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synced 2025-01-10 14:42:28 -05:00
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"credits.title": "Scratch Credits & Contributors",
"credits.developers": "Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT Media Lab:",
"credits.moderators": "Zespół moderatorów Scratcha zarządza internetową społecznością Scratcha, wspiera ją i ulepsza.",
"credits.previousTitle": "Byli członkowie zespołu Scratch przy MIT.",
"credits.previousBody": "Bardzo duży wkład został wniesiony przez poprzednich członków zespołu Scratch, w tym Johna Maloneya (który prowadził rozwój oprogramowania w pierwszej dekadzie Scratch) i Andrésa Monroya-Hernándeza (który kierował opracowaniem pierwszej strony społeczności Scratch). Inni współpracownicy to:",
"credits.partnersTitle": "Projektanci i Deweloperzy:",
"credits.researchersIntro": "Research on Scratch is being conducted by members of the MIT Scratch Team and researchers at other universities, including:",
"credits.partnersBody": "Paula Bontá and Brian Silverman, Playful Invention Company (who started contributing to the design of Scratch even before it was called Scratch).",
"credits.researchersTitle": "Scratch Researchers",
"credits.researchersBody": "{scratchResearchLink} is being conducted by members of the MIT Scratch Team and researchers at other universities, including:",
"credits.researchLinkText": "Research on Scratch",
"credits.researchersContributors": "Yasmin Kafai (who collaborated on the {nsfLink}) at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, Karen Brennan (who leads the {scratchEdLink}) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Benjamin Mako Hill at the University of Washington, Andrés Monroy Hernández at Microsoft Research, Mimi Ito and Crystle Martin at the University of California, Irvine, Quinn Burke at College of Charleston, Deborah Fields at Utah State University, and Kylie Peppler at Indiana University.",
"credits.researchNSFLinkText": "initial NSF Scratch grant",
"credits.researchScratchEdLinkText": "Projekt ScratchEd",
"credits.acknowledgementsTitle": "Acknowledgements",
"credits.acknowledgementsContributors": "Następujące osoby również przyczyniły się do rozwoju i wspierania Scratcha na przestrzeni lat:",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslators": "With the help of {translatorsLink} around the world, Scratch is available in many languages.",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslatorsLinkText": "Tłumacze Scratcha",
"credits.acknowledgementsCommunity": "We greatly appreciate all of the contributions by members of the worldwide Scratch community, who have shaped the direction of Scratch by sharing their projects, comments, and ideas.",
"credits.acknowledgementsInfluencers": "W naszych pracach inspirowaliśmy się ideami Seymoura Paperta i Alana Kaya.",
"credits.supportersTitle": "Organizacje wspierające",
"credits.supportersFinancialHeader": "Organizacje, które najbardziej wsparły Scratcha finansowo:",
"credits.supportersServicesHeader": "Organizacje, które podarowały usługi, dzięki którym projekt Scratch może funkcjonować:",
"credits.supportersOpenHeader": "Scratch nie byłby możliwy bez wolnego i otwartego oprogramowania open source, w tym:",
"credits.currentSponsors": "Current Sponsors",
"credits.currentFinancialSupport": "The following organizations are providing major financial support for Scratch:",
"credits.translationsTitle": "Translations",
"credits.illustrationsTitle": "Illustrations",
"credits.acknowledgementsIllustrations": "Many thanks to the following artists for their contributions to the Scratch sprite library:",
"credits.soundsTitle": "Dźwięki",
"credits.pastContributors": "Past Contributors",
"credits.pastContributorsThanks": "Many important contributions have been made by previous Scratch Team members, including John Maloney (who led software development for the first decade of Scratch) and Andrés Monroy-Hernández (who led the development of the first Scratch community website).",
"credits.otherContributors": "Other contributors include:",
"credits.acknowledgementsSound": "Thanks to the following freesound.org artists:"
} |