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"ev3.headerText": "{ev3Link} é un kit de invención con motores e sensores que se poden usar para construír creacións robóticas interactivas. Ao conectalo con Scratch aumentan as posibilidades: construír un monicreque robótico e contar historias, crear instrumentos musicais e controladores de xogos propios ou o que se poida imaxinar.",
"ev3.gettingStarted": "Primeiros pasos",
"ev3.connectingEV3": "Conectar EV3 con Scratch",
"ev3.turnOnEV3": "Acende o teu EV3 mantendo premido o botón central.",
"ev3.useScratch3": "Emprega o editor {scratch3Link}.",
"ev3.addExtension": "Engade a extensión de EV3.",
"ev3.firstTimeConnecting": "É a primeira vez que conectas o teu EV3?",
"ev3.pairingDescription": "Despois de premer o botón de conectar en Scratch hai que emparellalo co computador:",
"ev3.acceptConnection": "Acepta a conexión.",
"ev3.acceptPasscode": "Acepta o contrasinal.",
"ev3.windowsFinalizePairing": "Agarda a que o dispositivo estea listo.",
"ev3.macosFinalizePairing": "Introduce o contrasinal no computador.",
"ev3.thingsToTry": "Cousas coas que experimentar",
"ev3.makeMotorMove": "Facer un movemento co motor",
"ev3.plugMotorIn": "Conecta un motor no {portA} no concentrador de portos do EV3",
"ev3.portA": "porto A",
"ev3.clickMotorBlock": "Atopa o bloque {motorBlockText} e preme nel.",
"ev3.motorBlockText": "«o motor A xira así»",
"ev3.starterProjects": "Proxectos de arranque",
"ev3.starter1BasketballTitle": "Xoga ao baloncesto",
"ev3.starter1BasketballDescription": "Move in front of the distance sensor to bounce the ball.",
"ev3.starter2MusicTitle": "Fai música",
"ev3.starter2MusicDescription": "Press the buttons to play saxophone and drums.",
"ev3.starter3SpaceTitle": "Tacos espaciais",
"ev3.starter3SpaceDescription": "Constrúe un controlador para apañar tacos no espazo.",
"ev3.troubleshootingTitle": "Resolución de problemas",
"ev3.checkOSVersionTitle": "Comprobe que o seu sistema operativo é compatible con Scratch Link",
"ev3.checkOSVersionText": "As versións mínimas requiridas dos sistemas operativos están listadas na parte de arriba desta páxina. Sigue as instrucións para comprobar a túa versión de {winOSVersionLink} ou{macOSVersionLink}.",
"ev3.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows",
"ev3.macOSVersionLinkText": "Mac OS",
"ev3.makeSurePairedTitle": "Make sure your computer is paired with your EV3",
"ev3.makeSurePairedText": "Your computer needs to be paired with your EV3 before it can connect to Scratch. We try to do this automatically the first time you add the EV3 extension, but if it isn't working you can try these {pairingInstructionLink}.",
"ev3.pairingInstructionText": "bluetooth pairing instructions from LEGO",
"ev3.reconnectTitle": "On Windows, try un-pairing before connecting",
"ev3.reconnectText": "If you have connected before and are unable to reconnect, try manually un-pairing your EV3 from your computer: open your Bluetooth settings, find your EV3, and remove it.",
"ev3.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Pecha outras copias de Scratch",
"ev3.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the EV3 at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"ev3.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your EV3",
"ev3.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to an EV3 at a time. If you have another computer connected to your EV3, disconnect the EV3 or close Scratch on that computer and try again.",
"ev3.updateFirmwareTitle": "Try updating your EV3 firmware",
"ev3.updateFirmwareText": "We recommend updating to EV3 firmware version 1.10E or above. See {firmwareUpdateLink}.",
"ev3.firmwareUpdateText": "firmware update instructions from LEGO",
"ev3.imgAltEv3Illustration": "Illustration of an EV3 hub, featuring some examples of interacting with it.",
"ev3.imgAltAcceptConnection": "Use the buttons on your EV3 to accept the connection.",
"ev3.imgAltAcceptPasscode": "Use the center button on your EV3 to accept the passcode.",
"ev3.imgAltWaitForWindows": "Windows notificarache cando o EV3 estea preparado.",
"ev3.imgAltEnterPasscodeMac": "Enter the passcode into the connection request window opening on your Mac.",
"ev3.imgAltPlugInMotor": "To find port A: hold the EV3 with the screen and buttons facing you, with the screen above the buttons. Port A is on top, and it is the left-most one",
"ev3.imgAltStarter1Basketball": "A Scratch project with a basketball.",
"ev3.imgAltStarter2Music": "A Scratch project with musical instruments.",
"ev3.imgAltStarter3Space": "A Scratch project with Scratch Cat and a taco in space."
} |