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synced 2025-03-24 11:50:51 -04:00
506 lines
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"general.status": "คัดกรองโปรเจค",
"general.languageChooser": "เลือกภาษา",
"general.accountSettings": "ตั้งค่าบัญชี",
"general.about": "เกี่ยวกับ",
"general.aboutScratch": "เกี่ยวกับ Scratch",
"general.apiError": "อ๊ะ Scratch มีข้อผิดพลาด",
"general.back": "หลังสุด",
"general.birthMonth": "เดือนเกิด",
"general.birthYear": "ปีเกิด",
"general.donate": "บริจาค",
"general.cancel": "ยกเลิก",
"general.close": "ปิด",
"general.collaborators": "ผู้ร่วมมือ",
"general.community": "ชุมชน",
"general.confirmEmail": "ยืนยันอีเมล",
"general.contactUs": "ติดต่อเรา",
"general.getHelp": "ขอความช่วยเหลือ",
"general.contact": "ติดต่อ",
"general.cookies": "คุ๊กกี้",
"general.done": "เสร็จ",
"general.downloadPDF": "ดาวน์โหลดไฟล์ PDF",
"general.emailUs": "ส่งอีเมลถึงเรา",
"general.conferences": "การสัมมนา",
"general.country": "ประเทศ",
"general.create": "สร้าง",
"general.credits": "ทีมงานของเรา",
"general.donors": "การบริจาค",
"general.dmca": "DMCA",
"general.dsa": "DSA Requirements",
"general.emailAddress": "ที่อยู่อีเมล",
"general.english": "ภาษาอังกฤษ",
"general.error": "อุ๊ย! มีบางอย่างผิดพลาด",
"general.errorIdentifier": "ข้อผิดพลาดของคุณได้ถูกเก็บบันทึกไว้ด้วยไอดี {errorId}",
"general.explore": "สำรวจ",
"general.faq": "คำถามพบบ่อย",
"general.female": "หญิง",
"general.forParents": "สำหรับผู้ปกครอง",
"general.forEducators": "สำหรับนักการศึกษา",
"general.forDevelopers": "สำหรับผู้พัฒนา",
"general.getStarted": "เริ่มต้นใช้งาน",
"general.gender": "เพศ",
"general.guidelines": "แนวทางปฏิบัติของชุมชน",
"general.invalidSelection": "Invalid selection",
"general.jobs": "งาน",
"general.joinScratch": "เข้าร่วม Scratch",
"general.legal": "เกี่ยวกับกฎหมาย",
"general.loadMore": "โหลดเพิ่ม",
"general.learnMore": "เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติม",
"general.male": "ชาย",
"general.messages": "ข้อความ",
"general.month": "เดือน",
"general.monthJanuary": "มกราคม",
"general.monthFebruary": "กุมภาพันธ์",
"general.monthMarch": "มีนาคม",
"general.monthApril": "เมษายน",
"general.monthMay": "พฤษภาคม",
"general.monthJune": "มิถุนายน",
"general.monthJuly": "กรกฎาคม",
"general.monthAugust": "สิงหาคม",
"general.monthSeptember": "กันยายน",
"general.monthOctober": "ตุลาคม",
"general.monthNovember": "พฤศจิกายน",
"general.monthDecember": "ธันวาคม",
"general.myClass": "ห้องเรียนของฉัน",
"general.myClasses": "ชั้นเรียนของฉัน",
"general.myStuff": "ผลงานของฉัน",
"general.next": "ต่อไป",
"general.noDeletionTitle": "บัญชีของคุณจะไม่ถูกลบ",
"general.noDeletionDescription": "บัญชีของคุณถูกกำหนดเวลาไว้สำหรับการลบ แต่คุณเข้าสู่ระบบแล้ว บัญชีของคุณได้ถูกเปิดใช้งานใหม่แล้ว หากคุณไม่ได้ขอให้บัญชีของคุณถูกลบ คุณควร {resetLink} เพื่อตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าบัญชีของคุณปลอดภัย",
"general.noDeletionLink": "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านของคุณ",
"general.nonBinary": "ไม่เห็นว่าเพศของตัวเองจำกัดอยู่กับเฉพาะกับเพศชายและเพศหญิงเท่านั้น",
"general.notRequired": "ไม่จำเป็น",
"general.okay": "ตกลง",
"general.other": "อื่นๆ",
"general.download": "ดาวน์โหลด",
"general.password": "รหัสผ่าน",
"general.press": "สื่อประชาสัมพันธ์",
"general.projectsSelected": "Projects Tab Selected",
"general.projectsNotS": "โครงการ",
"general.privacyPolicy": "นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว",
"general.projects": "โครงงาน",
"general.profile": "โปรไฟล์",
"general.required": "จำเป็น",
"general.resourcesTitle": "ทรัพยากรสำหรับนักการศึกษา",
"general.scratchConference": "การประชุม Scratch",
"general.scratchEd": "ScratchEd",
"general.scratchFoundation": "มูลนิธิ Scratch",
"general.scratchJr": "ScratchJr",
"general.scratchStore": "ร้าน Scratch",
"general.search": "ค้นหา",
"general.searchEmpty": "ไม่พบอะไรเลย",
"general.send": "ส่ง",
"general.signIn": "ลงชื่อเข้าใช้",
"general.startOver": "เริ่มต้นใหม่",
"general.statistics": "สถิติ",
"general.studios": "สตูดิโอ",
"general.studiosSelected": "Studios Tab Selected",
"general.studiosNotS": "สตูดิโอ",
"general.support": "ทรัพยากร",
"general.ideas": "แนวคิด",
"general.tipsWindow": "หน้าต่างเคล็ดลับ",
"general.termsOfUse": "เงื่อนไขการใช้",
"general.tryAgain": "ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง",
"general.unhandledError": "เราเสียใจมาก แต่ดูเหมือนว่า Scratch จะเกิดข้อขัดข้อง ข้อผิดพลาดนี้ได้ถูกรายงานไปยังทีม Scratch โดยอัตโนมัติแล้ว",
"general.username": "ชื่อผู้ใช้",
"general.validationEmail": "โปรดป้อนที่อยู่อีเมลที่ถูกต้อ",
"general.validationEmailMatch": "อีเมลไม่ตรงกัน",
"general.viewAll": "ดูทั้งหมด",
"general.website": "เว็บไซต์",
"general.whatsHappening": "มีอะไรเกิดขึ้นบ้าง?",
"general.wiki": "วิกิ Scratch",
"general.copyLink": "คัดลอกลิงก์",
"general.report": "รายงาน",
"general.notAvailableHeadline": "เฮ้อ! เซิร์ฟเวอร์ของเราไม่พบหน้านี้",
"general.notAvailableSubtitle": "เราไม่พบหน้าที่คุณกำลังค้นหา โปรดตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าคุณพิมพ์ URL ถูกต้อง",
"general.seeAllComments": "ดูข้อคิดเห็นทั้งหมด",
"general.all": "ทั้งหมด",
"general.allSelected": "All Selected",
"general.animations": "แอนิเมชัน",
"general.animationsSelected": "Animations Selected",
"general.art": "ศิลปะ",
"general.artSelected": "Art Selected",
"general.games": "เกม",
"general.gamesSelected": "Games Selected",
"general.music": "ดนตรี",
"general.musicSelected": "Music Selected",
"general.results": "ผลลัพธ์",
"general.resultsSelected": "Results Selected",
"general.stories": "เรื่องราว",
"general.storiesSelected": "Stories Selected",
"general.tutorials": "บทเรียน",
"general.tutorialsSelected": "Tutorials Selected",
"general.teacherAccounts": "บัญชีครู",
"general.unsupportedBrowser": "ไม่รองรับเบราว์เซอร์นี้",
"general.unsupportedBrowserDescription": "เราเสียใจมาก แต่ Scratch 3.0 ไม่สนับสนุน Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera หรือ Silk เราแนะนำให้ลองใช้เบราว์เซอร์รุ่นใหม่เช่น Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox หรือ Microsoft Edge",
"general.3faq": "หากต้องการเรียนรู้เพิ่มเติม ไปที่ {faqLink}",
"general.year": "ปี",
"footer.discuss": "ฟอรัมสนทนา",
"footer.scratchFamily": "ครอบครัว Scratch",
"footer.donorRecognition": "Scratch ให้บริการฟรีโดยได้รับการสนับสนุนจาก {donorLink} ขอขอบคุณผู้สนับสนุนเรา",
"footer.donors": "ผู้บริจาค",
"footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2}, {donor3}, และ {donor4} ",
"form.validationRequired": "ช่องกรอกนี้ต้องใส่",
"login.needHelp": "ต้องการความช่วยเหลือ?",
"navigation.signOut": "ลงชื่อออก",
"extensionHeader.requirements": "ความต้องการ",
"extensionInstallation.addExtension": "ในตัวแก้ไข คลิกที่ปุ่ม \"เพิ่มส่วนขยาย\" ที่อยู่มุมซ้ายล่าง",
"oschooser.choose": "เลือกระบบปฏิบัติการของคุณ:",
"installScratch.or": "หรือ",
"installScratch.directDownload": "ดาวน์โหลดโดยตรง",
"installScratch.appHeaderTitle": "ติดตั้งแอป Scratch สำหรับ {operatingsystem}",
"installScratch.getScratchAppPlay": "ติดตั้งแอป Scratch บน Google Play Store",
"installScratch.getScratchAppMacOs": "ติดตั้งแอป Scratch บน Mac App Store",
"installScratch.getScratchAppWindows": "ติดตั้งแอป Scratch บน Microsoft Store",
"installScratch.useScratchApp": "เปิดแอป Scratch บนอุปกรณ์ของคุณ",
"installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "ติดตั้ง Scratch Link",
"installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "ดาวน์โหลดและติดตั้ง Scratch Link",
"installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.",
"installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).",
"installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.",
"installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "ที่นี่",
"installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.",
"installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Troubleshooting section",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "แม้ว่า Scratch ถูกออกแบบมาสำหรับเด็กอายุ 8-16 ปีเป็นหลัก แต่ก็ใช้ได้โดยคนทุกวัย รวมถึงเด็กอายุน้อยกว่านั้นที่มีผู้ปกครองดูแล",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Scratch เหมาะกับเด็กช่วงอายุเท่าไหร่?",
"parents.FaqResourcesQ": "มีทรัพยากรอะไรบ้างสำหรับการเรียนรู้ Scratch?",
"parents.introDescription": "Scratch เป็นภาษาเขียนโปรแกรมและชุมชนออนไลน์ที่เด็กสามารถเขียนโปรแกรมและแบ่งปันสื่อแบบโต้ตอบอย่างเช่น เรื่องราว เกม และแอนิเมชั่นกับผู้คนจากทั่วโลก ในขณะที่เด็กสร้างด้วย Scratch พวกเขาเรียนรู้ที่จะคิดแบบสร้างสรรค์ ทำงานร่วมกัน และคิดเหตุผลอย่างเป็นระบบ Scratch ออกแบบและดูแลโดยกลุ่ม Lifelong Kindergarten ที่ MIT Media Lab",
"registration.birthDateStepInfo": "ข้อมูลนี้ช่วยให้เราเข้าใจช่วงอายุของผู้ที่ใช้ Scratch เราใช้ข้อมูลนี้เพื่อยืนยันความเป็นเจ้าของบัญชีหากคุณติดต่อทีมของเรา ข้อมูลนี้จะไม่ถูกเปิดเผยต่อสาธารณะในบัญชีของคุณ",
"registration.birthDateStepTitle": "คุณเกิดเมื่อใด",
"registration.cantCreateAccount": "Scratch ไม่สามารถสร้างบัญชีของคุณได้",
"registration.checkOutResources": "เริ่มต้นกับทรัพยากร",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescription": "สำรวจเนื้อหาสำหรับนักการศึกษาและวิทยากรที่เขียนโดยทีม Scratch รวมถึง<a href='/educators#resources'>เคล็ดลับ บทช่วยสอน และคู่มือ</a>",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescriptionHTML": "สำรวจเนื้อหาสำหรับนักการศึกษาและวิทยากรที่เขียนโดยทีม Scratch รวมถึง<a>เคล็ดลับ บทช่วยสอน และคู่มือ</a>",
"registration.choosePasswordStepDescription": "พิมพ์รหัสผ่านใหม่สำหรับบัญชีของคุณ คุณจะใช้รหัสผ่านนี้ในครั้งถัดไปที่คุณเข้าสู่ระบบ Scratch",
"registration.choosePasswordStepTitle": "สร้างรหัสผ่าน",
"registration.choosePasswordStepTooltip": "อย่าใช้ชื่อของคุณหรืออะไรก็ตามที่คนอื่นเดาได้ง่าย",
"registration.classroomApiGeneralError": "Sorry, we could not find the registration information for this class",
"registration.countryStepTitle": "คุณอาศัยอยู่ในประเทศใด",
"registration.generalError": "ขออภัย เกิดข้อผิดพลาดที่ไม่คาดคิด",
"registration.classroomInviteExistingStudentStepDescription": "คุณได้ถูกเชิญให้เข้าร่วมชั้นเรียน:",
"registration.classroomInviteNewStudentStepDescription": "ครูของคุณได้เชิญคุณให้เข้าร่วมชั้นเรียน:",
"registration.confirmPasswordInstruction": "กรอกรหัสผ่านอีกครั้ง",
"registration.confirmYourEmail": "ยืนยันอีเมลของคุณ",
"registration.confirmYourEmailDescription": "หากคุณยังไม่ได้ยืนยัน โปรดคลิกลิงก์ในอีเมลยืนยันที่ส่งไปยัง:",
"registration.createAccount": "สร้างบัญชีของคุณ",
"registration.createUsername": "กำหนดชื่อผู้ใช้ของคุณ",
"registration.errorBadUsername": "The username you chose is not allowed. Try again with a different username.",
"registration.errorCaptcha": "There was a problem with the CAPTCHA test.",
"registration.errorPasswordTooShort": "Your password is too short. It needs to be at least 6 letters long.",
"registration.errorUsernameExists": "The username you chose already exists. Try again with a different username.",
"registration.genderStepTitle": "What's your gender?",
"registration.genderStepDescription": "Scratch welcomes people of all genders.",
"registration.genderStepInfo": "This helps us understand who uses Scratch, so that we can broaden participation. This information will not be made public on your account.",
"registration.genderOptionAnother": "Another gender:",
"registration.genderOptionPreferNotToSay": "ไม่ระบุ",
"registration.emailStepTitle": "อีเมลคุณคืออะไร?",
"registration.under16.emailStepTitle": "What's your parent's email address?",
"registration.under16.emailStepDescription": "We'll send them a link to verify your account.",
"registration.emailStepInfo": "This will help if you forget your password. This information will not be made public on your account.",
"registration.goToClass": "ไปที่ชั้นเรียน",
"registration.invitedBy": "เชิญโดย",
"registration.lastStepTitle": "ขอบคุณที่ขอบัญชีครู Scratch",
"registration.lastStepDescription": "เรากำลังดำเนินการสมัครของคุณในขณะนี้",
"registration.makeProject": "สร้างโปรเจค",
"registration.mustBeNewStudent": "คุณต้องเป็นนักเรียนใหม่เพื่อดำเนินการลงทะเบียนของคุณให้เสร็จสมบูรณ์",
"registration.nameStepTooltip": "This information is used for verification and to aggregate usage statistics.",
"registration.newPassword": "รหัสผ่านใหม่",
"registration.nextStep": "้ขั้นตอนถัดไป",
"registration.notYou": "Not you? Log in as another user",
"registration.optIn": "Send me updates on using Scratch in educational settings",
"registration.passwordAdviceShort": "Write it down so you remember. Don’t share it with others!",
"registration.personalStepTitle": "ข้อมูลส่วนตัว",
"registration.personalStepDescription": "Your individual responses will not be displayed publicly, and will be kept confidential and secure",
"registration.private": "We will keep this information private.",
"registration.problemsAre": "The problems are:",
"registration.reviewGuidelines": "Review Community Guidelines",
"registration.selectCountry": "เลือกประเทศ",
"registration.startOverInstruction": "Click \"Start over.\"",
"registration.studentPersonalStepDescription": "This information will not appear on the Scratch website.",
"registration.showPassword": "แสดงรหัสผ่าน",
"registration.troubleReload": "Scratch is having trouble finishing registration. Try reloading the page or try again in another browser.",
"registration.tryAgainInstruction": "Click \"Try again\".",
"registration.usernameStepDescription": "Fill in the following forms to request an account. You will need to confirm you email. The approval process may take up to one day.",
"registration.usernameStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Create projects, share ideas, make friends. It’s free!",
"registration.usernameStepRealName": "กรุณาอย่าใช่ชื่อจริงในการสร้างชื่อผู้ใช้",
"registration.usernameAdviceShort": "อย่าใช้ชื่อจริงของคุณ",
"registration.studentUsernameStepDescription": "You can make games, animations, and stories using Scratch. Setting up an account is easy and it's free. Fill in the form below to get started.",
"registration.studentUsernameStepHelpText": "Already have a Scratch account?",
"registration.studentUsernameStepTooltip": "You'll need to create a new Scratch account to join this class.",
"registration.studentUsernameSuggestion": "Try your favorite food, hobby, or animal along with some numbers",
"registration.acceptTermsOfUse": "By creating an account, you acknowledge the {privacyPolicyLink} and you accept and agree to the {touLink}.",
"registration.usernameStepTitle": "Request a Teacher Account",
"registration.usernameStepTitleScratcher": "Create a Scratch Account",
"registration.validationMaxLength": "Sorry, you have exceeded the maximum character limit.",
"registration.validationPasswordConfirmNotEquals": "Passwords don’t match",
"registration.validationPasswordLength": "Must be 6 letters or longer",
"registration.validationPasswordNotEquals": "Password is too easy to guess. Try something else?",
"registration.validationPasswordNotUsername": "Password can’t match your username",
"registration.validationUsernameRegexp": "Usernames can only use letters, numbers, - and _",
"registration.validationUsernameMinLength": "Must be 3 letters or longer",
"registration.validationUsernameMaxLength": "Must be 20 letters or shorter",
"registration.validationUsernameExists": "Username taken. Try another?",
"registration.validationUsernameNotAllowed": "Username not allowed",
"registration.validationUsernameVulgar": "อืม ดูเหมือนว่านั่นจะไม่เหมาะสม",
"registration.validationUsernameInvalid": "ชื่อผู้ใช้ไม่ถูกต้อง",
"registration.validationUsernameSpaces": "Usernames can't have spaces",
"registration.validationEmailInvalid": "Email doesn’t look right. Try another?",
"registration.waitForApproval": "Wait for Approval",
"registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "You can log into your Scratch Account now, but the features specific to Teachers are not yet available. Your information is being reviewed. Please be patient, the approval process can take up to one day. You will receive an email indicating your account has been upgraded once your account has been approved.",
"registration.confirmationEmailNotReceived": "If you have not received a confirmation email within 24 hours, please reach out to the Scratch Team at <b>https://scratch.mit.edu/contact-us/</b>.",
"registration.welcomeStepDescription": "You have successfully set up a Scratch account! You are now a member of the class:",
"registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "You’re now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.",
"registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.",
"registration.under16.welcomeStepInstructions": "In order to share projects and participate in the Scratch community, your parent needs to confirm your account. They can click on the link in the email we sent to {email}.",
"registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "To get started, click on the button below.",
"registration.welcomeStepTitle": "เย่! ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ Scratch!",
"registration.welcomeStepTitleNonEducator": "Welcome to Scratch, {username}!",
"emailConfirmationBanner.confirm": "{confirmLink} to enable sharing. {faqLink}",
"emailConfirmationBanner.confirmLinkText": "ยืนยันอีเมลของคุณ",
"emailConfirmationBanner.faqLinkText": "Having trouble?",
"emailConfirmationBanner.parentEmail.confirm": "A parent needs to {confirmLink} before you can share projects.",
"emailConfirmationBanner.parentEmail.confirmLinkText": "confirm your account",
"emailConfirmationModal.confirm": "ยืนยันอีเมลของคุณ",
"emailConfirmationModal.wantToShare": "ต้องการแชร์บน Scratch ไหม?",
"emailConfirmationModal.clickEmailLink": "Confirm your email address by clicking the link in the email we sent to:",
"emailConfirmationModal.resendEmail": "Resend confirmation email",
"emailConfirmationModal.confirmingTips": "Tips for confirming your email address",
"emailConfirmationModal.tipWaitTenMinutes": "Wait for ten minutes. The email may take a while to arrive.",
"emailConfirmationModal.tipCheckSpam": "Check your spam folder.",
"emailConfirmationModal.correctEmail": "Make sure your email address is correct, see {accountSettings}.",
"emailConfirmationModal.accountSettings": "การตั้งค่าบัญชี",
"emailConfirmationModal.wantMoreInfo": "Want more information? {FAQLink}",
"emailConfirmationModal.checkOutFAQ": "Check out the FAQ",
"emailConfirmationModal.havingTrouble": "Having Trouble? {tipsLink}",
"emailConfirmationModal.checkOutTips": "Check out these tips",
"emailConfirmationModal.parentEmail.confirm": "Confirm your account",
"emailConfirmationModal.parentEmail.wantToShare": "ต้องการแชร์บน Scratch ไหม?",
"emailConfirmationModal.parentEmail.clickEmailLink": "Your parent needs to click on the link in the email we sent to:",
"emailConfirmationModal.parentEmail.resendEmail": "Resend confirmation email",
"emailConfirmationModal.parentEmail.confirmingTips": "Tips for confirming your email address",
"emailConfirmationModal.parentEmail.tipWaitTenMinutes": "Wait for ten minutes. The email may take a while to arrive.",
"emailConfirmationModal.parentEmail.tipCheckSpam": "Ask your parent to check their spam folder.",
"emailConfirmationModal.parentEmail.correctEmail": "Make sure your parent's email address is correct. Check your {accountSettings}.",
"emailConfirmationModal.parentEmail.accountSettings": "การตั้งค่าบัญชี",
"emailConfirmationModal.parentEmail.havingTrouble": "Having Trouble? {tipsLink}",
"emailConfirmationModal.parentEmail.checkOutTips": "Check out these tips",
"thumbnail.by": "โดย",
"report.error": "Something went wrong when trying to send your message. Please try again.",
"report.project": "Report Project",
"report.studio": "Report Studio",
"report.projectInstructions": "When you send a report, it lets the Scratch Team know about projects that break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}. Does something in this project break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}? If you think it does, please tell us more.",
"report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "แนวทางปฏิบัติของชุมชน Scratch ",
"report.reasonPlaceHolder": "Select a reason",
"report.reasonCopy": "Exact Copy of Project",
"report.reasonUncredited": "Uses Image/Music Without Credit",
"report.reasonScary": "Too Violent or Scary",
"report.reasonJumpscare": "Jumpscare",
"report.reasonWeapons": "Uses realistic weapons",
"report.reasonEvent": "Violent event happens",
"report.reasonScaryImages": "Scary images",
"report.reasonThreatening": "Threatens or bullies another Scratcher",
"report.reasonLanguage": "Inappropriate Language",
"report.reasonMusic": "Inappropriate Music",
"report.reasonMissing": "Please select a reason",
"report.reasonImage": "Inappropriate Images",
"report.reasonPersonal": "Sharing Personal Contact Information",
"report.reasonDontLikeIt": "I don't like this project",
"report.reasonDoesntWork": "This project does not work",
"report.reasonCouldImprove": "This project could be improved on",
"report.reasonTooHard": "This project is too hard",
"report.reasonMisleading": "The project is misleading or tricks the community",
"report.reasonFaceReveal": "It's a face reveal or is just trying to show someone's picture",
"report.reasonNoRemixingAllowed": "The project doesn't allow remixing",
"report.reasonCreatorsSafety": "I'm worried about the safety of the creator of this project",
"report.reasonSomethingElse": "Something else",
"report.reasonDisrespectful": "Mean or Disrespectful to a Scratcher or Group",
"report.receivedHeader": "We have received your report!",
"report.receivedBody": "The Scratch Team will review the project based on the Scratch community guidelines.",
"report.promptPlaceholder": "Select a reason why above.",
"report.promptCopy": "Please provide a link to the original project",
"report.promptUncredited": "Please provide links to the uncredited content",
"report.promptScary": "Please select the main reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptJumpscare1": "A \"jumpscare\" is when something unexpected flashes on the screen with the intent to scare someone.",
"report.promptJumpscare2": "Please let us know more about the \"jumpscare,\" such as what happens, and when does it happen in the project. Also, providing the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop, associated with the jumpscare is helpful.",
"report.promptWeapons1": "Please let us know where the image, drawing, or sound of realistic weapons occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.",
"report.promptWeapons2": "Tip: Scratch projects should not contain realistic weapons, such as photographs of guns, realistic drawings or sounds. However, cartoon or fictional items like laser beams are okay.",
"report.promptEvent1": "Please let us know more about the scary event or story in the project. Providing more details will help the Scratch Team better understand the issue and address it.",
"report.promptEvent2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. It’s important projects do not contain mature themes such as harming someone.",
"report.promptScaryImages1": "Please let us know why you feel this image is too scary for Scratch, and where the image occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.",
"report.promptScaryImages2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. It’s important projects do not contain blood, realistic violence, or anything that may feel scary or too mature for younger audiences.",
"report.promptThreatening": "Please let us know why you feel this project is threatening another Scratcher.",
"report.promptLanguage": "Please say where the inappropriate language occurs in the project (For example: Notes & Credits, sprite name, project text, etc.)",
"report.promptMusic": "Please say the name of the audio file with the inappropriate music",
"report.promptPersonal": "Please say where the personal contact information is shared (For example: Notes & Credits, sprite name, project text, etc.)",
"report.promptGuidelines": "Please select a reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} and the Scratch Team will review your report.",
"report.promptImage": "Please say the name of the sprite or the backdrop with the inappropriate image",
"report.promptDontLikeIt": "Scratch projects are made by people of all ages and levels of experience. If you don't like this project because you feel it can be improved upon, we encourage you to share constructive feedback directly with the creator.",
"report.promptTips": "Here are tips on sharing constructive feedback:",
"report.tipsSupportive": "Be supportive and encouraging.",
"report.tipsConstructive": "Leave a comment telling them what you like, but also what they could do to make the project better.",
"report.tipsSpecific": "Try to be specific with your feedback. For instance: The controls to move the character did not work.",
"report.promptDoesntWork": "A Scratch project, like any other application, may contain a few bugs. That is expected and completely okay!",
"report.promptDoesntWorkTips": "We encourage you to share any issues you discover directly with the creator of the project. It's also helpful to provide suggestions on how they may improve their project, if possible.",
"report.promptTooHard": "If you feel a project could be easier, we encourage you to share that feedback directly with the creator of the project. Or remix it yourself and make it as easy or hard as you like!",
"report.promptMisleading": "Tell us more about how it's tricking or misleading people",
"report.promptFaceReveal": "Scratch allows people to use pictures of their face in creative projects like games, stories, or animations. However, Scratch does not allow users to share projects which are just a picture of their face (known as a “face reveal”) or which focus entirely on their physical appearance. Please explain if you feel this project is a face reveal or focuses on the person's physical appearance.",
"report.promptNoRemixingAllowed": "Please let us know where the project says it is not okay to remix — such as in the Notes & Credits, project title, etc.",
"report.promptCreatorsSafety": "It's important that everyone on Scratch remains safe online and in real life. Please let us know why you are worried about the safety of this user.",
"report.promptSomethingElse": "We encourage you to double check if your report fits any of the other available categories. If you strongly feel it does not, please explain why this project breaks the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptDisrespectful1": "Please let us know why you feel this project is disrespectful to another Scratcher or group. Where does the disrespectful content occur in the project (project text, images, sounds, etc.)?",
"report.promptDisrespectful2": "Remember: Scratch welcomes people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. It’s important everyone feels welcomed and safe when sharing on Scratch.",
"report.tooLongError": "That's too long! Please find a way to shorten your text.",
"report.tooShortError": "That's too short. Please describe in detail what's inappropriate or disrespectful about the project.",
"report.send": "ส่ง",
"report.sending": "Sending...",
"report.textMissing": "Please tell us why you are reporting this project",
"comments.delete": "ลบ",
"comments.restore": "กู้คืน",
"comments.reportModal.title": "Report Comment",
"comments.reportModal.reported": "The comment has been reported, and the Scratch Team has been notified.",
"comments.reportModal.prompt": "Are you sure you want to report this comment?",
"comments.deleteModal.title": "Delete Comment",
"comments.deleteModal.body": "Delete this comment? If the comment is mean or disrespectful, please click Report instead to let the Scratch Team know about it.",
"comments.reply": "reply",
"comments.isEmpty": "You can't post an empty comment",
"comments.isFlood": "Woah, seems like you're commenting really quickly. Please wait longer between posts.",
"comments.isBad": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your comment. Please change it and remember to be respectful.",
"comments.hasChatSite": "Uh oh! The comment contains a link to a website with unmoderated chat. For safety reasons, please do not link to these sites!",
"comments.isSpam": "Hmm, seems like you've posted the same comment a bunch of times. Please don't spam.",
"comments.isDisallowed": "Hmm, it looks like comments have been turned off for this page. :/",
"comments.isIPMuted": "Sorry, the Scratch Team had to prevent your network from sharing comments or projects because it was used to break our community guidelines too many times. You can still share comments and projects from another network. If you'd like to appeal this block, you can contact appeals@scratch.mit.edu and reference Case Number {appealId}.",
"comments.isTooLong": "That comment is too long! Please find a way to shorten your text.",
"comments.isNotPermitted": "Sorry, you need to confirm your email address before commenting.",
"comments.error": "Oops! Something went wrong posting your comment",
"comments.posting": "Posting...",
"comments.post": "โพสต์",
"comments.cancel": "ยกเลิก",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {1 character left} other {{remainingCharacters} characters left}}",
"comments.loadMoreReplies": "See more replies",
"comments.replyLimitReached": "This comment thread has reached its limit. To continue commenting, you can start a new thread.",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Deleted by project owner",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Censored by filter",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Parent comment deleted",
"comments.status.censbyadmin": "Censored by admin",
"comments.status.delbyadmin": "Deleted by admin",
"comments.status.parentcommentcensored": "Parent comment censored",
"comments.status.delbyclass": "Deleted by class",
"comments.status.hiddenduetourl": "Hidden due to URL",
"comments.status.markedbyfilter": "Marked by filter",
"comments.status.censbyunconstructive": "Censored unconstructive",
"comments.status.suspended": "Suspended",
"comments.status.acctdel": "Account deleted",
"comments.status.deleted": "Deleted",
"comments.status.reported": "Reported",
"comments.muted.duration": "You will be able to comment again {inDuration}.",
"comments.muted.commentingPaused": "Your account has been paused from commenting until then.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "If you would like more information, you can read the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "For more information, {clickHereLink}.",
"comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "click here",
"comments.muted.warningBlocked": "If you continue to post comments like this, it will cause you to be blocked from using Scratch",
"comments.muted.warningCareful": "We don't want that to happen, so please be careful and make sure you have read and understand the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} before you try to post again!",
"comments.muted.mistake": "Think this was a mistake? {feedbackLink}.",
"comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "Let us know",
"comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "Think this was a mistake?",
"comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "Sometimes the filter catches things it shouldn't. Reporting a mistake won't change the wait time before you can comment again, but your feedback will help us prevent mistakes from happening in the future.",
"comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "Thanks for letting us know!",
"comments.muted.thanksInfo": "Your feedback will help us make Scratch better.",
"comments.muted.characterLimit": "500 characters max",
"comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "Can't be empty",
"comment.type.general": "It appears that your most recent comment didn't follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.type.general.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments didn’t follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.general.header": "We encourage you to post comments that follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.general.content1": "On Scratch, it's important for comments to be kind, to be appropriate for all ages, and to not contain spam.",
"comment.type.pii": "Your most recent comment appeared to be sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.type.pii.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.header": "Please be sure not to share private information on Scratch.",
"comment.pii.content1": "It appears that you were sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.content2": "Things you share on Scratch can be seen by everyone, and can appear in search engines. Private information can be used by other people in harmful ways, so it’s important to keep it private.",
"comment.pii.content3": "This is a serious safety issue.",
"comment.type.unconstructive": "It appears that your most recent comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.type.unconstructive.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects.",
"comment.unconstructive.content1": "It appears that your comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.unconstructive.content2": "If you think something could be better, you can say something you like about the project, and make a suggestion about how to improve it.",
"comment.type.vulgarity": "Your most recent comment appeared to include a bad word.",
"comment.type.vulgarity.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.header": "We encourage you to use language that’s appropriate for all ages.",
"comment.vulgarity.content1": "It appears that your comment contains a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratch has users of all ages, so it’s important to use language that is appropriate for all Scratchers.",
"comment.type.spam": "Your most recent comment appeared to contain advertising, text art, or a chain message.",
"comment.type.spam.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained advertising, text art, or a chain message.",
"comment.spam.header": "We encourage you not to advertise, copy and paste text art, or ask others to copy comments.",
"comment.spam.content1": "Even though advertisements, text art, and chain mail can be fun, they start to fill up the website, and we want to make sure there is room for other comments.",
"comment.spam.content2": "Thank you for helping us keep Scratch a friendly, creative community!",
"social.embedLabel": "Embed",
"social.copyEmbedLinkText": "Copy embed",
"social.linkLabel": "Link",
"social.copyLinkLinkText": "Copy link",
"social.embedCopiedResultText": "Copied",
"helpWidget.banner": "Welcome to Support",
"helpWidget.submit": "ส่ง",
"helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.",
"extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "การแก้ไขปัญหา",
"extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running",
"extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.",
"extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.",
"extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link",
"extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.",
"extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link",
"extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.",
"extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.",
"extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows",
"extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS",
"extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "ปิดหน้าต่าง Scratch อื่นๆ",
"extensions.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the {deviceName} at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"extensions.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your {deviceNameShort}",
"extensions.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a {deviceName} at a time. If you have another computer connected to your {deviceName}, disconnect the {deviceName} or close Scratch on that computer and try again.",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "Make sure you have location services enabled on Chromebooks or Android tablets",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.",
"privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy <a>here</a>.",
"renameAccount.accountBlocked": "บัญชีถูกบล็อก",
"renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.",
"renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.",
"renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share",
"renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.",
"renameAccount.yourScratchAccountInappropriate": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username is not appropriate for Scratch.",
"renameAccount.scratchIsForKids": "Scratch is for kids ages 8 and up, and it's important to us that the Scratch website is a safe and friendly educational resource for everyone, but that's hard to achieve if users are choosing disrespectful or inappropriate usernames.",
"renameAccount.rememberToFollow": "When creating a username, please remember to follow the {communityGuidelinesLink}",
"renameAccount.CommunityGuidelines": "แนวทางปฏิบัติของชุมชน",
"renameAccount.changeYourUsername": "Change your Username",
"renameAccount.changeYourUsernameSuccess": "Your username has successfully been changed!",
"renameAccount.makeSure": "Make sure the username you chose is aligned with {communityGuidelinesLink}",
"renameAccount.welcomeBack": "You're now allowed to use Scratch again, welcome back!",
"renameAccount.scratchsCommunityGuidelines": "Scratch's Community Guidelines",
"renameAccount.change": "Change",
"renameAccount.goToProfile": "Go to your profile",
"renameAccount.pastNotifications": "Here are your past admin notifications",
"communityGuidelines.buttons.back": "หลังสุด",
"communityGuidelines.buttons.next": "ต่อไป",
"communityGuidelines.buttons.finish": "I Agree",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.respectSection": "Become a New Scratcher - Treat everyone with respect",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.respectHeader": "New Scratchers treat everyone with respect.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.respectBody": "Everyone on Scratch is encouraged to share things that excite them and are important to them—we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own identity on Scratch, and allow others to do the same.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.safeSection": "Become a New Scratcher - Be safe",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.safeHeader": "New Scratchers are safe: we keep personal and contact information private.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.safeBody": "This includes not sharing real last names, phone numbers, addresses, hometowns, school names, email addresses, usernames or links to social media sites, video chatting applications, or websites with private chat functionality.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.feedbackSection": "Become a New Scratcher - Give helpful feedback",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.feedbackHeader": "New Scratchers give helpful feedback.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.feedbackBody": "When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.remix1Section": "Become a New Scratcher - Embrace remix culture",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.remix1Header": "New Scratchers embrace remix culture.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.remix1Body": "การรีมิกซ์คือเมื่อคุณสร้างโครงการรหัสความคิดรูปภาพหรือสิ่งอื่นใดที่พวกเขาแบ่งปันใน Scratch เพื่อสร้างผลงานที่เป็นเอกลักษณ์ของคุณเอง",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.remix2Section": "Become a New Scratcher - Embrace remix culture",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.remix2Header": "Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.remix2Body": "You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. ",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.remix3Section": "Become a New Scratcher - Embrace remix culture",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.remix3Header": "Remixing means sharing with others.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.remix3Body": "When you share something on Scratch, you are giving permission to all Scratchers to use your work in their creations, too.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.honestSection": "Become a New Scratcher - Be honest",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.honestHeader": "New Scratchers are honest.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.honestBody": "It’s important to be honest and authentic when interacting with others on Scratch, and remember that there is a person behind every Scratch account.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.friendlySection": "Become a New Scratcher - Keep the site friendly",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.friendlyHeader": "New Scratchers help keep the site friendly.",
"communityGuidelines.guidelines.friendlyBody": "It’s important to keep your creations and conversations friendly and appropriate for all ages. If you think something on Scratch is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise disruptive to the community, click “Report” to let us know about it."
} |