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synced 2025-01-11 10:29:44 -05:00
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178 lines
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import paper from '@scratch/paper';
/** The ratio of the curve length to use for the handle length to convert squares into approximately circles. */
const HANDLE_RATIO = 0.3902628565;
const checkPointsClose = function (startPos, eventPoint, threshold) {
const xOff = Math.abs(startPos.x - eventPoint.x);
const yOff = Math.abs(startPos.y - eventPoint.y);
if (xOff < threshold && yOff < threshold) {
return true;
return false;
const getRandomInt = function (min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
const getRandomBoolean = function () {
return getRandomInt(0, 2) === 1;
// Thanks Mikko Mononen! https://github.com/memononen/stylii
const snapDeltaToAngle = function (delta, snapAngle) {
let angle = Math.atan2(delta.y, delta.x);
angle = Math.round(angle / snapAngle) * snapAngle;
const dirx = Math.cos(angle);
const diry = Math.sin(angle);
const d = (dirx * delta.x) + (diry * delta.y);
return new paper.Point(dirx * d, diry * d);
const _getDepth = function (item) {
let temp = item;
let depth = 0;
while (!(temp instanceof paper.Layer)) {
if (temp.parent === null) {
// This item isn't attached to a layer, so it's not on the canvas and can't be compared.
return null;
temp = temp.parent;
return depth;
const sortItemsByZIndex = function (a, b) {
if (a === null || b === null) {
return null;
// Get to the same depth in the project tree
let tempA = a;
let tempB = b;
let aDepth = _getDepth(a);
let bDepth = _getDepth(b);
while (bDepth > aDepth) {
tempB = tempB.parent;
while (aDepth > bDepth) {
tempA = tempA.parent;
// Step up until they share parents. When they share parents, compare indices.
while (tempA && tempB) {
if (tempB === tempA) {
return 0;
} else if (tempB.parent === tempA.parent) {
if (tempB.parent instanceof paper.CompoundPath) {
// Neither is on top of the other in a compound path. Return in order of decreasing size.
return Math.abs(tempB.area) - Math.abs(tempA.area);
return parseFloat(tempA.index) - parseFloat(tempB.index);
tempB = tempB.parent;
tempA = tempA.parent;
// No shared hierarchy
return null;
// Expand the size of the path by amount all around
const expandBy = function (path, amount) {
const center = path.position;
let pathArea = path.area;
for (const seg of path.segments) {
const delta = seg.point.subtract(center)
seg.point = seg.point.add(delta);
// If that made the path area smaller, go the other way.
if (path.area < pathArea) seg.point = seg.point.subtract(delta.multiply(2));
pathArea = path.area;
// Do for all nested items in groups
const _doRecursively = function (item, func) {
if (item instanceof paper.Group) {
for (const child of item.children) {
_doRecursively(child, func);
} else {
// Make item clockwise. Drill down into groups.
const ensureClockwise = function (root) {
_doRecursively(root, item => {
if (item instanceof paper.PathItem) {
item.clockwise = true;
// Scale item and its strokes by factor
const scaleWithStrokes = function (root, factor, pivot) {
_doRecursively(root, item => {
if (item instanceof paper.PointText) {
// Text outline size is controlled by text transform matrix, thus it's already scaled.
if (item.strokeWidth) {
item.strokeWidth = item.strokeWidth * factor;
root.scale(factor, pivot);
* Get the size and position of a square, as in if the user were holding the shift key down while drawing the shape,
* from the point where the drag started and the point where the mouse is currently positioned. (Note: This also works
* for shapes like circles ("square ovals"), which fill the same dimensions.)
* @param {!paper.Point} startPos The point where the user started dragging
* @param {!paper.Point} eventPoint The point where the user has currently dragged to
* @return {object} Information about the size and position of how the square should be drawn
const getSquareDimensions = function (startPos, eventPoint) {
// These variables are used for determining the relative quadrant that the shape will appear in.
// So if you drag up and right, it'll show up above and to the right of where you started dragging, etc.
let offsetX = eventPoint.x - startPos.x;
let offsetY = eventPoint.y - startPos.y;
// If the offset variables are zero, the shape ends up having zero width or height, which is bad.
// Deal with this by forcing them to be non-zero (we arbitrarily choose 1; any non-zero value would work).
offsetX = offsetX ? offsetX : 1;
offsetY = offsetY ? offsetY : 1;
// The length of the shape is the greater of the X and Y offsets.
const offsetDistance = eventPoint.subtract(startPos).abs();
const length = Math.max(offsetDistance.x, offsetDistance.y);
const size = new paper.Point(
length * offsetX / Math.abs(offsetX),
length * offsetY / Math.abs(offsetY)
const position = startPos.add(size.multiply(0.5));
return {size, position};
export {