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synced 2025-03-14 07:00:36 -04:00
Freshdesk doesn’t allow tags over 32 characters long, so filter them out and ignore them. Information from Freshdesk “Bad Request” was not very helpful for debugging what was wrong. Added new script to pull just one locale from transifex, and optionally save local files instead of sending to Freshdesk.
217 lines
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217 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env node
* @fileoverview
* Helper functions for syncing Freshdesk knowledge base articles with Transifex
const transifex = require('transifex');
const FreshdeskApi = require('./freshdesk-api.js');
const util = require('util');
const fs = require('fs');
const fsPromises = fs.promises;
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
const FD = new FreshdeskApi('https://mitscratch.freshdesk.com', process.env.FRESHDESK_TOKEN);
const TX_PROJECT = 'scratch-help';
const TX = new transifex({
project_slug: TX_PROJECT,
credential: 'api:' + process.env.TX_TOKEN
const freshdeskLocale = locale => {
// map between Transifex locale and Freshdesk. Two letter codes are usually fine
const localeMap = {
'es_419': 'es-LA',
'ja': 'ja-JP',
'ja-Hira': 'ja-JP',
'lv': 'lv-LV',
'nb': 'nb-NO',
'nn': 'nb-NO',
'pt': 'pt-PT',
'pt_BR': 'pt-BR',
'ru': 'ru-RU',
'sv': 'sv-SE',
'zh_CN': 'zh-CN',
'zh_TW': 'zh-TW'
return localeMap[locale] || locale;
// Promisify Transifex async/callbacks to make them easier to use`
const getResources = util.promisify(TX.resourcesSetMethod.bind(TX));
const getResourceInfo = util.promisify(TX.resourcesInstanceMethods.bind(TX));
const getTranslation = util.promisify(TX.translationInstanceMethod.bind(TX));
* Pull metadata from Transifex for the scratch-help project
* @return {Promise} results array containing:
* languages: array of supported languages
* folders: array of tx resources corrsponding to Freshdesk folders
* names: array of tx resources corresponding to the Freshdesk metadata
exports.getInputs = async () => {
const resources = await getResources(TX_PROJECT);
// there are three types of resources differentiated by the file type
const folders = resources.filter(resource => resource.i18n_type === 'STRUCTURED_JSON');
const names = resources.filter(resource => resource.i18n_type === 'KEYVALUEJSON');
// ignore the yaml type because it's not possible to update via API
// Lookup available languages by getting metadata for a resource, they all have the
// same set of languages, so it doesn't matter which one you get
const resourceInfo = await getResourceInfo(TX_PROJECT, resources[0].slug, true);
const languages = resourceInfo.available_languages.map(l => l.code);
return Promise.all([languages, folders, names]); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
* internal function to serialize saving category and folder name translations to avoid Freshdesk rate limit
* @param {[type]} json [description]
* @param {[type]} resource [description]
* @param {[type]} locale [description]
* @return {Promise} [description]
const serializeNameSave = async (json, resource, locale) => {
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(json)) {
// key is of the form <name>_<id>
const words = key.split('_');
const id = words[words.length - 1];
let status = 0;
if (resource.name === 'categoryNames_json') {
status = await FD.updateCategoryTranslation(id, freshdeskLocale(locale), {name: value});
if (resource.name === 'folderNames_json') {
status = await FD.updateFolderTranslation(id, freshdeskLocale(locale), {name: value});
if (status === -1) {
process.exitCode = 1;
* Internal function serialize Freshdesk requests to avoid getting rate limited
* @param {object} json object with keys corresponding to article ids
* @param {string} locale language code
* @return {Promise} [description]
const serializeFolderSave = async (json, locale) => {
// json is a map of articles:
// {
// <id>: {
// title: {string: <title-value>},
// description: {string: <description-value>},
// tags: {string: <comma separated strings} // optional
// },
// <id>: {
// title: {string: <title-value>},
// description: {string: <description-value>},
// tags: {string: <comma separated strings} // optional
// }
// }
for (let [id, value] of Object.entries(json)) {
let body = {
title: value.title.string,
description: value.description.string,
status: 2 // set status to published
if (value.hasOwnProperty('tags')) {
let tags = value.tags.string.split(',');
let validTags = tags.filter(tag => tag.length < 33);
if (validTags.length !== tags.length) {
process.stdout.write(`Warning: tags too long in ${id} for ${locale}\n`);
body.tags = validTags;
let status = await FD.updateArticleTranslation(id, freshdeskLocale(locale), body);
if (status === -1) {
process.exitCode = 1;
return 0;
* Process Transifex resource corresponding to a Knowledge base folder on Freshdesk
* @param {object} folder Transifex resource json corresponding to a KB folder
* @param {string} locale locale to pull and submit to Freshdesk
* @return {Promise} [description]
exports.localizeFolder = async (folder, locale) => {
getTranslation(TX_PROJECT, folder.slug, locale, {mode: 'default'})
.then(data => {
const json = JSON.parse(data);
serializeFolderSave(json, locale);
.catch((e) => {
process.stdout.write(`Error processing ${folder.slug}, ${locale}: ${e.message}\n`);
process.exitCode = 1; // not ok
* Save Transifex resource corresponding to a Knowledge base folder locally for debugging
* @param {object} folder Transifex resource json corresponding to a KB folder
* @param {string} locale locale to pull and save
* @return {Promise} [description]
exports.debugFolder = async (folder, locale) => {
getTranslation(TX_PROJECT, folder.slug, locale, {mode: 'default'})
.then(data => {
const json = JSON.parse(data);
JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)
.catch((e) => {
process.stdout.write(`Error processing ${folder.slug}, ${locale}: ${e.message}\n`);
process.exitCode = 1; // not ok
* Process KEYVALUEJSON resources from scratch-help on transifex
* Category and Folder names are stored as plain json
* @param {object} resource Transifex resource json for either CategoryNames or FolderNames
* @param {string} locale locale to pull and submit to Freshdesk
* @return {Promise} [description]
exports.localizeNames = async (resource, locale) => {
getTranslation(TX_PROJECT, resource.slug, locale, {mode: 'default'})
.then(data => {
const json = JSON.parse(data);
serializeNameSave(json, resource, locale);
.catch((e) => {
process.stdout.write(`Error saving ${resource.slug}, ${locale}: ${e.message}\n`);
process.exitCode = 1; // not ok
const BATCH_SIZE = 2;
* save resource items in batches to reduce rate limiting errors
* @param {object} item Transifex resource json, used for 'slug'
* @param {array} languages Array of languages to save
* @param {function} saveFn Async function to use to save the item
* @return {Promise}
exports.saveItem = async (item, languages, saveFn) => {
const saveLanguages = languages.filter(l => l !== 'en'); // exclude English from update
let batchedPromises = Promise.resolve(); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
for (let i = 0; i < saveLanguages.length; i += BATCH_SIZE) {
batchedPromises = batchedPromises
.then(() => Promise.all( // eslint-disable-line
saveLanguages.slice(i, i + BATCH_SIZE).map(l => saveFn(item, l))
.catch(err => {
process.stdout.write(`Error saving item:${err.message}\n${JSON.stringify(item, null, 2)}\n`);
process.exitCode = 1; // not ok