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"gdxfor.deviceName": "Force and Acceleration sensor",
"gdxfor.deviceNameShort": "sensor",
"gdxfor.headerText": "The {gdxforLink} sensor is a powerful scientific tool that unlocks new ways to connect the physical world to your Scratch projects. Measure force as you push and pull, and interact by shaking, spinning, free falling and more.",
"gdxfor.gettingStarted": "Kezdő lépések",
"gdxfor.connectingGdxfor": "Connecting Force & Acceleration sensor to Scratch",
"gdxfor.powerGdxfor": "Kapcsold be az érzékelőt a bekapcsológomb megnyomásával.",
"gdxfor.useScratch3": "Használd a {scratch3Link} szerkesztőt.",
"gdxfor.addExtension": "Add the Go Direct Force & Acceleration extension.",
"gdxfor.thingsToTry": "Kipróbálandók",
"gdxfor.pushToMakeASound": "Push to make a sound",
"gdxfor.connectForcePushedToPlaySound": "Connect the {whenForceSensorPushed} block to a {startSound} block.",
"gdxfor.whenForceSensorPushed": "“when force sensor pushed”",
"gdxfor.startSound": "“start sound”",
"gdxfor.pushOnForceSensor": "Push on the force sensor.",
"gdxfor.starterProjects": "Kezdő projektek",
"gdxfor.troubleshootingTitle": "Hibaelhárítás",
"gdxfor.checkOSVersionTitle": "Ellenőrizd, hogy az operációs rendszered kompatibilis-e a Scratch Linkkel",
"gdxfor.checkOSVersionText": "A minimális operációs rendszer verziókat az oldal tetején találod felsorolva. Nézd át leírást a saját {winOSVersionLink} vagy {macOSVersionLink} verziód ellenőrzésére.",
"gdxfor.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows",
"gdxfor.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS",
"gdxfor.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zárd be a Scratch többi példányát",
"gdxfor.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the Force and Acceleration sensor at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"gdxfor.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Ellenőrizd, hogy másik számítógép nem csatlakozik az érzékelődhöz.",
"gdxfor.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a Force and Acceleration sensor at a time. If you have another computer connected to your sensor, disconnect the sensor or close Scratch on that computer and try again.",
"gdxfor.imgAltGdxforIllustration": "Illustration of the Vernier Go Direct Force and Acceleration sensor.",
"gdxfor.imgAltPushForce": "A hand pushing the force sensor on the The Vernier Go Direct Force and Acceleration sensor.",
"gdxfor.frogBand": "Frog Band",
"gdxfor.frogBandDescription": "Shake, push and toss the sensor to make music.",
"gdxfor.imgAltFrogBand": "A Scratch project with a frog and musical instruments",
"gdxfor.dayAndNight": "Day and Night",
"gdxfor.dayAndNightDescription": "Turn the sensor face down to change day into night.",
"gdxfor.imgAltDayAndNight": "A Scratch project with an elf in a cloak",
"gdxfor.underwaterRocket": "Underwater Rocket",
"gdxfor.underwaterRocketDescription": "Spin and push the sensor to steer the ship.",
"gdxfor.imgAltUnderwaterRocket": "A Scratch project with an underwater rocket ship"
} |