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synced 2025-03-28 05:42:02 -04:00
66 lines
5.9 KiB
66 lines
5.9 KiB
"addToStudio.title": "Faka ku-Studio",
"addToStudio.finishing": "Sekuyaphela ...",
"addToStudio.inviteUser": "Mema umsebenzisi ukuba afake ku-studio",
"project.titleMaxLength": "Isihloko side kakhulu",
"project.musicExtensionChip": "uMculo",
"project.penExtensionChip": "Ipeni",
"project.text2SpeechChip": "Bhala kwinkulumo",
"project.translateChip": "Humusha",
"project.videoSensingChip": "Ividiyo yesithombemagama",
"project.needsConnection": "Idinga Ukuxhumana",
"project.comments.header": "Ukuphawula",
"project.comments.toggleOff": "Ukuphawula akukho",
"project.comments.toggleOn": "Ukuphawula kukhona",
"project.comments.turnedOff": "Uxolo, ukuphawula okufakiwe kususiwe kule phrojekthi.",
"project.share.notShared": "Le phrojekthi ayihlanganyelwa — ngakho uwena kuphela ongayibona. Chofoza ukuhlanganyela ukwenza wonke umuntu ayibone!",
"project.share.sharedLong": "Halala ngokwabelana ngephrojekthi yakho! Abanye abantu manje sebangayizama, baphawule ngayo, futhi bayixube.",
"project.share.sharedShort": "Iphrojekthi yakho manje isihlanganyelwa.",
"project.share.shareButton": "Yipha",
"project.seeInsideButton": "Bheka ngaphakathi",
"project.remix.justRemixed": "\"{title}\" sixutshwe ngempumelelo. Faka umlingisi, faka impahla, yenza ushintsho ukwenza abe owakho!",
"project.remixButton": "Ingxube",
"project.remixButton.altText": "Gcina ikhophi futhi ufake nemicabango yakho.",
"project.remixButton.remixing": "Xuba...",
"project.remixes": "Ukuxuba",
"project.viewAllInList": "Bheka konke",
"project.inviteToRemix": "Cela umsebenzisi axube",
"project.instructionsLabel": "Imiyalelo ",
"project.notesAndCreditsLabel": "Ukuphawula Nababongwayo",
"project.credit": "Sibonga ku-{userLink}ngephrojekthi yokuqala{projectLink}.",
"project.deletedBanner": "Phawula: Le phrojekthi iku-trash folder",
"project.defaultCensoredMessage": "Le phrojekthi yasuswa yiQembu le-Scratch ngoba yayingahloniphi, ingafanele ubudala babantu bonke, noma ngenye indlela yephula imihlahlandlela ye-Scratch community.",
"project.communityCensoredMessage": "Iphrojekthi yakho akwabelwana ngayo okwesikhashana ngoba abantu abaningi babike ukuthi ayifanele.",
"project.willReviewCensoredMessage": "Iqembu le-Scratch lizobheka iphrojekthi ngokusekelwe ku-{communityGuidelinesLink}, bese ibuyisela iphrojekthi noma iqinisekise ukususwa kwayo.",
"project.tempCensoredMessage": "Sicela ufunde i-{communityGuidelinesLink}bese uqiniseka ukuthi uyayilungisa iphrojekthi ukuze uqiniseke ukuthi inenhlonipho ngaphambi kokuphinde wabelane ngayo.",
"project.permCensoredMessage": "Ngeke kwabelwana ngayo nganoma yisiphi isikhathi esikhathini esizayo.",
"project.communityGuidelines": "Imihlahlandlela yomphakathi",
"project.moderationInfoLabel": "Ukwaziswa Okusezingeni",
"project.numScripts": "{number} imiqulu",
"project.numSprites": "{number} abalingisi",
"project.descriptionMaxLength": "Incazelo yinde kakhulu",
"project.notesPlaceholder": "Uyenze kanjani le phrojekthi? Ingabe usebenzise imibono, imiqulu noma imidwebo yabanye abantu? Babonge lapha.",
"project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tshela abantu indlela yokusebenzisa iphrojekthi yakho (njengokuthi yiziphi izinkinobho okumelwe bazicindezele).",
"project.cloudDataAlert": "Le phrojekthi isebenzisa i-cloud datha - etholakala kuphela kubasebenzisi be-Scratch abakhethiwe.",
"project.cloudVariables": "Ama-Cloud Variable",
"project.cloudDataLink": "Bheka Idatha",
"project.usernameBlockAlert": "Le phrojekthi ingabona ukuthi ubani oyisebenzisayo, nakuba \"igama lomsebenzisi\" lifihlekile. Ukuzifihla ukuthi ungubani, phuma ngaphambi kokusebenza iphrojekthi.",
"project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm... umqaphi wegama elibi ucabanga ukuthi kunenkinga ngombhalo wakho. Sicela ulishintshe futhi ukhumbule ukuhlonipha.",
"comment.type.disrespectful": "Scratch thinks your most recent comment was disrespectful.",
"comment.disrespectful.header": "Make sure to be friendly and respectful when using Scratch.",
"comment.disrespectful.content1": "The Scratch comment filter thinks your comment was disrespectful.",
"comment.disrespectful.content2": "Remember: There is a person behind every Scratch account and unfriendly comments can really hurt someone's feelings.",
"comment.type.pii": "The Scratch comment filter thought your most recent comment was sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.header": "Make sure not to share private information on Scratch.",
"comment.pii.content1": "The Scratch comment filter thinks that in your comment, you were sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.content2": "Things you share on Scratch can be seen by everyone, and can appear in search engines. Private information can be used by other people in harmful ways, so it’s important to keep it private.",
"comment.pii.content3": "This is a serious safety issue.",
"comment.type.unconstructive": "The Scratch comment filter thought your most recent comment was saying something bad about someone’s project.",
"comment.unconstructive.header": "Make sure to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects",
"comment.unconstructive.content1": "The Scratch comment filter thinks your comment was saying something bad or mean about someone’s project.",
"comment.unconstructive.content2": "If you think something could be better, you can say something you like about the project, and make a suggestion about how to improve it.",
"comment.type.vulgarity": "The Scratch comment filter thought your most recent comment contained a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.header": "Make sure to use language that’s appropriate for all ages",
"comment.vulgarity.content1": "The Scratch comment filter thinks your comment contains a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratch has users of all ages, so it’s important to use language that is appropriate for all Scratchers."
} |