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"faq.title": "Pirsên Pir Tên Pirsîn (PPP)",
"faq.intro": "Li ser vê rûpelê, tu yê di derbarê Scratchê de pirsên pir tên pirsîn bibînî.",
"faq.aboutTitle": "Pirsên Giştî",
"faq.scratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0",
"faq.remixTitle": "Guhertin û Kopîkirin",
"faq.accountsTitle": "Hesab",
"faq.permissionsTitle": "Destûr û Lîsanskirin",
"faq.inappropriateContentTitle": "Naveroka Neguncav",
"faq.scratchExtensionsTitle": "Pêvekên Scratchê",
"faq.cloudDataTitle": "Guherokên Ewrê",
"faq.aboutScratchTitle": "Scratch çi ye, û ez dikarim çi pê bikim?",
"faq.aboutScratchBody": "Bi zimanê bernamesaziyê û civaka serhêl ên Scratchê, dikarî ji xwe re lîstok, anîmasyon û çîrokên înteraktîv ava bikî -- û tiştên te çêkiriye jî bi mirovên li seranserê cîhanê re parve bikî. Herwiha ji bilî afirandina tiştan, ciwan hînî fikirîna afirmend, xebatên hevbeş û lêhûrbûnên pergalane jî dibin. Ji bo derbarê Sratchê de bêhtir tiştan hîn bibî, li rûpela {aboutScratchLink}ê binêre.",
"faq.aboutScratchLinkText": "Derbarê Scratchê de",
"faq.makeGameTitle": "Ez çawa dikarim bi Scratchê re lîstok an jî anîmasyonekê çêbikim?",
"faq.makeGameBody": "Ji bo dîtina awayên zêdetir li ser destpêkirina Scratchê li {ideasLink}ê binêre",
"faq.ideasLinkText": "Rûpela ramanan",
"faq.whoUsesScratchTitle": "Kî Scratchê bi kar tîne?",
"faq.whoUsesScratchBody": "Scratch ji aliyê mirovên bi rêjiyanên cûrbicûr, li her welatên cîhanê, li her cure mekanên weke -- malan, dibistanan, pirtûkxaneyan, mûzexaneyan û zêdetirî wan tê bikaranîn. Scratch nexasim ji bo ciwanên di navbera temenê 8 saliyan ta 16an hatiye sêwirandin, lê mirovên ji her temenî pê tiştan çê dikin û parve dikin. Ji bo zarokên biçûktir dibe ku {scratchJrLink} çêtir be, ew guhertoyeke Scratchê ya sadekirî ye ji bo temenên 5 saliyan ta 7an.",
"faq.requirementsTitle": "Hewcedariyên pergalê yên ji bo Scratchê çi ne?",
"faq.requirementsBody": "Scratch di piraniya gerokên înternetê yên nûjen de li ser kombersên sermase, serçok û tabletan dixebite. Tu dikarî projeyan di telefonên mobîl de bibînî, lê vêga ne pêkan e projeyan li ser telefonan ava bikî û sererast bikî. Li binî lîsteya gerokên bi fermî têne piştgirîkirin heye.",
"faq.requirementsDesktop": "Sermase",
"faq.requirementsDesktopChrome": "Chrome (63+)",
"faq.requirementsDesktopEdge": "Edge (15+)",
"faq.requirementsDesktopFirefox": "Firefox (57+)",
"faq.requirementsDesktopSafari": "Safari (11+)",
"faq.requirementsDesktopIE": "Internet Explorer nayê piştgirîkirin.",
"faq.requirementsTablet": "Tablet",
"faq.requirementsTabletChrome": "Mobile Chrome (63+)",
"faq.requirementsTabletSafari": "Mobile Safari (11+)",
"faq.requirementsNote": "Not:",
"faq.requirementsNoteDesktop": "Heke kombersa te van hewcedariyan pêk nîn e, tu dikarî edîtora {downloadLink}ê biceribîne (di PPP de li hêmana pêş binêre).",
"faq.scratchApp": "Sepana Scratchê",
"faq.requirementsNoteWebGL": "Heke tu rûbirûyê çewtiyeke WebGL'ê bibe, gerokeke cuda biceribîne.",
"faq.requirementsNoteTablets": "Di tabletan de vêga rêyek ji bo bikaranîna blokên \"bişkoka pêlîkirî\" an jî menuyên rast-tikandinê tune ye.",
"faq.offlineTitle": "Ji bo ez bikarim bêyî înternetê jî projeyan ava bikim û bibinim, Guhertoyeke ez karibim daxim heye?",
"faq.offlineBody": "Sepana Scratchê dihêle tu bêyî girêdana înternetê projeyên Scratchê ava bikî. Dikarî wê ji malpera Scratchê an jî di cîhaza xwe de ji firoşgeha sepanan daxî {downloadLink}. (Navê wê berê \"Edîtora Derhêl a Scratchê\" bû).",
"faq.uploadOldTitle": "Ez dikarim projeyên bi guhertoyên Scratchê yên berê hatine çêkirin li ser malperê hilxînim?",
"faq.uploadOldBody": "Erê: Tu dikarî projeyên bi guhertoyên berê yên Scratchê hatine çêkirin parve bikî û hilxînî, û ew dê karibin werin dîtin û pêlîstin. (Lê belê, tu nikarî projeyên bi guhertoyên nûtir yên Scratchê hatibin çêkirin daxî û wan bi guhertoyên kevintir vekî. Bo mînak, nikarî projeyeke Scratch 3.0ê di guhertoya {scratch2Link}ê ya sermaseyê vekî, ji ber ku Scratch 2.0 nizane formata pelgeyên projeyê ya .sb3ê bixwîne.)",
"faq.scratch2": "Scratch 2.0",
"faq.scratchCostTitle": "Bihayê Scratchê çi qas e? Pêdiviya min bi lîsansekê heye?",
"faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch bêpere ye û dê her tim wiha be. Ji bo Scratchê li dibistanê, malê an jî dereke din bi kar bînî hewceyî bi lîsansê tune ye. Pereyê pêşvebirin û ragirtina Scratchê bi diyarî û bexşan tê dayin. Heke dixwazî alî Scratchê bikî, çav bi {donateLink}ê bixe.",
"faq.donateLinkText": "Rûpela bexşkirinê",
"faq.mediaLabTitle": "Kê Scratch afirandiyê?",
"faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch ji aliye tîma {llkLink} ya ku li ser {mediaLabLink}ê ve tê pêşvebirin û parastin.",
"faq.llkLinkText": "Koma Pêşdibistanê Ebedî",
"faq.mediaLabLinkText": "Lab Medya MIT",
"faq.aboutScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0 çi ye?",
"faq.aboutScratch3Body": "Scratch 3.0 nifşa herî nû ya Scratchê ye û di 2ê Rêbendana 2019an de hatibû weşandin. Ew ji bo tu karibî bi awayên cudatir û li ciyên dinê jî tiştên nûtir ava bikî hatiye sêwirandin. Tê de bi gurzan pêlîstikên nû, edîtora dengî ya nipînû û gelek blokên bernamesaziyê yên nû hene. Bi Scratchê ne tenê bi kombersa sermase û serçok lê êdî tu dikarî bi tableta xwe jî projeyan ava bikî û bi wan bilîzî.",
"faq.reportBugsScratch3Title": "Ez çawa dikarim di Scratch 3.0ê de çewtiyan rapor bikim û paşve ragihînim?",
"faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "Tu dikarî di beşa {forumsLink}ê ya forumên niqaşê yên Scratchê de çewtiyan rapor bike û paşve ragihîne.",
"faq.forumsLinkText": "Kêşe û Çewtî",
"faq.languagesScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0 bi çend zimanan berdest e?",
"faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Erê. Ji bo guhertina zimanê blokên bernamesaziyê, di benda rêgerînê ya li jora edîtora bernamesaziyê de li îkona “girovîsk”ê bitikîne, piştre jî li menuya daketok bitikîne û zimanekî bibijêre.",
"faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "Hemû wergerên me ji aliyê kesên xwebexş ve tên kirin. Edîtora Scratch 3.0ê jixwe niha li zêdetirî 40 zimanan hatiye wergerandin . Tu dikarî hemû zimanên niha tên wergerandin û nirxandin li ser {transifexLink}a me bibînî. Heke bixwazî alî karê wergerandin û nirxandinê bikî, bi {emailLink}ê re têkilî dayine.",
"faq.transifexLinkText": "pêşkêşkera wergerê",
"faq.removedBlocksScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0 ti blokên kodandinê ji guhertoyên berê yên Scratchê radike?",
"faq.removedBlocksScratch3Body": "Di Scratch 3.0ê de ti blokên kodandinê nehatine rakirin, lê hin ji wan piçekî hatine guhertin û hin jî derbasî \"Pêvek\"an bûne (li jêr, di beşa {extensionsFAQLink}ê de hatibû ravekirin).",
"faq.newBlocksScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0 blokên nû pêş dike?",
"faq.newBlocksScratch3Body": "Erê! Di Scratch 3.0 de tu yê vana bibînî:",
"faq.newBlocksSoundEffect": "Blokên nû yên \"efektên dengan\"",
"faq.newBlocksOperators": "Operatorên nû ku xebitîna bi nivîsê (rêzik) hêsantir dikin",
"faq.newBlocksPen": "Blokên nû yên pênûsê, piştgiriya zelaltiyê jî pê re",
"faq.newBlocksGlide": "Bloka kişînê ya nû, ji bo bi hêsanî biçî ser pêlîstikekê (an jî nuqteyeke ketober)",
"faq.newBlocksExtensions": "Gelek pêkariyên nû bi rêya \"Pêvekên Scratchê\" (li beşa Pêvekan a li jêrîn, binêre)",
"faq.biggerBlocksScratch3Title": "Çima di Scratch 3.0ê de blok ji yên guhertoyên berê mezintir in?",
"faq.biggerBlocksScratch3Body": "Ji bo Scratch 3.0 li ser cîhazên destdanok (wekî gelek Chromebookan, kombersên serçok ên Windows Surfaceê û tabletan) baş bixebite, bi hêsantir blok werin kişandin û tepandin pêwîstî bi mezinkirina blokan hebû. Ji bilî wê, blok di Scratch di 3.0ê mezintir in lewre bala me kişand ku tikandina hêmanên navrûyê yên biçûk bi endamên nû zor dihat.",
"faq.extensionsScratch3Title": "Blokên Pênûsê bi kû ve çûn? Blokên Mûzîkê bi kû ve çûn? Blokên Pêhesîna Vîdyoyê bi kû ve çûn?",
"faq.extensionsScratch3Body": "Blokên Pênûsê, Mûzîkê û Pêhesîna Vîdyoyê derbasî pêvekan bûn. Pêvek dikarin bi tikandina bişkoka li çepê ya jêra ekranê werin tevlîkirin (li beşa Pêvekan a li jêrîn, binêre).",
"faq.paintEditorScratch3Title": "Di Edîtora Rengandinê de taybetiyên nû çi ne?",
"faq.paintEditorScratch3Body": "Ji bo peydakirina taybetiyên nû û bihêz di heman demê de jî bikaranîneke hêsan Edîtora Rengandinê ji nû ve hatiye sêwirandin. Di nav guhertinan û taybetiyên nû de ev hene:",
"faq.paintEditorLayout": "Pevsaziya nû dihêle ku alavên berdest û vebijêrk çêtir werin dîtin",
"faq.paintEditorTools": "Alavên nû weke \"jêbirk\"eke di moda vektorê de dixebite",
"faq.paintEditorColors": "Ji bo bijartin û lihevanîna rengan vebijêrkên zêdetir",
"faq.paintEditorVector": "Kontrola zêdetir li ser nuqteyên vektorî (çembilên çivanekan û modên nuqteyan)",
"faq.paintEditorLayers": "Ji bo rêzkirina tebeqeyan kontrola zêdetir (\"pêş ve bîne\", \"bibe paşî\", û hwd.)",
"faq.paintEditorGradients": "Kontrolên nû yên pilaneyê",
"faq.soundEditorScratch3Title": "Di Edîtora Dengan de taybetiyên nû çi ne?",
"faq.soundEditorScratch3Body": "Edîtora Dengan ji bo tomarkirin û guhertina dengan hêsantir be ji nû ve hatiye sêwirandin. Çend taybetiyên nû pêşkeş dike:",
"faq.soundEditorRecording": "Pergala tomarkirinê ku êdî bikaranîna wê hêsantir e",
"faq.soundEditorTrimming": "Pergala qutkirina dengan ku êdî bikaranîna wê hêsantir e",
"faq.soundEditorEffects": "Efektên dengan ên nû (weke \"bileztir\", \"hêdîtir\", \"olan\" û \"robot\")",
"faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "Çi bi Pencereya Serbendan a Scratchê hat?",
"faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Li şûna Pencereya Serbendan, Scratch 3.0 materyalên wekî yên wê di ser Pirtûkxaneya Fêrkirinê re pêşkeş dike. Dikarî xwe bi lînka di benda rêgerînê ya li jora edîtora bernamesaziyê de bigihînî wê. Tu yê li wira dersên derbarê projeyên temamî (wekî \"Lîstikeke Nêçîrê Çêke\") an blokên taybet û taybetiyan (wek \"Dengan Tomar bike\" an \"Bizivirîne\") de bibînî. Dê di demeke nêz de zêdetir ders werin tevlîkirin (weke \"Lîstoka Pongê\" û \"Bifirîne\").",
"faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "Remîks çi ye?",
"faq.remixDefinitionBody": "When a Scratcher makes a copy of someone else’s project and modifies it to add their own ideas (for example, by changing scripts or costumes), the resulting project is called a \"remix\". Every project shared to the Scratch website can be remixed. We consider even a minor change to be a valid remix, as long as credit is given to the original project creator and others who made significant contributions to the remix.",
"faq.remixableTitle": "Why does the Scratch Team require that all projects be “remixable”?",
"faq.remixableBody": "We believe that remixing other people’s projects is a great way to learn to program and to create interesting projects. Through remixing, creative ideas spread through the Scratch community, and everyone benefits. All projects shared on the Scratch website are covered by the “Creative Commons Share Alike” license, which means that you can remix any project you see on the Scratch website -- and everyone else can remix any of the projects that you share on the website.",
"faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "What if I don’t want others to remix my projects?",
"faq.creativeCommonsBody": "Remixing is an important part of the Scratch community. If you don’t want others to view or remix your creations, you can still create projects on the Scratch website, but don’t share them on the website.",
"faq.fairUseTitle": "Can I use images / sounds / media from the internet in my projects?",
"faq.fairUseBody": "If you choose to integrate someone else’s work into your own, be sure to give them credit on the project “credits” section, and include a link back to the original. To find art / sounds that are already licensed for remixing, check out the {ccLink}.",
"faq.ccLinkText": "Creative Commons search page",
"faq.whyAccountTitle": "Why is it useful to have a Scratch account?",
"faq.whyAccountBody": "Even without an account, you can play other people’s projects, read comments and forums, and even create your own projects. But you need an account to save and share projects, write comments and forum posts, and participate in other \"social\" activities in the community (like \"loving\" other people’s projects).",
"faq.createAccountTitle": "Ez çawa dikarim hesabekî biafirînim?",
"faq.createAccountBody": "Just click \"Join\" on the Scratch home page. You’ll need to respond to a few questions, and provide an email address. It takes just a couple minutes, and it’s totally free!",
"faq.checkConfirmedTitle": "How can I check whether my account has been confirmed?",
"faq.howToConfirmTitle": "Ez ê çawa hesabê xwe bipejirînim?",
"faq.howToConfirmBody": "After you create a new account on Scratch, you’ll receive an email message with a link. Just click the link to confirm your account. Once you confirm your account, you’ll be able to share projects, write comments, and create studios. Confirming your account also lets you receive email updates from the Scratch Team. If you cannot find the email with the confirmation link, check your Spam folder. If you still can’t find it, and want to receive another copy, go to your Account Settings, click the Email tab, and follow the instructions there. Please note that it may take up to an hour for the email to arrive. If you still don't see the email after an hour, {contactLink}.",
"faq.contactLinkText": "let us know",
"faq.checkConfirmedBody": "To check whether your account is confirmed, login to your Scratch account and go to your {settingsLink} page. Confirmed email addresses will show a small green checkmark. Otherwise, you will see the text \"Your email address is unconfirmed\" in orange.",
"faq.settingsLinkText": "Email Settings",
"faq.requireConfirmTitle": "Do I have to confirm my account?",
"faq.requireConfirmBody": "You can still use many aspects of Scratch without confirming your account, including creating and saving projects (without sharing them).",
"faq.forgotPasswordTitle": "I forgot my username or password. How can I reset it?",
"faq.forgotPasswordBody": "Enter your username or email address on the {resetLink} page. The website will send an email to the address associated with your username and a link you can use to reset your password.",
"faq.resetLinkText": "Password Reset",
"faq.changePasswordTitle": "How do I change my password?",
"faq.changePasswordBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeLink} page where you can change your password.",
"faq.changeLinkText": "Password Settings",
"faq.changeEmailTitle": "How do I change my email address?",
"faq.changeEmailBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeEmailLink} page where you can change your email address.",
"faq.newScratcherTitle": "How do I transition from 'New Scratcher' to 'Scratcher'?",
"faq.newScratcherBody": "When you create an account, you’ll be labelled as a “New Scratcher.” To make the transition to \"Scratcher\", you should make and share projects, comment helpfully on other Scratchers’ projects, and be patient! After you’ve met the requirements, a link will appear on your profile page inviting you to become a Scratcher, and you’ll have some additional capabilities on the Scratch website. (Note that we don't promote New Scratchers to Scratcher on request )",
"faq.multipleAccountTitle": "Can I have more than one account?",
"faq.multipleAccountBody": "It's fine to have a few accounts on the Scratch website, as long as none of them are used to break the {cgLink}. In that case, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted.",
"faq.multipleLoginTitle": "Is it OK to have more than one person logged into an account?",
"faq.multipleLoginBody": "This is not allowed because the website and project editor can easily get confused when more than one person is logged in to the same account. When an account does something that violates the {cgLink}, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted. If you share an account with someone who does something bad with it, this means your accounts can be blocked for what the other person did.",
"faq.changeUsernameTitle": "Can I change my username?",
"faq.changeUsernameBody": "The structure of the Scratch website depends on having a consistent account name, so it’s not possible to change your username. If you really need to switch to a new username, you can make a new account, but you'll have to copy your projects over to the new account on your own.",
"faq.shareInfoTitle": "What information can I share on / with my account?",
"faq.shareInfoBody": "Please don’t share personal contact information, such as your physical address, email, phone number, or anything else that can be used to make contact outside of the Scratch website. Please report projects, comments, or forum posts that contain this kind of information, so the Scratch Team can remove the information, and remind the author of our policy against sharing personal contact information.",
"faq.deleteAccountTitle": "How do I delete my account?",
"faq.deleteAccountBody": "Login to Scratch, and then click your username in the top right-hand corner. Select \"Account Settings\", then click the \"I want to delete my account\" link at the bottom of the page. But you should only do this if you are absolutely sure that you want to delete your account.",
"faq.scratchFreeTitle": "Is Scratch free? Can I use it wherever I want?",
"faq.scratchFreeBody": "Yes! Scratch is available free of charge. You can use it in your school, and you can teach a course about it (even a course that costs money). You don't need to buy a license: it's free!",
"faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Can I use screenshots of Scratch in a book or presentation?",
"faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Yes, you can use screenshots / images of the Scratch application and website in a book or presentation, and consider them to be licensed under the {licenseLink} license. We ask that you include a note somewhere in your materials saying: \"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\".",
"faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike",
"faq.scratchDescriptionTitle": "Can I include a description of Scratch in brochures or other materials?",
"faq.scratchDescriptionBody": "Sure! We recommend the following description: \"Scratch is a coding language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. Scratch is a project of the {sfLink} in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\"",
"faq.presentScratchTitle": "Can I present Scratch at a conference?",
"faq.presentScratchBody": "Please feel free to make presentations about Scratch to educators or other groups.",
"faq.supportMaterialTitle": "May I use / remix Scratch support materials, sprites, images, sounds or sample projects I’ve found on the website?",
"faq.supportMaterialBody": "Yes: Most Scratch support materials on the Scratch website are available under the {licenseLink} license. There are a few exceptions: the Scratch Logo, Scratch Cat, Gobo, Pico, Nano, Giga, and Tera are Scratch trademarks, and can not be used without explicit permission from the Scratch Team.",
"faq.sellProjectsTitle": "Can I sell my Scratch projects?",
"faq.sellProjectsBody": "Yes: Your Scratch project is your creation. But keep in mind that once you share your project on the Scratch website, everyone is free to download, remix, and reuse the project based on the terms of the {licenseLink} license. So if you intend to sell your project, you may want to un-share it from the Scratch website.",
"faq.sourceCodeTitle": "Where can I find the source code for Scratch?",
"faq.sourceCodeBody": "The source code for the Scratch programming editor can be found on {guiLink}. The source code for {flashLink} and {scratch14Link}, are also available on GitHub. For updated information on development projects relating to the Scratch website, please visit our {developersLink}.",
"faq.scratch14": "Scratch 1.4",
"faq.okayToShareTitle": "How do I know what is or isn’t okay to share on the Scratch website?",
"faq.okayToShareBody": "Check out the Scratch {cgLink} - they’re brief and don’t include a lot of legal stuff. There’s a link at the bottom of every page on Scratch.",
"faq.reportContentTitle": "What do I do if I see something that’s inappropriate?",
"faq.reportContentBody": "You can click the link that says \"report\" on any project, comment, discussion post, studio, or profile page where you see something that isn't ok for Scratch. If the situation is complicated, you can use the {contactLink} link (available at the bottom of every page) to explain. Be sure to include as much detail as you can, with links to relevant pages.",
"faq.noFlameTitle": "What do I do if I see someone being mean or disrespectful?",
"faq.noFlameBody": "Don’t add to the flames! Responding to mean comments with more mean comments just makes things worse, and could result in your account being blocked. Instead, simply report anything that is disrespectful or unconstructive, and we’ll follow up with the author. We check reports every day, multiple times per day - so rest assured, we'll sort things out.",
"faq.reviewContentTitle": "What does the Scratch team do when something is reported or flagged?",
"faq.reviewContentBody": "The Scratch Team reviews reported comments and projects every day. If something breaks the Scratch {cgLink}, we will remove it and send a warning to the account. We may also block the accounts or networks that were used to share it, depending on what was shared and if the person has been sent warnings before",
"faq.blockedAccountTitle": "What happens when an account is blocked?",
"faq.blockedAccountBody": "When an account is blocked, the owner can no longer access their account, use it to create projects, or post new comments. When they login, they see a page that explains why the account was blocked, along with a web form they can use to request to be unblocked. If the owner can show that they understand why their account was blocked, and promises to follow the Scratch {cgLink} in the future, they will be unblocked.",
"faq.stolenAccountTitle": "Someone got access to my account and got my account blocked. What do I do?",
"faq.stolenAccountBody": "You are responsible for keeping your password secure. If someone you know took control of your account and did bad things, tell the adults in charge of the computer they used. If you think someone you don’t know has access to your account, change the password and / or use the {contactLink} link to explain the situation. If your account was blocked for doing something that you did which broke the Scratch {cgLink}, please don’t tell us that someone else did it. When people tell us someone else used their account to do something bad, we then need to try and talk to that person before we can restore the account. This means your account will just stay blocked for a lot longer than if you are honest with us about what happened.",
"faq.aboutExtensionsTitle": "What are extensions?",
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
"faq.cloudDataInfoTitle": "What are cloud variables?",
"faq.cloudDataInfoBody": "Cloud variables allow for data from a project to be saved and shared with other people in the Scratch community. You can use cloud variables to make surveys and other projects where others in the community to access and modify the data over time.",
"faq.makeCloudVarTitle": "How can I make a cloud variable?",
"faq.makeCloudVarBody": "Go to the \"Variables\" section of the blocks palette, select \"Make a Variable\", and then click the checkbox next to \"Cloud variable (stored on server)\". The data associated with your cloud variable will be stored on the server, preserved over time, and accessible to anyone who opens the project.",
"faq.onlyNumbersTitle": "What types of data can be stored in cloud variables?",
"faq.onlyNumbersBody": "Only numbers can be stored in cloud variables.",
"faq.storedCloudInfoTitle": "Who can see the data stored in cloud variables?",
"faq.storedCloudInfoBody": "When you interact with a project using cloud variables, the data associated with your interactions can be stored along with your username, and others can view it.",
"faq.reportCloudTitle": "If I see someone post inappropriate content using cloud variables, how do I report it?",
"faq.reportCloudBody": "Click the \"Report this\" button (under on the project player on the project page) to report inappropriate content in cloud variables. Make sure that you mention \"cloud variables\" when you type your reason in the report.",
"faq.chatRoomTitle": "Can I make chat rooms with cloud variables?",
"faq.chatRoomBody": "While it is technically possible to create chat rooms with cloud variables, they are not allowed on the Scratch website.",
"faq.changeCloudVarTitle": "Who can change the information in a cloud variable?",
"faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Only you and viewers of your project can store data in your project’s cloud variables. If people \"see inside\" or remix your code, it creates a copy of the variable and does not affect or change the original variable.",
"faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "I am logged in, but I cannot use projects with cloud variables. What is going on?",
"faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "If you are still a \"New Scratcher\" on the website, you will not be able to use projects with cloud variables. You need to become a \"Scratcher\" to have access to cloud variables. See the Accounts section (above) for more information about the transition from “New Scratcher” to \"Scratcher\".",
"faq.multiplayerTitle": "Is it possible to make multiplayer games with cloud variables?",
"faq.multiplayerBody": "Multiplayer games may be difficult to create, due to network speed and synchronization issues. However, some Scratchers are coming up with creative ways to use the cloud variables for turn-by-turn and other types of games.",
"faq.schoolsTitle": "Li Dibistanan Scratch",
"faq.howTitle": "How is Scratch used in schools?",
"faq.howBody": "Scratch is used in hundreds of thousands of schools around the world, in many different subject areas (including language arts, science, history, math, and computer science). You can learn more about strategies and resources for using Scratch in schools and other learning environments (such as museums, libraries, and community centers) on our {educatorsLink}.",
"faq.educatorsLinkText": "Rûpela Perwerdekaran",
"faq.noInternetTitle": "Is there a way for students to use Scratch without an internet connection?",
"faq.noInternetBody": "Yes. The {downloadLink} is a downloadable version of Scratch that can run on laptops and desktops. Currently, the Scratch app is available on Windows and Mac devices.",
"faq.communityTitle": "Can I turn off the online community for my students?",
"faq.communityBody": "The Scratch online community provides a way for young people to share, collaborate, and learn with their peers within a moderated community governed by the Scratch {cgLink}. However, we understand that some educators prefer that their students not participate in an online community. These educators may wish to install the Scratch app, which runs offline and locally on a desktop or laptop computer.",
"faq.teacherAccountTitle": "What is a Scratch Teacher Account?",
"faq.teacherAccountBody": "A Scratch Teacher Account provides teachers and other educators with additional features to manage student participation on Scratch, including the ability to create student accounts, organize student projects into studios, and monitor student comments. For more information on Scratch Teacher Accounts, see the {eduFaqLink}.",
"faq.eduFaqLinkText": "Hesabê Mamostetiyê yê Scratchê | PPP",
"faq.requestTitle": "How do I request a Scratch Teacher Account?",
"faq.requestBody": "You may request a Scratch Teacher Account from the {educatorsLink} on Scratch. We ask for additional information during the registration process in order to verify your role as an educator.",
"faq.dataTitle": "What data does Scratch collect about students?",
"faq.dataBody": "When a student first signs up on Scratch, we ask for basic demographic data including gender, age (birth month and year), country, and an email address for verification. This data is used (in aggregated form) in research studies intended to improve our understanding of how people learn with Scratch. When an educator uses a Scratch Teacher Account to create student accounts in bulk, students are not required to provide an email address for account setup.",
"faq.lawComplianceTitle": "Is the online version of Scratch compliant with United States local and federal data privacy laws?",
"faq.lawComplianceBody1": "Scratch cares deeply about the privacy of students and of all individuals who use our platform. We have in place physical and electronic procedures to protect the information we collect on the Scratch website. Although we are not in a position to offer contractual guarantees with each entity that uses our free educational product, we are in compliance with all United States federal laws that are applicable to MIT and the Scratch Foundation, the organizations that have created and maintained Scratch. We encourage you to read the Scratch Privacy Policy for more information.",
"faq.lawComplianceBody2": "If you would like to build projects with Scratch without submitting any Personal Information to us, you can download the {downloadLink}. Projects created in the Scratch app are not accessible by the Scratch Team, and using the Scratch app does not disclose any personally identifying information to Scratch unless you upload these projects to the Scratch online community."
} |