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68 lines
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"ideas.headerMessage": "Dè chruthaicheas tu fhèin?",
"ideas.headerImageDescription": "Outlandish creations from pixelated unicorns to drumbeat waveforms to levitating tacos to buckets of rainbows.",
"ideas.headerButtonMessage": "Tagh oideachadh",
"ideas.gettingStartedTitle": "Dèan toiseach-tòiseachaidh",
"ideas.gettingStartedText": "A bheil Scratch ùr dhut? Feuch an t-oideachadh “Toiseach-tòiseachaidh”.",
"ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription": "An illustrated boy plants his flag on top of a freshly painted mountaintop.",
"ideas.tryIt": "Feuch e!",
"ideas.activityGuidesTitle": "Treòirean gnìomhachd",
"ideas.activityGuidesText": "Dè am bu toigh leat dèanamh le Scratch? Airson gach gnìomhachd, feuch an t-oideachadh, luchdaich a-nuas grunn chairtean gnìomhachd no faic treòir an luchd-fhoghlaim.",
"ideas.animateANameTitle": "Beòthaich ainm",
"ideas.animateANameDescription": "Beòthaich litrichean d’ ainm no am facal as fheàrr leat.",
"ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "The name ANYA in all caps and blocked letters is poised to wiggle",
"ideas.animateACharacterTitle": "Beòthaich pearsa",
"ideas.animateACharacterDescription": "Cuir beòthachadh air pearsachan.",
"ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription": "An taco with a wand, wizard cap and flowing white beard floats enchantingly in low-Earth orbit.",
"ideas.makeMusicTitle": "Cluich ceòl",
"ideas.makeMusicDescription": "Tagh innealan-ciùil, cuir fuaimean ris agus brùth air iuchraichean gus ceòl a chluiche.",
"ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "Strings vibrate on an illustrated Gibson explorer.",
"ideas.createAStoryTitle": "Cruthaich sgeulachd",
"ideas.createAStoryDescription": "Tagh pearsachan, cuir còmhradh ris agus innis do sgeulachd leotha.",
"ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "A wizard beckons a traveling witch towards a distant castle.",
"ideas.chaseGameTitle": "Cruthaich geama seilg",
"ideas.chaseGameDescription": "Cruthaich geama far an tèid thu an toir air pearsa airson puingean a bhuannachd.",
"ideas.chaseGameImageDescription": "A happy interactive octopus passes over a star.",
"ideas.videoSensingTitle": "Mothachadh video",
"ideas.videoSensingDescription": "Dèan eadar-ghnìomh le pròiseact le taic leudachan mothachadh video.",
"ideas.videoSensingImageDescription": "A virtual hand dodges a spurt of flame in an attempt to pet a dragon.",
"ideas.seeAllTutorials": "Seall a h-uile oideachadh",
"ideas.cardsTitle": "Faigh cruinneachadh slàn dhe na cairtean còdachaidh",
"ideas.cardsText": "Le cairtean còdachaidh Scratch, ionnsaichidh tu mar a chruthaicheas tu geamannan, sgeulachdan, ceòl agus beòthachaidhean eadar-ghnìomhach agus a bharrachd!",
"ideas.cardsIllustrationDescription": "An assortment of fun, animated characters and objects leap out of a stack of cards.",
"ideas.starterProjectsTitle": "Pròiseactan tòiseachaidh",
"ideas.starterProjectsText": "’S urrainn dhut cluich le pròiseactan tòiseachaidh agus an ath-mheasgachadh ach an cruthaich thu rud agad fhèin.",
"ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription": "An illustration of the Scratch Code Editor.",
"ideas.starterProjectsButton": "Rùraich na pròiseactan tòiseachaidh",
"ideas.tryTheTutorial": "Feuch an t-oideachadh",
"ideas.codingCards": "Cairtean còdachaidh",
"ideas.educatorGuide": "Treòir an luchd-foghlaim",
"ideas.desktopEditorHeader": "Luchdadh a-nuas aplacaid Scratch",
"ideas.desktopEditorBody": "Ma tha thu airson pròiseactan a chruthachadh às aonais ceangal dhan eadar-lìon, <a href=\"/download\">luchdaich a-nuas aplacaid Scratch</a>.",
"ideas.desktopEditorBodyHTML": "Ma tha thu airson pròiseactan a chruthachadh às aonais ceangal dhan eadar-lìon, <a>luchdaich a-nuas aplacaid Scratch</a>.",
"ideas.questionsHeader": "Ceistean",
"ideas.questionsBody": "A bheil barrachd ceistean agad? Thòir sùil air na <a href=\"/info/faq\">ceistean àbhaisteach</a> no tadhail air an fhòram <a href=\"/discuss/7/\">Help with Scripts</a>.",
"ideas.questionsBodyHTML": "A bheil barrachd ceistean agad? Thòir sùil air na <faq>ceistean àbhaisteach</faq> no tadhail air an fhòram <forum>Help with Scripts</forum>.",
"ideas.cardsPurchase": "Ceannaich clò-bhualadh dhiubh",
"ideas.MakeItFlyTitle": "Air sgiath",
"ideas.MakeItFlyDescription": "Tagh pearsa sam bith is thoir sgiathadh air!",
"ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription": "The scratch cat flies over the skyline. Alongside a flying taco.",
"ideas.RaceTitle": "Rèis gun deireadh",
"ideas.RaceDescription": "Dèan geama far an ruith dithis rèis.",
"ideas.HideAndSeekTitle": "Falach-fead",
"ideas.HideAndSeekDescription": "Cruthaich geama falach-fead le pearsachan a nochdas ’s a thèid am falach.",
"ideas.FashionTitle": "Geama fasain",
"ideas.FashionDescription": "Cruthaich geama far an cuir thu aodaich is stoidhlichean eadar-dhealaichte air pearsa.",
"ideas.PongTitle": "Geama pong",
"ideas.PongDescription": "Cruthaich geama le bàla a’ bocadh aig a bheil fuaimean, puingean is èifeachdan eile.",
"ideas.PongImageDescription": "A ball bounces off a digital paddle.",
"ideas.ImagineTitle": "Cruthaich saoghal",
"ideas.ImagineDescription": "Beachdaich air saoghal far am biodh tu fhèin a’ dèanamh nan riaghailtean.",
"ideas.ImagineImageDescription": "A girl stands proudly in front of a thought bubble as big as the Earth and as intricate as butterfly wings.",
"ideas.DanceTitle": "Dannsamaid",
"ideas.DanceDescription": "Dealbhaich sealladh dannsa beòthaichte le ceòl is gluasadan dannsa.",
"ideas.CatchTitle": "Geama ceapaidh",
"ideas.CatchDescription": "Cruthaich geama far an glac thu nithean a thuiteas às an adhar.",
"ideas.VirtualPetTitle": "Peata biortail",
"ideas.VirtualPetDescription": "Cruthaich peata eadar-ghnìomhach a dh’itheas, dh’òlas is chluicheas."
} |