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"guidelines.title": "Pedoman Komunitas Scratch",
"guidelines.header1": "Scratch adalah komunitas yang ramah dan terbuka untuk semua orang, tempat orang berkreasi, berbagi, dan belajar bersama.",
"guidelines.header2": "Kami menyambut orang-orang dari segala usia, ras, etnis, agama, kemampuan, orientasi seksual, dan identitas gender.",
"guidelines.header3": "Bantu agar Scratch tetap menjadi tempat yang ramah, suportif, dan kreatif untuk semua orang dengan mengikuti Pedoman Komunitas ini:",
"guidelines.respectheader": "Perlakukan semua orang dengan hormat.",
"guidelines.respectbody1": "Scratchers have diverse backgrounds, interests, identities, and experiences.",
"guidelines.respectbody2": "Everyone on Scratch is encouraged to share things that excite them and are important to them—we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own identity on Scratch, and allow others to do the same. It’s never OK to attack a person or group’s identity or to be unkind to someone about their background or interests.",
"guidelines.privacyheader": "Aman: jaga kerahasiaan informasi pribadi dan kontak.",
"guidelines.privacybody1": "For safety reasons, don't give out any information that could be used for private communication, in person or online.",
"guidelines.privacybody2": "Ini termasuk tidak membagikan nama akhir asli, nomor telepon, alamat, kampung halaman, nama sekolah, alamat surel, nama pengguna atau tautan ke situs media sosial, aplikasi obrolan video, atau situs web dengan kemampuan obrolan pribadi.",
"guidelines.helpfulheader": "Berikan umpan balik yang membantu.",
"guidelines.helpfulbody1": "Everyone on Scratch is learning.",
"guidelines.helpfulbody2": "When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical. Please keep comments respectful and avoid spamming or posting chain mail. We encourage you to try new things, experiment, and learn from others.",
"guidelines.remixheader": "Rangkullah budaya remix.",
"guidelines.remixbody1": "Remix adalah ketika kamu membuat di atas proyek, kode, ide, gambar, atau hal dari orang lain yang mereka bagikan di Scratch untuk membuat kreasimu sendiri yang unik.",
"guidelines.remixbody2": "Remix adalah cara yang bagus untuk berkolaborasi dan terhubung dengan Scratcher lainnya. Anda didorong untuk menggunakan apa pun yang Anda temukan di Scratch dalam kreasi Anda sendiri, selama Anda memberikan kredit kepada semua orang yang karyanya Anda gunakan dan membuat perubahan yang berarti. Dan saat Anda membagikan sesuatu di Scratch, Anda memberikan izin kepada semua Scratcher untuk menggunakan karya Anda dalam kreasi mereka juga.",
"guidelines.honestyheader": "Bersikap jujur.",
"guidelines.honestybody1": "Ini penting untuk jujur dan autentik ketika berinterkasi dengan orang-orang di Scratch, dan ingat bahwa ada orang di setiap akun Scratch.",
"guidelines.honestybody2": "Spreading rumors, impersonating other Scratchers or celebrities, or pretending to be seriously ill is not respectful to the Scratch Community.",
"guidelines.friendlyheader": "Jaga keramahan situs ini.",
"guidelines.friendlybody1": "It’s important to keep your creations and conversations friendly and appropriate for all ages.",
"guidelines.friendlybody2": "If you think something on Scratch is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise disruptive to the community, click “Report” to let us know about it. Please use the “Report” button rather than engaging in fights, spreading rumors about other people’s behavior, or otherwise responding to any inappropriate content. The Scratch Team will look at your report and take the appropriate action.",
"guidelines.learnMoreheader": "Ingin belajar lebih banyak?",
"guidelines.learnMorebody1": "<a>Download the guide</a> for more details!",
"guidelines.learnMorebody2": "Discover the limitless potential of the Scratch online community with our guides! These valuable resources are designed to help you navigate and thrive as a Scratcher, revealing everything from setting up your profile to connecting with like-minded individuals. Learn how to connect with others, share your unique creations, and find inspiration for your next project.",
"guidelines.respectButtonImageDescription": "A blue circle",
"guidelines.privacyButtonImageDescription": "A yellow circle",
"guidelines.helpfulButtonImageDescription": "A magenta circle",
"guidelines.remixButtonImageDescription": "A green circle",
"guidelines.honestyButtonImageDescription": "A purple circle",
"guidelines.friendlyButtonImageDescription": "A pink circle",
"guidelines.respectSectionImageDescription": "A graphic of two hands grasping each other in a handshake, with a pink heart above them.",
"guidelines.privacySectionImageDescription": "A graphic of a blue combination lock lock on a yellow background. Inside the lock is the shape of a head with a question mark printed on the face.",
"guidelines.helpfulSectionImageDescription": "A graphic of a piece of paper on top of a pink background. On the paper, there is a Scratch project with a white cat on a blue background. A pink pen with a heart on the cap is drawing a heart and a pencil is writing a comment.",
"guidelines.remixSectionImageDescription": "A graphic of the Scratch \"remix\" swirl on a green background. Two hands move orange, blue, and purple Scratch blocks around. A paintbrush paints a green streak.",
"guidelines.honestySectionImageDescription": "A graphic of a light blue compass on a purple background. There is a pink heart in the \"North\" position.",
"guidelines.friendlySectionImageDescription": "A graphic of 5 hands with different skin tones using their pointer and middle fingers to create a star on a pink background with a pink star and yellow star in the center.",
"guidelines.learnMoreSectionImageDescription": "A graphic of a box with a green arrow pointing inside of it with stars in the background."
} |