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synced 2025-03-28 05:42:02 -04:00
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"splash.featuredProjects": "Verkefni í sviðsljósinu",
"splash.featuredStudios": "Vinnustofur í sviðsljósinu",
"splash.projectsCuratedBy": "Verkefni sérvalin af {curatorId}",
"splash.scratchDesignStudioTitle": "Scratch hönnunarstofa",
"splash.visitTheStudio": "Heimsækja hönnunarstofu",
"splash.projectsByScratchersFollowing": "Verkefni frá notendum sem ég fylgi",
"splash.projectsLovedByScratchersFollowing": "Uppáhalds verkefni þeirra sem ég fylgi",
"splash.projectsInStudiosFollowing": "Verkefni frá stúdíóum sem ég fylgi",
"splash.communityRemixing": "Hvað er samfélagið að endurblanda",
"splash.communityLoving": "Hverju samfélaginu þykir vænst um",
"messages.becomeCuratorText": "{username} became a curator of {studio}",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} was promoted to manager of {studio}",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited {projectLink}",
"messages.followProfileText": "{profileLink} is now following {followeeLink}",
"messages.followStudioText": "{profileLink} is now following {studioLink}",
"messages.loveText": "{profileLink} loved {projectLink}",
"messages.remixText": "{profileLink} remixed {remixedProjectLink} as {projectLink}",
"messages.shareText": "{profileLink} shared the project {projectLink}",
"intro.aboutScratch": "Um Scratch",
"intro.forEducators": "Fyrir fræðendur",
"intro.forParents": "Fyrir foreldra",
"intro.join": "Join",
"intro.startCreating": "Start Creating",
"intro.tagLine1": "Búðu til sögur, leiki og hreyfimyndir",
"intro.tagLine2": "Deildu með öðrum, alls staðar í heiminum",
"intro.watchVideo": "Watch Video",
"news.scratchNews": "Scratch fréttir",
"donatebanner.askSupport": "Scratch is the world's largest free coding community for kids. Your support makes a difference.",
"donatebanner.scratchWeek": "May 19-20 is Scratch’s 15th Anniversary! {celebrationLink}. Donate to support creative coding worldwide.",
"donatebanner.learnMore": "Learn more",
"teacherbanner.greeting": "Hi",
"teacherbanner.subgreeting": "Teacher Account",
"teacherbanner.classesButton": "Mínir áfangar",
"teacherbanner.faqButton": "Teacher Account FAQ",
"hocbanner.title": "Get Creative with Coding!",
"hocbanner.titleTellStory": "Tell Your Story with Scratch!",
"hocbanner.moreActivities": "See more activities",
"hocbanner.imagine": "Imagine a World",
"hocbanner.codeACartoon": "Code a Cartoon",
"hocbanner.talking": "Talking Tales",
"hocbanner.makeItFly": "Láttu það fljúga",
"hocbanner.makeMusic": "Búa til tónlist",
"hocbanner.chaseGame": "Búðu til eltingarleik",
"hocbanner.createAStory": "Búðu til sögu",
"hocbanner.animateACharacter": "Animate a Character",
"welcome.welcomeToScratch": "Velkomin á Scratch!",
"welcome.learn": "Lærðu að búa til verkefni í Scratch",
"welcome.tryOut": "Prófa verkefni fyrir byrjendur",
"welcome.connect": "Tengjast öðrum notendum",
"activity.seeUpdates": "This is where you will see updates from Scratchers you follow",
"activity.checkOutScratchers": "Check out some Scratchers you might like to follow"
} |