import paper from '@scratch/paper'; const checkPointsClose = function (startPos, eventPoint, threshold) { const xOff = Math.abs(startPos.x - eventPoint.x); const yOff = Math.abs(startPos.y - eventPoint.y); if (xOff < threshold && yOff < threshold) { return true; } return false; }; const getRandomInt = function (min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; }; const getRandomBoolean = function () { return getRandomInt(0, 2) === 1; }; // Thanks Mikko Mononen! const snapDeltaToAngle = function (delta, snapAngle) { let angle = Math.atan2(delta.y, delta.x); angle = Math.round(angle / snapAngle) * snapAngle; const dirx = Math.cos(angle); const diry = Math.sin(angle); const d = (dirx * delta.x) + (diry * delta.y); return new paper.Point(dirx * d, diry * d); }; const _getDepth = function (item) { let temp = item; let depth = 0; while (!(temp instanceof paper.Layer)) { depth++; if (temp.parent === null) { // This item isn't attached to a layer, so it's not on the canvas and can't be compared. return null; } temp = temp.parent; } return depth; }; const sortItemsByZIndex = function (a, b) { if (a === null || b === null) { return null; } // Get to the same depth in the project tree let tempA = a; let tempB = b; let aDepth = _getDepth(a); let bDepth = _getDepth(b); while (bDepth > aDepth) { tempB = tempB.parent; bDepth--; } while (aDepth > bDepth) { tempA = tempA.parent; aDepth--; } // Step up until they share parents. When they share parents, compare indices. while (tempA && tempB) { if (tempB === tempA) { return 0; } else if (tempB.parent === tempA.parent) { if (tempB.parent instanceof paper.CompoundPath) { // Neither is on top of the other in a compound path. Return in order of decreasing size. return Math.abs(tempB.area) - Math.abs(tempA.area); } return parseFloat(tempA.index) - parseFloat(tempB.index); } tempB = tempB.parent; tempA = tempA.parent; } // No shared hierarchy return null; }; // Expand the size of the path by approx one pixel all around const expandByOne = function (path) { const center = path.position; let pathArea = path.area; for (const seg of path.segments) { const halfNorm = seg.point.subtract(center) .normalize() .divide(2); seg.point = seg.point.add(halfNorm); // If that made the path area smaller, go the other way. if (path.area < pathArea) seg.point = seg.point.subtract(halfNorm.multiply(2)); pathArea = path.area; } }; export { checkPointsClose, expandByOne, getRandomInt, getRandomBoolean, snapDeltaToAngle, sortItemsByZIndex };