import paper from '@scratch/paper'; import {getGuideLayer} from './layer'; import {getAllRootItems} from './selection'; const GUIDE_BLUE = '#009dec'; const GUIDE_GREY = '#aaaaaa'; const setDefaultGuideStyle = function (item) { item.strokeWidth = 1 / paper.view.zoom; item.opacity = 1; item.blendMode = 'normal'; = true; }; const hoverItem = function (hitResult) { const segments = hitResult.item.segments; const clone = new paper.Path(segments); setDefaultGuideStyle(clone); if (hitResult.item.closed) { clone.closed = true; } clone.parent = getGuideLayer(); clone.position = hitResult.item.position; clone.strokeColor = GUIDE_BLUE; clone.fillColor = null; = true; = hitResult; clone.bringToFront(); return clone; }; const hoverBounds = function (item) { const rect = new paper.Path.Rectangle(item.internalBounds); rect.matrix = item.matrix; setDefaultGuideStyle(rect); rect.parent = getGuideLayer(); rect.strokeColor = GUIDE_BLUE; rect.fillColor = null; = true; rect.bringToFront(); return rect; }; const rectSelect = function (event, color) { const half = new paper.Point(0.5 / paper.view.zoom, 0.5 / paper.view.zoom); const start = event.downPoint.add(half); const end = event.point.add(half); const rect = new paper.Path.Rectangle(start, end); const zoom = 1.0 / paper.view.zoom; setDefaultGuideStyle(rect); if (!color) color = GUIDE_GREY; rect.parent = getGuideLayer(); rect.strokeColor = color; = true; = true; rect.dashArray = [3.0 * zoom, 3.0 * zoom]; return rect; }; const getGuideColor = function () { return GUIDE_BLUE; }; const _removePaperItemsByDataTags = function (tags) { const allItems = getAllRootItems(true); for (const item of allItems) { for (const tag of tags) { if ( &&[tag]) { item.remove(); } } } }; const _removePaperItemsByTags = function (tags) { const allItems = getAllRootItems(true); for (const item of allItems) { for (const tag of tags) { if (item[tag]) { item.remove(); } } } }; const removeBoundsPath = function () { _removePaperItemsByDataTags(['isSelectionBound', 'isRotHandle', 'isScaleHandle']); }; const removeBoundsHandles = function () { _removePaperItemsByDataTags(['isRotHandle', 'isScaleHandle']); }; const removeAllGuides = function () { _removePaperItemsByTags(['guide']); }; const removeHitPoint = function () { _removePaperItemsByDataTags(['isHitPoint']); }; const drawHitPoint = function (point) { removeHitPoint(); if (point) { const hitPoint = paper.Path.Circle(point, 4 /* radius */); hitPoint.strokeColor = GUIDE_BLUE; hitPoint.fillColor = new paper.Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5); hitPoint.parent = getGuideLayer(); = true; = true; } }; export { hoverItem, hoverBounds, rectSelect, removeAllGuides, removeBoundsHandles, removeBoundsPath, drawHitPoint, removeHitPoint, getGuideColor, setDefaultGuideStyle };