2018-11-20 14:14:22 -05:00

566 lines
21 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"ev3.beepNote": {
"message": "鸣笛[NOTE][TIME]秒",
"description": "play some note on EV3 for some time"
"ev3.buttonPressed": {
"message": "按下按钮[PORT]",
"description": "is a button on some port pressed?"
"ev3.getBrightness": {
"message": "亮度",
"description": "gets measured brightness"
"ev3.getDistance": {
"message": "距离",
"description": "gets measured distance"
"ev3.getMotorPosition": {
"message": "马达[PORT]的位置",
"description": "get the measured degrees a motor has turned"
"ev3.motorSetPower": {
"message": "马达[PORT]功率设为[POWER]%",
"description": "set a motor's power to some value"
"ev3.motorTurnClockwise": {
"message": "马达[PORT]正转[TIME]秒",
"description": "turn a motor clockwise for some time"
"ev3.motorTurnCounterClockwise": {
"message": "马达[PORT]反转[TIME]秒",
"description": "turn a motor counter-clockwise for some time"
"ev3.whenBrightnessLessThan": {
"message": "当亮度 < [DISTANCE]",
"description": "when value measured by brightness sensor is less than some value"
"ev3.whenButtonPressed": {
"message": "当按下按钮[PORT]",
"description": "when a button connected to a port is pressed"
"ev3.whenDistanceLessThan": {
"message": "当距离 < [DISTANCE]",
"description": "when the value measured by the distance sensor is less than some value"
"microbit.buttonsMenu.any": {
"message": "任意",
"description": "label for \"any\" element in button picker for micro:bit extension"
"microbit.clearDisplay": {
"message": "清空屏幕",
"description": "display nothing on the micro:bit display"
"microbit.defaultTextToDisplay": {
"message": "你好!",
"description": "default text to display.\n IMPORTANT - the micro:bit only supports letters a-z, A-Z.\n Please substitute a default word in your language\n that can be written with those characters,\n substitute non-accented characters or leave it as \"Hello!\".\n Check the micro:bit site documentation for details"
"microbit.displaySymbol": {
"message": "显示[MATRIX]",
"description": "display a pattern on the micro:bit display"
"microbit.displayText": {
"message": "显示文本[TEXT]",
"description": "display text on the micro:bit display"
"microbit.gesturesMenu.jumped": {
"message": "抛起",
"description": "label for jumped gesture in gesture picker for micro:bit extension"
"microbit.gesturesMenu.moved": {
"message": "移动",
"description": "label for moved gesture in gesture picker for micro:bit extension"
"microbit.gesturesMenu.shaken": {
"message": "晃动",
"description": "label for shaken gesture in gesture picker for micro:bit extension"
"microbit.isButtonPressed": {
"message": "按下[BTN]按钮?",
"description": "is the selected button on the micro:bit pressed?"
"microbit.isTilted": {
"message": "向[DIRECTION]倾斜?",
"description": "is the micro:bit is tilted in a direction?"
"": {
"message": "低电平",
"description": "label for off element in pin state picker for micro:bit extension"
"microbit.pinStateMenu.on": {
"message": "高电平",
"description": "label for on element in pin state picker for micro:bit extension"
"microbit.tiltAngle": {
"message": "向[DIRECTION]倾角",
"description": "how much the micro:bit is tilted in a direction"
"microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.any": {
"message": "任意",
"description": "label for any direction element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension"
"microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.back": {
"message": "后",
"description": "label for back element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension"
"microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.front": {
"message": "前",
"description": "label for front element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension"
"microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.left": {
"message": "左",
"description": "label for left element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension"
"microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.right": {
"message": "右",
"description": "label for right element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension"
"microbit.whenButtonPressed": {
"message": "当按下[BTN]按钮",
"description": "when the selected button on the micro:bit is pressed"
"microbit.whenGesture": {
"message": "当被[GESTURE]",
"description": "when the selected gesture is detected by the micro:bit"
"microbit.whenPinConnected": {
"message": "当引脚[PIN]接地",
"description": "when the pin detects a connection to Earth/Ground"
"microbit.whenTilted": {
"message": "当向[DIRECTION]倾斜",
"description": "when the micro:bit is tilted in a direction"
"music.categoryName": {
"message": "音乐",
"description": "Label for the Music extension category"
"music.changeTempo": {
"message": "将演奏速度增加[TEMPO]",
"description": "change tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played"
"music.drumBass": {
"message": "(2) 低音鼓",
"description": "Sound of bass drum as used in a standard drum kit"
"music.drumBongo": {
"message": "(13) 邦戈鼓",
"description": "Sound of a bongo being struck"
"music.drumCabasa": {
"message": "(15) 卡巴萨",
"description": "Sound of a cabasa being shaken"
"music.drumClaves": {
"message": "(9) 音棒",
"description": "Sound of claves being struck together"
"music.drumClosedHiHat": {
"message": "(6) 闭击踩镲",
"description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting a hi-hat while closed"
"music.drumConga": {
"message": "(14) 康加鼓",
"description": "Sound of a conga being struck"
"music.drumCowbell": {
"message": "(11) 牛铃",
"description": "Sound of a cowbell being struck"
"music.drumCrashCymbal": {
"message": "(4) 碎音钹",
"description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting a crash cymbal"
"music.drumCuica": {
"message": "(18) 锯加鼓",
"description": "Sound of a cuica being played"
"music.drumGuiro": {
"message": "(16) 刮瓜",
"description": "Sound of a guiro being played"
"music.drumHandClap": {
"message": "(8) 鼓掌",
"description": "Sound of two hands clapping together"
"music.drumOpenHiHat": {
"message": "(5) 开击踩镲",
"description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting a hi-hat while open"
"music.drumSideStick": {
"message": "(3) 敲鼓边",
"description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting the side of a drum (usually the snare)"
"music.drumSnare": {
"message": "(1) 小军鼓",
"description": "Sound of snare drum as used in a standard drum kit"
"music.drumTambourine": {
"message": "(7) 铃鼓",
"description": "Sound of a tambourine being struck"
"music.drumTriangle": {
"message": "(12) 三角铁",
"description": "Sound of a triangle (instrument) being struck"
"music.drumVibraslap": {
"message": "(17) 颤音器",
"description": "Sound of a Vibraslap being played"
"music.drumWoodBlock": {
"message": "(10) 木鱼",
"description": "Sound of a wood block being struck"
"music.getTempo": {
"message": "演奏速度",
"description": "get the current tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played"
"music.instrumentBass": {
"message": "(6) 贝斯",
"description": "Sound of an accoustic upright bass"
"music.instrumentBassoon": {
"message": "(14) 巴松管",
"description": "Sound of a bassoon being played"
"music.instrumentCello": {
"message": "(8) 大提琴",
"description": "Sound of a cello being played with a bow"
"music.instrumentChoir": {
"message": "(15) 唱诗班",
"description": "Sound of a choir singing"
"music.instrumentClarinet": {
"message": "(10) 单簧管",
"description": "Sound of a clarinet being played"
"music.instrumentElectricGuitar": {
"message": "(5) 电吉他",
"description": "Sound of an electric guitar"
"music.instrumentElectricPiano": {
"message": "(2) 电钢琴",
"description": "Sound of an electric piano"
"music.instrumentFlute": {
"message": "(12) 长笛",
"description": "Sound of a flute being played"
"music.instrumentGuitar": {
"message": "(4) 吉他",
"description": "Sound of an accoustic guitar"
"music.instrumentMarimba": {
"message": "(19) 马林巴琴",
"description": "Sound of a marimba being struck"
"music.instrumentMusicBox": {
"message": "(17) 八音盒",
"description": "Sound of a music box playing"
"music.instrumentOrgan": {
"message": "(3) 风琴",
"description": "Sound of an organ"
"music.instrumentPiano": {
"message": "(1) 钢琴",
"description": "Sound of a piano"
"music.instrumentPizzicato": {
"message": "(7) 拨弦",
"description": "Sound of a string instrument (e.g. violin) being plucked"
"music.instrumentSaxophone": {
"message": "(11) 萨克斯管",
"description": "Sound of a saxophone being played"
"music.instrumentSteelDrum": {
"message": "(18) 钢鼓",
"description": "Sound of a steel drum being struck"
"music.instrumentSynthLead": {
"message": "(20) 合成主音",
"description": "Sound of a \"lead\" synthesizer being played"
"music.instrumentSynthPad": {
"message": "(21) 合成柔音",
"description": "Sound of a \"pad\" synthesizer being played"
"music.instrumentTrombone": {
"message": "(9) 长号",
"description": "Sound of a trombone being played"
"music.instrumentVibraphone": {
"message": "(16) 颤音琴",
"description": "Sound of a vibraphone being struck"
"music.instrumentWoodenFlute": {
"message": "(13) 木长笛",
"description": "Sound of a wooden flute being played"
"music.midiSetInstrument": {
"message": "将乐器设为 [INSTRUMENT]",
"description": "set the instrument for notes played according to a mapping of MIDI codes"
"music.playDrumForBeats": {
"message": "击鼓 [DRUM] [BEATS] 拍",
"description": "play drum sample for a number of beats"
"music.playNoteForBeats": {
"message": "演奏音符[NOTE][BEATS]拍",
"description": "play a note for a number of beats"
"music.restForBeats": {
"message": "休止[BEATS]拍",
"description": "rest (play no sound) for a number of beats"
"music.setInstrument": {
"message": "将乐器设为 [INSTRUMENT]",
"description": "set the instrument (e.g. piano, guitar, trombone) for notes played"
"music.setTempo": {
"message": "将演奏速度设定为[TEMPO]",
"description": "set tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played"
"pen.categoryName": {
"message": "画笔",
"description": "Label for the pen extension category"
"pen.changeColorParam": {
"message": "将笔的 [COLOR_PARAM] 增加[VALUE]",
"description": "change the state of a pen color parameter"
"pen.changeHue": {
"message": "将笔的颜色增加[HUE]",
"description": "legacy pen blocks - change pen color"
"pen.changeShade": {
"message": "将笔的亮度增加[SHADE]",
"description": "legacy pen blocks - change pen shade"
"pen.changeSize": {
"message": "将笔的粗细增加[SIZE]",
"description": "change the diameter of the trail left by a sprite"
"pen.clear": {
"message": "全部擦除",
"description": "erase all pen trails and stamps"
"pen.colorMenu.brightness": {
"message": "亮度",
"description": "label for brightness element in color picker for pen extension"
"pen.colorMenu.color": {
"message": "颜色",
"description": "label for color element in color picker for pen extension"
"pen.colorMenu.saturation": {
"message": "饱和度",
"description": "label for saturation element in color picker for pen extension"
"pen.colorMenu.transparency": {
"message": "透明度",
"description": "label for transparency element in color picker for pen extension"
"pen.penDown": {
"message": "落笔",
"description": "start leaving a trail when the sprite moves"
"pen.penUp": {
"message": "抬笔",
"description": "stop leaving a trail behind the sprite"
"pen.setColor": {
"message": "将笔的颜色设为[COLOR]",
"description": "set the pen color to a particular (RGB) value"
"pen.setColorParam": {
"message": "将笔的 [COLOR_PARAM] 设为[VALUE]",
"description": "set the state for a pen color parameter e.g. saturation"
"pen.setHue": {
"message": "将笔的颜色设为[HUE]",
"description": "legacy pen blocks - set pen color to number"
"pen.setShade": {
"message": "将笔的亮度设为[SHADE]",
"description": "legacy pen blocks - set pen shade"
"pen.setSize": {
"message": "将笔的粗细设为[SIZE]",
"description": "set the diameter of a trail left by a sprite"
"pen.stamp": {
"message": "图章",
"description": "render current costume on the background"
"speech.defaultWhenIHearValue": {
"message": "开始",
"description": "The default phrase/word that, when heard, triggers the event."
"speech.extensionName": {
"message": "语音识别",
"description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google."
"speech.listenAndWait": {
"message": "听候语音输入",
"description": "Start listening to the microphone and wait for a result from the speech recognition system."
"speech.speechReporter": {
"message": "语音输入",
"description": "Get the text of spoken words transcribed by the speech recognition system."
"speech.whenIHear": {
"message": "当听到[PHRASE]",
"description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system."
"text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": {
"message": "你好",
"description": "hello: the default text to speak"
"text2speech.giant": {
"message": "巨人",
"description": "Name for a funny voice with a low pitch."
"text2speech.kitten": {
"message": "小猫",
"description": "A baby cat."
"text2speech.max": {
"message": "麦克斯",
"description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender."
"text2speech.quinn": {
"message": "奎因",
"description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender."
"text2speech.setLanguageBlock": {
"message": "将朗读语言设置为[LANGUAGE]",
"description": "Set the language for speech synthesis."
"text2speech.setVoiceBlock": {
"message": "使用 [VOICE] 嗓音",
"description": "Set the voice for speech synthesis."
"text2speech.speakAndWaitBlock": {
"message": "朗读 [WORDS]",
"description": "Speak some words."
"text2speech.squeak": {
"message": "尖细",
"description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch."
"translate.categoryName": {
"message": "翻译",
"description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks"
"translate.defaultTextToTranslate": {
"message": "你好",
"description": "hello: the default text to translate"
"translate.translateBlock": {
"message": "将 [WORDS] 译为 [LANGUAGE]",
"description": "translate some text to a different language"
"translate.viewerLanguage": {
"message": "访客语言",
"description": "the languge of the project viewer"
"videoSensing.categoryName": {
"message": "视频侦测",
"description": "Label for the video sensing extension category"
"videoSensing.direction": {
"message": "方向",
"description": "Attribute for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block"
"videoSensing.motion": {
"message": "运动",
"description": "Attribute for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block"
"": {
"message": "关闭",
"description": "Option for the \"turn video [STATE]\" block"
"videoSensing.on": {
"message": "开启",
"description": "Option for the \"turn video [STATE]\" block"
"videoSensing.onFlipped": {
"message": "镜像开启",
"description": "Option for the \"turn video [STATE]\" block that causes the video to be flipped horizontally (reversed as in a mirror)"
"videoSensing.setVideoTransparency": {
"message": "将视频透明度设为[TRANSPARENCY]",
"description": "Controls transparency of the video preview layer"
"videoSensing.sprite": {
"message": "角色",
"description": "Subject for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block"
"videoSensing.stage": {
"message": "舞台",
"description": "Subject for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block"
"videoSensing.videoOn": {
"message": "相对于[SUBJECT]的视频[ATTRIBUTE]",
"description": "Reporter that returns the amount of [ATTRIBUTE] for the selected [SUBJECT]"
"videoSensing.videoToggle": {
"message": "[VIDEO_STATE]摄像头",
"description": "Controls display of the video preview layer"
"videoSensing.whenMotionGreaterThan": {
"message": "当视频运动 > [REFERENCE]",
"description": "Event that triggers when the amount of motion is greater than [REFERENCE]"
"wedo2.getDistance": {
"message": "距离",
"description": "the value returned by the distance sensor"
"wedo2.getTiltAngle": {
"message": "向[TILT_DIRECTION]倾角",
"description": "the angle returned by the tilt sensor"
"wedo2.isTilted": {
"message": "向[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]倾斜?",
"description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted"
"wedo2.motorOff": {
"message": "关闭[MOTOR_ID]",
"description": "turn a motor off"
"wedo2.motorOn": {
"message": "开启[MOTOR_ID]",
"description": "turn a motor on indefinitely"
"wedo2.motorOnFor": {
"message": "开启[MOTOR_ID][DURATION]秒",
"description": "turn a motor on for some time"
"wedo2.playNoteFor": {
"message": "演奏音符[NOTE][DURATION]秒",
"description": "play a certain note for some time"
"wedo2.setLightHue": {
"message": "将灯光颜色设为[HUE]",
"description": "set the LED color"
"wedo2.setMotorDirection": {
"message": "将[MOTOR_ID]转向设为[MOTOR_DIRECTION]",
"description": "set the motor's turn direction"
"wedo2.startMotorPower": {
"message": "将[MOTOR_ID]功率设为[POWER]",
"description": "set the motor's power and turn it on"
"wedo2.whenDistance": {
"message": "当距离[OP][REFERENCE]",
"description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference"
"wedo2.whenTilted": {
"message": "当向[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]倾斜",
"description": "check when tilted in a certain direction"