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synced 2025-03-23 03:15:42 -04:00
460 lines
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460 lines
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"general.status": "Filter Projects",
"general.languageChooser": "Select Language",
"general.accountSettings": "Izinhlelo zokulungisa akhawunti ",
"general.about": "Mayelana",
"general.aboutScratch": "Mayelana Scratch",
"general.apiError": "Whoops, i-Scratch inephutha.",
"general.back": "Emuva",
"general.birthMonth": "Inyanga yokuzalwa",
"general.birthYear": "Unyaka wokuzalwa",
"general.donate": "Nikela",
"general.cancel": "Khansela ",
"general.close": "Vala",
"general.collaborators": "Sebenzisana",
"general.community": "Umphakathi",
"general.confirmEmail": "Ngiyavuma Email",
"general.contactUs": "Xhumana nathi",
"general.getHelp": "Thola Usizo",
"general.contact": "Indlela yokuxhumana ",
"general.cookies": "Cookies",
"general.done": "Kwenziwe",
"general.downloadPDF": "Downloda i PDF",
"general.emailUs": "Imeli",
"general.conferences": "Imhlangano emkhulu ",
"general.country": "Izwe",
"general.create": "Qala",
"general.credits": "Our Team",
"general.donors": "Donors",
"general.dmca": "DMCA",
"general.emailAddress": "Ikheli le-imeyli",
"general.english": "Isingisi ",
"general.error": "Oops! Into ehambe kabi",
"general.errorIdentifier": "Iphutha lakho lingeniswe kuID {errorId}",
"general.explore": "Hlola",
"general.faq": "FAQ",
"general.female": "Owesifazane",
"general.forParents": "Okwabazali",
"general.forEducators": "Okothisha",
"general.forDevelopers": "For Developers",
"general.getStarted": "Asiqale",
"general.gender": "Ubulili",
"general.guidelines": "Imithetho Yomphakathi",
"general.invalidSelection": "Okukhethiwe akuvumelekile",
"general.jobs": "Umsebenzi",
"general.joinScratch": "Hlanganisa Scratch",
"general.legal": "Umthetho",
"general.loadMore": "Faka futhi",
"general.learnMore": "Funda kabanzi",
"general.male": "Owesilisa",
"general.messages": "Umlayezo",
"general.month": "Inyanga",
"general.monthJanuary": "Masingana",
"general.monthFebruary": "Nhlolanja",
"general.monthMarch": "Ndasa",
"general.monthApril": "Mbasa",
"general.monthMay": "Nhlaba",
"general.monthJune": "Nhlangulana",
"general.monthJuly": "Ntulikazi",
"general.monthAugust": "Ncwaba",
"general.monthSeptember": "Mandulo",
"general.monthOctober": "Mfumfu",
"general.monthNovember": "Lwezi",
"general.monthDecember": "Zibandlela",
"general.myClass": "Iklasi lami",
"general.myClasses": "Amaklasi ami",
"general.myStuff": "Izinto zami",
"general.next": "Okulandelayo ",
"general.noDeletionTitle": "i-Account Yakho Ngeke Icishwe",
"general.noDeletionDescription": "I-akhawunti yakho ibisihlelelwe ukugcinwa kodwa yangena kuyo. i-Akhawunti isivuselelwe. Uma ungakucelanga ukugcinywa kwayo kufanele ukuqinisekisa i-akhawunti {resetLink} yakho iphephile. ",
"general.noDeletionLink": "Shintsha iphaswedi yakho",
"general.nonBinary": "Okungabhangqiwe",
"general.notRequired": "Awuvumelekile",
"general.okay": "Knlungile",
"general.other": "Okunye",
"general.download": "Download ",
"general.password": "Iphasiwedi",
"general.press": "Ubuwena",
"general.projectsSelected": "Projects Tab Selected",
"general.projectsNotS": "Amaphrojekthi",
"general.privacyPolicy": "Ngasese umgomo",
"general.projects": "Umsebenzi",
"general.profile": "Ubuwena",
"general.required": "Kuyadingeka",
"general.resourcesTitle": "Uthisha nezinsiza",
"general.scratchConference": "Scratch inqunquthela",
"general.scratchEd": "ScratchEd (okothisha)",
"general.scratchFoundation": "Scratch ukuqala",
"general.scratchJr": "ScratchJr",
"general.scratchStore": "Isitolo so-Scratch",
"general.search": "Cinga",
"general.searchEmpty": "Alukho olutholekile",
"general.send": "Thumela",
"general.signIn": "Ngena ngemvume",
"general.startOver": "Ukuqala phansi",
"general.statistics": "Ngokwesibalo",
"general.studios": "Studiyos",
"general.studiosSelected": "Studios Tab Selected",
"general.studiosNotS": "Studiyos",
"general.support": "Resources",
"general.ideas": "Imbono",
"general.tipsWindow": "Amathiphu ewindi",
"general.termsOfUse": "Imigomo Yokusebenzisa",
"general.tryAgain": "Phinda uzame",
"general.unhandledError": "Siyaxolisa , kubukeka sengathi uScratch akasebenzi. lenkinga isizibike ngokwayo eqembini likaScratch.",
"general.username": "Isidlaliso",
"general.validationEmail": "Ngicela ungene usebenze email ngekheli",
"general.validationEmailMatch": "Email engafani",
"general.viewAll": "Ngizwa bonke",
"general.website": "Website",
"general.whatsHappening": "Kwenzekani?",
"general.wiki": "Scratch Wiki",
"general.copyLink": " Kopisha iLink.",
"general.report": "BIka",
"general.notAvailableHeadline": "Eish! iseva yethu Scratch'ing ikhanda layo",
"general.notAvailableSubtitle": "Asikwazanga ukuthola ikhasi obulifuna. Sicela ubheke ukuthi wenze isiqiniseko ukuthi iURL Uyibhale kahle. ",
"general.seeAllComments": "Buka yonke imibono.",
"general.all": "Yonke",
"general.allSelected": "All Selected",
"general.animations": "Animations",
"general.animationsSelected": "Animations Selected",
"general.art": "Imidwebo",
"general.artSelected": "Art Selected",
"general.games": "Umdlalo",
"general.gamesSelected": "Games Selected",
"general.music": "uMculo",
"general.musicSelected": "Music Selected",
"general.results": "Umphumela",
"general.resultsSelected": "Results Selected",
"general.stories": "Izindaba",
"general.storiesSelected": "Stories Selected",
"general.tutorials": "AmaTutorials",
"general.tutorialsSelected": "Tutorials Selected",
"general.teacherAccounts": "Amakhawunti kathisha",
"general.unsupportedBrowser": "Lebhrowza aysekelwanga.",
"general.unsupportedBrowserDescription": "Siyaxolisa, uScratch 3.0 akayisekeli iInternet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera noma Silk. Sincoma ukuthi uzame uGoogle Chrome, Mozilla noma Microsoft Edge.",
"general.3faq": "Ukufunda kabanzi,iya {faqLink}",
"general.year": "Unyaka",
"footer.discuss": "Ingxoxo Forums",
"footer.scratchFamily": "Umndeni waScratch",
"footer.donorRecognition": "Scratch is available for free thanks to support from our {donorLink}. We are grateful to our Founding Partners:",
"footer.donors": "abanikeli bezimali",
"footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2}, {donor3}, and {donor4}.",
"form.validationRequired": "Lenkundla iyadingeka",
"login.needHelp": "Udingnsizo?",
"navigation.signOut": "Phuma",
"extensionHeader.requirements": "Izidingo",
"extensionInstallation.addExtension": "Kumhleli ciphaza ku \"Add Extensions\" inkinobho engezansi kwesobunxele.",
"oschooser.choose": "Khetha i-OS",
"installScratch.or": "noma",
"installScratch.directDownload": "Downloda ngqo",
"installScratch.appHeaderTitle": "Faka i-Scratch app ku-{operatingsystem}",
"installScratch.getScratchAppPlay": "Thola i-Scratch app ku-Google Play Store",
"installScratch.getScratchAppMacOs": "Thola i-Scratch app ku-Mac App Store",
"installScratch.getScratchAppWindows": "Thola i-Scratch app ku-Microsoft Store",
"installScratch.useScratchApp": "Vula i-Scratch app kudivayisi yakho.",
"installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Faka ilink kaScratch",
"installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Downloda bese ufaka ilink kaScratch",
"installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.",
"installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).",
"installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.",
"installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here",
"installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.",
"installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Troubleshooting section",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "Nakuba Scratch ngokuyinhloko yakhelwe 8 kuya ku-16 ngonyaka abaneminyaka, futhi lisetshenziswa yibo bonke abantu babo bonke ubudala, kuhlanganise nezingane abasebasha nabazali babo.",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Kuyini uhla yobudala for Scratch?",
"parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Iziphi izinto ezikhona ngenxa yokufunda Scratch?",
"parents.introDescription": "Iscratch iyulimi oluphrogrenwayo futhi liwumphakathi o-online lapho izingane ziphrogrema futhi zivezelana khona izinto ezinjenge zindaba, amagemu, kanye nopopayi kubantu emhlabeni wonke jikelele. Njengoba izinganezakha uScratch bayafunda ukucabanga ngokukhaliphaleyo, besebenzisane futhi bebe nezizathu eziqondile. Uscratch wakhiwe futhi ugcinwe iqembu lakwa Lifelong Kindergarten lase MIT Media Lab. ",
"registration.birthDateStepInfo": "Lokhu kusisiza ukuba siqonde okwehlukana ngeminyaka kwabantu abasebenzisa i-Scratch. Sisebenzisa lokhu ukuze siqinisekise umnikazi we-akhawunti uma uthintana neqembu lethu. Lokhu kwaziswa okukuyi-akhawunti yakho ngeke kudalulwe emphakathini. ",
"registration.birthDateStepTitle": "Wazalwa nini?",
"registration.cantCreateAccount": "I-Scratch ngeke ikwenzele i-akhawunti yakho.",
"registration.checkOutResources": "Qala ngezinto ngonakho",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescription": "Bheka izinto ezizosiza abafundisi kanye nabothisha okubhalwe iqembu lakwaScratch, kanye<a href='/educators#resources'>amathiphu, amathuruthoriyali, kanye namagayidi </a>.",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescriptionHTML": "Bheka izinto ezizosiza abafundisi kanye nabothisha okubhalwe iqembu lakwaScratch, kanye<a>amathiphu, amathuruthoriyali, kanye namagayidi </a>.",
"registration.choosePasswordStepDescription": "Thayipha iphasiwedi entsha ye-akhawunti yakho. Uzosebenzisa le iphasiwedi ngokuzayo uma ungena ku-Scratch.",
"registration.choosePasswordStepTitle": "Yenza i passwedi",
"registration.choosePasswordStepTooltip": "ungasebenzisi igama lakho noma yini enye ezokwenza umuntu kubelula ukuthi akucabange.",
"registration.classroomApiGeneralError": "siyaxolisa,asikwazanga ukuthola ukubhalisa ulwazi lwaleli klasi",
"registration.countryStepTitle": "Uhlala kuliphi izwe?",
"registration.generalError": "siyaxolisa, kwenzeke iphuthe ebesingalilindele.",
"registration.classroomInviteExistingStudentStepDescription": "umenyiwe ukuthi nzojoyina iklasi:",
"registration.classroomInviteNewStudentStepDescription": "Uthisha ukumemile ukuthi njoyine iklasi",
"registration.confirmPasswordInstruction": "Phinda ubhale iphasiwedi",
"registration.confirmYourEmail": "qinisekisa i-Email yakho",
"registration.confirmYourEmailDescription": "awukakakwenzi, ciphiza ilink ukuqinisekisa ukuthi i-email esendeke ku:",
"registration.createAccount": "Yenza i-Akhawunti Yakho",
"registration.createUsername": "Yenza igama lokusebenzisa",
"registration.errorBadUsername": "Igama lokusebenzisa olikhethile alivumelekile. Phinda uzame igama lokusebenzisa elehlukile.",
"registration.errorCaptcha": "Kube nenkinga nge-CAPTCHA test.",
"registration.errorPasswordTooShort": "Iphasiwedi yakho imfushane kakhulu. Kudingeka okungenani ibe yizinhlamvu eziyi-6 ubude.",
"registration.errorUsernameExists": "Igama lokusebenzisa olikhethile likhona kakade. Phinda uzame igama lokusebenzisa elehlukile.",
"registration.genderStepTitle": "Ungowabuphi ubulili?",
"registration.genderStepDescription": "I-Scratch yamukela abantu bonke ubulili.",
"registration.genderStepInfo": "Lokhu kusisiza ukuba siqonde ukuthi ubani osebenzisa i-Scratch, ukuze sikwazi ukwandisa ukubamba iqhaza. Lokhu kwaziswa okukuyi-akhawunti yakho ngeke kudalulwe emphakathini.",
"registration.genderOptionAnother": "Obunye ubulili:",
"registration.genderOptionPreferNotToSay": "Ngikhetha ukungasho",
"registration.emailStepTitle": "Ithini i-imeyli yakho?",
"registration.emailStepInfo": "Lokhu kuzosiza uma ukhohlwa iphasiwedi yakho. Lokhu kwaziswa okukuyi-akhawunti yakho ngeke kudalulwe emphakathini.",
"registration.goToClass": "Iya Eklasini",
"registration.invitedBy": "umenywe u",
"registration.lastStepTitle": "Siyabonga ngokucela i-akhawunti kathisha waScratch.",
"registration.lastStepDescription": "Okwamanje sisasicubungula isicelo sakho.",
"registration.makeProject": "Yenza iphrojekthi",
"registration.mustBeNewStudent": "Kufanele ube umfundi omusha igcwalisa ukubhalisa kwakho.",
"registration.nameStepTooltip": "lolu lwazi lusetshenziselwa ukuqiniseka kanye nokubala izibalo zabasebenzisi.",
"registration.newPassword": "Iphasiwedi entsha",
"registration.nextStep": "igxathu elilandelayo.",
"registration.notYou": "akuwena? ngena njengomunye umsebenzisi.",
"registration.optIn": "ngithumele okusha ngokusebenza kuka Scratch nokulungisa okufundisayo.",
"registration.passwordAdviceShort": "Yibhale phansi ukuze uyikhumbule. Ungabelani ngayo nabanye abantu!",
"registration.personalStepTitle": "ulwazi oluyimfihlo.",
"registration.personalStepDescription": "izimpendulo zakho ngeke zivezwe obala, zizogcinwa ziyimfihlo futhi zivikelekile.",
"registration.private": "Sizogcina lokhu kwaziswa kuyimfihlo.",
"registration.problemsAre": "Izinkinga yilezi:",
"registration.selectCountry": "Khetha izwe",
"registration.startOverInstruction": "Chofoza \"Qala phansi.\"",
"registration.studentPersonalStepDescription": "lolulwazi ngeke luvezwe kwi website ka Scratch.",
"registration.showPassword": "Bonisa iphasiwedi",
"registration.troubleReload": "I-Scratch inenkinga yokuqedela ukubhaliswa. Zama uku-reload ikhasi noma uphinde uzame ngesinye isiphequluli.",
"registration.tryAgainInstruction": "Chofoza \"Phinda uzame\".",
"registration.usernameStepDescription": "gcwalisa lamafomu alandelayo ukucela i-akhawunti. Ukuphumelela kwesicelo kungathatha usuku.",
"registration.usernameStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Yenza amaphrojekthi, yabelana ngemibono, yenza abangane. Kumahhala!",
"registration.usernameStepRealName": "siza ungasebenzisi nanoma yiphi ingxenye yegama lapho uma wenza igama lomsebenzi.",
"registration.usernameAdviceShort": "Ungasebenzisi igama lakho langempela",
"registration.studentUsernameStepDescription": "ungenza imidlalo khona opopayi kanye nezindaba ekusebenziseni uScratch. Ukuvula i-akhawunti kulula futhi kumahala . Gcwalisa ifomu ngezansi uqale",
"registration.studentUsernameStepHelpText": "ngabe usunayo iScratch akhawuti.",
"registration.studentUsernameStepTooltip": "kudingeka wenza i-akhawunti entsha ka Scratch ukuze ujoyine leli klasi.",
"registration.studentUsernameSuggestion": "Zama ukudla okuthandayo, ukuzilibazisa, noma isilwane esikanye nezinombolo",
"registration.acceptTermsOfUse": "Ngokwenza i-akhawunti, uyavuma ukuthi i-{privacyPolicyLink}nokuthi uye wamukela futhi wavumelana ne-{touLink}.",
"registration.usernameStepTitle": "cela i-akhawunti kathisha.",
"registration.usernameStepTitleScratcher": "Dala i-akhawunti Scratch",
"registration.validationMaxLength": "Uxolo, udlule uhlamvu umkhawulo esiphezulu.",
"registration.validationPasswordConfirmNotEquals": "Amaphasiwedi awafani",
"registration.validationPasswordLength": "Ayibe izinhlamvu eziyi-6 noma ngaphezulu",
"registration.validationPasswordNotEquals": "Kulula kakhulu ukuqagela iphasiwedi. Ungazama enye?",
"registration.validationPasswordNotUsername": "Iphasiwedi ayifani negama lakho lokusebenzisa ",
"registration.validationUsernameRegexp": "Amagama okusebenzisa angasebenzisa kuphela izinhlamvu, izinombolo, - kanye ne_",
"registration.validationUsernameMinLength": "Kufanele ibe nezinhlamvu ezi-3 noma ngaphezulu",
"registration.validationUsernameMaxLength": "Kufanele ibe nezinhlamvu ezingu-20 noma ngaphansi",
"registration.validationUsernameExists": "Igama lokusebenzisa lithathiwe. Ungazama elinye?",
"registration.validationUsernameNotAllowed": "Igama lokusebenzisa alivumelekile",
"registration.validationUsernameVulgar": "Hmmm, Lokho akubukeki kukuhle",
"registration.validationUsernameInvalid": "Igama olisebenzisile alamukeliwe",
"registration.validationUsernameSpaces": "Amagama okusebenzisa awakwazi ukuba nezikhala",
"registration.validationEmailInvalid": "Ayibonakali ikahle i-imeyli. Ungazama enye?",
"registration.waitForApproval": "Linda ukuba u Approvwe",
"registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "Usungangena kwi account yakho yakwa Scratch, kodwa imininingwane ebhekene no Thisha ayikabi bikho. Imininingwane yakho isabhekisiswa. Sicela ulinde, lokhu kungathatha usuku lonke.Uzothola I Email ekutshela ukuba I Account yakho sigunyaziwe.",
"registration.welcomeStepDescription": "I account yakho ye Scratch isigunyaziwe, usuyilunga:",
"registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Manje ungenile! Ungaqala ukubheka kanye nokwenza amaphrojekthi.",
"registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Ufuna ukuhlanganyela kanye nokuphawula? Chofoza ilinki ku-imeyli ethunyelwe ku-{email}.",
"registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Ukuze uqalise, chofoza inkinobho engezansi.",
"registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Siyakubongela! Siyakwamukela kwa Scratch!",
"registration.welcomeStepTitleNonEducator": "Siyakwamukela ku-Scratch, {username}!",
"emailConfirmationBanner.confirm": "{confirmLink} to enable sharing. {faqLink}",
"emailConfirmationBanner.confirmLinkText": "Confirm your email",
"emailConfirmationBanner.faqLinkText": "Having trouble?",
"emailConfirmationModal.confirm": "Confirm your email",
"emailConfirmationModal.wantToShare": "Want to share on Scratch?",
"emailConfirmationModal.clickEmailLink": "Confirm your email address by clicking the link in the email we sent to:",
"emailConfirmationModal.resendEmail": "Resend confirmation email",
"emailConfirmationModal.confirmingTips": "Tips for confirming your email address",
"emailConfirmationModal.tipWaitTenMinutes": "Wait for ten minutes. The email may take a while to arrive.",
"emailConfirmationModal.tipCheckSpam": "Check your spam folder.",
"emailConfirmationModal.correctEmail": "Make sure your email address is correct, see {accountSettings}.",
"emailConfirmationModal.accountSettings": "Account Settings",
"emailConfirmationModal.wantMoreInfo": "Want more information? {FAQLink}",
"emailConfirmationModal.checkOutFAQ": "Check out the FAQ",
"emailConfirmationModal.havingTrouble": "Having Trouble? {tipsLink}",
"emailConfirmationModal.checkOutTips": "Check out these tips",
"thumbnail.by": "ngoku",
"report.error": "Khona okungahamba kahle kwaphazamiseka umyalezo wakho. Sicela uzame futhi.",
"report.project": "Bika umsebenzi",
"report.studio": "Report Studio",
"report.projectInstructions": "Lapho uthumela umbiko, wenza ukuthi Iqembu le-Scratch lazi ngamaphrojekthi ephula {CommunityGuidelinesLink}. Ingabe kukhona okuthile kule phrojekthi okwephula {CommunityGuidelinesLink}? Uma ucabanga kanjalo, sicela usitshele kabanzi.",
"report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Imibandela yabasenzisa uScratch",
"report.reasonPlaceHolder": "Khetha isizathu",
"report.reasonCopy": "Umfanekiso ofana ncamashi nalo msebenzi",
"report.reasonUncredited": "Sebenzisa isithombe/komculo ngaphandle ",
"report.reasonScary": "Inendluzula noma iyasabeka",
"report.reasonJumpscare": "Ukwethusa",
"report.reasonWeapons": "Sebenzisa izinto ezingokoqobo",
"report.reasonEvent": "Ukwenzeka kwesehlakalo sobudlova",
"report.reasonScaryImages": "Izithombe ezesabisayo",
"report.reasonThreatening": "Ukusongela noma ukuchwensa omunye umsebenzisi we-Scratch",
"report.reasonLanguage": "Inolimu olungalungile",
"report.reasonMusic": "Inomculo ongalungile",
"report.reasonMissing": "Sicela ukhethe isizathu",
"report.reasonImage": "Inezithombe ezingalungile",
"report.reasonPersonal": "Dlulisa imininingwane yokuxhumana",
"report.reasonDontLikeIt": "Angiyithandi le phrojekthi",
"report.reasonDoesntWork": "Le phrojekthi ayisebenzi",
"report.reasonCouldImprove": "Le phrojekthi ingathuthukiswa",
"report.reasonTooHard": "Le phrojekthi inzima kakhulu",
"report.reasonMisleading": "Iphrojekthi iyadukisa noma iphamba umphakathi",
"report.reasonFaceReveal": "Iveza ubuso noma imane izama ukubonisa isithombe somuntu othile",
"report.reasonNoRemixingAllowed": "Iphrojekthi ayikuvumela ukuxuba kabusha",
"report.reasonCreatorsSafety": "Ngikhathezekile ngokuphepha komenzi wale phrojekthi",
"report.reasonSomethingElse": "Enye into",
"report.reasonDisrespectful": "Ukuhlupha noma Ukungahloniphi umsebenzisi we-Scratch noma Iqembu",
"report.receivedHeader": "Siyitholile umbiko wakho!",
"report.receivedBody": "Iqembu le Scratch lizocubungula umsebenzi lisebenzise imigomo yakwa Scratch",
"report.promptPlaceholder": "Khetha isizathu esiyimbangela ngaphezulu.",
"report.promptCopy": "Sicela ufaka iLink yomsebenzi ",
"report.promptUncredited": "Sicela ufake iLink yomsebenzi ongagunyazwanga",
"report.promptScary": "Sicela ukhethe isizathu esiyinhloko sokuthi kungani unomuzwa wokuthi le phrojekthi ingase yephule {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptJumpscare1": "\"Ukwethusa\" yilapho into engalindelekile imane ivele esikrinini ngenhloso yokwesabisa umuntu othile.",
"report.promptJumpscare2": "Sicela usazise kabanzi \"ngokwethusa,\" njengokuthi yini eyenzekayo, nokuthi yenzeka nini kuyiphrojekthi. Uphinde, usinikeze igama lomlingisi, impahla, noma indawo, okuhlobene nokwethusa okuwusizo.",
"report.promptWeapons1": "Sicela usazise ngokuthi sikuphi isithombe, umdwebo, noma umsindo wento engokoqobo owenzeka kuphrojekthi, njengegama lomlingisi, impahla, noma indawo.",
"report.promptWeapons2": "Icebiso: Amaphrojekthi e-Scratch akufanele abe nezinto ezingokoqobo, njengezithombe zezibhamu, imidwebo noma imisindo engokoqobo. Noma kunjalo, amakhathuni noma izinto zangempela njengemisebe ye-laser zikahle.",
"report.promptEvent1": "Sicela usazise kabanzi ngesehlakalo esisabisayo noma indaba ekuphrojekthi. Ukusinikeza imininingwane ebanzi kuzosiza Iqembu le-Scratch liqonde kabanzi indaba kanye nokuyisingatha.",
"report.promptEvent2": "Icebiso: I-Scratch isetshenziswa ngabantu bonke ubudala. Kubalulekile ukuthi amaphrojekthi angabi nezinto zabantu abadala ezingalimaza abanye.",
"report.promptScaryImages1": "Sicela usazise ukuthi kungani unomuzwa wokuthi isithombe sesabisa kakhulu ku-Scratch, nokuthi sikuphi isithombe kuphrojekthi, njengegama lomlingisi, impahla, noma indawo.",
"report.promptScaryImages2": "Icebiso: I-Scratch sisetshenziswa ngabantu bonke ubudala. Kubalulekile ukuthi amaphrojekthi angabi negazi, ubudlova obungokoqobo, noma yini engakwenza uzizwe wesaba noma endala kakhulu kubantu abasha.",
"report.promptThreatening": "Sicela usazise ukuthi kungani unomuzwa wokuthi le phrojekthi yesabisa omunye umsebenzisi we-Scratch.",
"report.promptLanguage": "Sicela usho ukuba yikuphi lakusetshenziswe khona ulimi olungalungile kumsebenzi (umlingisi, igama etc.)",
"report.promptMusic": "Sicela usho igama lomsindo onomculo ongalungile",
"report.promptPersonal": "Sicela usho ukuthi yikuphi lapho khona imininingwane yomuntu ifakwe khona (umlingisi, igama, etc.)",
"report.promptGuidelines": "Sicela ukhethe isizathu sokuthi kungani unomuzwa wokuthi le phrojekthi ingase yephule {CommunityGuidelinesLink} kanti Iqembu le-Scratch lizowubheka umbiko wakho.",
"report.promptImage": "Sicela usho igama lomlingisi noma indawo enesithombe esingamukelekile",
"report.promptDontLikeIt": "Amaphrojekthi e-Scratch enziwa ngabantu bonke ubudala namazinga olwazi lwabo. Uma ungathandi le phrojekthi ngoba unomuzwa wokuthi ingase ithuthukiswe, sikukhuthaza ukuba wabelana umbiko owakhayo ngokuqondile nomenzi wayo.",
"report.promptTips": "Nawa amacebiso okwabelana umbiko owakhayo:",
"report.tipsSupportive": "Sekela futhi ukhuthaze.",
"report.tipsConstructive": "Shiya ukuphawula okubatshela ukuthi yini oyithandayo, nokuthi kodwa yini abangayenza ukuze benze iphrojekthi ibe ngcono.",
"report.tipsSpecific": "Zama ukuhlala endabeni embikweni wakho. Ngokwesibonelo: Izilawuli zokuhambisa umlingisi azisebenzi.",
"report.promptDoesntWork": "Iphrojekthi ye-Scratch, njengezinye izinhlelo, ingase ibe namagciwane ambalwa. Lokho kulindelekile futhi akunankinga ngokuphelele!",
"report.promptDoesntWorkTips": "Sikukhuthaza ukuba uxoxe ngokuqondile nomenzi wephrojekthi nganoma iziphi izinkinga ozitholayo. Kuwusizo futhi ukwenza ukusikisela indlela abangathuthukisa ngayo amaphrojekthi abo, uma kungenzeka.",
"report.promptTooHard": "Uma unomuzwa wokuthi iphrojekthi ingaba lula kakhudlwana, sikukhuthaza ukuba uxoxe ngokuqondile nomenzi wephrojekthi. Noma uyixube ngokwakho bese uyenza ibe lula noma ibe lukhuni njengoba ufisa!",
"report.promptMisleading": "Sitshele kabanzi ngendlela ephamba noma edukisa ngayo abantu",
"report.promptFaceReveal": "I-Scratch sivumela abantu basebenzise ubuso babo kumaphrojekthi amakhono amasha anjengemidlalo, izindaba, noma opopayi. Noma kunjalo, i-Scratch asivumeli abasebenzisi bamane babelane amaphrojekthi ayisithombe sobuso babo (aziwa ngokuthi \"aveza ubuso\") noma agxila ngokuphelele ekubonakaleni kwangaphandle. Sicela uchaze uma unomuzwa wokuthi le phrojekthi iveza ubuso noma igxila ekubonakaleni kwangaphandle komuntu.",
"report.promptNoRemixingAllowed": "Sicela usazise lapho iphrojekthi kungalungile ukuyixuba — njengoKuphawula & Ababongwayo, isihloko sephrojekthi, njalonjalo.",
"report.promptCreatorsSafety": "Kubalulekile ukuthi wonke umuntu oku-Scratch ahlale aphephile ku-inthanethi nasekuphileni kwangempela. Sicela usazise ukuthi kungani ukhathazekile ngokuphepha kwalo msebenzisi.",
"report.promptSomethingElse": "Sikukhuthaza ukuba uhlolisise ukuthi umbiko wakho uyangena yini kwezinye izigaba ezikhona. Uma unomuzwa onamandla wokuthi awungeni, sicela uchaze ukuthi kungani le phrojekthi yephula {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptDisrespectful1": "Sicela usazise ukuthi kungani unomuzwa wokuthi le phrojekthi ayihloniphi omunye umsebenzisi we-Scratch noma iqembu. Kukuphi lapho kunokungahloniphi khona kuphrojekthi (umbhalo wephrojekthi, izithombe, imisindo, njl.)?",
"report.promptDisrespectful2": "Khumbula: I-Scratch samukela bonke abantu ngobudala, ubuzwe, uhlanga, inkolo, amakhono, ukuthambekela kobulili, nobulili babo. Kubalulekile ukuba wonke umuntu azizwe emukelekile futhi ephephile lapho exoxa ku-Scratch.",
"report.tooLongError": "Lokho kude kakhulu! Thola indlela yokunciphisa amagama.",
"report.tooShortError": "Lokho kufishane kakhulu. Sicele uchaze kabanzi ukuba yikuphi okungalungile noma okucwasayo ngalomsebenzi.",
"report.send": "Themele",
"report.sending": "Iyathumela",
"report.textMissing": "Sicela usitshele ukuba kungani ubika lomsebenzi",
"comments.delete": "Susa",
"comments.restore": "Buyisela",
"comments.reportModal.title": "Bika umbono ",
"comments.reportModal.reported": "Lomboni usubikiwe, iqembu le Scratch selitsheliwe.",
"comments.reportModal.prompt": "Unesiqiniseko sokuba ufuna ukuwubika lo mbono?",
"comments.deleteModal.title": "Susa umbono",
"comments.deleteModal.body": "Susa lo mboni? Uma umbiko ucwasa no uhlambalaza, sicela uwubike kwi Scratch Team",
"comments.reply": "phendula",
"comments.isEmpty": "Bhala okuthize bese uyathumela",
"comments.isFlood": "Woah, ushesha kakhulu ukuphendula. Sicela ume isikhashana ngaphambi kokuba u poste.",
"comments.isBad": "Hmm… Kusoleka ukuba umbono wakho awulungile. Sicela uwushintshe futhi khumbula ukuhloniphisa.",
"comments.hasChatSite": "Uh oh! Kumbono khona I Link eya kwi wapsite engahlaziywa izinkulumo. Ngenxa yokuphepha sicela ungangeni kulama wapsites!",
"comments.isSpam": "Hmm,kubukeka sengathi uthumele umbono owodwa kaningi . sicela ungakwenzi okungalungile.",
"comments.isDisallowed": "Hmm, kubukeka sengathi ukuphawula isicishiwe kulelikhasi.",
"comments.isIPMuted": "Siyaxolisa ,i thimba lika Scratch bekufanele liyivimbe i nethiwekhi yakho ukudlulisa umbono noma iprojekthi ngoba isetshenziswe ukuphula imibandela izikhathi ezingi usengadlulisa ukuphawula neprojekthi yakho ngenye inethiwekhi. Uma ufisa ukuphikisana nalelibhulokhi .ungathinta appeals@scratch.mit.edu and reference case number {appealId}.",
"comments.isTooLong": "Lokho kuphawula kude kakhulu ! Cela uthole indlela yokubhala okufishane.",
"comments.isNotPermitted": "Siyaxolisa, udinga ukuqinisekisa ikheli le-imeyli yakho ngaphambi kokuphawula.",
"comments.error": "Oops! kukhona okungahambanga kahle ngesikhathi uthumela ukuphawula kwakho.",
"comments.posting": "Isathumela...",
"comments.post": "Thumela",
"comments.cancel": "Cima",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {1 Umlingisi osele } other {1{remainingCharacters}Abalingisi abasele }}",
"comments.loadMoreReplies": "Bheka izimpendulo ezigcwalisiwe ",
"comments.replyLimitReached": "This comment thread has reached its limit. To continue commenting, you can start a new thread.",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Icinywe ngumnini weprojekthi",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Icubungulwe ngefilter",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "impawulo yomzali isusiwe",
"comments.status.censbyadmin": "Icubungulwe u Admin",
"comments.status.delbyadmin": "Icinywe ngu Admin",
"comments.status.parentcommentcensored": "umbono womzali ucubunguliwe",
"comments.status.delbyclass": "Icinywe ikilasi",
"comments.status.hiddenduetourl": "Itihliwe ngenxa ye URL",
"comments.status.markedbyfilter": "Imakwe ngefilter",
"comments.status.censbyunconstructive": "Ihlolwe yatholwa ingakhi",
"comments.status.suspended": "Imisiwe",
"comments.status.acctdel": "I akhawunti icinyiwe",
"comments.status.deleted": "Icinyiwe",
"comments.status.reported": "Ibikiwe",
"comments.muted.duration": "You will be able to comment again {inDuration}.",
"comments.muted.commentingPaused": "Your account has been paused from commenting until then.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "If you would like more information, you can read the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "For more information, {clickHereLink}.",
"comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "click here",
"comments.muted.warningBlocked": "If you continue to post comments like this, it will cause you to be blocked from using Scratch",
"comments.muted.warningCareful": "We don't want that to happen, so please be careful and make sure you have read and understand the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} before you try to post again!",
"comments.muted.mistake": "Think this was a mistake? {feedbackLink}.",
"comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "Let us know",
"comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "Think this was a mistake?",
"comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "Sometimes the filter catches things it shouldn't. Reporting a mistake won't change the wait time before you can comment again, but your feedback will help us prevent mistakes from happening in the future.",
"comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "Thanks for letting us know!",
"comments.muted.thanksInfo": "Your feedback will help us make Scratch better.",
"comments.muted.characterLimit": "500 characters max",
"comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "Can't be empty",
"comment.type.general": "It appears that your most recent comment didn't follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.type.general.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments didn’t follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.general.header": "We encourage you to post comments that follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.general.content1": "On Scratch, it's important for comments to be kind, to be appropriate for all ages, and to not contain spam.",
"comment.type.pii": "Your most recent comment appeared to be sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.type.pii.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.header": "Please be sure not to share private information on Scratch.",
"comment.pii.content1": "It appears that you were sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.content2": "Things you share on Scratch can be seen by everyone, and can appear in search engines. Private information can be used by other people in harmful ways, so it’s important to keep it private.",
"comment.pii.content3": "This is a serious safety issue.",
"comment.type.unconstructive": "It appears that your most recent comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.type.unconstructive.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects.",
"comment.unconstructive.content1": "It appears that your comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.unconstructive.content2": "If you think something could be better, you can say something you like about the project, and make a suggestion about how to improve it.",
"comment.type.vulgarity": "Your most recent comment appeared to include a bad word.",
"comment.type.vulgarity.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.header": "We encourage you to use language that’s appropriate for all ages.",
"comment.vulgarity.content1": "It appears that your comment contains a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratch has users of all ages, so it’s important to use language that is appropriate for all Scratchers.",
"comment.type.spam": "Your most recent comment appeared to contain advertising, text art, or a chain message.",
"comment.type.spam.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained advertising, text art, or a chain message.",
"comment.spam.header": "We encourage you not to advertise, copy and paste text art, or ask others to copy comments.",
"comment.spam.content1": "Even though advertisements, text art, and chain mail can be fun, they start to fill up the website, and we want to make sure there is room for other comments.",
"comment.spam.content2": "Thank you for helping us keep Scratch a friendly, creative community!",
"social.embedLabel": "Ukujulisa",
"social.copyEmbedLinkText": "Kopisha ukujula",
"social.linkLabel": "Ilinki",
"social.copyLinkLinkText": "Kopisha ilinki",
"social.embedCopiedResultText": "Okukopishiwe",
"helpWidget.banner": "Siyakwamukela Ekusekeleni",
"helpWidget.submit": "Thumela",
"helpWidget.confirmation": "Siyabonga ngomlayezo wakho.",
"extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Ukuxazulula izinkinga",
"extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running",
"extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.",
"extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.",
"extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link",
"extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.",
"extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Qiniseka ukuthi indlela yokusebenza iyahambisana ne-Scratch Link",
"extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Amaveshini avamile ezindlela zokusebenza ahlelwe ngenhla kwaleli khasi. Bheka imiyalelo yokuhlola iveshini yakho ku-{winOSVersionLink}noma ku-{macOSVersionLink}. ",
"extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.",
"extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows",
"extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS",
"extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Vala amanye amakhophi e-Scratch",
"extensions.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the {deviceName} at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"extensions.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your {deviceNameShort}",
"extensions.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a {deviceName} at a time. If you have another computer connected to your {deviceName}, disconnect the {deviceName} or close Scratch on that computer and try again.",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "Qiniseka ukuthi unezinkonzo zasendaweni ezivumela amaChromebook noma amathabhulethi e-Android",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "I-Bluetooth ingasetshenziswa ukunikeza idatha yendawo ku-app. Ngaphezu kokunikeza imvume i-Scratch App ukuthi singene endaweni, indawo kufanele ivumeleke kumasethingi edivayisi evamile yakho. Funa 'Indawo' kumasethingi akho, futhi uqiniseke ivuliwe. kuma-Chromebook funa 'Indawo' oyikhethayo ku-Google Play Store Android. ",
"privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy <a>here</a>.",
"renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked",
"renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.",
"renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.",
"renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share",
"renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.",
"renameAccount.yourScratchAccountInappropriate": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username is not appropriate for Scratch.",
"renameAccount.scratchIsForKids": "Scratch is for kids ages 8 and up, and it's important to us that the Scratch website is a safe and friendly educational resource for everyone, but that's hard to achieve if users are choosing disrespectful or inappropriate usernames.",
"renameAccount.rememberToFollow": "When creating a username, please remember to follow the {communityGuidelinesLink}",
"renameAccount.CommunityGuidelines": "Imithetho Yomphakathi",
"renameAccount.changeYourUsername": "Change your Username",
"renameAccount.changeYourUsernameSuccess": "Your username has successfully been changed!",
"renameAccount.makeSure": "Make sure the username you chose is aligned with {communityGuidelinesLink}",
"renameAccount.welcomeBack": "You're now allowed to use Scratch again, welcome back!",
"renameAccount.scratchsCommunityGuidelines": "Scratch's Community Guidelines",
"renameAccount.change": "Change",
"renameAccount.goToProfile": "Go to your profile",
"renameAccount.pastNotifications": "Here are your past admin notifications"
} |