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synced 2025-01-10 14:42:28 -05:00
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"conference-2020.title": "Scratch Conference 2021:",
"conference-2020.subtitle": "Imos crear xuntos!",
"conference-2020.dateDesc": "July 22-24, 2021 | Cambridge, MA, USA",
"conference-2020.dateDescMore": " (with opening reception the evening of July 21)",
"conference-2020.locationDetails": "Laboratorio Multimedia do MIT, Cambridge, Massachussetts",
"conference-2020.date": "Cando:",
"conference-2020.location": "Onde:",
"conference-2020.desc1": "Únete a nós para a Conferencia de Scratch, un encontro internacional onde persoas educadoras, investigadoras e desenvolvedoras comparten ideas para apoiar a aprendizaxe creativa con Scratch.",
"conference-2020.desc1a": "Due to the global health crisis, we have delayed the conference for one year, to July 22-24, 2021.",
"conference-2020.desc2": "Scratch converteuse na comunidade de codificación de nenas e nenos máis grande do mundo. A conferencia ofrece talleres prácticos, discusións e demostracións interactivas para explorar formas de usar Scratch para ampliar experiencias creativas de aprendizaxe para todo tipo de estudantes en diferentes áreas temáticas.",
"conference-2020.desc3": "Xuntos intercambiaremos ideas e estratexias sobre como usar Scratch para involucrar ás e aos estudantes en aprender a pensar creativamente, a razoar de forma sistemática e traballar de forma colaborativa: habilidades esenciais para todas as persoas na sociedade actual.",
"conference-2020.registrationTitle": "Inscrición:",
"conference-2020.registrationFee": "Taxa de conferencia: 250 dólares",
"conference-2020.registrationOpen": "O prezo da conferencia inclúe 7 comidas (3 almorzos, 3 xantar, 1 cea) e refrescos durante o día.",
"conference-2020.registrationDelayed": "In response to the coronavirus crisis (COVID-19), we have decided to delay the Scratch conference for one year, to July 22-24, 2021. We are sending well wishes to our entire global community and hope you can join us then!",
"conference-2020.connectNow": "Want to connect now? We invite you to learn more about our online conversations, resources, and events at {scratchInPracticeLink}.",
"conference-2020.scratchInPracticeText": "Scratch na práctica",
"conference-2020.register": "Ir á páxina de rexistro",
"conference-2020.stayDesc1": "We will be posting revised lodging options at the beginning of 2021.",
"conference-2020.stayDesc2": "For additional questions, contact the Scratch Conference Team at {emailLink}",
"conference-2020.organizedBy": "A conferencia de Scratch está organizada polo grupo Lifelong Kindergarten do MIT Media Lab en colaboración coa Fundación Scratch."
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