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"gui.connection.reconnect": {
"message": "Reconnect",
"description": "Button to reconnect the device"
"gui.backpack.header": {
"message": "Isikhwama",
"description": "Button to open the backpack"
"gui.backpack.errorBackpack": {
"message": "Kukhona okungalungile ekufakeni ibackpack",
"description": "Error backpack message"
"gui.backpack.loadingBackpack": {
"message": "Kusangena...",
"description": "Loading backpack message"
"gui.backpack.more": {
"message": "Okunye",
"description": "Load more from backpack"
"gui.backpack.emptyBackpack": {
"message": "iBackpack ayinalutho",
"description": "Empty backpack message"
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.label": {
"message": "Ibrowza ayisekeliwe",
"description": ""
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": {
"message": "Siyaxolisa, uScratch 3.0 akayisekeli iInternet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera noma Silk. Sincoma ukuthi uzame uGoogle Chrome, Mozilla noma Microsoft Edge.",
"description": "Unsupported browser description"
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.back": {
"message": "Emuva",
"description": "Button to go back in unsupported browser modal"
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaq": {
"message": "Ukufunda kabanzi, hamba uye {previewFaqLink}",
"description": "Invitation to try 3.0 preview"
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaqlinktext": {
"message": "FAQ",
"description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page"
"gui.cameraModal.cameraModalTitle": {
"message": "Thatha isthombe",
"description": "Title for prompt to take a picture (to add as a new costume)."
"gui.cameraModal.loadingCameraMessage": {
"message": "Kusangena isithwebuli...",
"description": "Notification to the user that the camera is loading"
"gui.cameraModal.permissionRequest": {
"message": "Sidinga imvume yakho ukusebenzisa ikhamera",
"description": "Notification to the user that the app needs camera access"
"gui.cameraModal.retakePhoto": {
"message": "Phinda uthathe isthombe",
"description": "A button that allows the user to take the picture again, replacing the old one"
"gui.cameraModal.save": {
"message": "Gcina",
"description": "A button that allows the user to save the photo they took as a costume"
"gui.cameraModal.takePhoto": {
"message": "Thatha Isthombe",
"description": "A button to take a photo"
"gui.cameraModal.loadingCaption": {
"message": "Kusangena...",
"description": "A caption for a disabled button while the video from the camera is still loading"
"gui.cameraModal.enableCameraCaption": {
"message": "Vumela ikhamera",
"description": "A caption for a disabled button prompting the user to enable camera access"
"gui.cards.all-tutorials": {
"message": "AmaTutorials",
"description": "Title for button to return to tutorials library"
"gui.cards.close": {
"message": "Vala",
"description": "Title for button to close how-to card"
"gui.cards.more-things-to-try": {
"message": "Okunye okuningi eningakuzama",
"description": "Title card with more things to try"
"gui.cards.see-more": {
"message": "Buka okunye",
"description": "Title for button to see more in how-to library"
"gui.comingSoon.message1": {
"message": "Sisebenza kona kuyimanje {emoji}",
"description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features"
"gui.comingSoon.message2": {
"message": "Kuyeza Maduzane...",
"description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features"
"gui.comingSoon.message3": {
"message": "Sisebenza kona kuyimanje {emoji}",
"description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features"
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.noPeripheralsFound": {
"message": "Akukho maDevice atholiwe",
"description": "Text shown when no devices could be found"
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.prescan": {
"message": "Idevice ayibeseduza ukuqala ukusesha.",
"description": "Prompt for beginning the search"
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.pressbutton": {
"message": "Cindezela inkinombo kwi device yakho",
"description": "Prompt for pushing the button on the device"
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.start-search": {
"message": "Qala useshe",
"description": "Button in prompt for starting a search"
"gui.connection.connecting-searchbutton": {
"message": "Sisasesha...",
"description": "Label indicating that search is in progress"
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.try-again": {
"message": "Phinda uzame",
"description": "Button in prompt for trying a device search again"
"gui.connection.connected": {
"message": "Sekuxhumekile",
"description": "Message indicating that a device was connected"
"gui.connection.disconnect": {
"message": "Akuxhumekile",
"description": "Button to disconnect the device"
"gui.connection.go-to-editor": {
"message": "Hamba uye Kumhleli",
"description": "Button to return to the editor"
"gui.connection.connecting-cancelbutton": {
"message": "Siyayixhuma...",
"description": "Label indicating that connection is in progress"
"gui.connection.error.errorMessage": {
"message": "Oops, kubukeka kungathi khona okungalungile.",
"description": "The device connection process has encountered an error."
"gui.connection.error.tryagainbutton": {
"message": "Phinda uzame",
"description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error"
"gui.connection.error.helpbutton": {
"message": "Usizo",
"description": "Button to view help content"
"gui.connection.peripheral-name-label": {
"message": "Igama leDevice",
"description": "Label for field showing the device name"
"gui.connection.connect": {
"message": "Xhuma",
"description": "Button to start connecting to a specific device"
"gui.connection.scanning.lookingforperipherals": {
"message": "Sibheka amaDevices",
"description": "Text shown while scanning for devices"
"gui.connection.scanning.noPeripheralsFound": {
"message": "Akukho maDevice atholiwe",
"description": "Text shown when no devices could be found"
"gui.connection.scanning.instructions": {
"message": "Khetha iDevice kulawa akhona",
"description": "Prompt for choosing a device to connect to"
"gui.connection.search": {
"message": "Lungisa kabusha",
"description": "Button in prompt for starting a search"
"gui.connection.unavailable.installscratchlink": {
"message": "Yenza isiqiniseko ukuthi iScratch Link ifakiwe futhi iyasebenza",
"description": "Message for getting Scratch Link installed"
"gui.connection.unavailable.enablebluetooth": {
"message": "Bheka iBluetooth ukuthi ivumelekile",
"description": "Message for making sure Bluetooth is enabled"
"gui.connection.unavailable.tryagainbutton": {
"message": "Phinda uzame",
"description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error"
"gui.connection.unavailable.helpbutton": {
"message": "Usizo",
"description": "Button to view help content"
"gui.controls.go": {
"message": "Hamba",
"description": "Green flag button title"
"gui.controls.stop": {
"message": "Ima",
"description": "Stop button title"
"gui.crashMessage.label": {
"message": "Oops! Khona okungalungile",
"description": "Crash Message title"
"gui.crashMessage.description": {
"message": "Siyaxolisa, kubukeka sengathi uScratch unenkinga. Lenkinga isizithumele ngokwayo ethimbeni lika Scratch. Phinda uqale kabusha uzame futhi. ",
"description": "Message to inform the user that page has crashed."
"gui.crashMessage.reload": {
"message": "Asiphinde sigcwalise",
"description": "Button to reload the page when page crashes"
"gui.customProcedures.myblockModalTitle": {
"message": "Enza amabhulokisi",
"description": "Title for the modal where you create a custom block."
"gui.customProcedures.addAnInputNumberText": {
"message": "Nezezela ngegalelo",
"description": "Label for button to add a number/text input"
"gui.customProcedures.numberTextType": {
"message": "Inamba noma umbhalo",
"description": "Description of the number/text input type"
"gui.customProcedures.addAnInputBoolean": {
"message": "Nezezela ngegalelo",
"description": "Label for button to add a boolean input"
"gui.customProcedures.booleanType": {
"message": "boolean",
"description": "Description of the boolean input type"
"gui.customProcedures.addALabel": {
"message": "Nezezela ngelabel",
"description": "Label for button to add a label"
"gui.customProcedures.runWithoutScreenRefresh": {
"message": "Baleka ngaphandle kokuvuselela isikrini",
"description": "Label for checkbox to run without screen refresh"
"gui.customProcedures.cancel": {
"message": "Cima",
"description": "Label for button to cancel custom procedure edits"
"gui.customProcedures.ok": {
"message": "Kulungile",
"description": "Label for button to save new custom procedure"
"gui.SpriteInfo.direction": {
"message": "Indlela",
"description": "Sprite info direction label"
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.allAround": {
"message": "Yonke indawo",
"description": "Button to change to the all around rotation style"
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.leftRight": {
"message": "isinxele-nangakwesokudla",
"description": "Button to change to the left-right rotation style"
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.dontRotate": {
"message": "Ungayiphenduli",
"description": "Button to change to the dont rotate rotation style"
"gui.gui.addExtension": {
"message": "Nezelela ukulula",
"description": "Button to add an extension in the target pane"
"gui.gui.codeTab": {
"message": "Ikhodi",
"description": "Button to get to the code panel"
"gui.gui.backdropsTab": {
"message": "Izindawo",
"description": "Button to get to the backdrops panel"
"gui.gui.costumesTab": {
"message": "Izimpahla",
"description": "Button to get to the costumes panel"
"gui.gui.soundsTab": {
"message": "Imisindo",
"description": "Button to get to the sounds panel"
"gui.importInfo.title": {
"message": "Buka iProject kuScratch 2.0",
"description": "Scratch 2.0 import modal label - for accessibility"
"gui.importInfo.betamessage": {
"message": "Faka iLink kwenye yamaprojekthi kaScratch okwabelana. Ushintsho olwenziwe kulokhu 3.0 Beta ngeke lugcinwe. ",
"description": "Import project message"
"gui.importInfo.message": {
"message": "Faka iLink kwenye yama projekthi ka-Scratch okwabelana. Ushintsho olwenziwe kulokhu 3.0 Previewe ngeke lugcinwe.",
"description": "Import project message"
"gui.importInfo.invalidFormatError": {
"message": "Uh oh, iProject link noma id ayilungile ",
"description": "Invalid project link or id message"
"gui.importModal.viewproject": {
"message": "Buka",
"description": "Label for button to load a scratch 2.0 project"
"gui.importInfo.goback": {
"message": "Buyela emuva",
"description": "Label for button to back out of importing a project"
"gui.importInfo.previewfaq": {
"message": "Ukufunda kabanzi, hamba uye {previewFaqLink}",
"description": "Invitation to try 3.0 preview"
"gui.importInfo.previewfaqlinktext": {
"message": "FAQ",
"description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page"
"gui.extensionLibrary.comingSoon": {
"message": "Kuyeza Maduzane...",
"description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented"
"gui.extensionLibrary.requires": {
"message": "Requires",
"description": "Label for extension hardware requirements"
"gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": {
"message": "Collaboration with",
"description": "Label for extension collaboration"
"gui.library.filterPlaceholder": {
"message": "Cinga",
"description": "Placeholder text for library search field"
"gui.library.allTag": {
"message": "Yonke",
"description": "Label for library tag to revert to all items after filtering by tag."
"gui.loader.message1": {
"message": "Asakheni amabhulokisi ...",
"description": "One of the loading messages"
"gui.loader.message2": {
"message": "Kungena umlingisi ...",
"description": "One of the loading messages"
"gui.loader.message3": {
"message": "Kungena umsindo ...",
"description": "One of the loading messages"
"gui.loader.message4": {
"message": "Isaloda okuxhunyiwe",
"description": "One of the loading messages"
"gui.loader.message5": {
"message": "Herding cats ...",
"description": "One of the loading messages"
"gui.loader.message6": {
"message": "Transmitting nanos ...",
"description": "One of the loading messages"
"gui.loader.message7": {
"message": "Inflating gobos ...",
"description": "One of the loading messages"
"gui.loader.message8": {
"message": "Silungisa amaEmojis ...",
"description": "One of the loading messages"
"gui.loader.headline": {
"message": "Kungena iProject",
"description": "Main loading message"
"gui.accountMenu.profile": {
"message": "Ubuwena",
"description": "Text to link to my user profile, in the account navigation menu"
"gui.accountMenu.myStuff": {
"message": "Izinto zami",
"description": "Text to link to list of my projects, in the account navigation menu"
"gui.accountMenu.myClasses": {
"message": "Ikilasi lami",
"description": "Text to link to my classes (if I am a teacher), in the account navigation menu"
"gui.accountMenu.myClass": {
"message": "Ikilasi lami",
"description": "Text to link to my class (if I am a student), in the account navigation menu"
"gui.accountMenu.accountSettings": {
"message": "Lungisa iakhawunti",
"description": "Text to link to my account settings, in the account navigation menu"
"gui.accountMenu.signOut": {
"message": "Phuma",
"description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu"
"gui.authorInfo.byUser": {
"message": "by {username}",
"description": "Shows that a project was created by this user"
"gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": {
"message": "Bheka Umphakathi",
"description": "Label for see community button"
"general.username": {
"message": "Isidlaliso",
"description": "Label for login username input"
"general.password": {
"message": "Iphasiwedi",
"description": "Label for login password input"
"general.signIn": {
"message": "Ngena ngemvume",
"description": "Button text for user to sign in"
"login.needHelp": {
"message": "Udingnsizo?",
"description": "Button text for user to indicate that they need help"
"gui.menuBar.LanguageSelector": {
"message": "umkhethi wezolimu",
"description": "accessibility text for the language selection menu"
"gui.menuBar.tutorialsLibrary": {
"message": "AmaTutorials",
"description": "accessibility text for the tutorials button"
"gui.menuBar.restoreSprite": {
"message": "Buyisela Umlingisi",
"description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted sprite."
"gui.menuBar.restoreSound": {
"message": "Buyisela Umsindo",
"description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted sound."
"gui.menuBar.restoreCostume": {
"message": "Buyisela Impahla",
"description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted costume."
"gui.menuBar.restore": {
"message": "Buyisela",
"description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted item in its disabled state."
"gui.menuBar.saveNow": {
"message": "Gcina manje",
"description": "Menu bar item for saving now"
"gui.menuBar.saveAsCopy": {
"message": "Gcina njenge khophi",
"description": "Menu bar item for saving as a copy"
"gui.menuBar.remix": {
"message": "Ingxube",
"description": "Menu bar item for remixing"
"gui.menuBar.new": {
"message": "Entsha",
"description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project"
"gui.menuBar.file": {
"message": "Ifayela",
"description": "Text for file dropdown menu"
"gui.menuBar.uploadFromComputer": {
"message": "Thathela kweyakho ikhomputha",
"description": "Menu bar item for uploading a project from your computer"
"gui.menuBar.downloadToComputer": {
"message": "Gcina kweyakho ikhomputha",
"description": "Menu bar item for downloading a project to your computer"
"gui.menuBar.edit": {
"message": "Lungisa",
"description": "Text for edit dropdown menu"
"gui.menuBar.turboModeOff": {
"message": "Vala ithebho modi",
"description": "Menu bar item for turning off turbo mode"
"gui.menuBar.turboModeOn": {
"message": "Vula ithebho modi",
"description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode"
"gui.menuBar.joinScratch": {
"message": "Hlanganisa Scratch",
"description": "Link for creating a Scratch account"
"gui.menuBar.signIn": {
"message": "Ngena ngemvume",
"description": "Link for signing in to your Scratch account"
"gui.menuBar.giveFeedback": {
"message": "Buyisela Izimpendulo",
"description": "Label for feedback form modal button"
"gui.gui.projectTitlePlaceholder": {
"message": "Isihloko se-Projecti lana",
"description": "Placeholder for project title when blank"
"gui.menuBar.isShared": {
"message": "uPhiwe",
"description": "Label for shared project"
"gui.menuBar.share": {
"message": "Yipha",
"description": "Label for project share button"
"gui.modal.help": {
"message": "Usizo",
"description": "Help button in modal"
"gui.modal.back": {
"message": "Emuva",
"description": "Back button in modal"
"gui.monitor.listMonitor.empty": {
"message": "(akukho)",
"description": "Text shown on a list monitor when a list is empty"
"gui.monitor.listMonitor.listLength": {
"message": "ubude {length}",
"description": "Length label on list monitors. DO NOT translate {length} (with brackets)."
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": {
"message": "okujwayelekile bomphumelo",
"description": "Menu item to switch to the default monitor"
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": {
"message": "ubukhulu bomphumelo",
"description": "Menu item to switch to the large monitor"
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": {
"message": "shibilika",
"description": "Menu item to switch to the slider monitor"
"gui.previewInfo.label": {
"message": "Zama uScratch 3.0",
"description": "Scratch 3.0 modal label - for accessibility"
"gui.previewInfo.welcome": {
"message": "Siyakwamukela kuScratch 3.0 Beta",
"description": "Header for Preview Info Modal"
"gui.previewModal.notnowtooltip": {
"message": "Ayimanje",
"description": "Tooltip for Not Now button"
"gui.previewModal.tryittooltip": {
"message": "Iyizame",
"description": "Tooltip for Try It button"
"gui.previewModal.viewprojecttooltip": {
"message": "Ukubona iProject 2.0",
"description": "Tooltip for View 2.0 Project button"
"gui.previewInfo.betawelcome": {
"message": "Siyakwamukela kuScratch 3.0 Beta",
"description": "Header for Beta Info Modal"
"gui.previewInfo.invitation": {
"message": "Sisasebenza ukwenza uhlelo olulandelayo kuScratch. Singathokoza uma ungaluzama!",
"description": "Invitation to try 3.0 Beta"
"gui.previewInfo.notnow": {
"message": "Ayimanje",
"description": "Label for button to back out of trying Scratch 3.0 Beta"
"gui.previewModal.tryit": {
"message": "Iyizame! {caticon}",
"description": "Label for button to try Scratch 3.0 Beta"
"gui.previewModal.viewproject": {
"message": "Ukubona iProject 2.0",
"description": "Label for button to import a 2.0 project"
"gui.previewInfo.previewfaq": {
"message": "Ukufunda kabanzi, hamba uye {previewFaqLink}",
"description": "Invitation to try 3.0 Beta"
"gui.previewInfo.previewfaqlinktext": {
"message": "FAQ",
"description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page"
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": {
"message": "Ngabo bonke omlingisi",
"description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it available to all sprites"
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionSpriteOnly": {
"message": "Ngalomlingsi kuphela",
"description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite"
"gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": {
"message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)",
"description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server"
"gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": {
"message": "Lokuguquka kwenzeke kubo bonke",
"description": "A message that displays in a variable modal when the stage is selected indicating that the variable being created will available to all sprites."
"gui.prompt.cancel": {
"message": "Cima",
"description": "Button in prompt for cancelling the dialog"
"gui.prompt.ok": {
"message": "Kulungile",
"description": "Button in prompt for confirming the dialog"
"gui.playbackStep.stopMsg": {
"message": "Ima",
"description": "Stop/Play button in recording playback"
"gui.playbackStep.playMsg": {
"message": "Dlala",
"description": "Stop/Play button in recording playback"
"gui.playbackStep.loadingMsg": {
"message": "Kusangena...",
"description": "Loading/Save button in recording playback"
"gui.playbackStep.saveMsg": {
"message": "Gcina",
"description": "Loading/Save button in recording playback"
"gui.playbackStep.reRecordMsg": {
"message": "Phinda urekhode",
"description": "Button to re-record sound in recording playback"
"gui.recordModal.title": {
"message": "Rekhoda umsindo",
"description": "Recording modal title"
"gui.recordingStep.beginRecord": {
"message": "Qala ukuqoda ngokuchofoza inkinobho",
"description": "Message for recording sound modal"
"gui.recordingStep.permission": {
"message": "{arrow} Sidinga imvume yakho ukusebenzisa imicrophone yakho",
"description": "Permission required notice in recording sound modal. Do not translate {arrow}"
"gui.recordingStep.stop": {
"message": "Ima ukurekhoda",
"description": "Stop recording button label"
"gui.recordingStep.record": {
"message": "Qopha",
"description": "Record button label"
"gui.soundEditor.sound": {
"message": "Umsindo",
"description": "Label for the name of the sound"
"gui.soundEditor.play": {
"message": "Dlala",
"description": "Title of the button to start playing the sound"
"gui.soundEditor.stop": {
"message": "Ima",
"description": "Title of the button to stop the sound"
"gui.soundEditor.trim": {
"message": "Cwecwa ngobunono",
"description": "Title of the button to start trimminging the sound"
"gui.soundEditor.save": {
"message": "Gcina",
"description": "Title of the button to save trimmed sound"
"gui.soundEditor.undo": {
"message": "Yenza kabusha",
"description": "Title of the button to undo"
"gui.soundEditor.redo": {
"message": "Ukwenzakabusha",
"description": "Title of the button to redo"
"gui.soundEditor.faster": {
"message": "Shesha",
"description": "Title of the button to apply the faster effect"
"gui.soundEditor.slower": {
"message": "Kacane",
"description": "Title of the button to apply the slower effect"
"gui.soundEditor.echo": {
"message": "Ukunanela",
"description": "Title of the button to apply the echo effect"
"gui.soundEditor.robot": {
"message": "Robhothi",
"description": "Title of the button to apply the robot effect"
"gui.soundEditor.louder": {
"message": "Kakhulu",
"description": "Title of the button to apply the louder effect"
"gui.soundEditor.softer": {
"message": "Kuthambile",
"description": "Title of the button to apply thr.softer effect"
"gui.soundEditor.reverse": {
"message": "Hlehlisa emumva",
"description": "Title of the button to apply the reverse effect"
"gui.SpriteInfo.spritePlaceholder": {
"message": "Igama",
"description": "Placeholder text for sprite name"
"gui.SpriteInfo.sprite": {
"message": "Umlingisi",
"description": "Sprite info label"
"gui.SpriteInfo.show": {
"message": "Khombisa",
"description": "Sprite info show label"
"gui.SpriteInfo.size": {
"message": "Isisindo",
"description": "Sprite info size label"
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDuplicate": {
"message": "fanisa",
"description": "Menu item to duplicate in the right click menu"
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDelete": {
"message": "khipha",
"description": "Menu item to delete in the right click menu"
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuExport": {
"message": "isithumela",
"description": "Menu item to export the selected item"
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromLibrary": {
"message": "Khetha Umlingisi",
"description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from library"
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromPaint": {
"message": "Penda",
"description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from paint"
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromSurprise": {
"message": "Isimanga",
"description": "Button to add a random sprite in the target pane"
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromFile": {
"message": "Faka Umlingisi",
"description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from file"
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeLarge": {
"message": "Shintshela kwinkundla enkulu",
"description": "Button to change stage size to large"
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeSmall": {
"message": "Shintshela kwinkundla encane",
"description": "Button to change stage size to small"
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeFull": {
"message": "Ngena kwindlela ezolula isikhrini sibe sikhula",
"description": "Button to change stage size to full screen"
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeUnFull": {
"message": "Phma kwindlela elula iskhrini sibe sikhulu",
"description": "Button to get out of full screen mode"
"gui.stageHeader.fullscreenControl": {
"message": "Indlela egcwele yokulawula isinkrini",
"description": "Button to enter/exit full screen mode"
"gui.spriteSelector.addBackdropFromLibrary": {
"message": "Khetha Indawo",
"description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from library"
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromPaint": {
"message": "Penda",
"description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from paint"
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromSurprise": {
"message": "Isimanga",
"description": "Button to add a random stage in the target pane"
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromFile": {
"message": "Faka Indawo",
"description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from file"
"gui.stageSelector.stage": {
"message": "Isigaba",
"description": "Label for the stage in the stage selector"
"gui.stageSelector.backdrops": {
"message": "Izindawo",
"description": "Label for the backdrops in the stage selector"
"gui.turboMode.active": {
"message": "Sheshisa Indlela",
"description": "Label indicating turbo mode is active"
"gui.webglModal.label": {
"message": "iBrowser yakho ayisekeli iWebGL",
"description": "WebGL missing title"
"gui.webglModal.description": {
"message": "Ngeshwa kubukeka yakho khomphuta noma browza {webGlLink}. Lobu buchwepheshe buyadinge ukuze uScratch 3.0 asebenze",
"description": "WebGL missing message"
"gui.webglModal.webgllink": {
"message": "Ayisekeli iWebGL",
"description": "link part of your browser does not support WebGL message"
"gui.webglModal.back": {
"message": "Emuva",
"description": "Label for button go back when browser is unsupported"
"gui.webglModal.previewfaq": {
"message": "Ukufunda kabanzi, hamba uye {previewFaqLink}",
"description": "Scratch 3.0 FAQ description"
"gui.webglModal.previewfaqlinktext": {
"message": "FAQ",
"description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page"
"gui.costumeLibrary.chooseABackdrop": {
"message": "Khetha Indawo",
"description": "Heading for the backdrop library"
"gui.costumeLibrary.chooseACostume": {
"message": "Khetha impahla",
"description": "Heading for the costume library"
"gui.costumeTab.addBackdropFromLibrary": {
"message": "Khetha Indawo",
"description": "Button to add a backdrop in the editor tab"
"gui.costumeTab.addCostumeFromLibrary": {
"message": "Khetha impahla",
"description": "Button to add a costume in the editor tab"
"gui.costumeTab.addBlankCostume": {
"message": "Penda",
"description": "Button to add a blank costume in the editor tab"
"gui.costumeTab.addSurpriseCostume": {
"message": "Isimanga",
"description": "Button to add a surprise costume in the editor tab"
"gui.costumeTab.addFileBackdrop": {
"message": "Faka Indawo",
"description": "Button to add a backdrop by uploading a file in the editor tab"
"gui.costumeTab.addFileCostume": {
"message": "Faka Impahla",
"description": "Button to add a costume by uploading a file in the editor tab"
"gui.costumeTab.addCameraCostume": {
"message": "Ikhamera",
"description": "Button to use the camera to create a costume costume in the editor tab"
"gui.extensionLibrary.chooseAnExtension": {
"message": "Khetha Isiluli",
"description": "Heading for the extension library"
"gui.extensionLibrary.extensionUrl": {
"message": "Faka iURL sokulula",
"description": "Prompt for unoffical extension url"
"gui.gui.defaultProjectTitle": {
"message": "iProject ka Scratch",
"description": "Default title for project"
"gui.recordingStep.alertMsg": {
"message": "Ayikwazi ukuqola ukuqopha",
"description": "Alert for recording error"
"gui.projectLoader.loadError": {
"message": "Ifayela yaleprojekthiebikhethiwe ihlulekile ukuloda",
"description": "An error that displays when a local project file fails to load."
"gui.soundLibrary.chooseASound": {
"message": "Khetha Umsindo",
"description": "Heading for the sound library"
"gui.soundTab.fileUploadSound": {
"message": "Faka Umsindo",
"description": "Button to upload sound from file in the editor tab"
"gui.soundTab.surpriseSound": {
"message": "Isimanga",
"description": "Button to get a random sound in the editor tab"
"gui.soundTab.recordSound": {
"message": "Qopha",
"description": "Button to record a sound in the editor tab"
"gui.soundTab.addSoundFromLibrary": {
"message": "Khetha Umsindo",
"description": "Button to add a sound in the editor tab"
"gui.spriteLibrary.chooseASprite": {
"message": "Khetha Umlingisi",
"description": "Heading for the sprite library"
"gui.tipsLibrary.tutorials": {
"message": "Khetha iTutorial",
"description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library"
"gui.alerts.createsuccess": {
"message": "Successfully created.",
"description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created"
"gui.alerts.creating": {
"message": "Ukuqamba...",
"description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating"
"gui.alerts.creatingError": {
"message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!",
"description": "Message indicating that project could not be created"
"gui.alerts.savingError": {
"message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!",
"description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved"
"gui.alerts.savesuccess": {
"message": "Successfully saved.",
"description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved"
"gui.alerts.saving": {
"message": "Kuyagcineka...",
"description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving"
"gui.defaultProject.meow": {
"message": "Meow",
"description": "Name for the meow sound"
"gui.defaultProject.variable": {
"message": "i-variable yami",
"description": "Name for the default variable"
"gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name": {
"message": "Sesizoqala",
"description": "Name for the 'Getting Started' how-to"
"gui.howtos.intro-move.step_stepMove": {
"message": "Nezelelela ngebhulokisi lokunyakaza",
"description": "Step name for 'Add a move block' step"
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": {
"message": "Chofoza ifulegi ukuze uqale",
"description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step"
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": {
"message": "Yenza Upopayi Okhulumayo",
"description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to"
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": {
"message": "Yengeza umbhalo kwibhulokisi lenkulumo",
"description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step"
"gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": {
"message": "Yisho Okuthize",
"description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step"
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": {
"message": "Lungisa izwi",
"description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice"
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": {
"message": "Nyakaza",
"description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step"
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": {
"message": "Nezelela Indawo ",
"description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step"
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite": {
"message": "Faka omunye umlingisi",
"description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step"
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": {
"message": "Yenza iculo",
"description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step"
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": {
"message": "Shintsha Umbala",
"description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step"
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": {
"message": "Jikeleza",
"description": "Step name for 'Spin Around"
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": {
"message": "Khulisa futhi unciphise",
"description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step"
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network": {
"message": "Animate an Adventure Game",
"description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to"
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": {
"message": "Choose a Character to Show",
"description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step"
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": {
"message": "Yisho Okuthize",
"description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step"
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNglide": {
"message": "Kekela yonke indawo",
"description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step"
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": {
"message": "Choose an Object to Chase",
"description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step"
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": {
"message": "Collect Objects",
"description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step"
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": {
"message": "Yenza i-variable yescore",
"description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step"
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": {
"message": "Keep Score",
"description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step"
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": {
"message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop",
"description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step"
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.name": {
"message": "Yenza igama elinyakazayo",
"description": "Name for the 'Animate a Name' how-to"
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePickLetter": {
"message": "Khetha umlingisi oyigama",
"description": "Step name for 'Pick a Letter Sprite' step"
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePlaySound": {
"message": "Dlala umsindo uma iciphiziwe",
"description": "Step name for 'Play a Sound When Clicked' step"
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePickLetter2": {
"message": "Khetha elinye igama elizoba umlingisi",
"description": "Step name for 'Pick Another Letter Sprite"
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateChangeColor": {
"message": "Shintsha umbala",
"description": "Step name for 'Change color' step"
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateSpin": {
"message": "Khetha elinye igama lomlingisi iuliphendule",
"description": "Step name for 'Pick Another Letter Sprite & Make It Spin' step"
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateGrow": {
"message": "Khetha elinye igama lomlingisi iulikhulise",
"description": "Step name for 'Pick Another Letter Sprite & Make It Grow!' step"
"gui.howtos.make-music.name": {
"message": "Wenze Umculo",
"description": "Name for the 'Make Music' how-to"
"gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_PickInstrument": {
"message": "Khetha umlingisi oyi instrumenti",
"description": "Step name for 'Pick an Instrument Sprite' step"
"gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_PlaySoundClick": {
"message": "Dlala umsindo uma iciphiziwe",
"description": "Step name for 'Play Sound When Clicked' step"
"gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_MakeSong": {
"message": "Sungula Iculo",
"description": "Step name for 'Create a Song' step"
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_MakeBeat": {
"message": "Khetha idlamu mase wenza ibhithi",
"description": "Step name for 'Choose a Drum & Make a Beat' step"
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_MakeBeatBox": {
"message": "Choose the Microphone Sprite & Surprise Beatbox",
"description": "Step name for 'Choose the Microphone Sprite & Surprise Beatbox' step"
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.name": {
"message": "Enza Umdlalo Wokuchofoza",
"description": "Name for the 'Make a Clicker Game' how-to"
"gui.howtos.Make-A-Game.step_GamePickSprite": {
"message": "Khetha Umlingisi",
"description": "Step name for 'Pick A Sprite' step"
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GamePlaySound": {
"message": "Dlala umsindo uma iciphiziwe",
"description": "Play Sound When Clicked' step"
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameAddScore": {
"message": "Yenza ivariabuli yescore",
"description": "Step name for 'Create Score Variable' step"
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameChangeScore": {
"message": "Makucindeleziwe akunyuke isko",
"description": "Step name for 'When Clicked Increase Score' step"
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_Random": {
"message": "Hamba indawo engajwayelekile",
"description": "Step name for 'Go to a random position' step"
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_GameChangeColor": {
"message": "Shintsha Umbala",
"description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step"
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_ResetScore": {
"message": "Qalaphansi Isko",
"description": "Step name for 'Reset Score' step"
"gui.howtos.make-a-chase-game.name": {
"message": "Enza Umdlalo Wokujahha",
"description": "Name for the 'Make a Chase Game' how-to"
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_BG": {
"message": "Nezelela Indawo ",
"description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step"
"gui.howtos.chase-game.step_AddOcto": {
"message": "Nezelela Ngomlingisi",
"description": "Step name for 'Add a Sprite' step"
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_LeftRight": {
"message": "Yiya kwesokudla nakwesokunxele ngomcibisholo",
"description": "Step name for 'Move Right & Left With Arrow Keys' step"
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_UpDown": {
"message": "Yiya phezulu naphansi ngomcibisholo",
"description": "Step name for 'Move Up & Down With Arrow Keys' step"
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_AddStar": {
"message": "Nezelela ngomunye umlingisi",
"description": "Step name for 'Add Another Sprite' step"
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_MoveRandom": {
"message": "Nyakaza noma ikephi",
"description": "Step name for 'Move Randomly' step"
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_WhenTouch": {
"message": "Kumlingisi weoctopus uma uthinta dlala umsindo",
"description": "Step name for 'In Octopus Sprite, When Touching Play Sound' step"
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_ScoreVariable": {
"message": "Yenza ivariabuli yescore",
"description": "Step name for 'Create Score Variable"
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.ScoreWhenTouch": {
"message": "Mothinta umlingisi Octopus nezelela isko",
"description": "Step name for 'In Octopus Sprite, When Touching Add Score step"
"gui.howtos.add-sprite.name": {
"message": "Nezelela Ngomlingisi",
"description": "Name for the 'Add a Sprite' how-to"
"gui.howtos.add-sprite.step_addSprite": {
"message": "Nezelela Ngomlingisi",
"description": "Step name for 'Add a new sprite' step"
"gui.howtos.add-a-backdrop.name": {
"message": "Nezelela Indawo ",
"description": "Name for the 'Add a Backdrop' how-to"
"gui.howtos.change-size.name": {
"message": "Shintsha Uzayizi",
"description": "Name for the 'Change Size' how-to"
"gui.howtos.glide-around.name": {
"message": "Kekela yonke indawo",
"description": "Name for the 'Glide Around' how-to"
"gui.howtos.record-a-sound.name": {
"message": "Qopha Umsindo",
"description": "Record A Sound' how-to"
"gui.howtos.spin-video.name": {
"message": "Yenze Iphenduke",
"description": "Name for the 'Make It Spin' how-to"
"gui.howtos.hide-and-show.name": {
"message": "Fihla futhi Veza",
"description": "Name for the 'Hide and Show' how-to"
"gui.howtos.switch-costume.name": {
"message": "Yenza upopayi womlingisi",
"description": "Name for the 'Animate a Sprite' how-to"
"gui.howtos.move-around-with-arrow-keys.name": {
"message": "Sebenzisa Umcibisholo Okhiye",
"description": "Name for the 'Use Arrow Keys' how-to"
"gui.howtos.add-effects.name": {
"message": "Nezelela Imithelela",
"description": "Name for the 'Add Effects' how-to"
"gui.extension.music.name": {
"message": "uMculo",
"description": "Name for the 'Music' extension"
"gui.extension.music.description": {
"message": "Dlala isikhali kanye nam dilamu",
"description": "Description for the 'Music' extension"
"gui.extension.pen.name": {
"message": "Ipeni",
"description": "Name for the 'Pen' extension"
"gui.extension.pen.description": {
"message": "Dweba nabalingisibakho",
"description": "Description for the 'Pen' extension"
"gui.extension.videosensing.name": {
"message": "Ukubona ividiyo",
"description": "Name for the 'Video Sensing' extension"
"gui.extension.videosensing.description": {
"message": "Izwa ukunyakaza ngeKhamera",
"description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension"
"gui.extension.text2speech.name": {
"message": "Bhala kwinkulumo",
"description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension"
"gui.extension.text2speech.description": {
"message": "Yenza iProject yakho ikhulume",
"description": "Description for the Text to speech extension"
"gui.extension.translate.name": {
"message": "Humusha",
"description": "Name for the Translate extension"
"gui.extension.translate.description": {
"message": "Shintsela umbhalo kwezinye izilimu",
"description": "Description for the Translate extension"
"gui.extension.microbit.description": {
"message": "Xhumanisa amaProject akho nomhlaba",
"description": "Description for the 'micro:bit' extension"
"gui.extension.microbit.connectingMessage": {
"message": "Siyayixhuma",
"description": "Message to help people connect to their micro:bit."
"gui.extension.ev3.description": {
"message": "Yakha amaRobhothi akwaziyo ukukhuluma nokunye",
"description": "Description for the 'LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3' extension"
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": {
"message": "Isaxhumanisa. Qinisekisa ukuthi ipin ekuEV3 isethiwe ku1234.",
"description": "Message to help people connect to their EV3. Must note the PIN should be 1234."
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": {
"message": "Yakha ngemishini kanye nezinhloli",
"description": "Description for the 'LEGO WeDo 2.0' extension"
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": {
"message": "Kuyaxhumana",
"description": "Message to help people connect to their WeDo."
"gui.libraryTags.all": {
"message": "Yonke",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for everything"
"gui.libraryTags.animals": {
"message": "Izilwane",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for animals"
"gui.libraryTags.dance": {
"message": "Dansa",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for dance"
"gui.libraryTags.effects": {
"message": "Imithelela",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for effects"
"gui.libraryTags.fantasy": {
"message": "Uphupha/Ubuhle",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for fantasy"
"gui.libraryTags.fashion": {
"message": "Imfashini",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for fashion"
"gui.libraryTags.food": {
"message": "Ukudla",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for food"
"gui.libraryTags.indoors": {
"message": "Ngaphakathi",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for indoors"
"gui.libraryTags.loops": {
"message": "Amaluphu",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for loops"
"gui.libraryTags.music": {
"message": "uMculo",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for music"
"gui.libraryTags.notes": {
"message": "Amanothi",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for notes"
"gui.libraryTags.outdoors": {
"message": "Ngaphandle",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for outdoors"
"gui.libraryTags.patterns": {
"message": "Iphethini",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for patterns"
"gui.libraryTags.people": {
"message": "Abantu",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for people"
"gui.libraryTags.percussion": {
"message": "Idilamu Lomculo",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for percussion"
"gui.libraryTags.space": {
"message": "Isikhala",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for space"
"gui.libraryTags.sports": {
"message": "Imidlalo",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for sports"
"gui.libraryTags.underwater": {
"message": "Ngaphansi kwamanzi",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for underwater"
"gui.libraryTags.voice": {
"message": "Izwi",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for voice"
"gui.libraryTags.wacky": {
"message": "Wacky",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for wacky"
"gui.libraryTags.animation": {
"message": "Khathuni",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for animation"
"gui.libraryTags.art": {
"message": "Imidwebo",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for art"
"gui.libraryTags.games": {
"message": "Umdlalo",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for games"
"gui.libraryTags.stories": {
"message": "Izindaba",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories"
"gui.libraryTags.letters": {
"message": "Izinhlamvu",
"description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters"
"gui.opcodeLabels.direction": {
"message": "indlela",
"description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.xposition": {
"message": "x indlela yokuma",
"description": "Label for the x position monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.yposition": {
"message": "y indlela yokuma",
"description": "Label for the y position monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.size": {
"message": "isisindo",
"description": "Label for the size monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.costumename": {
"message": "igama lempahla",
"description": "Label for the costume name monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.costumenumber": {
"message": "Inamba yempahla",
"description": "Label for the costume number monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.backdropname": {
"message": "igama lendawo",
"description": "Label for the backdrop name monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.backdropnumber": {
"message": "Inamba indawo",
"description": "Label for the backdrop number monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.volume": {
"message": "umsindo",
"description": "Label for the volume monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.tempo": {
"message": "izinsimbi",
"description": "Label for the tempo monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.answer": {
"message": "phendula",
"description": "Label for the answer monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.loudness": {
"message": "umsindo omkhulu",
"description": "Label for the loudness monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.username": {
"message": "igama elisebenzile",
"description": "Label for the username monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.year": {
"message": "unyaka",
"description": "Label for the current year monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.month": {
"message": "inyanga",
"description": "Label for the current month monitor when shown on the stage."
"gui.opcodeLabels.date": {
"message": "usuku",
"description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month"
"gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": {
"message": "usuku lwesonto",
"description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.hour": {
"message": "ihora",
"description": "Label for the current hour monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.minute": {
"message": "umzuzu",
"description": "Label for the current minute monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.second": {
"message": "umzuzu (secs)",
"description": "Label for the current second monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.opcodeLabels.timer": {
"message": "iwashi elicushiwe",
"description": "Label for the timer monitor when shown on the stage"
"gui.sharedMessages.backdrop": {
"message": "Indawo{index}",
"description": "Default name for a new backdrop, scratch will automatically adjust the number if necessary"
"gui.sharedMessages.costume": {
"message": "Impahla{index}",
"description": "Default name for a new costume, scratch will automatically adjust the number if necessary"
"gui.sharedMessages.sprite": {
"message": "Umlingisi{index}",
"description": "Default name for a new sprite, scratch will automatically adjust the number if necessary"
"gui.sharedMessages.pop": {
"message": "qhumisa",
"description": "Name of the pop sound, the default sound added to a sprite"
} |