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"sec.title": "Scratch教育合作",
"sec.intro": "与全球其他机构一起支持创意编程",
"sec.applyNow": "立即申请",
"sec.applyBanner": "申请截止2021年3月1日",
"sec.projectsTitle": "概述",
"sec.eligibilityTitle": "资格",
"sec.applyTitle": "如何申请?",
"sec.applyDeadline": "申请加入Scratch教育的截止日期已延长至2021年3月1日",
"sec.applyButton": "点击这里申请",
"sec.projectsIntro": "Scratch教育合作(SEC)在Google.org支持下,正在建设一个遍布世界各地的机构网络",
"sec.projectsIntroBold": "专门支持过去被边缘化和被忽视的群体通过创意编程重拾信心。",
"sec.projectsIntro2": "在2021年试运行期间,我们将扩大选择10个机构,支持各自在帮助包括黑人、拉丁裔及美洲原住民在内的被忽视的青少年群体方面的工作,相互学习,与Scratch基金会成员、麻省理工学院媒体实验室及其他创意计算领域的全球领袖合作,发展最佳实践,使用Scratch实现文化上可持续的创意计算。",
"sec.projectsIntro3": "SEC是Scratch基金会的一项关键计划。Scratch最初由麻省理工学院媒体实验室终生幼儿园小组开发,目前已有2亿用户。它面免费向儿童开放,是全世界最大的、最具多样性的编程群体。",
"sec.expectationsFromSec": "SEC网络的成员,将获得以下权益:",
"sec.expectationsFromSecPoint1": "与Scratch基金会、麻省理工学院媒体实验室及其他世界各地使用Scratch实施创意学习的领先机构建立联系",
"sec.expectationsFromSecPoint2": "通过以平等为中心的职业发展扩大你的机构",
"sec.expectationsFromSecPoint3": "以平等为中心,合作开发面向当地群体的使用Scratch进行创意编程的资源、活动和培训",
"sec.expectationsFromSecPoint4": "获得Scratch和SEC相关的当地活动的种子基金",
"sec.expectationsFromOrgs": "加入SEC网络",
"sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint1": "参与当年的Scratch基金会及SEC合作伙伴的季度虚拟会议和培训",
"sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint2": "2021年为当地群体举办至少一次创意编程虚拟活动、讲解或职业发展活动",
"sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint3": "为当地群体开发和推广以平等为中心的,使用Scratch进行创意编程的资源、活动和培训",
"sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint4": "Share best-practices and innovative creative computing curricula with the Scratch Foundation and SEC community",
"sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference",
"sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation",
"sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:",
"sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally",
"sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives",
"sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices",
"sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally",
"sec.eligibilityPoint5": "Able to engage in quarterly virtual meetings",
"sec.faqHeader": "常见问题",
"sec.faqWhatIs": "What is Creative Learning with Scratch?",
"sec.faqWhatIsAnswer": "Scratch embraces creative learning as an educational approach that supports students in developing as creative thinkers and contributors to their communities. The Creative Learning approach focuses on 4P’s: Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play: providing students with opportunities to work on projects, based on their passions, in collaboration with peers, in a playful spirit (Resnick, 2017).",
"sec.faqWhatIsAnswer2": "To learn more about how the Scratch Foundation and the Lifelong Kindergarten group think about creative learning, visit the {lclLink}.",
"sec.faqLCLWebsite": "Learning Creative Learning website",
"sec.faqWhen": "When does the yearlong program begin and end?",
"sec.faqWhenAnswer": "The SEC program begins the first week of May 2021, and ends in May of 2022.",
"sec.faqUsingScratch": "Do I have to be using Scratch at my organization already?",
"sec.faqUsingScratchAnswer": "No, your organization does not need to already be using Scratch.",
"sec.faqUsingScratchAnswer2": "As a participant in the SEC, you will collaborate in developing and implementing programming and events for your community which incorporate Scratch. It is important that your organization and the community you will support through your work with the SEC has a plan for accessing technology.",
"sec.faqBackground": "Do I need to have a background in computer science?",
"sec.faqBackgroundAnswer": "You do not need to have a background in computer science, or be implementing educational programming in computer science in order to participate in the SEC.",
"sec.faqBackgroundAnswer2": "We encourage the use of Scratch as a creative tool and welcome organizations who are interested in using Scratch in a variety of contexts.",
"sec.faqEligible": "What kinds of organizations can apply to be members of the SEC?",
"sec.faqEligibleAnswer": "Non-profit organizations, public schools, school districts, universities, colleges, and other government entities are all welcome to apply.",
"sec.faqEligibleAnswer2": "The SEC encourages organizations from around the world to apply.",
"sec.faqInternational": "Do you accept international applications?",
"sec.faqInternationalAnswer": "Yes, the SEC is an international community. We welcome applications from organizations around the world.",
"sec.faqEnglish": "Does my organization need to be english-speaking?",
"sec.faqEnglishAnswer": "Your organization does not need to be English-speaking in order to apply.",
"sec.faqEnglishAnswer2": "We do ask that one member of your organization is able to participate in SEC events, which will be run in English.",
"sec.faqHowManyMembers": "How many members of my organization will be required to participate? ",
"sec.faqHowManyMembersAnswer": "Being a member organization requires buy-in from, at minimum, one representative and the Executive director/CEO/or equivalent position. ",
"sec.faqHowManyMembersAnswer2": "One member of your team will be responsible for attending SEC events, and communicating with Scratch Team members and other participating SEC member organizations.",
"sec.faqNotified": "When will I be notified of my acceptance?",
"sec.faqNotifiedAnswer": "You will hear back from us by the first week of April, 2021.",
"sec.faqHours": "How many hours per month should I expect to devote to participating in the SEC?",
"sec.faqHoursAnswer": "You should expect to spend 4-10 hours a month participating in SEC related work.",
"sec.faqVirtual": "Will the program be entirely virtual?",
"sec.faqVirtualAnswer": "All workshops and sessions for the 2021-2022 cohort will be hosted virtually.",
"sec.faqWorkshopLanguage": "The SEC is an international community, what is the primary language that workshops and sessions will be offered in?",
"sec.faqWorkshopLanguageAnswer": "SEC workshops and events will be facilitated in English. ",
"sec.faqCost": "What is the cost of participating in the SEC?",
"sec.faqCostAnswer": "Participating in the SEC is free for all participating organizations.",
"sec.faqCulturallySustaining": "What do we mean by culturally sustaining in the context of education?",
"sec.faqCulturallySustainingAnswer": "Culturally sustaining pedagogy empowers students by creating educational experiences which reaffirm, honor, explore, and extend their culture, heritage and communities (Ladson-Billings, 1994). Scratch and the SEC aims to empower educators and students across the globe through engagement in culturally relevant creative learning practices and creative computing experiences that will lead to culturally sustaining frames of reference and perspective (Hammond, 2015) and support relevant personal connections to Scratch’s and the SEC’s mission and values. ",
"sec.faqFuture": "I cannot participate this year, can I apply in the future? ",
"sec.faqFutureAnswer": "Yes! Join our {subscribeLink} to stay connected and receive future updates about the SEC.",
"sec.faqMailingList": "mailing list"
} |