import bindAll from 'lodash.bindall'; import {connect} from 'react-redux'; import paper from '@scratch/paper'; import parseColor from 'parse-color'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import {clearSelectedItems} from '../reducers/selected-items'; import {activateEyeDropper} from '../reducers/eye-dropper'; import ColorPickerComponent from '../components/color-picker/color-picker.jsx'; import {MIXED} from '../helper/style-path'; const colorStringToHsv = hexString => { const hsv = parseColor(hexString).hsv; // Hue comes out in [0, 360], limit to [0, 100] hsv[0] = hsv[0] / 3.6; // Black is parsed as {0, 0, 0}, but turn saturation up to 100 // to make it easier to see slider values. if (hsv[1] === 0 && hsv[2] === 0) { hsv[1] = 100; } return hsv; }; const hsvToHex = (h, s, v) => // Scale hue back up to [0, 360] from [0, 100] parseColor(`hsv(${3.6 * h}, ${s}, ${v})`).hex ; // Important! This component ignores new color props and cannot be updated // This is to make the HSV <=> RGB conversion stable. Because of this, the // component MUST be unmounted in order to change the props externally. class ColorPicker extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super(props); bindAll(this, [ 'getHsv', 'handleHueChange', 'handleSaturationChange', 'handleBrightnessChange', 'handleTransparent', 'handleActivateEyeDropper' ]); const hsv = this.getHsv(props.color); this.state = { hue: hsv[0], saturation: hsv[1], brightness: hsv[2] }; } componentWillReceiveProps (newProps) { if (this.props.color !== newProps.color) { // color set by eye dropper, so update slider states const hsv = this.getHsv(newProps.color); this.setState({ hue: hsv[0], saturation: hsv[1], brightness: hsv[2] }); } } getHsv (color) { const isTransparent = color === null; const isMixed = color === MIXED; return isTransparent || isMixed ? [50, 100, 100] : colorStringToHsv(color); } handleHueChange (hue) { this.setState({hue: hue}); this.handleColorChange(); } handleSaturationChange (saturation) { this.setState({saturation: saturation}); this.handleColorChange(); } handleBrightnessChange (brightness) { this.setState({brightness: brightness}); this.handleColorChange(); } handleColorChange () { this.props.onChangeColor(hsvToHex( this.state.hue, this.state.saturation, this.state.brightness )); } handleTransparent () { this.props.onChangeColor(null); } handleActivateEyeDropper () { this.props.onActivateEyeDropper( paper.tool, // get the currently active tool from paper this.props.onChangeColor ); } render () { return ( ); } } ColorPicker.propTypes = { color: PropTypes.string, isEyeDropping: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onActivateEyeDropper: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onChangeColor: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; const mapStateToProps = state => ({ isEyeDropping: }); const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ clearSelectedItems: () => { dispatch(clearSelectedItems()); }, onActivateEyeDropper: (currentTool, callback) => { dispatch(activateEyeDropper(currentTool, callback)); } }); export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps )(ColorPicker);