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synced 2025-03-23 19:31:01 -04:00
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"general.status": "Filter Projects",
"general.languageChooser": "Select Language",
"general.accountSettings": "إعدادات الحساب",
"general.about": "عن سكراتش",
"general.aboutScratch": "عن سكراتش",
"general.apiError": "تعرضت سكراتش لخطأ.",
"general.back": "العودة إلى السابق",
"general.birthMonth": "شهر الميلاد",
"general.birthYear": "عام الميلاد",
"general.donate": "التبرع",
"general.cancel": "إلغاء الأمر",
"general.close": "إغلاق",
"general.collaborators": "المتعاونون",
"general.community": "المجتمع",
"general.confirmEmail": "تأكيد عنوان البريد الإلكتروني",
"general.contactUs": "الاتصال بنا",
"general.getHelp": "Get Help",
"general.contact": "التواصل",
"general.done": "Done",
"general.downloadPDF": "تنزيل ملف بي دي إف",
"general.emailUs": "راسلنا",
"general.conferences": "المؤتمرات",
"general.country": "البلد",
"general.create": "أنشئ",
"general.credits": "Our Team",
"general.donors": "Donors",
"general.dmca": "حقوق الملكية",
"general.emailAddress": "البريد الإلكتروني",
"general.english": "English",
"general.error": "للأسف، حدث خطأ ما.",
"general.errorIdentifier": "تم تسجيل الخطأ بالرقم {errorId}",
"general.explore": "استكشف",
"general.faq": "الأسئلة الشائعة",
"general.female": "أنثى",
"general.forParents": "للأهل",
"general.forEducators": "للمربين",
"general.forDevelopers": "للمطورين",
"general.getStarted": "ابدأ استخدام سكراتش",
"general.gender": "الجنس",
"general.guidelines": "المبادئ التوجيهية للمجتمع",
"general.invalidSelection": "اختيار غير صالح",
"general.jobs": "الوظائف",
"general.joinScratch": "انضم إلى سكراتش",
"general.legal": "الجوانب القانونية",
"general.loadMore": "عرض المزيد",
"general.learnMore": "اعرف المزيد",
"general.male": "ذكر",
"general.messages": "الرسائل",
"general.month": "الشهر",
"general.monthJanuary": "كانون الثاني / يناير",
"general.monthFebruary": "شباط / فبراير",
"general.monthMarch": "آذار / مارس",
"general.monthApril": "نيسان / أبريل",
"general.monthMay": "أيار / مايو",
"general.monthJune": "حزيران / يونيو",
"general.monthJuly": "تموز / يوليو",
"general.monthAugust": "آب / أغسطس",
"general.monthSeptember": "أيلول / سبتمبر",
"general.monthOctober": "تشرين الأول / أكتوبر",
"general.monthNovember": "تشرين الثاني / نوفمبر",
"general.monthDecember": "كانون الأول / ديسمبر",
"general.myClass": "صفي",
"general.myClasses": "صفوفي",
"general.myStuff": "أغراضي",
"general.next": "التالي",
"general.noDeletionTitle": "لن يُحذف حسابك",
"general.noDeletionDescription": "كان من المقرر حذف حسابك ولكنك سجلت دخولك. تمت إعادة تفعيل حسابك. إن لم تكن قد طلبت حذف حسابك فعليك {resetLink} للتأكد من أن حسابك آمن.",
"general.noDeletionLink": "غيِّر كلمة المرور خاصتك",
"general.nonBinary": "Non-binary",
"general.notRequired": "غير مطلوب",
"general.okay": "لا بأس",
"general.other": "غير ذلك",
"general.download": "تنزيل",
"general.password": "كلمة المرور",
"general.press": "الصحافة",
"general.projectsSelected": "Projects Tab Selected",
"general.projectsNotS": "المشاريع",
"general.privacyPolicy": "سياسة الخصوصية",
"general.projects": "المشاريع",
"general.profile": "الملف الشخصي",
"general.required": "مطلوب",
"general.resourcesTitle": "مصادر المربي",
"general.scratchConference": "مؤتمر سكراتش",
"general.scratchEd": "سكراتش للمربين (ScratchEd)",
"general.scratchFoundation": "مؤسسة سكراتش",
"general.scratchJr": "سكراتش للصغار (ScratchJr)",
"general.scratchStore": "متجر سكراتش",
"general.search": "البحث",
"general.searchEmpty": "لم يُعثَر على شيء",
"general.send": "أرسل",
"general.signIn": "تسجيل الدخول",
"general.startOver": "Start over",
"general.statistics": "إحصاءات",
"general.studios": "المعارض",
"general.studiosSelected": "Studios Tab Selected",
"general.studiosNotS": "المعارض",
"general.support": "المصادر",
"general.ideas": "أفكار",
"general.tipsWindow": "نافذة المساعدة",
"general.termsOfUse": "شروط الاستخدام",
"general.tryAgain": "حاول ثانيةً",
"general.unhandledError": "نأسف لما حدث، ولكن يبدو أن سكراتش قد تعطل. أُبلغ فريق سكراتش تلقائيًا بهذا الخلل.",
"general.username": "اسم المستخدم",
"general.validationEmail": "الرجاء إدخال عنوان بريد إلكتروني صالح",
"general.validationEmailMatch": "عنوانا البريد الإلكتروني غير متطابقين",
"general.viewAll": "عرض الكل",
"general.website": "الموقع",
"general.whatsHappening": "ما الذي يجري؟",
"general.wiki": "سكراتش ويكي",
"general.copyLink": "نسخ الرابط",
"general.report": "تبليغ",
"general.notAvailableHeadline": "لا يستطيع المخدم العثور على هذه الصفحة",
"general.notAvailableSubtitle": "لم نستطع إيجاد الصفحة التي تبحث عنها. تحقق من كونك قد كتبت الرابط بشكل صحيح.",
"general.seeAllComments": "شاهد كل التعليقات",
"general.all": "الكل",
"general.allSelected": "All Selected",
"general.animations": "الرسوم المتحركة",
"general.animationsSelected": "Animations Selected",
"general.art": "الفنون",
"general.artSelected": "Art Selected",
"general.games": "الألعاب",
"general.gamesSelected": "Games Selected",
"general.music": "الموسيقى",
"general.musicSelected": "Music Selected",
"general.results": "النتائج",
"general.resultsSelected": "Results Selected",
"general.stories": "القصص",
"general.storiesSelected": "Stories Selected",
"general.tutorials": "الدروس",
"general.tutorialsSelected": "Tutorials Selected",
"general.teacherAccounts": "حسابات المعلمين",
"general.unsupportedBrowser": "هذا المتصفح غير مدعوم",
"general.unsupportedBrowserDescription": "نحن في غاية الأسف، ولكن سكراتش 3,0 لا يدعم المتصفحات Internet Explorer أو Vivaldi أو Opera أو Silk. نوصي بتجربة متصفح أحدث مثل Google Chrome أو Mozilla Firefox أو Microsoft Edge.",
"general.3faq": "اذهب إلى {faqLink} لمعرفة المزيد.",
"general.year": "العام",
"footer.discuss": "المنتديات",
"footer.scratchFamily": "عائلة سكراتش",
"footer.donorRecognition": "Scratch is available for free thanks to support from our {donorLink}. We are grateful to our Founding Partners:",
"footer.donors": "donors",
"footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2}, {donor3}, and {donor4}.",
"form.validationRequired": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
"login.needHelp": "بحاجة للمساعدة؟",
"navigation.signOut": "تسجيل الخروج",
"extensionHeader.requirements": "المتطلبات",
"extensionInstallation.addExtension": "انقر زر \"إدراج إضافات\" في الزاوية السفلى اليسرى من نافذة المحرر.",
"oschooser.choose": "اختر نظام التشغيل الذي تستخدمه:",
"installScratch.or": "أو",
"installScratch.directDownload": "تنزيل مباشر",
"installScratch.appHeaderTitle": "Install the Scratch app for {operatingsystem}",
"installScratch.getScratchAppPlay": "Get the Scratch app on the Google Play Store",
"installScratch.getScratchAppMacOs": "Get the Scratch app on the Mac App Store",
"installScratch.getScratchAppWindows": "Get the Scratch app on the Microsoft Store",
"installScratch.useScratchApp": "Open the Scratch app on your device.",
"installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "تثبيت Scratch Link",
"installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "تنزيل وتثبيت Scratch Link",
"installScratchLink.startScratchLink": "شغِّل Scratch Link وتحقق من كونها تعمل. ينبغي أن تظهر في شريط الأدوات.",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "في حين أن سكراتش مصممةٌ في المقام الأول ليستخدمها النشء بين عمر 8 إلى 16 عامًا، إلا أن من الممكن استخدامها من قبل الناس من مختلف الأعمار، بما في ذلك الأطفال الأصغر سنًا برفقة والديهم.",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "ما هي الفئة العمرية المناسبة لسكراتش؟",
"parents.FaqResourcesQ": "ما المصادر المتاحة لتعلم سكراتش؟",
"parents.introDescription": "سكراتش لغة برمجة ومجتمع افتراضي حيث يمكن للأطفال برمجة ومشاركة الوسائط التفاعلية كالقصص والألعاب والرسوم المتحركة مع الناس من مختلف أنحاء العالم. عند استخدام الأطفال سكراتش في الإبداع فإنهم يتعلمون التفكير الإبداعي والعمل التعاوني والتفكير المنطقي. تصمم سكراتش وتقوم عليها مجموعة روضة أطفال مدى الحياة Lifelong Kindergarten في الميديالاب في جامعة إم آي تي (MIT Media Lab).",
"registration.birthDateStepInfo": "يساعدنا هذا على فهم المجال العمري لمستخدمي سكراتش. إننا نستخدم هذه المعلومة للتأكد من ملكيتك للحساب إن تواصلت مع فريقنا. لن تظهر هذه المعلومة للعامة عندما يطالعون ملفك الشخصي.",
"registration.birthDateStepTitle": "أين ولدت؟",
"registration.cantCreateAccount": "Scratch could not create your account.",
"registration.checkOutResources": "البدء باستخدام المصادر",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescription": "استكشف المواد المعدة للمربين والميسرين والتي ألفها فريق سكراتش، وتتضمن <a href='/educators#resources'>نصائح ودروسًا وأدلةً إرشادية</a>.",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescriptionHTML": "استكشف المواد المعدة للمربين والميسرين والتي ألفها فريق سكراتش، وتتضمن <a>نصائح ودروسًا وأدلةً إرشادية</a>.",
"registration.choosePasswordStepDescription": "أدخل كلمة مرور جديدة لحسابك. سوف تستخدم كلمة المرور هذه في المرة القادمة التي تسجل فيها الدخول إلى سكراتش.",
"registration.choosePasswordStepTitle": "أنشئ كلمة مرور",
"registration.choosePasswordStepTooltip": "لا تستخدم اسمك أو أي شيء يسهل على الآخرين تخمينه",
"registration.classroomApiGeneralError": "Sorry, we could not find the registration information for this class",
"registration.countryStepTitle": "في أي بلد تعيش؟",
"registration.generalError": "للأسف، حدث خلل غير متوقع.",
"registration.classroomInviteExistingStudentStepDescription": "لقد تمت دعوتك للانضمام إلى الصف:",
"registration.classroomInviteNewStudentStepDescription": "يدعوك معلمك للانضمام إلى الصف:",
"registration.confirmPasswordInstruction": "أدخل كلمة المرور ثانيةً",
"registration.confirmYourEmail": "قم بتأكيد عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني",
"registration.confirmYourEmailDescription": "إن لم تكن قد قمت بذلك بعد، انقر رجاءً الرابط الموجود في رسالة التأكيد التي أرسلت إلى:",
"registration.createAccount": "أنشئ حسابك",
"registration.createUsername": "أنشئ اسم مستخدم",
"registration.errorBadUsername": "The username you chose is not allowed. Try again with a different username.",
"registration.errorCaptcha": "There was a problem with the CAPTCHA test.",
"registration.errorPasswordTooShort": "Your password is too short. It needs to be at least 6 letters long.",
"registration.errorUsernameExists": "The username you chose already exists. Try again with a different username.",
"registration.genderStepTitle": "ما جنسك؟",
"registration.genderStepDescription": "Scratch welcomes people of all genders.",
"registration.genderStepInfo": "تساعدنا هذه المعلومة على فهم الشرائح التي تستخدم سكراتش بحيث يمكننا توسيع نطاق المشاركة. لن تعلن هذه المعلومة في ملفك الشخصي.",
"registration.genderOptionAnother": "-",
"registration.genderOptionPreferNotToSay": "أفضل عدم البوح",
"registration.emailStepTitle": "ما عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني؟",
"registration.emailStepInfo": "This will help if you forget your password. This information will not be made public on your account.",
"registration.goToClass": "اذهب إلى الصف",
"registration.invitedBy": "دعي من قبل",
"registration.lastStepTitle": "شكرًا لطلبك حساب سكراتش للمعلمين",
"registration.lastStepDescription": "نقوم حاليًا بمعالجة طلبك.",
"registration.makeProject": "Make a project",
"registration.mustBeNewStudent": "ينبغي أن تكون طالبًا جديدًا لتكمل تسجيلك",
"registration.nameStepTooltip": "This information is used for verification and to aggregate usage statistics.",
"registration.newPassword": "كلمة المرور الجديدة",
"registration.nextStep": "الخطوة التالية",
"registration.notYou": "Not you? Log in as another user",
"registration.optIn": "Send me updates on using Scratch in educational settings",
"registration.passwordAdviceShort": "Write it down so you remember. Don’t share it with others!",
"registration.personalStepTitle": "Personal Information",
"registration.personalStepDescription": "Your individual responses will not be displayed publicly, and will be kept confidential and secure",
"registration.private": "We will keep this information private.",
"registration.problemsAre": "The problems are:",
"registration.selectCountry": "Select country",
"registration.startOverInstruction": "Click \"Start over.\"",
"registration.studentPersonalStepDescription": "This information will not appear on the Scratch website.",
"registration.showPassword": "كلمة المرور الجديدة",
"registration.troubleReload": "Scratch is having trouble finishing registration. Try reloading the page or try again in another browser.",
"registration.tryAgainInstruction": "Click \"Try again\".",
"registration.usernameStepDescription": "Fill in the following forms to request an account. The approval process may take up to one day.",
"registration.usernameStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Create projects, share ideas, make friends. It’s free!",
"registration.usernameStepRealName": "Please do not use any portion of your real name in your username.",
"registration.usernameAdviceShort": "لا تستعمل اسمك الحقيقي",
"registration.studentUsernameStepDescription": "You can make games, animations, and stories using Scratch. Setting up an account is easy and it's free. Fill in the form below to get started.",
"registration.studentUsernameStepHelpText": "Already have a Scratch account?",
"registration.studentUsernameStepTooltip": "You'll need to create a new Scratch account to join this class.",
"registration.studentUsernameSuggestion": "Try your favorite food, hobby, or animal along with some numbers",
"registration.acceptTermsOfUse": "By creating an account, you acknowledge the {privacyPolicyLink} and you accept and agree to the {touLink}.",
"registration.usernameStepTitle": "Request a Teacher Account",
"registration.usernameStepTitleScratcher": "Create a Scratch Account",
"registration.validationMaxLength": "Sorry, you have exceeded the maximum character limit.",
"registration.validationPasswordConfirmNotEquals": "Passwords don’t match",
"registration.validationPasswordLength": "Must be 6 letters or longer",
"registration.validationPasswordNotEquals": "Password is too easy to guess. Try something else?",
"registration.validationPasswordNotUsername": "Password can’t match your username",
"registration.validationUsernameRegexp": "Usernames can only use letters, numbers, - and _",
"registration.validationUsernameMinLength": "Must be 3 letters or longer",
"registration.validationUsernameMaxLength": "Must be 20 letters or shorter",
"registration.validationUsernameExists": "Username taken. Try another?",
"registration.validationUsernameNotAllowed": "Username not allowed",
"registration.validationUsernameVulgar": "هممم.. هذا يبدو غير مناسب",
"registration.validationUsernameInvalid": "اسم المستخدم غير صالح",
"registration.validationUsernameSpaces": "Usernames can't have spaces",
"registration.validationEmailInvalid": "Email doesn’t look right. Try another?",
"registration.waitForApproval": "Wait for Approval",
"registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "You can log into your Scratch Account now, but the features specific to Teachers are not yet available. Your information is being reviewed. Please be patient, the approval process can take up to one day. You will receive an email indicating your account has been upgraded once your account has been approved.",
"registration.welcomeStepDescription": "You have successfully set up a Scratch account! You are now a member of the class:",
"registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "You’re now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.",
"registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.",
"registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "To get started, click on the button below.",
"registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Hurray! Welcome to Scratch!",
"registration.welcomeStepTitleNonEducator": "Welcome to Scratch, {username}!",
"emailConfirmationBanner.confirm": "{confirmLink} to enable sharing. {faqLink}",
"emailConfirmationBanner.confirmLinkText": "Confirm your email",
"emailConfirmationBanner.faqLinkText": "Having trouble?",
"emailConfirmationModal.confirm": "Confirm your email",
"emailConfirmationModal.wantToShare": "Want to share on Scratch?",
"emailConfirmationModal.clickEmailLink": "Confirm your email address by clicking the link in the email we sent to:",
"emailConfirmationModal.resendEmail": "Resend confirmation email",
"emailConfirmationModal.confirmingTips": "Tips for confirming your email address",
"emailConfirmationModal.tipWaitTenMinutes": "Wait for ten minutes. The email may take a while to arrive.",
"emailConfirmationModal.tipCheckSpam": "Check your spam folder.",
"emailConfirmationModal.correctEmail": "Make sure your email address is correct, see {accountSettings}.",
"emailConfirmationModal.accountSettings": "إعدادات الحساب",
"emailConfirmationModal.wantMoreInfo": "Want more information? {FAQLink}",
"emailConfirmationModal.checkOutFAQ": "Check out the FAQ",
"emailConfirmationModal.havingTrouble": "Having Trouble? {tipsLink}",
"emailConfirmationModal.checkOutTips": "Check out these tips",
"thumbnail.by": "بواسطة",
"report.error": "Something went wrong when trying to send your message. Please try again.",
"report.project": "Report Project",
"report.studio": "Report Studio",
"report.projectInstructions": "When you send a report, it lets the Scratch Team know about projects that break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}. Does something in this project break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}? If you think it does, please tell us more.",
"report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "إرشادات لمجتمع سكراتش",
"report.reasonPlaceHolder": "Select a reason",
"report.reasonCopy": "Exact Copy of Project",
"report.reasonUncredited": "Uses Image/Music Without Credit",
"report.reasonScary": "Too Violent or Scary",
"report.reasonJumpscare": "Jumpscare",
"report.reasonWeapons": "Uses realistic weapons",
"report.reasonEvent": "Violent event happens",
"report.reasonScaryImages": "Scary images",
"report.reasonThreatening": "Threatens or bullies another Scratcher",
"report.reasonLanguage": "Inappropriate Language",
"report.reasonMusic": "Inappropriate Music",
"report.reasonMissing": "Please select a reason",
"report.reasonImage": "Inappropriate Images",
"report.reasonPersonal": "Sharing Personal Contact Information",
"report.reasonDontLikeIt": "I don't like this project",
"report.reasonDoesntWork": "This project does not work",
"report.reasonCouldImprove": "This project could be improved on",
"report.reasonTooHard": "This project is too hard",
"report.reasonMisleading": "The project is misleading or tricks the community",
"report.reasonFaceReveal": "It's a face reveal or is just trying to show someone's picture",
"report.reasonNoRemixingAllowed": "The project doesn't allow remixing",
"report.reasonCreatorsSafety": "I'm worried about the safety of the creator of this project",
"report.reasonSomethingElse": "Something else",
"report.reasonDisrespectful": "Mean or Disrespectful to a Scratcher or Group",
"report.receivedHeader": "We have received your report!",
"report.receivedBody": "The Scratch Team will review the project based on the Scratch community guidelines.",
"report.promptPlaceholder": "Select a reason why above.",
"report.promptCopy": "Please provide a link to the original project",
"report.promptUncredited": "Please provide links to the uncredited content",
"report.promptScary": "Please select the main reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptJumpscare1": "A \"jumpscare\" is when something unexpected flashes on the screen with the intent to scare someone.",
"report.promptJumpscare2": "Please let us know more about the \"jumpscare,\" such as what happens, and when does it happen in the project. Also, providing the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop, associated with the jumpscare is helpful.",
"report.promptWeapons1": "Please let us know where the image, drawing, or sound of realistic weapons occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.",
"report.promptWeapons2": "Tip: Scratch projects should not contain realistic weapons, such as photographs of guns, realistic drawings or sounds. However, cartoon or fictional items like laser beams are okay.",
"report.promptEvent1": "Please let us know more about the scary event or story in the project. Providing more details will help the Scratch Team better understand the issue and address it.",
"report.promptEvent2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. It’s important projects do not contain mature themes such as harming someone.",
"report.promptScaryImages1": "Please let us know why you feel this image is too scary for Scratch, and where the image occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.",
"report.promptScaryImages2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. It’s important projects do not contain blood, realistic violence, or anything that may feel scary or too mature for younger audiences.",
"report.promptThreatening": "Please let us know why you feel this project is threatening another Scratcher.",
"report.promptLanguage": "Please say where the inappropriate language occurs in the project (For example: Notes & Credits, sprite name, project text, etc.)",
"report.promptMusic": "Please say the name of the audio file with the inappropriate music",
"report.promptPersonal": "Please say where the personal contact information is shared (For example: Notes & Credits, sprite name, project text, etc.)",
"report.promptGuidelines": "Please select a reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} and the Scratch Team will review your report.",
"report.promptImage": "Please say the name of the sprite or the backdrop with the inappropriate image",
"report.promptDontLikeIt": "Scratch projects are made by people of all ages and levels of experience. If you don't like this project because you feel it can be improved upon, we encourage you to share constructive feedback directly with the creator.",
"report.promptTips": "Here are tips on sharing constructive feedback:",
"report.tipsSupportive": "Be supportive and encouraging.",
"report.tipsConstructive": "Leave a comment telling them what you like, but also what they could do to make the project better.",
"report.tipsSpecific": "Try to be specific with your feedback. For instance: The controls to move the character did not work.",
"report.promptDoesntWork": "A Scratch project, like any other application, may contain a few bugs. That is expected and completely okay!",
"report.promptDoesntWorkTips": "We encourage you to share any issues you discover directly with the creator of the project. It's also helpful to provide suggestions on how they may improve their project, if possible.",
"report.promptTooHard": "If you feel a project could be easier, we encourage you to share that feedback directly with the creator of the project. Or remix it yourself and make it as easy or hard as you like!",
"report.promptMisleading": "Tell us more about how it's tricking or misleading people",
"report.promptFaceReveal": "Scratch allows people to use pictures of their face in creative projects like games, stories, or animations. However, Scratch does not allow users to share projects which are just a picture of their face (known as a “face reveal”) or which focus entirely on their physical appearance. Please explain if you feel this project is a face reveal or focuses on the person's physical appearance.",
"report.promptNoRemixingAllowed": "Please let us know where the project says it is not okay to remix — such as in the Notes & Credits, project title, etc.",
"report.promptCreatorsSafety": "It's important that everyone on Scratch remains safe online and in real life. Please let us know why you are worried about the safety of this user.",
"report.promptSomethingElse": "We encourage you to double check if your report fits any of the other available categories. If you strongly feel it does not, please explain why this project breaks the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptDisrespectful1": "Please let us know why you feel this project is disrespectful to another Scratcher or group. Where does the disrespectful content occur in the project (project text, images, sounds, etc.)?",
"report.promptDisrespectful2": "Remember: Scratch welcomes people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. It’s important everyone feels welcomed and safe when sharing on Scratch.",
"report.tooLongError": "That's too long! Please find a way to shorten your text.",
"report.tooShortError": "That's too short. Please describe in detail what's inappropriate or disrespectful about the project.",
"report.send": "أرسل",
"report.sending": "Sending...",
"report.textMissing": "Please tell us why you are reporting this project",
"comments.delete": "احذف",
"comments.restore": "استعادة ",
"comments.reportModal.title": "Report Comment",
"comments.reportModal.reported": "The comment has been reported, and the Scratch Team has been notified.",
"comments.reportModal.prompt": "Are you sure you want to report this comment?",
"comments.deleteModal.title": "Delete Comment",
"comments.deleteModal.body": "Delete this comment? If the comment is mean or disrespectful, please click Report instead to let the Scratch Team know about it.",
"comments.reply": "reply",
"comments.isEmpty": "You can't post an empty comment",
"comments.isFlood": "Woah, seems like you're commenting really quickly. Please wait longer between posts.",
"comments.isBad": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your comment. Please change it and remember to be respectful.",
"comments.hasChatSite": "Uh oh! The comment contains a link to a website with unmoderated chat. For safety reasons, please do not link to these sites!",
"comments.isSpam": "Hmm, seems like you've posted the same comment a bunch of times. Please don't spam.",
"comments.isDisallowed": "Hmm, it looks like comments have been turned off for this page. :/",
"comments.isIPMuted": "Sorry, the Scratch Team had to prevent your network from sharing comments or projects because it was used to break our community guidelines too many times. You can still share comments and projects from another network. If you'd like to appeal this block, you can contact appeals@scratch.mit.edu and reference Case Number {appealId}.",
"comments.isTooLong": "That comment is too long! Please find a way to shorten your text.",
"comments.isNotPermitted": "Sorry, you need to confirm your email address before commenting.",
"comments.error": "Oops! Something went wrong posting your comment",
"comments.posting": "Posting...",
"comments.post": "انشر",
"comments.cancel": "الغاء",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {1 character left} other {{remainingCharacters} characters left}}",
"comments.loadMoreReplies": "See more replies",
"comments.replyLimitReached": "This comment thread has reached its limit. To continue commenting, you can start a new thread.",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Deleted by project owner",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Censored by filter",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Parent comment deleted",
"comments.status.censbyadmin": "Censored by admin",
"comments.status.delbyadmin": "Deleted by admin",
"comments.status.parentcommentcensored": "Parent comment censored",
"comments.status.delbyclass": "Deleted by class",
"comments.status.hiddenduetourl": "Hidden due to URL",
"comments.status.markedbyfilter": "Marked by filter",
"comments.status.censbyunconstructive": "Censored unconstructive",
"comments.status.suspended": "Suspended",
"comments.status.acctdel": "Account deleted",
"comments.status.deleted": "Deleted",
"comments.status.reported": "Reported",
"comments.muted.duration": "You will be able to comment again {inDuration}.",
"comments.muted.commentingPaused": "Your account has been paused from commenting until then.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "If you would like more information, you can read the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "For more information, {clickHereLink}.",
"comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "click here",
"comments.muted.warningBlocked": "If you continue to post comments like this, it will cause you to be blocked from using Scratch",
"comments.muted.warningCareful": "We don't want that to happen, so please be careful and make sure you have read and understand the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} before you try to post again!",
"comments.muted.mistake": "Think this was a mistake? {feedbackLink}.",
"comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "Let us know",
"comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "Think this was a mistake?",
"comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "Sometimes the filter catches things it shouldn't. Reporting a mistake won't change the wait time before you can comment again, but your feedback will help us prevent mistakes from happening in the future.",
"comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "Thanks for letting us know!",
"comments.muted.thanksInfo": "Your feedback will help us make Scratch better.",
"comments.muted.characterLimit": "500 characters max",
"comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "Can't be empty",
"comment.type.general": "It appears that your most recent comment didn't follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.type.general.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments didn’t follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.general.header": "We encourage you to post comments that follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.general.content1": "On Scratch, it's important for comments to be kind, to be appropriate for all ages, and to not contain spam.",
"comment.type.pii": "Your most recent comment appeared to be sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.type.pii.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.header": "Please be sure not to share private information on Scratch.",
"comment.pii.content1": "It appears that you were sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.content2": "Things you share on Scratch can be seen by everyone, and can appear in search engines. Private information can be used by other people in harmful ways, so it’s important to keep it private.",
"comment.pii.content3": "This is a serious safety issue.",
"comment.type.unconstructive": "It appears that your most recent comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.type.unconstructive.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects.",
"comment.unconstructive.content1": "It appears that your comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.unconstructive.content2": "If you think something could be better, you can say something you like about the project, and make a suggestion about how to improve it.",
"comment.type.vulgarity": "Your most recent comment appeared to include a bad word.",
"comment.type.vulgarity.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.header": "We encourage you to use language that’s appropriate for all ages.",
"comment.vulgarity.content1": "It appears that your comment contains a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratch has users of all ages, so it’s important to use language that is appropriate for all Scratchers.",
"comment.type.spam": "Your most recent comment appeared to contain advertising, text art, or a chain message.",
"comment.type.spam.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained advertising, text art, or a chain message.",
"comment.spam.header": "We encourage you not to advertise, copy and paste text art, or ask others to copy comments.",
"comment.spam.content1": "Even though advertisements, text art, and chain mail can be fun, they start to fill up the website, and we want to make sure there is room for other comments.",
"comment.spam.content2": "Thank you for helping us keep Scratch a friendly, creative community!",
"social.embedLabel": "Embed",
"social.copyEmbedLinkText": "Copy embed",
"social.linkLabel": "Link",
"social.copyLinkLinkText": "Copy link",
"social.embedCopiedResultText": "Copied",
"helpWidget.banner": "Welcome to Support",
"helpWidget.submit": "أرسل",
"helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.",
"extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "حل المشاكل",
"extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link",
"extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use macOS, please use another supported browser, such as Chrome or Firefox.",
"extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link",
"extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.",
"extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.",
"extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows",
"extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS",
"extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch",
"extensions.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the {deviceName} at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"extensions.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your {deviceNameShort}",
"extensions.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a {deviceName} at a time. If you have another computer connected to your {deviceName}, disconnect the {deviceName} or close Scratch on that computer and try again.",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "Make sure you have location services enabled on Chromebooks or Android tablets",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences."
} |