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"parents.title": "للوالدين",
"parents.intro": "سكراتش لغة برمجة ومجتمع افتراضي حيث يمكن للأطفال برمجة وسائط تفاعلية، كالقصص والألعاب والرسوم المتحركة، ومشاركتها مع أناس من أنحاء العالم. عندما ينشئ الأطفال مشاريع باستخدام سكراتش، فإنهم يتعلمون التفكير الإبداعي والاستدلال المنهجي والعمل التعاوني. تُصمَّم سكراتش وتُطوَّر وتُدار من قبل {scratchFoundation}، وهي منظمة غير ربحية.",
"parents.scratchFoundationLinkText": "مؤسسة سكراتش",
"parents.overview": "How it works",
"parents.faq": "الأسئلة الشائعة",
"parents.overviewTitle": "How does Scratch work for children?",
"parents.overviewLearningTitle": "التعلم",
"parents.overviewLearningBody": "Scratch is a safe and playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society.\nRead an article on the {creativeLearningApproach}.",
"parents.creativeLearningApproachLinkText": "منهجية التعلم الإبداعي",
"parents.overviewCommunityTitle": "المجتمع",
"parents.overviewCommunityBody": "We ask all participants on the site to follow the {communityGuidelines}.\nWe do not make private account information available to anyone. For more information, please see the {privacyPolicy}.",
"parents.communityGuidelinesLinkText": "إرشادات المجتمع",
"parents.privacyPolicyLinkText": "سياسة الخصوصية",
"parents.faqMoreAndAsk": "To find out more about Scratch, please see {faqPage}.\nYou can also ask questions in the {discussionForums}.\nIf you need to contact our staff team directly, click {contactUs} at the bottom of any page.",
"parents.faqLinkText": "الأسئلة الشائعة",
"parents.faqDiscussionForumsLinkText": "المنتديات",
"parents.faqContactUsLinkText": "الاتصال بنا",
"parents.faqAgeRangeTitle": "ما هي الفئة العمرية المناسبة لسكراتش؟",
"parents.faqAgeRangeBody": "Scratch is designed especially for young people ages 8 to 16, but people of all ages create and share with Scratch. Younger children may want to try {scratchJr}, a simplified version of Scratch designed for ages 5 to 7.",
"parents.faqResourcesTitle": "ما المصادر المتاحة لتعلم سكراتش؟",
"parents.faqResourcesBody": "If you’re just getting started, there’s a {stepByStepGuide} available inside Scratch. For an overview of Scratch resources, see the {ideasPage} page.",
"parents.faqIdeasLinkText": "أفكار",
"parents.faqStepByStepGuideLinkText": "step-by-step guide",
"parents.faqGettingStartedGuideLinkText": "Getting Started guide (PDF)",
"parents.faqScratchCardsLinkText": "بطاقات سكراتش",
"parents.faqTipsLinkText": "تلميحات",
"parents.faqCommunityTitle": "ما هو مجتمع سكراتش الافتراضي؟",
"parents.faqCommunityBody": "When participating in the Scratch online community, members can explore and experiment in an open learning community with other Scratch members from all backgrounds, ages, and interests. Members can share their work, get feedback, and learn from each other.",
"parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "What are the guidelines for the Scratch online community?",
"parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.",
"parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "المبادئ التوجيهية للمجتمع",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "ما هي سياسة الخصوصية التي تتبعونها؟",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "To protect children's online privacy, we limit what we collect during the signup process, and what we make public on the website. We don't sell or rent account information to anyone. You can find out more about our {privacyPolicy} page.",
"parents.faqFAQLinkText": "صفحة الأسئلة الشائعة",
"parents.faqOfflineTitle": "هل يمكن استخدام سكراتش دون المشاركة على الوب؟",
"parents.faqOfflineBody": "نعم. يتيح لك تطبيق سكراتش إنشاء مشاريع سكراتش دون اتصال بالإنترنت. يمكنك تنزيل {scratchApp} من موقع سكراتش أو من متجر التطبيقات على جهازك.",
"parents.faqScratchApp": "تطبيق سكراتش",
"parents.faqOffline2LinkText": "Scratch 2.0 offline editor",
"parents.faqOffline14LinkText": "Scratch 1.4 offline editor"
} |