### GET `/users/:id` Returns basic information about the specified user based on the provided username. #### Request URL `https://api.scratch.mit.edu/users/:id` #### Request Parameters * **:id** – the username of the user for whom to get information #### Example Request ```bash curl -X GET "https://api.scratch.mit.edu/users/mres" ``` #### Example Response ```json { "history": { "joined": "2007-03-07T03:50:14.000Z", "login": "2015-11-25T06:16:12.000Z" }, "id": 167, "profile": { "avatar": "0/0167.png", "bio": "I'm a professor at the MIT Media Lab. But more important: I'm a member of the Scratch Team! \n\nCheck out my TED talk about Scratch: http://bit.ly/mres-ted-talk", "id": 29, "status": "I'm working on new technologies and activities to support the four P's of creative learning: Projects, Peers, Passion, and Play" }, "username": "mres" } ```