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synced 2025-03-26 12:50:04 -04:00
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"conference-2018.title": "Comhdháil Scratch 2018:",
"conference-2018.subtitle": "An Chéad Ghlúin Eile",
"conference-2018.dateDesc": "26-28 Iúil 2018 | Cambridge, MA, SAM",
"conference-2018.dateDescMore": "(le fáiltiú tráthnóna 25 Iúil)",
"conference-2018.locationDetails": "MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA",
"conference-2018.seeBelow": "Tuilleadh eolais faoi dhátaí agus suímh na gcomhdhálacha thíos.",
"conference-2018.date": "Dátaí:",
"conference-2018.location": "Suíomh:",
"conference-2018.desc1": "Bí linn ag comhdháil Scratch@MIT, cruinniú spraíúil le múinteoirí, taighdeoirí, forbróirí, agus baill de chomhphobal domhanda Scratch.",
"conference-2018.desc2": "Comhdháil an-rannpháirteach a bheidh ann, lá iomlán curtha i leataobh le haghaidh ceardlann, agus go leor deiseanna le comhrá agus comhoibriú a dhéanamh le comhghleacaithe. Tá an chomhdháil dírithe ar dhaoine fásta a thacaíonn le daoine óga atá ag foghlaim Scratch.",
"conference-2018.registrationDate": "D'oscail clárú 1 Márta 2018.",
"conference-2018.registerNow": "Cláraigh Anois!",
"conference-2018.sessionDesc": "Ar mhaith leat do sheisiún féin a eagrú? Cuirimid fáilte roimh iarratais de na ceithre chineál seo:",
"conference-2018.sessionItem1Title": "Póstaer/taispeántas (90 nóiméad).",
"conference-2018.sessionItem1Desc": "Cuir do thionscadal ar taispeáint le taobh láithreoirí eile i seomra amháin. Soláthrófar áit taispeána duit le haghaidh póstaeir, chomh maith le spás ar thábla le haghaidh ríomhaire nó dáileán.",
"conference-2018.sessionItem2Title": "Ceardlann rannpháirteach (90 nóiméad).",
"conference-2018.sessionItem2Desc": "Cuir na rannpháirtithe ag obair ar ghníomhaíochtaí a tharraingíonn suntas ar bhealaí nua le comhoibriú agus le cruthú in Scratch.",
"conference-2018.sessionItem3Title": "Painéal idirghníomhach (60 nóiméad).",
"conference-2018.sessionItem3Desc": "Pléigh ábhar a bhaineann le Scratch ar phainéal le triúr nó níos mó daoine. Ba chóir duit cur síos a dhéanamh i d'iarratas ar ghnéithe idirghníomhacha an tseisiúin.",
"conference-2018.sessionItem4Title": "Óráid tintrí (5 nóiméad).",
"conference-2018.sessionItem4Desc": "Cur i láthair beo bríomhar faoin obair atá idir lámha agat.",
"conference-2018.deadline": "Sprioclá d'iarratais: 5 Feabhra 2018.",
"conference-2018.proposal": "Cuir Iarratas Isteach",
"conference-2018.proposalDeadline": "Sprioclá d'iarratais: 5 Feabhra",
"conference-2018.proposalAccept": "Freagraí ar iarratais: 1 Márta",
"conference-2018.registrationTitle": "Clárú:",
"conference-2018.registrationEarly": "Luathchlárú (1 Márta - 1 Bealtaine): $200",
"conference-2018.registrationStandard": "Gnáthchlárú (tar éis 1 Bealtaine): $300",
"conference-2018.questions": "Ceisteanna? Déan teagmháil le Foireann Scratch ag {emailLink}",
"conference-2018.questionsTitle": "Ceisteanna:",
"conference-2018.submissionQ": "Chaill mé an sprioclá. An féidir liom iarratas a chur isteach fós?",
"conference-2018.submissionAns": "Ní féidir. Nílimid ag glacadh le tuilleadh iarratas.",
"conference-2018.regQ": "Ní féidir liom freastal ach ar lá amháin. An bhfuil clárúchán aonlae ar fáil?",
"conference-2018.regAns": "Ár leithscéal, ach níl ticéid aonlae ar fáil.",
"conference-2018.accommodationsQ": "Tá mé ag iarraidh mo thuras a phleanáil. An bhfuil moltaí agat ó thaobh lóistín?",
"conference-2018.accommodationsAns1": "Yes, MIT partners with several hotels in the area who offer discounts to participants attending MIT events, including: {marriottLink} (0.4 miles from the MIT Media Lab), {holidayinnLink} (1.6 miles), {residenceinnLink} (0.3 miles), and {lemeridienLink} (0.9 miles). To reserve a room at one of these hotels, call the hotel and request the MIT discount. Advance booking is strongly recommended, as summer is a busy time in Boston. All MIT rates are subject to availability.",
"conference-2018.accommodationsAns2": "If you are looking for additional accommodation options, we also recommend the {acLink} (7.1 miles), {doubletreeLink} (3.3 miles), and {hotelbostonLink} with the code MITSC2018 (5.3 mile). You might also consider home-share options such as Airbnb. Find an extended list of accommodations {mitLink}.",
"conference-2018.here": "anseo",
"conference-2018.accommodationsAns3": "Limited lodging is available in {neuLink} dorms rooms at the following rates:",
"conference-2018.apartment": "Árasán",
"conference-2018.suite": "Svuít",
"conference-2018.single": "Singil",
"conference-2018.double": "Dúbailte",
"conference-2018.pp": "/duine/oíche",
"conference-2018.accommodationsAns4": "To request a dorm room, please complete the {dormrequestLink}. Please note that Northeastern is located in Boston, two miles from the conference site at MIT. It is a half-hour commute via public transportation, accessible by subway via the Green Line (the Northeastern stop on the E line) or the Orange Line (Ruggles Station stop).",
"conference-2018.dormRequestText": "Foirm iarratais ar sheomra in áras cónaithe",
"conference-2018.letterQ": "An féidir liom litir víosa a fháil?",
"conference-2018.letterAns": "Is féidir cinnte. Seol teachtaireacht chugainn ag {emailLink} agus cuirfimid litir ar ais chugat.",
"conference-2018.preConfQ": "In previous years, there was an event on Wednesday evening before the conference. Will you be hosting something similar this year?",
"conference-2018.preConfAns": "There will be an informal, optional reception the evening of Wednesday, July 25. Participants may register early at this time as well.",
"conference-2018.bringQ": "What should I bring?",
"conference-2018.bringAns": "Plan to bring your personal device (laptops are preferred) and power cord. Presenters should plan to bring all additional presentation materials (we will provide projectors and screens). Snacks and beverages will be available throughout the day.",
"conference-2018.moreQ": "An bhfuil tuilleadh ceisteanna agat?",
"conference-2018.moreAns": "Téigh i dteagmháil le Foireann Scratch ag {emailLink}."
} |