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synced 2025-03-26 12:50:04 -04:00
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56 lines
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"conference-2018.title": "Scratch Аконференциа 2018:",
"conference-2018.subtitle": "Абиԥара ҿыц",
"conference-2018.dateDesc": "Ԥхынгәы 26-28 2018 ш. | Кембриџь, Массачусетс, ЕАА",
"conference-2018.dateDescMore": "(алахәылаҩцәа рыдкылара иалагоит ахәылбыҽха Ԥхынгәы 25)",
"conference-2018.locationDetails": "Амаҭәареимадаратә аҭҵааратә лабораториа Массачусеттәи атехнологиатә институт, Кембриџь, Массачусетс",
"conference-2018.seeBelow": "Аконференциа ахьымҩаԥырго аҭыԥи аамҭеи, еилышәкаарц шәылшоит ҵаҟа.",
"conference-2018.date": "Ианба:",
"conference-2018.location": "Иаба:",
"conference-2018.desc1": "Шәҽадышәкыл Scratch@MIT аконференциа, арҵаҩцәеи, аҭҵааҩцәеи, аԥҵаҩцәеи егьырҭ Scratch алахәылаҩцәеи иформалтәым реиԥылара.",
"conference-2018.desc2": "We're planning a very participatory conference, with an entire day of hands-on workshops and lots of opportunities for peer-to-peer discussion and collaboration. The conference is intended primarily for adults who support young people learning Scratch.",
"conference-2018.registrationDate": "Арегистрациа иалагоит Хәажәкыра 1, 2018 ш.",
"conference-2018.registerNow": "Арегистрациа.",
"conference-2018.sessionDesc": "Асессиа амҩаԥгара шәҭахума? Ҳара ишәыдаагалоит ахырхарҭақәа 4 типк:",
"conference-2018.sessionItem1Title": "Аплакат/адемонстрациа (90 минуҭ).",
"conference-2018.sessionItem1Desc": "Идшәырба шәпроект ацәыргақәҵаҿы, егьырҭ алахәылаҩцәа шәыцырхырааны. Шәара ишәзаллхоит аҭыԥқәа, аплакати акомпиутери рзы ма егьырҭ шәматериалқәа рзы. ",
"conference-2018.sessionItem2Title": "Апрактикатә семинар (90 минуҭ).",
"conference-2018.sessionItem2Desc": "Ирыдшәыԥхьалала алахәылаҩцәа апрактикатә ҽазыҟаҵарақәа, идшәырбала Scratch аус адулараҿы иҟоу азнеишьа ҿыцқәа.",
"conference-2018.sessionItem3Title": "Аинтерактивтә панель (60 минуҭ).",
"conference-2018.sessionItem3Desc": "Шәалацәажә Scratch иазку атема, 3 - ҩык ма еиҳаны алахәылаҩцәа зҵазкуа агәыԥқәа рҟны. Шәара иҟашәҵо адгаларақәа ирныԥшуазароуп асессиа ауаа радыԥхьалараз планқәас ишәымо.",
"conference-2018.sessionItem4Title": "Ҿырҳәалатәи апрезентациа (5 минуҭк)",
"conference-2018.sessionItem4Desc": "Иҟашәҵаз рыдышәгал, икьаҿу, илахҿыху апрезентациа ахархәара ала.",
"conference-2018.deadline": "Deadline for proposals is February 5, 2018.",
"conference-2018.proposal": "Идәықәышәҵа аҿахәҳәага",
"conference-2018.proposalDeadline": "Аҿахәҳәага адәықәҵара аҵыхәтәантәи аҿҳәара: Жәабран 5",
"conference-2018.proposalAccept": "Адкылараз ардырра: Хәажәкыра 1",
"conference-2018.registrationTitle": "Арегистрациа:",
"conference-2018.registrationEarly": "Заатәи арегистрациа (Хәажәкыра 1 - Лаҵара 1): 200$",
"conference-2018.registrationStandard": "Истандарту арегистрациа (Лаҵара 1 ашьҭахь): 300$",
"conference-2018.questions": "Азҵаарақәа шәымоума? Scrath Акоманда шәадҵаал {emailLink}",
"conference-2018.questionsTitle": "Азҵаарақәа:",
"conference-2018.submissionQ": "I missed the submission deadline. Can I still submit a proposal for the conference?",
"conference-2018.submissionAns": "We are no longer accepting proposal submissions.",
"conference-2018.regQ": "I can only attend one day of the conference. Do you offer single-day registration?",
"conference-2018.regAns": "Sorry, we are not offering single-day tickets.",
"conference-2018.accommodationsQ": "I want to plan my visit. Do you have suggestions for accommodations?",
"conference-2018.accommodationsAns1": "Yes, MIT partners with several hotels in the area who offer discounts to participants attending MIT events, including: {marriottLink} (0.4 miles from the MIT Media Lab), {holidayinnLink} (1.6 miles), {residenceinnLink} (0.3 miles), and {lemeridienLink} (0.9 miles). To reserve a room at one of these hotels, call the hotel and request the MIT discount. Advance booking is strongly recommended, as summer is a busy time in Boston. All MIT rates are subject to availability.",
"conference-2018.accommodationsAns2": "If you are looking for additional accommodation options, we also recommend the {acLink} (7.1 miles), {doubletreeLink} (3.3 miles), and {hotelbostonLink} with the code MITSC2018 (5.3 mile). You might also consider home-share options such as Airbnb. Find an extended list of accommodations {mitLink}.",
"conference-2018.here": "абра",
"conference-2018.accommodationsAns3": "Limited lodging is available in {neuLink} dorms rooms at the following rates:",
"conference-2018.apartment": "Аквартира",
"conference-2018.suite": "Ауада",
"conference-2018.single": "Ҭыԥк змоу",
"conference-2018.double": "Ҩ-ҭыԥк змоу",
"conference-2018.pp": "/ауаа/аҵх",
"conference-2018.accommodationsAns4": "To request a dorm room, please complete the {dormrequestLink}. Please note that Northeastern is located in Boston, two miles from the conference site at MIT. It is a half-hour commute via public transportation, accessible by subway via the Green Line (the Northeastern stop on the E line) or the Orange Line (Ruggles Station stop).",
"conference-2018.dormRequestText": "Dorm Room Request Form",
"conference-2018.letterQ": "Can I get a visa letter?",
"conference-2018.letterAns": "Yes. Contact us at {emailLink}, and we can email you a letter.",
"conference-2018.preConfQ": "In previous years, there was an event on Wednesday evening before the conference. Will you be hosting something similar this year?",
"conference-2018.preConfAns": "There will be an informal, optional reception the evening of Wednesday, July 25. Participants may register early at this time as well.",
"conference-2018.bringQ": "Инагатәуи?",
"conference-2018.bringAns": "Plan to bring your personal device (laptops are preferred) and power cord. Presenters should plan to bring all additional presentation materials (we will provide projectors and screens). Snacks and beverages will be available throughout the day.",
"conference-2018.moreQ": "Ишәмоума уаҳа азҵаарақәа?",
"conference-2018.moreAns": "Scratch акоманда шәҽамажәда e-mail {emailLink} ала."
} |