"camp.title": "Scratch Camp: urayninkunapi",
"camp.dates": "24 anta situwa quilla, 13 hapaq situwa qilla",
"camp.welcome": "Allin hamuy kachun Scratch Camp 2017!",
"camp.welcomeIntro": "Hamuy ñuqanchikwan hatun qucha oceanupi challpurisun ruraynikita llamkariy. Rurasqaykiqa kanmanmi imakunapas tarisqayki qucha ocianupi, ¡sutikaqta utaq llullarisqapas!
kay wata kampamintupi, challpurikuy ñuqanchikwan kay kimsa kaqpi:",
"camp.welcomeIntroHTML": "Come take a dive into the ocean with us and design your very own creation. Your creation can be anything you might find in the ocean - real or made up!{br}In this year’s camp, dive down deep with us in these three parts:",
"camp.part1Dates": "1 Kaqpi (24 anta situwa killa - 30 anta situwa killa)",
"camp.detailsTitle": "Kaqninkuna",
"camp.part1Details": "Ruray huk llamkayta runamiraq yaykuspayki, sutikaqta utaq llullarisqapas, qucha ocianupi yachaqta. Rurawaqmi huk manchachikuq qucha ukumanta, huk sumaq, uchuy quyllur yakupas, huk taku tiburun mikuchkaqta utaq imakaqtapas umanchasqaykita.",
"camp.particpateTitle": "How to Participate:",
"camp.part1Particpate": "Part 1 of camp will take place in the Main Camp Cabin studio. Here you can ask questions, view other Scratchers' creations, and submit your own. Go to the studio to learn more!",
"camp.part1ParticpateHTML": "Part 1 of camp will take place in the Main Camp Cabin studio. Here you can ask questions, view other Scratchers' creations, and submit your own. Go to the studio to learn more!",
"camp.part2Dates": "Part 2 (July 31st - August 6th)",
"camp.part2Details": "Now make your character interactive! Does your character have questions to ask us? What happens when you click on it? Does it have any special powers? And more!",
"camp.part2Particpate": "Part 2 of camp will also take place in the Main Camp Cabin studio. Here you can ask questions, view other Scratchers' creations, and submit your own. Go to the studio to learn more!",
"camp.part2ParticpateHTML": "Part 2 of camp will also take place in the Main Camp Cabin studio. Here you can ask questions, view other Scratchers' creations, and submit your own. Go to the studio to learn more!",
"camp.part3Dates": "Part 3 (August 7th - August 13th)",
"camp.part3Details": "Create a project using your own creation along with other Scratchers’ creations. It could be a game, story, animation, or anything you come up with!",
"camp.part3Particpate": "The Final Projects Camp Cabin studio will hold part 3 of this year's Scratch Camp. Here you can submit your final project, give feedback to others, and celebrate Scratch Camp! Swim on over to the studio when part 3 comes out!",
"camp.part3ParticpateHTML": "The Final Projects Camp Cabin studio will hold part 3 of this year's Scratch Camp. Here you can submit your final project, give feedback to others, and celebrate Scratch Camp! Swim on over to the studio when part 3 comes out!",
"camp.helpfulInfo": "Helpful Information",
"camp.infoCounselors": "The Camp Counselors studio offers a variety of examples for your ocean creation. You can also directly communicate with the Counselors there.",
"camp.infoCounselorsHTML": "The Camp Counselors studio offers a variety of examples for your ocean creation. You can also directly communicate with the Counselors there.",
"camp.infoPart3": "Remember, in part 3, you must use some other creations made for this Scratch Camp. Use their part 2 project to learn about the character's personality!",
"camp.infoTime": "Don't worry if you aren't around the whole time, you can always participate in whatever part you are available for! Just have fun and dive deep!"