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synced 2025-03-28 13:52:25 -04:00
38 lines
2.8 KiB
38 lines
2.8 KiB
"addToStudio.title": "Иацҵатәуп астудиа ахь",
"addToStudio.finishing": "Ихсыркәшоит...",
"addToStudio.inviteUser": "Invite user to add to studio",
"project.titleMaxLength": "Title is too long",
"project.musicExtensionChip": "Амузыка",
"project.penExtensionChip": "Акалам",
"project.text2SpeechChip": "Атеқст Арцәажәара",
"project.translateChip": "Атранслиациа",
"project.videoMotionChip": "Авидео аиҭаҵра",
"project.needsConnection": "Needs Connection",
"project.comments.header": "Акомментариқәа",
"project.comments.turnOff": "Акомментари аанкылатәуп",
"project.comments.turnedOff": "Sorry, comment posting has been turned off for this project.",
"project.share.notShared": "This project is not shared — so only you can see it. Click share to let everyone see it!",
"project.share.sharedLong": "Congratulations on sharing your project! Other people can now try it out, give comments, and remix it.",
"project.share.sharedShort": "Your project is now shared.",
"project.share.shareButton": "Угәаанагарақәа рыцеиҩша",
"project.seeInsideButton": "Иҭалатәуп апроеқт",
"project.remix.justRemixed": "\"{title}\" was successfully remixed. Add a sprite, add a costume, make a change to make it your own!",
"project.remixButton": "Аремикс",
"project.remixButton.altText": "Еиқәырхатәуп апроеқт акопиа, нас ирыцышәҵала шәара шәусқәа.",
"project.remixButton.remixing": "Аремикс аԥҵара...",
"project.remixes": "Аремиксқәа",
"project.inviteToRemix": "Invite user to remix",
"project.instructionsLabel": "Амҩақәҵагақәа",
"project.notesAndCreditsLabel": "Азгәаҭақәеи аҳаҭырқәҵарақәеи",
"project.credit": "Thanks to {userLink} for the original project {projectLink}.",
"project.deletedBanner": "Note: This project is in the trash folder",
"project.moderationInfoLabel": "Moderation Info",
"project.numScripts": "апрограммақәа {number}",
"project.numSprites": "анагӡаҩцәа {number}",
"project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long",
"project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.",
"project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).",
"project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.",
"project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project."
} |