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"teacherRegistration.requestTeacherAccountInstructions": "Fill in the following forms to request an account. You will need to confirm your email address before your account is approved. The approval process may take up to one day after you have confirmed your email address.",
"teacherRegistration.usernameStepRealName": "Please do not use any portion of your real name in your usernames. Usernames containing names are subject to immediate deletion.",
"teacherRegistration.nameStepTitle": "Nama Depan & Terakhir",
"teacherRegistration.nameStepTitleNew": "Nama Depan & Terakhir",
"teacherRegistration.nameStepDescription": "Nama anda tidak akan ditampilkan secara publik, dan akan disimpan secara rahasia dan aman.",
"teacherRegistration.firstName": "Nama Depan",
"teacherRegistration.lastName": "Nama Belakang",
"teacherRegistration.phoneNumber": "Mobile Number",
"teacherRegistration.phoneStepDescription": "Your mobile number will not be displayed publicly, and will be kept confidential and secure",
"teacherRegistration.phoneConsent": "Ya, Scratch Team boleh menelpon saya untuk verifikasi Akun Guru saya jika perlu",
"teacherRegistration.validationPhoneNumber": "Tolong masukkan sebuah nomor telepon yang valid",
"teacherRegistration.phoneSecurityNotice": "To secure your account, we will send you a one-time passcode to verify it’s really you. ",
"teacherRegistration.validationPhoneConsent": "Anda harus setuju pada verifikasi dari Akun Guru anda",
"teacherRegistration.privacyDescription": "Informasi anda tidak akan ditampilkan secara publik, dan akan disimpan secara rahasia dan aman.",
"teacherRegistration.organization": "Organisasi",
"teacherRegistration.orgTitle": "Peran Anda",
"teacherRegistration.orgType": "Jenis Organisasi",
"teacherRegistration.checkAll": "Centang semua yang bersangkutan",
"teacherRegistration.orgChoiceElementarySchool": "Sekolah Dasar",
"teacherRegistration.orgChoiceMiddleSchool": "Sekolah Menengah",
"teacherRegistration.orgChoiceHighSchool": "Sekolah Menengah Atas",
"teacherRegistration.orgChoiceUniversity": "Perguruan Tinggi / Universitas",
"teacherRegistration.orgChoiceAfterschool": "Program Setelah Sekolah (after school)",
"teacherRegistration.orgChoiceMuseum": "Museum",
"teacherRegistration.orgChoiceLibrary": "Perpustakaan",
"teacherRegistration.orgChoiceCamp": "Camp",
"teacherRegistration.notRequired": "Tidak Diperlukan",
"teacherRegistration.addressLine1": "Alamat Baris 1",
"teacherRegistration.addressLine2": "Alamat Baris 2 (Optional)",
"teacherRegistration.zipCode": "Kode Pos",
"teacherRegistration.stateProvince": "Negara Bagian / Provinsi",
"teacherRegistration.city": "Kota",
"teacherRegistration.addressStepTitle": "Alamat",
"teacherRegistration.useScratchStepTitle": "Bagaimana anda berencana untuk menggunakan Scratch",
"teacherRegistration.useScratchStepDescription": "Beritahukan kami sedikit tentang bagaimana anda berencana untuk menggunakan Scratch. Kenapa kami meminta informasi ini",
"teacherRegistration.useScratchMaxLength": "Deskripsi harus paling panjang 300 karakter",
"teacherRegistration.howUseScratch": "Bagaimana anda berencana untuk menggunakan Scratch di organisasi anda?",
"teacherRegistration.emailStepTitle": "Alamat Surel",
"teacherRegistration.emailStepDescription1": "We will send you an email from <a>no-reply@scratch.mit.edu</a> to verify your email address.",
"teacherRegistration.emailStepDescription2": "Once you confirm your email, we will proceed with reviewing your request for a Teacher Account.",
"teacherRegistration.reviewProcess": "The review process may take up to 24 hours.",
"teacherRegistration.confirmYourEmailDescription": "Please check your inbox for a confirmation email from <a>no-reply@scratch.mit.edu</a> to verify your email address before your account can be approved.",
"teacherRegistration.confirmYourEmailFirewall": "Many schools use email firewalls. To prevent delays in approving your account, please ask your school's IT department to whitelist <a>no-reply@scratch.mit.edu</a>. This will ensure that you can get automated emails from Scratch in the future, which you'll need for things like changing your or your students' passwords.",
"teacherRegistration.confirmationEmail": "Click the link in the confirmation email sent to: ",
"teacherRegistration.validationEmailMatch": "Surel tidak cocok",
"teacherRegistration.validationAge": "Maaf, guru harus berumur setidaknya 16 tahun"
} |