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synced 2025-01-08 13:42:11 -05:00
74 lines
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74 lines
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"addToStudio.title": "Engadir ao estudio",
"addToStudio.finishing": "Finalizando...",
"addToStudio.inviteUser": "Invitar a un usuario ou unha usuaria a engadir ao estudio",
"project.titleMaxLength": "O título é demasiado longo",
"project.musicExtensionChip": "Música",
"project.penExtensionChip": "Lapis",
"project.text2SpeechChip": "Texto a fala",
"project.translateChip": "Traducir",
"project.videoSensingChip": "Sensor de vídeo",
"project.needsConnection": "Necesítase a conexión",
"project.comments.header": "Comentarios",
"project.comments.toggleOff": "Desactivar comentarios",
"project.comments.toggleOn": "Activar comentarios",
"project.comments.turnedOff": "Desculpas, os comentarios forón desactivados para este proxecto.",
"project.share.notShared": "Este proxecto non está compartido — polo que so ti o podes ver. Preme sobre compartir para que todo o mundo o poida ver.",
"project.share.sharedLong": "Parabéns, compartiches o teu proxecto! Outras persoas poderán probalo, facer comentarios e recrealo.",
"project.share.sharedShort": "O teu proxecto foi compartido.",
"project.share.shareButton": "Compartir",
"project.seeInsideButton": "Mirar dentro",
"project.remix.justRemixed": "\"{title}\" foi mesturado correctamente. Engade unha figura, engade unha vestimenta ou fai algún cambio para personalizalo!",
"project.remixButton": "Mesturar",
"project.remixButton.altText": "Garda unha copia deste proxecto e engade as túas propias ideas.",
"project.remixButton.remixing": "Mesturando...",
"project.remixes": "Recreacións",
"project.viewAllInList": "Ver todo",
"project.inviteToRemix": "Invitar a unha usuaria ou un usuario a mesturar",
"project.instructionsLabel": "Instruccións",
"project.notesAndCreditsLabel": "Notas e Recoñecementos",
"project.credit": "Grazas a {userLink} polo proxecto orixinal {projectLink}.",
"project.deletedBanner": "Nota: este proxecto está no lixo",
"project.defaultCensoredMessage": "Este proxecto foi eliminado polo equipo de Scratch porque era irrespectuoso, inapropiado para todas as idades ou infrinxía dalgunha outra maneira as regras da comunidade de Scratch.",
"project.communityCensoredMessage": "O teu proxecto deixouse de compartir temporalmente porque moita xente o marcou como inapropiado.",
"project.willReviewCensoredMessage": "O equipo de Scratch vai revisar o proxecto baseándose nas{communityGuidelinesLink}, e ou ben restaurar o proxecto ou ben confirmar a censura.",
"project.tempCensoredMessage": "Por favor le as {communityGuidelinesLink} e asegúrate de editar o proxecto para facer que sexa respectuoso coas regras antes de volver compartilo.",
"project.permCensoredMessage": "Nunca poderá volver ser compartido no futuro.",
"project.communityGuidelines": "regras da comunidade",
"project.moderationInfoLabel": "Información de moderación",
"project.numScripts": "{number} procedementos",
"project.numSprites": "{number} figuras",
"project.descriptionMaxLength": "A descrición é moi longa",
"project.notesPlaceholder": "Como fixeches o proxecto? Empregaches ideas, procedementos ou material gráfico doutra xente? Dalle as grazas aquí",
"project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Dille á xente como utilizar o teu proxecto (como as teclas que hai que premer)",
"project.cloudDataAlert": "Este proxecto usa datos na Nube - esta funcionalidade só está dispoñible para Scratchers que entraran no sistema.",
"project.cloudVariables": "Variables na nube",
"project.cloudDataLink": "Ver os datos",
"project.usernameBlockAlert": "Este proxecto pode detectar quen o usa, a través do bloque “nome de usuario”. Para agochar a túa identidade, sae da túa conta antes de usar o proxecto.",
"project.inappropriateUpdate": "Mmmm... o detector de palabras malsoantes pensa que hai algo raro no teu texto. Por favor, cámbiao e lembra ser respectuoso/a.",
"comment.type.general": "It appears that your most recent comment didn't follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.type.general.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments didn’t follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.general.header": "We encourage you to post comments that follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.general.content1": "On Scratch, it's important for comments to be kind, to be appropriate for all ages, and to not contain spam.",
"comment.type.pii": "Your most recent comment appeared to be sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.type.pii.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.header": "Please be sure not to share private information on Scratch.",
"comment.pii.content1": "It appears that you were sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.content2": "Things you share on Scratch can be seen by everyone, and can appear in search engines. Private information can be used by other people in harmful ways, so it’s important to keep it private.",
"comment.pii.content3": "This is a serious safety issue.",
"comment.type.unconstructive": "It appears that your most recent comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.type.unconstructive.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects",
"comment.unconstructive.content1": "It appears that your comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.unconstructive.content2": "If you think something could be better, you can say something you like about the project, and make a suggestion about how to improve it.",
"comment.type.vulgarity": "Your most recent comment appeared to include a bad word.",
"comment.type.vulgarity.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.header": "We encourage you to use language that’s appropriate for all ages.",
"comment.vulgarity.content1": "It appears that your comment contains a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratch has users of all ages, so it’s important to use language that is appropriate for all Scratchers.",
"comment.type.spam": "Your most recent comment appeared to contain advertising, text art, or a chain message.",
"comment.type.spam.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained advertising, text art, or a chain message.",
"comment.spam.header": "We encourage you not to advertise, copy and paste text art, or ask others to copy comments.",
"comment.spam.content1": "Even though advertisements, text art, and chain mail can be fun, they start to fill up the website, and we want to make sure there is room for other comments.",
"comment.spam.content2": "Thank you for helping us keep Scratch a friendly, creative community!"
} |