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"about.introOne": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the {foundationLink}, a nonprofit organization. ",
"about.introTwo": "Scratch promotes computational thinking and problem solving skills; creative teaching and learning; self-expression and collaboration; and equity in computing.",
"about.introThree": "Scratch is always free and is available in more than 70 languages.",
"about.foundationText": "Scratch sjóðurinn",
"about.introParents": "Upplýsingar fyrir foreldra",
"about.introEducators": "Upplýsingar fyrir fræðendur",
"about.whoUsesScratch": "Hverjir nota Scratch?",
"about.whoUsesScratchDescription": "Scratch er sérstaklega hannað fyrir krakka á aldrinum 8 til 16, en er notað af fólki á öllum aldri. Milljónir notenda smíða ný Scratch verkefni á hinum ýmsu sviðum , t.a.m. á heimilum, skólum, söfnum, bókasöfnum og samfélagsmiðstöðum.",
"about.aroundTheWorld": "Víðsvegar um heiminn",
"about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Scratch is used in more than {countryCount} different countries and territories and is available in more than {languageCount} languages. To change languages, click the menu at the bottom of the page. Or, in the Project Editor, click the globe at the top of the page. To add or improve a translation, see the {translationLink} page.",
"about.translationLinkText": "þýðing",
"about.quotes": "Tilvitnanir",
"about.quotesDescription": "Scratch teymið hefur móttekið marga tölvupósta frá ungufólki, foreldrum og kennurum að þakka fyrir Scratch. Langar þig að sjá hvað fólk er að segja? Þú getur lesið tölvupóstana sem við höfum fengið hér {quotesLink}.",
"about.quotesLinkText": "tilvitnanir",
"about.learnMore": "Lærðu meira um Scratch",
"about.learnMoreFaq": "Spurt og svarað",
"about.learnMoreParents": "Upplýsingar fyrir foreldra",
"about.learnMoreEducators": "Information for Educators",
"about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "Annual Report",
"about.literacy": "Lærðu að forrita, forritaðu til að læra",
"about.literacyDescription": "Að geta forritað er mikilvægur hluti af læsi í nútíma þjóðfélagi. Þegar fólk lærir að forrita í Scratch, læra þau mikilvægar aðferðir til að leysa vandamál, hanna verkefni og miðla hugmyndum. ",
"about.schools": "Scratch í skólum",
"about.schoolsDescription": "Students are learning with Scratch at all levels (from elementary school to college) and across disciplines (such as math, computer science, language arts, social studies). Educator resources are available on the {scratchForEducatorsLink} page.",
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch For Educators",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "ScratchEd vefsíðan",
"about.research": "Rannsóknir",
"about.researchDescription": "The {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} and collaborators are {researchLink} how young people create, collaborate, and learn with Scratch. For an overview, see the article {codingAtACrossroadsLink} and the book {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. To find out more about the use of Scratch, see the {statisticsLink} page and the Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
"about.researchLinkText": "researching",
"about.statisticsLinkText": "tölfræði",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten group",
"about.codingAtACrossroadsLinkText": "Coding at a Crossroads",
"about.lifelongKindergartenBookLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten",
"about.annualReportLinkText": "Annual Report",
"about.support": "Stuðningur og fjármögnun",
"about.supportDescription": "Scratch is available for free, thanks to support from our {donorsLink}. This support helps us provide kids around the world with opportunities to imagine, create, and share. You can support Scratch by making a donation {donateLink}.",
"about.donorsLinkText": "donors",
"about.donateLinkText": "hérna",
"about.donateButton": "Styrkja"
} |