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"about.introOne": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the {foundationLink}, a nonprofit organization. ",
"about.introTwo": "Scratch promotes computational thinking and problem solving skills; creative teaching and learning; self-expression and collaboration; and equity in computing.",
"about.introThree": "Scratch is always free and is available in more than 70 languages.",
"about.foundationText": "Scratch-stiftinga",
"about.introParents": "For foreldre",
"about.introEducators": "For lærarar",
"about.whoUsesScratch": "Kven brukar Scratch?",
"about.whoUsesScratchDescription": "Scratch er laga for ungar frå 8 til 16 år, men kan brukast av alle. Millionar av folk lagar Scratch-prosjekt i mange slag samanhengar, for eksempel heime, på skulen, på bibliotek og i fritidsklubbar.",
"about.aroundTheWorld": "I heile verda",
"about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Scratch er omsett til over {languageCount} språk og vert brukt i meir enn {languageCount} land. Du kan velja språk med menyen nedst på sida, eller ved å trykkja på globusen mens du redigerer eit prosjekt. Viss du vil leggja til ei ny omsetjing, sjå {translationLink}.",
"about.translationLinkText": "omsetjingssida vår",
"about.quotes": "Sitat",
"about.quotesDescription": "Mange barn, ungdommar, foreldre og lærarar har sendt oss e-post og takka for Scratch. Her er nokre {quotesLink} frå meldingar me har fått. ",
"about.quotesLinkText": "sitat",
"about.learnMore": "Lær meir om Scratch",
"about.learnMoreFaq": "Spørsmål og svar (FAQ)",
"about.learnMoreParents": "For foreldre",
"about.learnMoreEducators": "Informasjon for lærarar",
"about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "Årsrapport",
"about.literacy": "Lær programmering, og programmer for å læra",
"about.literacyImageDescription": "An image of Mitch Resnick giving a TED talk titled \"Let's Teach Kids to Code.\" A play button is in the center of the image.",
"about.literacyDescription": "In this <a>TED talk</a>, Scratch founder Mitch Resnick describes why the ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy in today’s society. When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas.",
"about.schools": "Scratch i skulen",
"about.schoolsDescription": "Scratch vert brukt i undervising på alle nivå (frå barneskule til universitet) og i mange fagfelt (for eksempel matematikk, informatikk, språk og humaniora). Læringsressursar er tilgjengelege på {scratchForEducatorsLink}.",
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "sida vår for Scratch for lærarar",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "ScratchEd-nettstaden",
"about.research": "Forsking",
"about.researchDescription": "The {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} and collaborators are {researchLink} how young people create, collaborate, and learn with Scratch. For an overview, see the article {codingAtACrossroadsLink} and the book {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. To find out more about the use of Scratch, see the {statisticsLink} page and the Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
"about.researchLinkText": "researching",
"about.statisticsLinkText": "statistikk om Scratch",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten-gruppa",
"about.codingAtACrossroadsLinkText": "Coding at a Crossroads",
"about.lifelongKindergartenBookLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten",
"about.annualReportLinkText": "Årsrapport",
"about.support": "Støtte og finansiering",
"about.supportDescription": "Scratch is available for free, thanks to support from our {donorsLink}. This support helps us provide kids around the world with opportunities to imagine, create, and share. You can support Scratch by making a donation {donateLink}.",
"about.donorsLinkText": "donors",
"about.donateLinkText": "her",
"about.donateButton": "Gje pengegåve"
} |