#!/usr/bin/env babel-node /** * @fileoverview * Utilities for interfacing with Transifex API 3. * TODO: add functions for pushing to Transifex */ const transifexApi = require('@transifex/api').transifexApi; const download = require('download'); const ORG_NAME = 'llk'; const SOURCE_LOCALE = 'en'; try { transifexApi.setup({ auth: process.env.TX_TOKEN }); } catch (err) { if (!process.env.TX_TOKEN) { throw new Error('TX_TOKEN is not defined.'); } throw err; } /** * Creates a download event for a specific project, resource, and locale. * @param {string} projectSlug - project slug (for example, "scratch-editor") * @param {string} resourceSlug - resource slug (for example, "blocks") * @param {string} localeCode - language code (for example, "ko") * @param {string} mode - translation status of strings to include * @returns {string} - id of the created download event */ const downloadResource = async function (projectSlug, resourceSlug, localeCode, mode = 'default') { const resource = { data: { id: `o:${ORG_NAME}:p:${projectSlug}:r:${resourceSlug}`, type: 'resources' } }; // if locale is English, create a download event of the source file if (localeCode === SOURCE_LOCALE) { return await transifexApi.ResourceStringsAsyncDownload.download({ resource }); } const language = { data: { id: `l:${localeCode}`, type: 'languages' } }; // if locale is not English, create a download event of the translation file return await transifexApi.ResourceTranslationsAsyncDownload.download({ mode, resource, language }); }; /** * Pulls a translation json from transifex, for a specific project, resource, and locale. * @param {string} project - project slug (for example, "scratch-editor") * @param {string} resource - resource slug (for example, "blocks") * @param {string} locale - language code (for example, "ko") * @param {string} mode - translation status of strings to include * @returns {object} - JSON object of translated resource strings (or, of the original resourse * strings, if the local is the source language) */ const txPull = async function (project, resource, locale, mode = 'default') { const url = await downloadResource(project, resource, locale, mode); let buffer; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { try { buffer = await download(url); return JSON.parse(buffer.toString()); } catch (e) { process.stdout.write(`got ${e.message}, retrying after ${i + 1} failed attempt(s)\n`); } } throw Error('failed to pull after 5 retries'); }; /** * Given a project, returns a list of the slugs of all resources in the project * @param {string} project - project slug (for example, "scratch-website") * @returns {array} - array of strings, slugs identifying each resource in the project */ const txResources = async function (project) { const resources = await transifexApi.Resource.filter({ project: `o:${ORG_NAME}:p:${project}` }); await resources.fetch(); const slugs = resources.data.map(r => // r.id is a longer id string, like "o:llk:p:scratch-website:r:about-l10njson" // We just want the slug that comes after ":r:" ("about-l10njson") r.id.split(':r:')[1] ); return slugs; }; module.exports = {txPull, txResources};