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synced 2025-03-27 13:20:44 -04:00
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"becomeAScratcher.buttons.back": "Takaisin",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.next": "Seuraava",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.communityGuidelines": "yhteisön suuntaviivoja",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.getStarted": "Aloita",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.finishLater": "Viimeistele myöhemmin",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.goBack": "Takaisin",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.iAgree": "Hyväksyn",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.takeMeBack": "Vie minut takaisin Scratchiin",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.backToProfile": "Palaa profiilisivulle",
"becomeAScratcher.congratulations.header": "Onnittelut, {username}! Olet osoittanut, että olet valmis ryhtymään Scratchaajaksi.",
"becomeAScratcher.congratulations.body": "Scratch on ystävällinen ja vastaanottava yhteisö kaikille, missä ihmiset pystyvät luomaan, jakamaan ja oppimaan yhdessä. Toivotamme tervetulleeksi kaikki iästä, rodusta, etnisyydestä, uskonnosta, taidoista, seksuaalisesta suuntautumisesta ja sukupuoli-identiteetistä riippumatta.",
"becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.header": "Mitä Scratchaajaksi ryhtyminen tarkoittaa?",
"becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.body": "You might notice on your profile page that you are currently a “New Scratcher”. Now that you have spent some time on Scratch, we invite you to become a “Scratcher”.",
"becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.definition": "Scratchers have a bit more experience on Scratch and are excited to both contribute to the community and to make it a supportive and welcoming space for others.",
"becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.canDo": "Tässä on joitain asioita, joita Scratchaajat tekevät:",
"becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.createStudios": "Luo studioita",
"becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.helpOut": "Auta yhteisössä",
"becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.communityGuidelines": "Seuraavaksi tutustumme yhteisön sääntöihin ja selitämme, mitä ne ovat.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectSection": "Ryhdy scratchaajaksi - Kunnioita kaikkia",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectHeader": "Scratchers treat everyone with respect.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectBody": "Everyone on Scratch is encouraged to share things that excite them and are important to them—we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own identity on Scratch, and allow others to do the same.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeSection": "Become a Scratcher - Be safe",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeHeader": "Scratchers are safe: we keep personal and contact information private.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeBody": "This includes not sharing real last names, phone numbers, addresses, hometowns, school names, email addresses, usernames or links to social media sites, video chatting applications, or websites with private chat functionality.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackSection": "Become a Scratcher - Give helpful feedback",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackHeader": "Scratchers give helpful feedback.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackBody": "When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Section": "Ryhdy Scratchaajaksi - Omaksu remixsaamisen kulttuuri",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Header": "Scratchers embrace remix culture.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Body": "Remiksaamista on se, kun käytät jonkun muun projekteja, koodia, ideoita, kuvia tai mitä tahansa muuta, mitä he jakavat Scratchissa, jotta voit luoda oman ainutlaatuisen luomuksesi.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Section": "Ryhdy Scratchaajaksi - Omaksu remixsaamisen kulttuuri",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Header": "Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Body": "You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. ",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Section": "Ryhdy Scratchaajaksi - Omaksu remixsaamisen kulttuuri",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Header": "Remixaaminen tarkoittaa jakamista muiden kanssa.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Body": "When you share something on Scratch, you are giving permission to all Scratchers to use your work in their creations, too.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestSection": "Become a Scratcher - Be honest",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestHeader": "Scratchaajat ovat rehellisiä.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestBody": "It’s important to be honest and authentic when interacting with others on Scratch, and remember that there is a person behind every Scratch account.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlySection": "Become a Scratcher - Keep the site friendly",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlyHeader": "Scratchers help keep the site friendly.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlyBody": "It’s important to keep your creations and conversations friendly and appropriate for all ages. If you think something on Scratch is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise disruptive to the community, click “Report” to let us know about it.",
"becomeAScratcher.invitation.header": "{username}, kutsumme sinut Scratchaajaksi.",
"becomeAScratcher.invitation.body": "Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone. If you agree to be respectful, be safe, give helpful feedback, embrace remix culture, be honest, and help keep the site friendly, click “I agree!”",
"becomeAScratcher.invitation.finishLater": "You get to decide if you want to become a Scratcher. If you do not want to be a Scratcher yet, just click “Finish Later” above.",
"registration.success.error": "Anteeksi, tapahtui odottamaton virhe.",
"becomeAScratcher.success.header": "Hurraa! Olet nyt virallisesti Scratchaaja.",
"becomeAScratcher.success.body": "Here are some links that might be helpful for you.",
"becomeAScratcher.success.communityGuidelines": "yhteisön suuntaviivoja",
"becomeAScratcher.success.createAProject": "Luo projekti",
"becomeAScratcher.noInvitation.header": "Whoops! Looks like you haven’t received an invitation to become a Scratcher yet.",
"becomeAScratcher.noInvitation.body": "To become a Scratcher, you must be active on Scratch for a while, share several projects, and comment constructively in the community. After a few weeks, you will receive a notification inviting you to become a Scratcher. Scratch on!",
"becomeAScratcher.finishLater.header": "No worries, take your time!",
"becomeAScratcher.finishLater.body": "By leaving this page, you will not finish the process to become a Scratcher and will stay as a New Scratcher. If you change your mind later, you can always come back via your profile page.",
"becomeAScratcher.finishLater.clickBecomeAScratcher": "Klikkaa vain “★ Ryhdy Scratchaajaksi!” käyttäjänimesi alta."
} |