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synced 2025-03-25 12:20:28 -04:00
Merge branch 'develop' into greenkeeper/react-style-proptype-3.2.1
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 194 additions and 63 deletions
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@scratch/paper": "~0.11.6",
"autoprefixer": "7.2.5",
"autoprefixer": "8.1.0",
"babel-cli": "6.26.0",
"babel-core": "^6.23.1",
"babel-eslint": "^8.2.1",
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.9.0",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^7.2.1",
"gh-pages": "github:rschamp/gh-pages#publish-branch-to-subfolder",
"html-webpack-plugin": "2.30.1",
"html-webpack-plugin": "3.0.6",
"jest": "^22.2.2",
"keymirror": "0.1.1",
"lodash.bindall": "4.4.0",
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"react-intl-redux": "0.7.0",
"react-popover": "0.5.4",
"react-redux": "5.0.7",
"react-responsive": "4.0.3",
"react-responsive": "4.0.5",
"react-style-proptype": "3.2.1",
"react-test-renderer": "^16.0.0",
"react-tooltip": "3.4.0",
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class Blobbiness {
// Segment brush has performance issues at low threshold, but broad brush has weird corners
// which get more obvious the bigger it is
static get THRESHOLD () {
return 9;
return 30 / paper.view.zoom;
@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ class Blobbiness {
this.tool.onMouseDrag = function (event) {
if (event.event.button > 0 || !this.active) return; // only first mouse button
if (blob.brush === Blobbiness.BROAD) {
blob.broadBrushHelper.onBroadMouseDrag(event, blob.tool, blob.options);
@ -125,7 +124,6 @@ class Blobbiness {
this.tool.onMouseUp = function (event) {
if (event.event.button > 0 || !this.active) return; // only first mouse button
let lastPath;
@ -143,11 +141,9 @@ class Blobbiness {
blob.cursorPreview.visible = false;
blob.cursorPreview = null;
blob.cursorPreview.visible = true;
blob.cursorPreview.position = event.point;
// Reset
blob.brush = null;
@ -432,8 +428,10 @@ class Blobbiness {
deactivateTool () {
if (this.cursorPreview) {
this.cursorPreview = null;
this.tool = null;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
// Broadbrush based on http://paperjs.org/tutorials/interaction/working-with-mouse-vectors/
import paper from '@scratch/paper';
import {styleBlob} from '../../helper/style-path';
import log from '../../log/log';
* Broad brush functions to add as listeners on the mouse. Call them when the corresponding mouse event happens
@ -14,89 +15,197 @@ import {styleBlob} from '../../helper/style-path';
class BroadBrushHelper {
constructor () {
// Direction vector of the last mouse move
this.lastVec = null;
// End point of the last mouse move
this.lastPoint = null;
this.secondLastPoint = null;
// The path of the brush stroke we are building
this.finalPath = null;
// Number of points of finalPath that have already been processed
this.smoothed = 0;
// Number of steps to wait before performing another amortized smooth
this.smoothingThreshold = 20;
// Mouse moves since mouse down
this.steps = 0;
// End caps round out corners and are not merged into the path until the end.
this.endCaps = [];
onBroadMouseDown (event, tool, options) {
tool.minDistance = options.brushSize / 2;
this.steps = 0;
this.smoothed = 0;
tool.minDistance = Math.min(5, Math.max(2 / paper.view.zoom, options.brushSize / 2));
tool.maxDistance = options.brushSize;
if (event.event.button > 0) return; // only first mouse button
this.finalPath = new paper.Path();
styleBlob(this.finalPath, options);
this.lastPoint = this.secondLastPoint = event.point;
onBroadMouseDrag (event, tool, options) {
const step = (event.delta).normalize(options.brushSize / 2);
// Move the first point out away from the drag so that the end of the path is rounded
if (this.finalPath.segments && this.finalPath.segments.length === 1) {
const removedPoint = this.finalPath.removeSegment(0).point;
// Add handles to round the end caps
const handleVec = step.clone();
handleVec.length = options.brushSize / 2;
handleVec.angle += 90;
this.finalPath.add(new paper.Segment(removedPoint.subtract(step), -handleVec, handleVec));
step.angle += 90;
const top = event.middlePoint.add(step);
const bottom = event.middlePoint.subtract(step);
if (this.finalPath.segments.length > 3) {
this.finalPath.removeSegment(this.finalPath.segments.length - 1);
this.finalPath.insert(0, bottom);
this.finalPath.insert(0, event.point.subtract(step));
if (this.finalPath.segments.length === 5) {
// Flatten is necessary to prevent smooth from getting rid of the effect
// of the handles on the first point.
this.finalPath.flatten(Math.min(5, options.brushSize / 5));
this.lastPoint = event.point;
this.secondLastPoint = event.lastPoint;
onBroadMouseUp (event, tool, options) {
// If the mouse up is at the same point as the mouse drag event then we need
// the second to last point to get the right direction vector for the end cap
if (event.point.equals(this.lastPoint)) {
this.lastPoint = this.secondLastPoint;
// If the points are still equal, then there was no drag, so just draw a circle.
if (event.point.equals(this.lastPoint)) {
this.finalPath = new paper.Path.Circle({
center: event.point,
radius: options.brushSize / 2
styleBlob(this.finalPath, options);
} else {
const step = (event.point.subtract(this.lastPoint)).normalize(options.brushSize / 2);
this.lastPoint = event.point;
onBroadMouseDrag (event, tool, options) {
const step = (event.delta).normalize(options.brushSize / 2);
// Add an end cap if the mouse has changed direction very quickly
if (this.lastVec) {
const angle = this.lastVec.getDirectedAngle(step);
if (Math.abs(angle) > 126) {
// This will cause us to skip simplifying this sharp angle. Running simplify on
// sharp angles causes the stroke to blob outwards.
// If the angle is large, the broad brush tends to leave behind a flat edge.
// This code makes a shape to fill in that flat edge with a rounded cap.
const circ = new paper.Path.Circle(this.lastPoint, options.brushSize / 2);
circ.fillColor = options.fillColor;
const rect = new paper.Path.Rectangle(
this.lastPoint.subtract(new paper.Point(-options.brushSize / 2, 0)),
this.lastPoint.subtract(new paper.Point(options.brushSize / 2, this.lastVec.length))
rect.fillColor = options.fillColor;
rect.rotate(this.lastVec.angle - 90, this.lastPoint);
const rect2 = new paper.Path.Rectangle(
event.point.subtract(new paper.Point(-options.brushSize / 2, 0)),
event.point.subtract(new paper.Point(options.brushSize / 2, event.delta.length))
rect2.fillColor = options.fillColor;
rect2.rotate(step.angle - 90, event.point);
this.endCaps.push(this.union(circ, this.union(rect, rect2)));
this.lastVec = event.delta;
step.angle += 90;
// Move the first point out away from the drag so that the end of the path is rounded
if (this.steps === 1) {
// Replace circle with path
this.finalPath = new paper.Path();
const handleVec = event.delta.normalize(options.brushSize / 2);
this.finalPath.add(new paper.Segment(
styleBlob(this.finalPath, options);
this.finalPath.insert(0, new paper.Segment(this.lastPoint.subtract(step)));
this.finalPath.add(new paper.Segment(this.lastPoint.add(step)));
const top = event.middlePoint.add(step);
const bottom = event.middlePoint.subtract(step);
this.finalPath.insert(0, bottom);
this.finalPath.insert(0, event.point.subtract(step));
if (this.finalPath.segments.length > this.smoothed + (this.smoothingThreshold * 2)) {
this.lastPoint = event.point;
* Simplify the path so that it looks almost the same while trying to have a reasonable number of handles.
* Without this, there would be 2 handles for every mouse move, which would make the path produced basically
* uneditable. This version of simplify keeps track of how much of the path has already been simplified to
* avoid repeating work.
* @param {number} threshold The simplify algorithm must try to stay within this distance of the actual line.
* The algorithm will be faster and able to remove more points the higher this number is.
* Note that 1 is about the lowest this algorithm can do (the result is about the same when 1 is
* passed in as when 0 is passed in)
simplify (threshold) {
// Length of the current path
const length = this.finalPath.segments.length;
// Number of new points added to front and end of path since last simplify
const newPoints = Math.floor((length - this.smoothed) / 2) + 1;
// Where to cut. Don't go past the rounded start of the line (so there's always a tempPathMid)
const firstCutoff = Math.min(newPoints + 1, Math.floor((length / 2)));
const lastCutoff = Math.max(length - 1 - newPoints, Math.floor(length / 2) + 1);
if (firstCutoff <= 1 || lastCutoff >= length - 1) {
// Entire path is simplified already
// Cut the path into 3 segments: the 2 ends where the new points are, and the middle, which will be
// staying the same
const tempPath1 = new paper.Path(this.finalPath.segments.slice(1, firstCutoff));
const tempPathMid = new paper.Path(this.finalPath.segments.slice(firstCutoff, lastCutoff));
const tempPath2 = new paper.Path(this.finalPath.segments.slice(lastCutoff, length - 1));
// Run simplify on the new ends. We need to graft the old handles back onto the newly
// simplified paths, since simplify removes the in handle from the start of the path, and
// the out handle from the end of the path it's simplifying.
const oldPath1End = tempPath1.segments[tempPath1.segments.length - 1];
const oldPath2End = tempPath2.segments[0];
const newPath1End = tempPath1.segments[tempPath1.segments.length - 1];
const newPath2End = tempPath2.segments[0];
newPath1End.handleOut = oldPath1End.handleOut;
newPath2End.handleIn = oldPath2End.handleIn;
// Delete the old contents of finalPath and replace it with the newly simplified segments, concatenated
this.finalPath.removeSegments(1, this.finalPath.segments.length - 1);
this.finalPath.insertSegments(1, tempPath1.segments.concat(tempPathMid.segments).concat(tempPath2.segments));
// Remove temp paths
// Update how many points have been smoothed so far so that we don't redo work when
// simplify is called next time.
this.smoothed = Math.max(2, this.finalPath.segments.length);
* Like paper.Path.unite, but it removes the original 2 paths
* @param {paper.Path} path1 to merge
* @param {paper.Path} path2 to merge
* @return {paper.Path} merged path. Original paths 1 and 2 will be removed from the view.
union (path1, path2) {
const temp = path1.unite(path2);
return temp;
onBroadMouseUp (event, tool, options) {
// If there was only a single click, draw a circle.
if (this.steps === 0) {
this.endCaps.length = 0;
return this.finalPath;
// If the mouse up is at the same point as the mouse drag event then we need
// the second to last point to get the right direction vector for the end cap
if (!event.point.equals(this.lastPoint)) {
const step = event.delta.normalize(options.brushSize / 2);
step.angle += 90;
const handleVec = step.clone();
handleVec.length = options.brushSize / 2;
const top = event.point.add(step);
const bottom = event.point.subtract(step);
this.finalPath.insert(0, bottom);
// Simplify before adding end cap so cap doesn't get warped
// Add end cap
step.angle -= 90;
this.finalPath.add(new paper.Segment(event.point.add(step), handleVec, -handleVec));
this.finalPath.closed = true;
const handleVec = event.delta.normalize(options.brushSize / 2);
this.finalPath.add(new paper.Segment(
// Resolve self-crossings
const newPath =
@ -104,9 +213,34 @@ class BroadBrushHelper {
.reorient(true /* nonZero */, true /* clockwise */)
.reduce({simplify: true});
if (newPath !== this.finalPath) {
newPath.fillColor = this.finalPath.fillColor;
this.finalPath = newPath;
// Try to merge end caps
for (const cap of this.endCaps) {
const temp = this.union(this.finalPath, cap);
if (temp.area >= this.finalPath.area &&
!(temp instanceof paper.CompoundPath && !(this.finalPath instanceof paper.CompoundPath))) {
this.finalPath = temp;
} else {
// If the union of the two shapes is smaller than the original shape,
// or it caused the path to become a compound path,
// then there must have been a glitch with paperjs's unite function.
// In this case, skip merging that segment. It's not great, but it's
// better than losing the whole path for instance. (Unfortunately, this
// happens reasonably often to scribbles, and this code doesn't catch
// all of the failures.)
log.warn('Skipping a merge.');
this.endCaps.length = 0;
return this.finalPath;
@ -20,11 +20,10 @@ class SegmentBrushHelper {
this.finalPath = null;
this.firstCircle = null;
onSegmentMouseDown (event, tool, options) {
if (event.event.button > 0) return; // only first mouse button
tool.minDistance = 1;
tool.minDistance = 2 / paper.view.zoom;
tool.maxDistance = options.brushSize;
this.firstCircle = new paper.Path.Circle({
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