{ "addToStudio.title": "Cuir ri stiùideo", "addToStudio.finishing": "Ga chrìochnachadh…", "addToStudio.inviteUser": "Thoir cuireadh do chleachdaiche gus a chur ris an stiùideo", "project.titleMaxLength": "Tha an tiotal ro fhada", "project.musicExtensionChip": "Ceòl", "project.penExtensionChip": "Peann", "project.text2SpeechChip": "Teacsa na chainnt", "project.translateChip": "Eadar-theangaich", "project.videoSensingChip": "Mothachadh video", "project.needsConnection": "Tha feum air ceangal", "project.comments.header": "Beachdan", "project.comments.toggleOff": "Commenting off", "project.comments.toggleOn": "Commenting on", "project.comments.turnedOff": "Tha sinn duilich ach chaidh postadh bheachdan a chur dheth airson a’ phròiseict seo.", "project.share.notShared": "Cha deach am pròiseact seo a cho-roinneadh – mar sin chan fhaic ach thu fhèin e. Briog air “Co-roinn” ach am faic a h-uile duine e!", "project.share.sharedLong": "Meal do naidheachd gun do cho-roinn thu am pròiseact agad! ’S urrainn dho chàch fheuchainn a-nis, beachdan a thoirt agus ath-mheasgachadh.", "project.share.sharedShort": "Tha thu air a’ phròiseact agad a cho-roinneadh a-nis.", "project.share.shareButton": "Co-roinn", "project.seeInsideButton": "Seall a-steach", "project.remix.justRemixed": "Chaidh “{title}” ath-mheasgachadh. Cuir sprìd no dreach ris is atharraich e airson pròiseact agad fhèin a dhèanamh dheth!", "project.remixButton": "Ath-mheasgaich", "project.remixButton.altText": "Sàbhail lethbhreac dhen phròiseact seo agus cuir na beachdan agad fhèin ris.", "project.remixButton.remixing": "'Ga ath-mheasgachadh...", "project.remixes": "Ath-mheasgachaidhean", "project.viewAllInList": "Seall na h-uile", "project.inviteToRemix": "Thoir cuireadh do chleachdaiche airson ath-mheagachadh", "project.instructionsLabel": "Stiùireadh", "project.notesAndCreditsLabel": "Nòtaichean is urram", "project.credit": "Mòran taing dha {userLink} airson a’ phròiseict thùsail {projectLink}.", "project.deletedBanner": "An aire: tha am pròiseact seo sa bhiona", "project.defaultCensoredMessage": "This project was removed by the Scratch Team because it was disrespectful, inappropriate for all ages, or otherwise breaks the Scratch community guidelines.", "project.communityCensoredMessage": "Your project has been temporarily un-shared because multiple people reported it as inappropriate.", "project.willReviewCensoredMessage": "The Scratch Team will review the project based on the {communityGuidelinesLink}, and either restore the project or confirm the censorship.", "project.tempCensoredMessage": "Please read the {communityGuidelinesLink} and be sure to edit the project to make sure it's respectful before resharing it.", "project.permCensoredMessage": "It cannot be reshared at any time in the future.", "project.communityGuidelines": "riaghailtean giùlain", "project.moderationInfoLabel": "Fiosrachadh maorsainneachd", "project.numScripts": "{number} sgriobt(aichean)", "project.numSprites": "{number} sprìd(ean)", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Tha an tuairisgeul ro fhada", "project.notesPlaceholder": "Ciamar a chuthaich thu am pròiseact seo? an do chleachd thu beachdan, sgriobtaichean no obair-ealain aig daoine eile? Thoir taing dhaibh an seo.", "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Innis mar a chleachdar am pròiseact agad (can dè na h-iuchraichean a dh’fheumas daoine brùthadh orra).", "project.cloudDataAlert": "Cleachdaidh am pròiseact seo dàta neòil ‒ seo gleus nach eil ri làimh ach do luchd-Scratch a chlàraich a-steach.", "project.cloudVariables": "Caochladairean neòil", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", "project.usernameBlockAlert": "’S urrainn dhan phròiseact seo mothachadh air cò tha ga chleachdadh le bloca “ainm-cleachdaiche”. Ma tha thu airson falach cò thusa, clàraich a-mach mus cleachd thu am pròiseact seo.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful." }