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2017-04-17 15:10:04 -04:00
const Cast = require('../util/cast');
2017-04-17 19:42:48 -04:00
class Scratch3SensingBlocks {
constructor (runtime) {
* The runtime instantiating this block package.
* @type {Runtime}
this.runtime = runtime;
2017-04-17 19:42:48 -04:00
* Retrieve the block primitives implemented by this package.
* @return {object.<string, Function>} Mapping of opcode to Function.
2017-04-17 19:42:48 -04:00
getPrimitives () {
return {
sensing_touchingobject: this.touchingObject,
sensing_touchingcolor: this.touchingColor,
sensing_coloristouchingcolor: this.colorTouchingColor,
sensing_distanceto: this.distanceTo,
sensing_timer: this.getTimer,
sensing_resettimer: this.resetTimer,
sensing_of: this.getAttributeOf,
sensing_mousex: this.getMouseX,
sensing_mousey: this.getMouseY,
sensing_mousedown: this.getMouseDown,
sensing_keypressed: this.getKeyPressed,
sensing_current: this.current,
sensing_dayssince2000: this.daysSince2000,
sensing_loudness: this.getLoudness
touchingObject (args, util) {
const requestedObject = args.TOUCHINGOBJECTMENU;
if (requestedObject === '_mouse_') {
const mouseX = util.ioQuery('mouse', 'getX');
const mouseY = util.ioQuery('mouse', 'getY');
return, mouseY);
} else if (requestedObject === '_edge_') {
2017-04-17 19:42:48 -04:00
touchingColor (args, util) {
const color = Cast.toRgbColorList(args.COLOR);
colorTouchingColor (args, util) {
const maskColor = Cast.toRgbColorList(args.COLOR);
const targetColor = Cast.toRgbColorList(args.COLOR2);
return, maskColor);
distanceTo (args, util) {
if ( return 10000;
let targetX = 0;
let targetY = 0;
if (args.DISTANCETOMENU === '_mouse_') {
targetX = util.ioQuery('mouse', 'getX');
targetY = util.ioQuery('mouse', 'getY');
} else {
const distTarget = this.runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(
if (!distTarget) return 10000;
targetX = distTarget.x;
targetY = distTarget.y;
2017-04-17 19:42:48 -04:00
const dx = - targetX;
const dy = - targetY;
return Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
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getTimer (args, util) {
return util.ioQuery('clock', 'projectTimer');
2017-04-17 19:42:48 -04:00
resetTimer (args, util) {
util.ioQuery('clock', 'resetProjectTimer');
getMouseX (args, util) {
return util.ioQuery('mouse', 'getX');
getMouseY (args, util) {
return util.ioQuery('mouse', 'getY');
getMouseDown (args, util) {
return util.ioQuery('mouse', 'getIsDown');
current (args) {
const menuOption = Cast.toString(args.CURRENTMENU).toLowerCase();
const date = new Date();
switch (menuOption) {
case 'year': return date.getFullYear();
case 'month': return date.getMonth() + 1; // getMonth is zero-based
case 'date': return date.getDate();
case 'dayofweek': return date.getDay() + 1; // getDay is zero-based, Sun=0
case 'hour': return date.getHours();
case 'minute': return date.getMinutes();
case 'second': return date.getSeconds();
return 0;
getKeyPressed (args, util) {
return util.ioQuery('keyboard', 'getKeyIsDown', [args.KEY_OPTION]);
2017-04-17 19:42:48 -04:00
daysSince2000 () {
const msPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
const start = new Date(2000, 0, 1); // Months are 0-indexed.
const today = new Date();
const dstAdjust = today.getTimezoneOffset() - start.getTimezoneOffset();
let mSecsSinceStart = today.valueOf() - start.valueOf();
mSecsSinceStart += ((today.getTimezoneOffset() - dstAdjust) * 60 * 1000);
return mSecsSinceStart / msPerDay;
getLoudness () {
if (typeof this.runtime.audioEngine === 'undefined') return -1;
return this.runtime.audioEngine.getLoudness();
getAttributeOf (args) {
let attrTarget;
if (args.OBJECT === '_stage_') {
attrTarget = this.runtime.getTargetForStage();
} else {
attrTarget = this.runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.OBJECT);
// Generic attributes
if (attrTarget.isStage) {
switch (args.PROPERTY) {
// Scratch 1.4 support
case 'background #': return attrTarget.currentCostume + 1;
case 'backdrop #': return attrTarget.currentCostume + 1;
case 'backdrop name':
return attrTarget.sprite.costumes[attrTarget.currentCostume].name;
case 'volume': return; // @todo: Keep this in mind for sound blocks!
} else {
switch (args.PROPERTY) {
case 'x position': return attrTarget.x;
case 'y position': return attrTarget.y;
case 'direction': return attrTarget.direction;
case 'costume #': return attrTarget.currentCostume + 1;
case 'costume name':
return attrTarget.sprite.costumes[attrTarget.currentCostume].name;
case 'size': return attrTarget.size;
case 'volume': return; // @todo: above, keep in mind for sound blocks..
// Variables
const varName = args.PROPERTY;
for (const id in attrTarget.variables) {
if (attrTarget.variables[id].name === varName) {
return attrTarget.variables[id].value;
2017-04-17 19:42:48 -04:00
// Otherwise, 0
return 0;
module.exports = Scratch3SensingBlocks;