import paper from '@scratch/paper'; import {getItems} from './selection'; /** * @param {paper.Point} point1 point 1 * @param {paper.Point} point2 point 2 * @param {number} tolerance Distance allowed between points that are "touching" * @return {boolean} true if points are within the tolerance distance. */ const touching = function (point1, point2, tolerance) { return point1.getDistance(point2, true) < Math.pow(tolerance / paper.view.zoom, 2); }; /** * @param {!paper.Point} point Point to check line endpoint hits against * @param {!number} tolerance Distance within which it counts as a hit * @param {?paper.Path} excludePath Path to exclude from hit test, if any. For instance, you * are drawing a line and don't want it to snap to its own start point. * @return {object} data about the end point of an unclosed path, if any such point is within the * tolerance distance of the given point, or null if none exists. */ const endPointHit = function (point, tolerance, excludePath) { const lines = getItems({ class: paper.Path }); // Prefer more recent lines for (let i = lines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (lines[i].closed) { continue; } if (!(lines[i].parent instanceof paper.Layer)) { // Don't connect to lines inside of groups continue; } if (excludePath && lines[i] === excludePath) { continue; } if (lines[i].firstSegment && touching(lines[i].firstSegment.point, point, tolerance)) { return { path: lines[i], segment: lines[i].firstSegment, isFirst: true }; } if (lines[i].lastSegment && touching(lines[i].lastSegment.point, point, tolerance)) { return { path: lines[i], segment: lines[i].lastSegment, isFirst: false }; } } return null; }; export { endPointHit, touching };