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"general.accountSettings": "Roghainnean a chunntais",
"general.about": "Mu dhèidhinn",
"general.aboutScratch": "Mu Scratch",
"general.apiError": "Oich, thachair mearachd ann an Scratch.",
"general.back": "Air ais",
"general.birthMonth": "Mìos breith",
"general.birthYear": "Bliadhna breith",
"general.donate": "Thoir tìodhlac dhuinn",
"general.close": "Dùin",
"general.collaborators": "Co-obraichean",
"": "Coimhearsnachd",
"general.confirmEmail": "Dearbhaich am post-d",
"general.contactUs": "Cuir fios thugainn",
"general.getHelp": "Get Help",
"": "Fios thugainn",
"general.done": "Dèanta",
"general.downloadPDF": "Luchdaich a-nuas PDF",
"general.emailUs": "Cuir post-d thugainn",
"general.conferences": "Co-labhairtean",
"": "Dùthaich",
"general.create": "Cruthaich",
"general.credits": "Urram",
"general.dmca": "DMCA",
"general.emailAddress": "Seòladh puist-d",
"general.english": "Beurla",
"general.error": "Oich! Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr",
"general.errorIdentifier": "Chaidh a mhearachd agad a chlàradh le ID {errorId}",
"general.explore": "Rùraich",
"general.faq": "CÀBHA",
"general.female": "Boireann",
"general.forParents": "Do phàrantan",
"general.forEducators": "Don luchd-fhoghlaim",
"general.forDevelopers": "Don luchd-leasachaidh",
"general.getStarted": "Dean toiseach-tòiseachaidh",
"general.gender": "Gnè",
"general.guidelines": "Riaghailtean giùlain",
"general.invalidSelection": "Taghadh mì-dhligheach",
"": "Obair",
"general.joinScratch": "Ballrachd",
"": "Nòtaichean laghail",
"general.loadMore": "Luchdaich barrachd dhiubh",
"general.learnMore": "Barrachd fiosrachaidh",
"general.male": "Fireann",
"general.messages": "Teachdaireachdan",
"general.month": "Mìos",
"general.monthJanuary": "Am Faoilleach",
"general.monthFebruary": "An Gearran",
"general.monthMarch": "Am Màrt",
"general.monthApril": "An Giblean",
"general.monthMay": "An Cèitean",
"general.monthJune": "An t-Ògmhios",
"general.monthJuly": "An t-Iuchar",
"general.monthAugust": "An Lùnastal",
"general.monthSeptember": "An t-Sultain",
"general.monthOctober": "An Dàmhair",
"general.monthNovember": "An t-Samhain",
"general.monthDecember": "An Dùbhlachd",
"general.myClass": "An clas agam",
"general.myClasses": "Na clasaichean agam",
"general.myStuff": "An stuth agam",
"": "Air adhart",
"general.noDeletionTitle": "Cha tèid an cunntas agad a sguabadh às",
"general.noDeletionDescription": "Chaidh iarraidh gun tèid an cunntas agad a sguabadh às ach chlàraich thu a-steach. Chaidh an cunntas agad a ghnìomhachadh a-rithist. Mura b e thu fhèin a dhiarr gun rachadh sguabadh às dhan chunntas agad, bu chòir dhut {resetLink} a dhèanamh cinnteach gum bi an cunntas agad tèarainte.",
"general.noDeletionLink": "am facal-faire agad atharrachadh",
"general.nonBinary": "Neo-bhìnearaidh",
"general.notRequired": "Chan eil seo riatanach",
"general.okay": "Ceart ma-thà",
"general.other": "Eile",
"": "Luchdaich a-nuas",
"general.password": "Facal-faire ",
"": "Pàipearan-naidheachd",
"general.privacyPolicy": "Poileasaidh prìobhaideachd",
"general.projects": "Pròiseactan",
"general.profile": "Pròifil",
"general.required": "Riatanach",
"general.resourcesTitle": "Goireasan an luchd-foghlaim",
"general.scratchConference": "Co-labhairt Scratch",
"general.scratchEd": "ScratchEd",
"general.scratchFoundation": "Fonndas Scratch",
"general.scratchJr": "ScratchJr",
"general.scratchStore": "Bùth Scratch",
"": "Lorg",
"general.searchEmpty": "Cha deach càil a log",
"general.signIn": "Clàraich a-steach",
"general.startOver": "Tòisich às ùr",
"general.statistics": "Stadastaireachd",
"general.studios": "Stiùideothan",
"": "Taic",
"general.ideas": "Beachdan",
"general.tipsWindow": "Uinneag nan oidheaman",
"general.termsOfUse": "Teirmichean a chleachdaidh",
"general.tryAgain": "Feuch ris arithist",
"general.unhandledError": "Tha sinn duilich ach tha coltas gun do thuislich Scratch. Fhuair sgioba Scratch fios mu dhèidhinn gu fèin-obrachail.",
"general.username": "Ainm-cleachdaiche",
"general.validationEmail": "Cuir a-steach seòladh puist-d dligheach",
"general.validationEmailMatch": "Oich, chan eil an dà sheòladh puist-d co-ionnann",
"general.viewAll": "Seall na h-uile",
"": "Làrach-lìn",
"general.whatsHappening": "Dè tha dol?",
"": "Uicidh Scratch",
"general.copyLink": "Dèan lethbhreac dhen cheangal",
"": "Dèan gearan",
"general.notAvailableHeadline": "Oich! Chan eil fhios aig an fhrithealaiche dè fon ghrèin a tha seo",
"general.notAvailableSubtitle": "Cha b urrainn dhuinn an duilleag a tha thu a sireadh a lorg. Dearbhaich gun do sgrìobh thu an URL mar bu chòir.",
"general.seeAllComments": "Seall a h-uile beachd",
"general.all": "Na h-uile",
"general.animations": "Beòthachaidhean",
"": "Ealan",
"": "Geamannan",
"": "Ceòl",
"general.results": "Toraidhean",
"general.stories": "Sgeòil",
"general.tutorials": "Oideachadh",
"general.teacherAccounts": "Cunntasan tidseir",
"general.unsupportedBrowser": "Cha chuir sinn taic ris a bhrabhsair seo",
"general.unsupportedBrowserDescription": "Tha sinn duilich ach cha chuir Scratch 3.0 taic ri Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera no Silk. Mholamaid gun cleachd thu brabhsair nas ùire, can Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox no Microsoft Edge.",
"general.3faq": "Tadhail air {faqLink} airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.",
"general.year": "Bliadhna",
"footer.discuss": "Bòrd-brath",
"footer.scratchFamily": "Teaghlach Scratch",
"footer.donorRecognition": "Tha Scratch ri fhaighinn an-asgaidh taing dhan taic fhialaidh o na {donorLink} againn. Tha sinn taingeil dha na com-pàirtichean stèidheachaidh againn:",
"footer.donors": "tabhartaichean",
"footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2} agus {donor3}.",
"form.validationRequired": "Tha an raon seo riatanach",
"login.needHelp": "Feumach air taic?",
"navigation.signOut": "Clàraich a-mach",
"extensionHeader.requirements": "Riatanasan",
"extensionInstallation.addExtension": "San deasaiche, briog air a phutan “Cuir leudachan ris” taobh clì aig a bhonn.",
"oschooser.choose": "Tagh an siostam-obrachaidh agad:",
"installScratch.or": "no",
"installScratch.directDownload": "Luchdadh a-nuas dìreach",
"installScratch.appHeaderTitle": "Stàlaich aplacaid Scratch airson {operatingsystem}",
"installScratch.getScratchAppPlay": "Faigh aplacaid Scratch air Google Play Store",
"installScratch.getScratchAppMacOs": "Faigh aplacaid Scratch air Mac App Store",
"installScratch.getScratchAppWindows": "Faigh aplacaid Scratch air Microsoft Store",
"installScratch.useScratchApp": "Fosgail aplacaid Scratch air an uidheam agad.",
"installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Stàlaich Scratch Link",
"installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Luchdaich a-nuas is stàlaich Scratch Link.",
"installScratchLink.startScratchLink": "Tòisich Scratch Link agus dèan cinnteach gu bheil e a ruith. Bu chòir dha nochdadh air bàr nan saothair agad.",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "Ged a chaidh Scratch a dhealbhachadh gu h-àraidh airson òganaich eadar 8 is 16 a dhaois, cleachdaidh daoine air a bheil diofar aoisean e, a gabhail a-steach clann as òige le am pàrantan.",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Dè an aois iomchaidh airson Scratch?",
"parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Dè na goireasan a tha ri làimh gus Scratch ionnsachadh?",
"parents.introDescription": "S e bathar-bog agus coimhearsnachd air loidhne a th ann an Scratch far an urrainn dhan chlann na sgeòil, geamannan agus beòthachaidhean eadar-ghnìomhach agad fhèin a phrògramachadh is a cho-roinneadh le càch air feadh an t-saoghail. Fad s a chruthaicheas a chlann rudeigin le Scratch, ionnsaichidh iad mar a smaoinicheas iad gu cruthachail is gu rianail agus mar a dhobraicheas iad còmhla. Tha Scratch ga dhealbhachadh agus ga ghlèidheadh leis a bhuidheann Lifelong Kindergarten aig MIT Media Lab. ",
"registration.birthDateStepInfo": "Cuidichidh seo ach an tuigeadh sinn rainse nan aoisean a tha aig na daoine a chleachdas Scratch. Cleachdaidh sinn seo airson sealbh a chunntais a dhearbhadh nuair a chuireas tu fios dhan sgioba againn. Chan fhoillsich sinn am fiosrachadh seo air a chunntas agad.",
"registration.birthDateStepTitle": "Càite an rugadh tu?",
"registration.cantCreateAccount": "Cha deach le Scratch an cunntas agad a chruthachadh.",
"registration.checkOutResources": "Dèan toiseach-tòiseachaidh leis na goireasan",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescription": "Rùraich na stuthan-teagaisg airson luchd-foghlaim is an luchd-taice a chaidh a sgrìobhadh leis an sgioba Scratch, nam measg <a href='/educators#resources'>oidheaman, oideachaidhean agus treòirean</a>.",
"registration.choosePasswordStepDescription": "Taidhp a-steach facal-faire ùr airson an cunntas agad. Bidh thu a cleachdadh facal-faire seo an ath turas a chuireas tu logadh a-steach Scratch.",
"registration.choosePasswordStepTitle": "Cruthaich facal-faire",
"registration.choosePasswordStepTooltip": "Na cleachd d ainm no càil sam bith eile a tha furasta tomhas dha chàch.",
"registration.classroomApiGeneralError": "Tha sinn duilich ach cha do lorg sinn am fiosrachadh clàraidh airson a chlas seo",
"registration.countryStepTitle": "Dè an dùthaich sa bheil thu a fuireach?",
"registration.generalError": "Tha sinn duilich ach thachair mearachd air nach robh dùil.",
"registration.classroomInviteExistingStudentStepDescription": "fhuair thu cuireadh dhan chlas seo:",
"registration.classroomInviteNewStudentStepDescription": "Thug an tidsear agad cuireadh dhut gus pàirt a ghabhail sa chlas:",
"registration.confirmPasswordInstruction": "Sgrìobh am facal-faire a-rithist",
"registration.confirmYourEmail": "Dearbhaich am post-dealain agad",
"registration.confirmYourEmailDescription": "Mura rinn thu seo mar-thà, briog air a cheangal sa phost-d dearbhaidh a chaidh a chur gu:",
"registration.createAccount": "Cruthaich an cunntas agad",
"registration.createUsername": "Cruthaich ainm-cleachdaiche",
"registration.errorBadUsername": "Chan eil an t-ainm-cleachdaiche a thagh thu ceadaichte. Feuch ris a-rithist le ainm-cleachdaiche eile.",
"registration.errorCaptcha": "Bha duilgheadas leis an deuchainn CAPTCHA.",
"registration.errorPasswordTooShort": "Tha am facal-faire agad ro ghoirid. Feumaidh e a bhith 6 caractaran a dhfhaid air a char as lugha.",
"registration.errorUsernameExists": "Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche a thagh thu ann mu thràth. Feuch ris a-rithist le ainm-cleachdaiche eile.",
"registration.genderStepTitle": "Dè do ghnè?",
"registration.genderStepDescription": "Cuiridh Scratch fàilte air a h-uile duine ge b e dè an gnè.",
"registration.genderStepInfo": "Cuidichidh seo ach an tuigeadh sinn cò chleachdas Scratch ach am bi e tarraingeach do bharrachd dhaoine. Chan fhoillsich sinn am fiosrachadh seo air a chunntas agad.",
"registration.genderOptionAnother": "Gnè eile:",
"registration.genderOptionPreferNotToSay": "B fheàrr leam gun a bhith ga innse",
"registration.emailStepTitle": "Dè an seòladh puist-d agad?",
"registration.emailStepInfo": "Cuidichidh seo ma dhìochuimhnicheas tu am facal-faire agad no ma tha thu airson naidheachdan fhaighinn air a post-d. Chan fhoillsich sinn am fiosrachadh seo air a chunntas agad.",
"registration.goToClass": "Rach dhan chlas",
"registration.invitedBy": "air cuireadh fhaighinn o",
"registration.lastStepTitle": "Mòran taing airson cunntas tidseir Scratch iarraidh",
"registration.lastStepDescription": "Tha sinn a dèiligeadh ri d iarrtas.",
"registration.makeProject": "Cruthaich pròiseact",
"registration.mustBeNewStudent": "Feumaidh tu a bhith nad oileanach ùr gus an clàradh agad a choileanadh",
"registration.nameStepTooltip": "Thèid am fiosrachadh seo a chleachdadh a chum dearbhaidh agus gus stadastaireachd a chleachdaidh a threudachadh.",
"registration.newPassword": "Facal-faire ùr",
"registration.nextStep": "An t-ath-cheum",
"registration.notYou": "Nach e tusa a th ann? Clàraich a-steach mar chleachdaiche eile",
"registration.optIn": "Cuir naidheachdan thugam air cleachdadh Scratch ann am foghlam",
"registration.passwordAdviceShort": "Sgrìobh sìos e ach nach dìochuimhnich thu e. Na co-roinn le duine sam bith eile e!",
"registration.personalStepTitle": "Fiosrachadh pearsanta",
"registration.personalStepDescription": "Cha tèid na freagairtean agadsa a shealltainn gu poblach agus cumaidh sinn dìomhair is tèarainte iad",
"registration.private": "Cumaidh sinn am fiosrachadh seo prìobhaideach.",
"registration.problemsAre": "Seo na duilgheadasan:",
"registration.receiveEmails": "Bu toigh leam puist-d fhaighinn o sgioba Scratch mu bheachdan phròiseactan, tachartasan agus a bharrachd.",
"registration.selectCountry": "Tagh dùthaich",
"registration.startOverInstruction": "Briog air “Tòisich às ùr.”",
"registration.studentPersonalStepDescription": "Cha nochd am fiosrachadh seo air làrach-lìn Scratch.",
"registration.showPassword": "Seall am facal-faire",
"registration.troubleReload": "Tha duilgheas aig Scratch le coileanadh a chlàraidh. Feuch an ath-luchdaich thu an duilleag no feuch ris a-rithist ann am brabhsair eile.",
"registration.tryAgainInstruction": "Briog air “Feuch ris arithist”.",
"registration.usernameStepDescription": "Lìon na foirmean a leanas gus cunntas iarraidh. Dhfhaoidte gun toir pròiseas an aontachaidh latha.",
"registration.usernameStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Cruthaich pròiseactan, co-roinn beachdan, faigh caraidean ùra. Tha e an-asgaidh!",
"registration.usernameStepRealName": "Na cleachd pàirt sam bith dhen dearbh-ainm agad san ainm-chleachdaiche agad.",
"registration.usernameAdviceShort": "Na cleachd do dhearbh-ainm",
"registration.studentUsernameStepDescription": "S urrainn dhut geamannan, beòthachaidhean agus sgeulachdan a chruthachadh le Scratch. Gheibh thu cunntas an-asgaidh s gun duilgheadas. Lìon am foirm gu h-ìosal gus tòiseachadh.",
"registration.studentUsernameStepHelpText": "A bheil cunntas Scratch agad mar-thà?",
"registration.studentUsernameStepTooltip": "Feumaidh tu cunntas Scratch ùr a chruthachadh mus urrainn dhut pàirt a ghabhail sa chlas seo.",
"registration.studentUsernameSuggestion": "Try your favorite food, hobby, or animal along with some numbers",
"registration.acceptTermsOfUse": "Nuair a chruthaicheas tu cunntas, aidichidh tu gun do leugh thu {privacyPolicyLink} agus aontaichidh tu ri {touLink}.",
"registration.usernameStepTitle": "Iarr cunntas tidseir",
"registration.usernameStepTitleScratcher": "Cruthaich cunntas Scratch",
"registration.validationMaxLength": "Tha sinn duilich ach chleachd thu barrachd charactaran na tha ceadaichte.",
"registration.validationPasswordConfirmNotEquals": "Chan eil an dà fhacal-faire co-ionnann",
"registration.validationPasswordLength": "Feumaidh e bhith 6 caractaran a dhfhaid air a char as lugha",
"registration.validationPasswordNotEquals": "Tha am facal-faire seo ro fhurasta tomhas. Am feuch thu rudeigin eile?",
"registration.validationPasswordNotUsername": "Chan fhaod am facal-faire a bhith co-ionnann ri d ainm-cleachdaiche",
"registration.validationUsernameRegexp": "Chan fhaod ach litrichean gun stràcan, àireamhan, - agus _ a bhith am broinn ainm-cleachdaiche",
"registration.validationUsernameMinLength": "Feumaidh e bhith 3 caractaran a dhfhaid air a char as lugha",
"registration.validationUsernameMaxLength": "Chan fhaod e bhith nas fhaide na 20 caractar",
"registration.validationUsernameExists": "Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche aig cuideigin eile. Am feuch thu fear eile?",
"registration.validationUsernameNotAllowed": "Chan eil an t-ainm-cleachdaiche ceadaichte",
"registration.validationUsernameVulgar": "Saoilidh sinn gu bheil coltas neo-iomchaidh air seo",
"registration.validationUsernameInvalid": "Ainm-cleachdaiche mì-dhligheach",
"registration.validationUsernameSpaces": "Chan fhaod geal-spàs a bhith am broinn ainm-cleachdaiche",
"registration.validationEmailInvalid": "Chan eil coltas ceart air a post-d. Am feuch thu fear eile?",
"registration.waitForApproval": "Fuirich airson an aontachaidh",
"registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "S urrainn dhut logadh a-steach dhan chunntas Scratch agad a-nis, ach chan eil na gleusan sònraichte dhan luchd-teagaisg ri fhaighinn fhathast. Tha am fiosrachadh agad ga ath-sgrùdadh. Bi foighidneach on a bheir pròiseas an aontachaidh suas ri latha. Gheibh thu post-d a dhinnseas dhut gun deach an cunntas agad àrdachadh nuair a bhios sinn air aontachadh ris a cunntas agad.",
"registration.welcomeStepDescription": "Tha thu air cunntas Scratch a chruthachadh! Tha thu nad bhall sa chlas seo a-nis:",
"registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Tha thu air do chlàradh a-steach a-nis! S urrainn dhut tòiseachadh air rùrachadh agus pròiseactan a chruthachadh.S urrainn dhut tòiseachadh air rùrachadh agus pròiseactan a chruthachadh.",
"registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "A bheil thu airson co-roinneadh is beachdan a chur ris? Briog air a cheangal sa phost-d a chuir sinn gu {email}.",
"registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Briog air a phutan gu h-ìosal airson tòiseachadh.",
"registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Hò-rò! Fàilte gu Scratch!",
"registration.welcomeStepTitleNonEducator": "Fàilte gu Scratch, {username}!",
"": "le",
"report.error": "Tha rudeigin ceàrr le cur do theachdaireachd. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist?",
"report.project": "Dèan gearan mun phròiseact",
"report.projectInstructions": "When you send a report, it lets the Scratch Team know about projects that break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}. Does something in this project break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}? If you think it does, please tell us more.",
"report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Riaghailtean giùlain sa choimhearsnachd Scratch",
"report.reasonPlaceHolder": "Tagh adhbhar",
"report.reasonCopy": "Chan eil e ach na lethbhreac de phròiseact eile",
"report.reasonUncredited": "Tha e a cleachdadh dealbh/ceòl gun urram",
"report.reasonScary": "Ro ainneartach no eagalach",
"report.reasonJumpscare": "Jumpscare",
"report.reasonWeapons": "Uses realistic weapons",
"report.reasonEvent": "Violent event happens",
"report.reasonScaryImages": "Scary images",
"report.reasonThreatening": "Threatens or bullies another Scratcher",
"report.reasonLanguage": "Droch-chainnt",
"report.reasonMusic": "Ceòl neo-iomchaidh",
"report.reasonMissing": "Tagh adhbhar",
"report.reasonImage": "Dealbhan neo-iomchaidh",
"report.reasonPersonal": "A co-roinneadh fiosrachadh conaltraidh pearsanta",
"report.reasonDontLikeIt": "I don't like this project",
"report.reasonDoesntWork": "This project does not work",
"report.reasonCouldImprove": "This project could be improved on",
"report.reasonTooHard": "This project is too hard",
"report.reasonMisleading": "The project is misleading or tricks the community",
"report.reasonFaceReveal": "It's a face reveal or is just trying to show someone's picture",
"report.reasonNoRemixingAllowed": "The project doesn't allow remixing",
"report.reasonCreatorsSafety": "I'm worried about the safety of the creator of this project",
"report.reasonSomethingElse": "Something else",
"report.reasonDisrespectful": "Mean or Disrespectful to a Scratcher or Group",
"report.receivedHeader": "Fhuair sinn an gearan agad!",
"report.receivedBody": "Nì an sgioba Scratch sgrùdadh air a phròiseact a-rèir nan riaghailtean giùlain sa choimhearsnachd Scratch.",
"report.promptPlaceholder": "Tagh adhbhar gu h-àrd.",
"report.promptCopy": "Solair ceangal dhan phròiseact tùsail",
"report.promptUncredited": "Solair ceanglaichean dhan t-susbaint gun urram",
"report.promptScary": "Please select the main reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptJumpscare1": "A \"jumpscare\" is when something unexpected flashes on the screen with the intent to scare someone.",
"report.promptJumpscare2": "Please let us know more about the \"jumpscare,\" such as what happens, and when does it happen in the project. Also, providing the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop, associated with the jumpscare is helpful.",
"report.promptWeapons1": "Please let us know where the image, drawing, or sound of realistic weapons occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.",
"report.promptWeapons2": "Tip: Scratch projects should not contain realistic weapons, such as photographs of guns, realistic drawings or sounds. However, cartoon or fictional items like laser beams are okay.",
"report.promptEvent1": "Please let us know more about the scary event or story in the project. Providing more details will help the Scratch Team better understand the issue and address it.",
"report.promptEvent2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. Its important projects do not contain mature themes such as harming someone.",
"report.promptScaryImages1": "Please let us know why you feel this image is too scary for Scratch, and where the image occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.",
"report.promptScaryImages2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. Its important projects do not contain blood, realistic violence, or anything that may feel scary or too mature for younger audiences.",
"report.promptThreatening": "Please let us know why you feel this project is threatening another Scratcher.",
"report.promptLanguage": "Innis dhuinn càite sa phròiseact a tha an droch-chainnt (Mar eisimpleir: Nòtaichean ⁊ urram, ainm sprìde, teacsa a phròiseict is msaa.)",
"report.promptMusic": "Thoir ainm an fhaidhle fhuaime dhuinn sa bheil an ceòl neo-iomchaidh",
"report.promptPersonal": "Innis dhuinn càite sa phròiseact a tha am fiosrachadh conaltraidh pearsanta ga cho-roinneadh (Mar eisimpleir: Nòtaichean ⁊ urram, ainm sprìde, teacsa a phròiseict is msaa.)",
"report.promptGuidelines": "Please select a reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} and the Scratch Team will review your report.",
"report.promptImage": "Thoir dhuinn ainm na sprìde no a chùlaibh sa bheil an dealbh neo-iomchaidh",
"report.promptDontLikeIt": "Scratch projects are made by people of all ages and levels of experience. If you don't like this project because you feel it can be improved upon, we encourage you to share constructive feedback directly with the creator.",
"report.promptTips": "Here are tips on sharing constructive feedback:",
"report.tipsSupportive": "Be supportive and encouraging.",
"report.tipsConstructive": "Leave a comment telling them what you like, but also what they could do to make the project better.",
"report.tipsSpecific": "Try to be specific with your feedback. For instance: The controls to move the character did not work.",
"report.promptDoesntWork": "A Scratch project, like any other application, may contain a few bugs. That is expected and completely okay!",
"report.promptDoesntWorkTips": "We encourage you to share any issues you discover directly with the creator of the project. It's also helpful to provide suggestions on how they may improve their project, if possible.",
"report.promptTooHard": "If you feel a project could be easier, we encourage you to share that feedback directly with the creator of the project. Or remix it yourself and make it as easy or hard as you like!",
"report.promptMisleading": "Tell us more about how it's tricking or misleading people",
"report.promptFaceReveal": "Scratch allows people to use pictures of their face in creative projects like games, stories, or animations. However, Scratch does not allow users to share projects which are just a picture of their face (known as a “face reveal”) or which focus entirely on their physical appearance. Please explain if you feel this project is a face reveal or focuses on the person's physical appearance.",
"report.promptNoRemixingAllowed": "Please let us know where the project says it is not okay to remix — such as in the Notes & Credits, project title, etc.",
"report.promptCreatorsSafety": "It's important that everyone on Scratch remains safe online and in real life. Please let us know why you are worried about the safety of this user.",
"report.promptSomethingElse": "We encourage you to double check if your report fits any of the other available categories. If you strongly feel it does not, please explain why this project breaks the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptDisrespectful1": "Please let us know why you feel this project is disrespectful to another Scratcher or group. Where does the disrespectful content occur in the project (project text, images, sounds, etc.)?",
"report.promptDisrespectful2": "Remember: Scratch welcomes people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Its important everyone feels welcomed and safe when sharing on Scratch.",
"report.tooLongError": "Tha seo ro fhada! Feuch am mìnich thu air dòigh nas giorra e.",
"report.tooShortError": "Tha seo ro ghoirid. Feuch an innis thu dhuinn gu mionaideach dè nach eil iomchaidh no a tha dìmeasail mun phròiseact.",
"report.send": "Cuir a-null",
"report.sending": "Ga chur…",
"report.textMissing": "Innis dhuinn carson a tha thu a dèanamh gearain mun phròiseact seo",
"comments.delete": "Sguab às",
"comments.restore": "Aisig",
"comments.reportModal.title": "Dèan gearan mun bheachd",
"comments.reportModal.reported": "Chaidh gearan a dhèanamh mun bheachd agus fios a leigeil gu sgioba Scratch.",
"comments.reportModal.prompt": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson gearan a dhèanamh mun bheachd seo?",
"comments.deleteModal.title": "Sguab às am beachd",
"comments.deleteModal.body": "A bheil thu airson am beachd seo a sguabadh às? Ma tha e mosach no mì-mhodhail, briog air “Dèan gearan” na àite ach am faigh sgioba Scratch fios mu dhèidhinn.",
"comments.reply": "freagair",
"comments.isEmpty": "Chan urrainn dhut beachd falamh a phostadh",
"comments.isFlood": "Air do shocair, tha coltas gu bheil thu a toirt a-steach beachdan glè luath. Am fan thu greis eadar na postaichean agad?",
"comments.isBad": "An-dà… tha mothaichear nan droch-fhaclan den bheachd gu bheil duilgheadas leis a bheachd agad. Feuch an atharraich thu e is gum bi thu modhail.",
"comments.hasChatSite": "Iochd! Tha ceangal sa bheachd seo gu làrach-lìn aig a bheil cabadaich gun mhaoirsinneachd. Ach am bi sinn sàbhailte, na dèan ceangal ri làraichean den leithid!",
"comments.isSpam": "An-dà, tha coltas gun do phostaich thu an t-aon bheachd iomadh turas. Na dèan spamadh.",
"comments.isMuted": "Hmm, Tha am bot criathraidh reusanta cinnteach nach robh na beachdan san ùine bheag a dhfhalbh iomchaidh airson Scratch, mar sin chaidh do chunntas a mhùchadh gu deireadh an latha an-diugh. :/",
"comments.isUnconstructive": "An-dà, tha bot criathraidh den bheachd gu bheil do bheachd mosach no mì-mhodhail, s dòcha. Thoir an aire gu bheil a mhòrchuid a phròiseactan air Scratch gan dèanamh le daoine a tha dìreach air tòiseachadh a dhionnsachadh mar a nì thu prògramachadh.",
"comments.isDisallowed": "An-dà, tha coltas gun deach na beachdan a chur dheth air an duilleag seo :/",
"comments.isIPMuted": "Tha sinn duilich ach bha aig sgioba Scratch ri bacadh a chur air an lìonra agad ach nach co-roinn e pròiseactan no beachdan tuilleadh on a chaidh a chleachdadh airson na riaghailtean na coimhearsnachd againn a bhriseadh ro thric. S urrainn dhut beachdan is pròiseactan a cho-roinneadh o lìonraidhean eile fhathast. Nam bu mhiann leat am bacadh seo ath-thagradh cuir fios gu le iomradh air àireamh na cùise, seo {appealId}.",
"comments.isTooLong": "Tha do bheachd ro fhada! Feuch am mìnich thu air dòigh nas giorra e.",
"comments.isNotPermitted": "Sorry, you need to confirm your email address before commenting.",
"comments.error": "Oich! Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le postadh do bheachd",
"comments.posting": "Ga phostadh…",
"": "Postaich",
"comments.cancel": "Sguir dheth",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {Tha 1 charactar air fhàgail} two {Tha {remainingCharacters} charactar air fhàgail} few {Tha {remainingCharacters} caractaran air fhàgail} other {Tha {remainingCharacters} caractar air fhàgail}}",
"comments.loadMoreReplies": "Seall barrachd freagairtean",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Chaidh a sguabadh às le sealbhadair a phròiseict",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Chaidh a cheansarachd le criathrag",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Chaidh am beachd-pàraint a sguabadh às",
"comments.status.censbyadmin": "Chaidh a cheansarachd le rianaire",
"comments.status.delbyadmin": "Chaidh a sguabadh às le rianaire",
"comments.status.parentcommentcensored": "Chaidh am beachd-pàraint a cheansarachd",
"comments.status.delbyclass": "Chaidh a sguabadh às leis a chlas",
"comments.status.hiddenduetourl": "Chaidh fhalach ri linn an URL",
"comments.status.markedbyfilter": "Chuir criathrag comharra ris",
"comments.status.censbyunconstructive": "Chaidh a cheansarachd o nach eil e taiceil",
"comments.status.suspended": "Chaidh a chur à rèim",
"comments.status.acctdel": "Chaidh an cunntas a sguabadh às",
"comments.status.deleted": "Chaidh a sguabadh às",
"comments.status.reported": "Chaidh gearan a dhèanamh",
"social.embedLabel": "Leabaich",
"social.copyEmbedLinkText": "Dèan lethbhreac dhen leabachadh",
"social.linkLabel": "Ceangail",
"social.copyLinkLinkText": "Dèan lethbhreac dhen cheangal",
"social.embedCopiedResultText": "Chaidh lethbhreac dheth a dhèanamh",
"helpWidget.banner": "Welcome to Support",
"helpWidget.submit": "Cuir a-null",
"helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "Ma tha thu air Chromebook no tablaid Android, dèan cinnteach gu bheil na seirbheisean ionaid an comas",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Gabhaidh Bluetooth a chleachdadh airson fiosrachadh mu d ionaid a thoirt dhan aplacaid. A bharrachd air ceadan a thoirt dhan aplacaid Scratch airson d ionad inntrigeadh, feumaidh tu an t-ionad a chur an comas ann an roghainnean coitcheann an uidheim agad. Lorg airson “Ionad” no “Loation” sna roghainnean agad agus dèan cinnteach gu bheil e air. Ma tha thu air Chromebook, lorg “Location” an an roghainnean Google Play Store Android."