPeripheralIsConnected () { + isConnected () { return this._connected; } - /** - * Handle a received call from the socket. - * @param {string} method - a received method label. - * @param {object} params - a received list of parameters. - * @return {object} - optional return value. - */ - didReceiveCall (method, params) { - switch (method) { - case 'didDiscoverPeripheral': - this._availablePeripherals[params.peripheralId] = params; - this._runtime.emit( - this._runtime.constructor.PERIPHERAL_LIST_UPDATE, - this._availablePeripherals - ); - if (this._discoverTimeoutID) { - // TODO: window? - window.clearTimeout(this._discoverTimeoutID); - } - break; - case 'characteristicDidChange': - this._characteristicDidChangeCallback(params.message); - break; - case 'ping': - return 42; - } - } - /** * Start receiving notifications from the specified ble service. * @param {number} serviceId - the ble service to read. @@ -167,9 +142,36 @@ class BLESession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { }); } + /** + * Handle a received call from the socket. + * @param {string} method - a received method label. + * @param {object} params - a received list of parameters. + * @return {object} - optional return value. + */ + didReceiveCall (method, params) { + switch (method) { + case 'didDiscoverPeripheral': + this._availablePeripherals[params.peripheralId] = params; + this._runtime.emit( + this._runtime.constructor.PERIPHERAL_LIST_UPDATE, + this._availablePeripherals + ); + if (this._discoverTimeoutID) { + // TODO: window? + window.clearTimeout(this._discoverTimeoutID); + } + break; + case 'characteristicDidChange': + this._characteristicDidChangeCallback(params.message); + break; + case 'ping': + return 42; + } + } + _sendError (/* e */) { - this.disconnectSession(); - // log.error(`BLESession error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); + this.disconnect(); + // log.error(`BLE error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); this._runtime.emit(this._runtime.constructor.PERIPHERAL_ERROR); } @@ -178,4 +180,4 @@ class BLESession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { } } -module.exports = BLESession; +module.exports = BLE; diff --git a/src/io/btSession.js b/src/io/bt.js similarity index 81% rename from src/io/btSession.js rename to src/io/bt.js index b2caf310d..fad67d004 100644 --- a/src/io/btSession.js +++ b/src/io/bt.js @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ const JSONRPCWebSocket = require('../util/jsonrpc-web-socket'); -// const log = require('../util/log'); const ScratchLinkWebSocket = 'wss://device-manager.scratch.mit.edu:20110/scratch/bt'; +// const log = require('../util/log'); -class BTSession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { +class BT extends JSONRPCWebSocket { /** - * A BT device session object. It handles connecting, over web sockets, to - * BT devices, and reading and writing data to them. + * A BT peripheral socket object. It handles connecting, over web sockets, to + * BT peripherals, and reading and writing data to them. * @param {Runtime} runtime - the Runtime for sending/receiving GUI update events. - * @param {object} deviceOptions - the list of options for device discovery. + * @param {object} peripheralOptions - the list of options for peripheral discovery. * @param {object} connectCallback - a callback for connection. * @param {object} messageCallback - a callback for message sending. */ - constructor (runtime, deviceOptions, connectCallback, messageCallback) { + constructor (runtime, peripheralOptions, connectCallback, messageCallback) { const ws = new WebSocket(ScratchLinkWebSocket); super(ws); this._ws = ws; - this._ws.onopen = this.requestDevice.bind(this); // only call request device after socket opens + this._ws.onopen = this.requestPeripheral.bind(this); // only call request peripheral after socket opens this._ws.onerror = this._sendError.bind(this, 'ws onerror'); this._ws.onclose = this._sendError.bind(this, 'ws onclose'); @@ -25,21 +25,21 @@ class BTSession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { this._connectCallback = connectCallback; this._connected = false; this._characteristicDidChangeCallback = null; - this._deviceOptions = deviceOptions; + this._peripheralOptions = peripheralOptions; this._discoverTimeoutID = null; this._messageCallback = messageCallback; this._runtime = runtime; } /** - * Request connection to the device. + * Request connection to the peripheral. * If the web socket is not yet open, request when the socket promise resolves. */ - requestDevice () { + requestPeripheral () { if (this._ws.readyState === 1) { // is this needed since it's only called on ws.onopen? this._availablePeripherals = {}; this._discoverTimeoutID = window.setTimeout(this._sendDiscoverTimeout.bind(this), 15000); - this.sendRemoteRequest('discover', this._deviceOptions) + this.sendRemoteRequest('discover', this._peripheralOptions) .catch(e => this._sendError(e)); // never reached? } // TODO: else? @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class BTSession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { * callback if connection is successful. * @param {number} id - the id of the peripheral to connect to */ - connectDevice (id) { + connectPeripheral (id) { this.sendRemoteRequest('connect', {peripheralId: id}) .then(() => { this._connected = true; @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class BTSession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { /** * Close the websocket. */ - disconnectSession () { + disconnect () { this._ws.close(); this._connected = false; } @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class BTSession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { /** * @return {bool} whether the peripheral is connected. */ - getPeripheralIsConnected () { + isConnected () { return this._connected; } @@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ class BTSession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { } _sendError (/* e */) { - this.disconnectSession(); - // log.error(`BTSession error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); + this.disconnect(); + // log.error(`BT error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); this._runtime.emit(this._runtime.constructor.PERIPHERAL_ERROR); } @@ -123,4 +123,4 @@ class BTSession extends JSONRPCWebSocket { } } -module.exports = BTSession; +module.exports = BT; diff --git a/src/virtual-machine.js b/src/virtual-machine.js index 618711121..90f2bd513 100644 --- a/src/virtual-machine.js +++ b/src/virtual-machine.js @@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ class VirtualMachine extends EventEmitter { this.runtime.on(Runtime.BLOCKSINFO_UPDATE, blocksInfo => { this.emit(Runtime.BLOCKSINFO_UPDATE, blocksInfo); }); - this.runtime.on(Runtime.PERIPHERAL_LIST_UPDATE, info => { this.emit(Runtime.PERIPHERAL_LIST_UPDATE, info); }); @@ -213,18 +212,36 @@ class VirtualMachine extends EventEmitter { this.runtime.ioDevices.video.setProvider(videoProvider); } - startDeviceScan (extensionId) { - this.runtime.startDeviceScan(extensionId); + /** + * Tell the specified extension to scan for a peripheral. + * @param {string} extensionId - the id of the extension. + */ + scanForPeripheral (extensionId) { + this.runtime.scanForPeripheral(extensionId); } - connectToPeripheral (extensionId, peripheralId) { - this.runtime.connectToPeripheral(extensionId, peripheralId); + /** + * Connect to the extension's specified peripheral. + * @param {string} extensionId - the id of the extension. + * @param {number} peripheralId - the id of the peripheral. + */ + connectPeripheral (extensionId, peripheralId) { + this.runtime.connectPeripheral(extensionId, peripheralId); } - disconnectExtensionSession (extensionId) { - this.runtime.disconnectExtensionSession(extensionId); + /** + * Disconnect from the extension's connected peripheral. + * @param {string} extensionId - the id of the extension. + */ + disconnectPeripheral (extensionId) { + this.runtime.disconnectPeripheral(extensionId); } + /** + * Returns whether the extension has a currently connected peripheral. + * @param {string} extensionId - the id of the extension. + * @return {boolean} - whether the extension has a connected peripheral. + */ getPeripheralIsConnected (extensionId) { return this.runtime.getPeripheralIsConnected(extensionId); } diff --git a/test/unit/io_scratchBLE.js b/test/unit/io_scratchBLE.js index 00336fd3d..8da2b3d0b 100644 --- a/test/unit/io_scratchBLE.js +++ b/test/unit/io_scratchBLE.js @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ test('waitForSocket', t => { t.end(); }); -test('requestDevice', t => { +test('requestPeripheral', t => { t.end(); }); diff --git a/test/unit/io_scratchBT.js b/test/unit/io_scratchBT.js index deb51025a..843526ab6 100644 --- a/test/unit/io_scratchBT.js +++ b/test/unit/io_scratchBT.js @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ test('constructor', t => { t.end(); }); -test('requestDevice', t => { +test('requestPeripheral', t => { t.end(); }); -test('connectDevice', t => { +test('connectPeripheral', t => { t.end(); });