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"parents.title": "Para Padres",
"parents.intro": "Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children\n can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and \nanimation with people from all over the world. As children create with \nScratch, they learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and \nreason systematically. Scratch is designed and maintained by the \nLifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. ",
"parents.overview": "Cómo funciona",
"parents.faq": "Preguntas frecuentes (FAQ)",
"parents.overviewTitle": "How does Scratch work for children?",
"parents.overviewLearningTitle": "Aprendizaje",
"parents.overviewLearningBody": "For a one-page overview of what young people learn with Scratch, see {learningWithScratch}.\nRead an article on the {creativeLearningApproach}.",
"parents.learningWithScratchLinkText": "Learning with Scratch",
"parents.creativeLearningApproachLinkText": "Creative Learning Approach",
"parents.overviewCommunityTitle": "Comunidad",
"parents.overviewCommunityBody": "We ask all participants on the site to follow the {communityGuidelines}.\nWe do not make private account information available to anyone. For more information, please see the {privacyPolicy}.",
"parents.communityGuidelinesLinkText": "Reglas de la comunidad",
"parents.privacyPolicyLinkText": "Política de privacidad",
"parents.faqMoreAndAsk": "To find out more about Scratch, please see {faqPage}.\nYou can also ask questions in the {discussionForums}.\nIf you need to contact our staff team directly, click {contactUs} at the bottom of any page.",
"parents.faqLinkText": "Preguntas Frecuentes",
"parents.faqDiscussionForumsLinkText": "Foros de discusión",
"parents.faqContactUsLinkText": "Contáctanos",
"parents.faqAgeRangeTitle": "¿Cuál es el rango de edad para Scratch?",
"parents.faqAgeRangeBody": "Scratch is designed especially for young people ages 8 to 16, but people of all ages create and share with Scratch. Younger children may want to try {scratchJr}, a simplified version of Scratch designed for ages 5 to 7.",
"parents.faqResourcesTitle": "¿Qué recursos están disponibles para aprender Scratch?",
"parents.faqResourcesBody": "If you’re just getting started, there’s a {stepByStepGuide} available inside Scratch. For an overview of Scratch resources, see the {ideasPage} page.",
"parents.faqIdeasLinkText": "Ideas",
"parents.faqStepByStepGuideLinkText": "step-by-step guide",
"parents.faqGettingStartedGuideLinkText": "Getting Started guide (PDF)",
"parents.faqScratchCardsLinkText": "Cartas de Scratch",
"parents.faqTipsLinkText": "Sugerencias",
"parents.faqCommunityTitle": "¿Qué es la comunidad en línea de Scratch?",
"parents.faqCommunityBody": "Al participar en la comunidad en línea de Scratch, sus miembros pueden explorar y experimentar en una comunidad abierta de aprendizaje con personas de todos los orígenes, edades e intereses. Los miembros pueden compartir su trabajo, recibir retroalimentación y aprender unos de otros.",
"parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "¿Cuáles son las directrices para la comunidad en línea de Scratch?",
"parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The MIT Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the community guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.",
"parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "community guidelines",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "¿Cuál es su política de privacidad?",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "To protect children's online privacy, we limit what we collect during the signup process, and what we make public on the website. We don't sell or rent account information to anyone. You can find out more about our {privacyPolicy} page.",
"parents.faqFAQLinkText": "frequently asked questions page",
"parents.faqOfflineTitle": "¿Hay una manera de usar Scratch sin participar en línea?",
"parents.faqOfflineBody": "Yes, the Scratch app allows you to create Scratch projects without an internet connection. You can download the {scratchApp} from the Scratch website or the app store on your device.",
"parents.faqScratchApp": "Scratch app",
"parents.faqOffline2LinkText": "Scratch 2.0 offline editor",
"parents.faqOffline14LinkText": "Scratch 1.4 offline editor"
} |