{ "ideas.headerTitle": "Looking for a project idea?", "ideas.headerDescription": "Try Scratch’s Project Idea Generator! Pick as many ideas as you’d like. Mix and match ideas! Remix your own idea generator! The possibilities are endless.", "ideas.headerImageDescription": "Scratch cat holding a lightning bulb and a block", "ideas.headerButtonMessage": "Tagh oideachadh", "ideas.startHereText": "New to Scratch? Start here!", "ideas.gettingStartedButtonText": "Try Getting Started Tutorial", "ideas.seeTutorialsLibraryButtonText": "See Tutorials Library", "ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription": "Tha sgead-dhealbh de bhalach a’ cur bratach air mullach beinne air a pheantadh.", "ideas.seeTutorialsLibraryImageDescription": "An illustration of three tutorial thumbnails.", "ideas.animateANameTitle": "Beòthaich ainm", "ideas.animateANameDescription": "Beòthaich litrichean d’ ainm no am facal as fheàrr leat.", "ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "Tha crith gu bhith air ainm ANYA ann an litrichean blocaichte mòra", "ideas.animateACharacterTitle": "Beòthaich pearsa", "ideas.animateACharacterDescription": "Cuir beòthachadh air pearsachan.", "ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription": "Tha taco le slat-draoidheachd, currac draoidh is feusag gheal mhòr air sgèith gu geasach air reul-chuairt ìosal mun Talamh.", "ideas.makeMusicTitle": "Cluich ceòl", "ideas.makeMusicDescription": "Tagh innealan-ciùil, cuir fuaimean ris agus brùth air iuchraichean gus ceòl a chluiche.", "ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "Tha teudan a’ crith air sgead-dhealbh dhe Gibson explorer.", "ideas.createAStoryTitle": "Cruthaich sgeulachd", "ideas.createAStoryDescription": "Tagh pearsachan, cuir còmhradh ris agus innis do sgeulachd leotha.", "ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "Tha draoidh a’ tàladh bana-bhuidseach a’ siubhal an comhair caisteil aig astar.", "ideas.chaseGameTitle": "Cruthaich geama seilg", "ideas.chaseGameDescription": "Cruthaich geama far an tèid thu an toir air pearsa airson puingean a bhuannachd.", "ideas.chaseGameImageDescription": "Tha ochd-chasach toilichte a’ dol thar rèil.", "ideas.videoSensingTitle": "Mothachadh video", "ideas.videoSensingDescription": "Dèan eadar-ghnìomh le pròiseact le taic leudachan mothachadh video.", "ideas.videoSensingImageDescription": "Tha làmh bhiortail a’ seachnadh lasair feuch am brìodanaich i dràgon.", "ideas.cardsIllustrationDescription": "Measgachadh de nithean tlachdmhor, tha pearsachan is nithean beòthaichte a’ leum à staca de chairtean.", "ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription": "Sgead-dhealbh de dheasaiche còd Scratch.", "ideas.starterProjectsButton": "Rùraich na pròiseactan tòiseachaidh", "ideas.tryTheTutorial": "Feuch an t-oideachadh", "ideas.codingCards": "Cairtean còdachaidh", "ideas.educatorGuide": "Treòir an luchd-foghlaim", "ideas.scratchYouTubeChannel": "ScratchTeam channel", "ideas.scratchYouTubeChannelDescription": "This is the official Youtube Channel of Scratch. We share resources, tutorials, and stories about Scratch.", "ideas.spritesAndVector": "Sprites & Vector Drawing", "ideas.tipsAndTricks": "Tips & Tricks", "ideas.advancedTopics": "Advanced Topics", "ideas.physicalPlayIdeas": "Physical Play Ideas", "ideas.microBitHeader": "Have a micro:bit?", "ideas.microBitBody": "Connect your Scratch project to the real world.", "ideas.makeyMakeyHeader": "Have a MakeyMakey?", "ideas.makeyMakeyBody": "Turn anything into a key that connects with your Scratch project!", "ideas.desktopEditorHeader": "Luchdadh a-nuas aplacaid Scratch", "ideas.desktopEditorBodyHTML": "Ma tha thu airson pròiseactan a chruthachadh às aonais ceangal dhan eadar-lìon, luchdaich a-nuas aplacaid Scratch.", "ideas.questionsHeader": "Ceistean", "ideas.questionsBodyHTML": "A bheil barrachd ceistean agad? Thòir sùil air na ceistean àbhaisteach no tadhail air an fhòram Help with Scripts.", "ideas.MakeItFlyTitle": "Air sgèith", "ideas.MakeItFlyDescription": "Tagh pearsa sam bith is thoir sgiathadh air!", "ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription": "Tha cat Scratch air sgèith air an fhàire. Tha taco air sgèith ri thaobh.", "ideas.PongTitle": "Geama pong", "ideas.PongDescription": "Cruthaich geama le bàla a’ bocadh aig a bheil fuaimean, puingean is èifeachdan eile.", "ideas.PongImageDescription": "Tha bàla a’ bocadh far pleadhag digiteach.", "ideas.ImagineTitle": "Cruthaich saoghal", "ideas.ImagineDescription": "Beachdaich air saoghal far am biodh tu fhèin a’ dèanamh nan riaghailtean.", "ideas.ImagineImageDescription": "Tha caileag na seasamh gu moiteil air beulaibh builgean smuaint a tha cho mòr ris an Talamh ’s as iom-fhillte ri sgiathan dealain-dhè.", "ideas.modalTitle": "Written Guides", "ideas.modalSectionTitleSpritesAndSounds": "Sprites and Sounds", "ideas.modalSectionTitleAdvancedTopics": "Advanced Topics", "ideas.modalCardNameCreateSprite": "Create a Sprite with the Paint Editor", "ideas.modalCardNameRemix": "Remix and Re-Imagine Sprites", "ideas.modalCardNameBringDrawingsIntoScratch": "Bring Your Drawings Into Scratch", "ideas.modalCardNameSound": "Sound: Add, Record, and Use Text to Speech Blocks", "ideas.modalCardNameCreateAsset": "Create Your Own Asset Pack", "ideas.modalCardNameConditionalStatements": "Conditional Statements", "ideas.modalCardNameVariablesLists": "Variables and Lists", "ideas.modalCardNameCustomBlocks": "Make Your Custom My Blocks", "ideas.modalCardNameFaceSensing": "Scratch Lab Face Sensing Coding Cards", "ideas.modalCardNameComputationalConcepts": "Turtle Graphics Coding Cards", "ideas.downloadGuides": "Computer doesn’t allow Youtube? Download written guides for these topics." }