{ "faq.title": "Ko‘p so‘raladigan savollar (savol-javoblar)", "faq.intro": "Bu sahifada Scratch haqida ko‘p so‘raladigan savollarga javob topasiz.", "faq.aboutTitle": "Umumiy savollar", "faq.scratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0", "faq.remixTitle": "Remiks va nusxalash", "faq.accountsTitle": "Hisoblar", "faq.permissionsTitle": "Litsenziya va ruxsatlar", "faq.inappropriateContentTitle": "Noma’qul kontent", "faq.scratchExtensionsTitle": "Scratch Ilovalari", "faq.cloudDataTitle": "Bulutli o'zgaruvchilar", "faq.aboutScratchTitle": "Scratch nima va u bilan nima qilishim mumkin?", "faq.aboutScratchBody": "Scratch dasturlash tili va online hamjamiyati bilan birgalikda siz o'zingizni shaxsiy interaktiv hikoyalaringizni, o'yinlaringizni va animatsiyalaringizni yaratishingiz va butun dunyo bo'ylab ijodingizni ulashishingiz mumkin. Yoshlar Scratch loyihalarini yaratish va ulashish orqali ular hamkorlikda ishlashni va muntazam ravishda ijodiy fikrlashni o'rganishadi. Scratch haqida ko'proq ma'lumot o'rganish uchun 1 {aboutScratchLink} sahifasiga kirib ko'ring.", "faq.aboutScratchLinkText": "Scratch haqida", "faq.makeGameTitle": "Scratch yordamida o‘yin va animatsiyani qanday yaratsam bo‘ladi?", "faq.makeGameBody": "Scratch ni boshlash uchun ko'pgina yo'llarini 1 {ideasLink} dan tekshirib ko'ring", "faq.ideasLinkText": "G'oyalar sahifasi", "faq.whoUsesScratchTitle": "Scratch dan kimlar foydalanishi mumkin?", "faq.whoUsesScratchBody": "Scratch dan odamlar kelib chiqishidan qat'iy nazar butun dunyo bo'ylab barcha davlatlarda, turli-xil vaziyatlarda -- uylarda, maktablarda, kutubxonalarda, muzeylarda va boshqa ko'pgina joylarda foydalanishadi. Scratch ayniqsa 8 yoshdan 16 yoshgacha bo'lgan yoshlar uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, lekin shu bilan birgalikda barcha yoshdagilar ham Scratch ni yaratishadi va uni ulashishadi. Yosh bolalar esa 5 yoshdan 7 yoshgacha mo'ljallangan Scratch ning soddalashtirilgan verisiyasini 1 {scratchJrLink} ishlatishlari mumkin.", "faq.requirementsTitle": "Scratch dasturi uchun qanday texnik talablar mavjud?", "faq.requirementsBody": "Scratch hozirgi kunda, ko'pincha planshetlarda, laptoplarda va ish stolidagi veb-brauzerlarida o'rnatilgan. Bunday loyihalarni mobil telefonlarida uchratishingiz mumkin, ammo hozirda loyihalarni telefonlarda yaratish yoki tahrirlash imkoniyatiga ega emassiz. Quyida rasmiy-ravishda qo'llab-quvvatlangan brauzerlar ro'yxati mavjud.", "faq.requirementsDesktop": "Ish stoli", "faq.requirementsDesktopChrome": "Chrome (63+) ilovasi", "faq.requirementsDesktopEdge": "Edge (15+) ilovasi ", "faq.requirementsDesktopFirefox": "Firefox (57+) ilovasi", "faq.requirementsDesktopSafari": "Safari (11+) ilovasi", "faq.requirementsDesktopIE": "Internet Explorer qo'llab-quvvatlanmagan.", "faq.requirementsTablet": "Planshet", "faq.requirementsTabletChrome": "Chrome (63+) mobil ilovasi", "faq.requirementsTabletSafari": "Safari (11+) mobil ilovasi", "faq.requirementsNote": "Eslatma:", "faq.requirementsNoteDesktop": "Komputeringizda bunday talablar uchramaydi, 1 {downloadLink} muharriri ( Tez-tez so'raladigan savollar sahifasidagi keyingi paragrafga qarang) orqali harakat qilib ko'rishingiz mumkin.", "faq.scratchDesktop": "Scratch Ish stoli", "faq.requirementsNoteWebGL": "Agar WebGL xatoligiga duch kelsangiz, boshqa brauzerdan harakat qilib ko'ring.", "faq.requirementsNoteTablets": "Planshetlarda, hozirgi kunlarda o'ng tarafdagi kontekst menyulari yoki \"tugmasini bosing\" bloklarini ishlatishni yo'li yo'q.", "faq.offlineTitle": "Loyihalarni internetsiz bajarish uchun yuklab olish mumkin bo‘lgan versiya mavjudmi?", "faq.offlineBody": "Scratch Desktop muharriri internet aloqasisiz Scratch loyohalarini sizga yaratishga ruxsat beradi. Siz veb-saytdan 1 {downloadLink} ni yuklab olishingiz mumkin. U oldinlari Scratch Offline muharriri deb chaqirilgan.", "faq.uploadOldTitle": "Scratchning eski versiyasida yaratilgan loyihalarni saytga yuklasam bo‘ladimi?", "faq.uploadOldBody": "Ha: Siz Scratch ning oldingi versiyalari bilan loyihalarni yuklab olishingiz yoki ulashishingiz mumkin, ularni ko'rish va o'ynash imkoniyati mavjud. ( Biroq, siz bajarilgan loyihalarni yuklay olmaysiz yoki Scratch ning oldingi versiyalarida ularni ocholmaysiz, keyingi versiyalarida esa tahrirlay olmaysiz. Masalan, 1 {scratch2Link} ish stoli versiyasida Scratch 3.0 loyihasini ocholmaysiz, chunki Scratch 2.0 the .sb3 loyiha fayl formatini qanday o'qishni bilmaydi.) ", "faq.scratch2": "Scratch 2.0", "faq.scratchCostTitle": "Scratchning narxi qancha? Litsenziya kerakmi?", "faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch doimo tekin bo'ladi. Sizga Scratch dan maktabingizda, uyingizda yoki yana boshqa joylarda foydalanishingiz uchun guvohnoma shart emas. Scratch ni saqlash va rivojlantirish uchun sovg'alar va hadyalar beriladi. Agar Scratch ga hissa qo'shishni istasangiz, bizning 1 {donateLink} sahifamizni tekshirib boring.", "faq.donateLinkText": "Hadya sahifasi", "faq.mediaLabTitle": "Scratchni kim yaratgan?", "faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch {mediaLabLink} da {llkLink} dagi Scratch Jamoasi orqali himoya qilinadi va rivojlantiriladi. ", "faq.llkLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten guruhi", "faq.mediaLabLinkText": "MIT Media Lab laboratoriyasi", "faq.aboutScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0 nima o'zi?", "faq.aboutScratch3Body": "Scratch 3.0 is the latest generation of Scratch, launched on January 2, 2019. It is designed to expand how, what, and where you can create with Scratch. It includes dozens of new sprites, a totally new sound editor, and many new programming blocks. And with Scratch 3.0, you’re able to create and play projects on your tablet, in addition to your laptop or desktop computer.", "faq.reportBugsScratch3Title": "Men qanday qilib xatolar haqida xabar bersam va Scratch 3.0 dagi fikr-mulohazalarni ulashsam bo'ladi?", "faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "Scratch ning bahs-munozarali 1 {forumsLink} bo'limida fikr-mulohazalarni ulashishingiz va xatolar haqida xabar berishingiz mumkin. ", "faq.forumsLinkText": "Xatolar va nosozliklar", "faq.languagesScratch3Title": "Murakkab tillarda Scratch 3.0 mavjudmi?", "faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Ha. Dasturash bloklarining tilini o`zgartirish uchun dasturlash muharririning navigatsiya paneli tepasidagi \"globe\" belgili tugmachani bosing, keyin esa tilni tanlash uchun ochiladigan ro`yxatli menyuni ustidagi tugmachani bosing. ", "faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "All of our translations are done by volunteers. The Scratch 3.0 editor has already been translated into 40+ languages. You can view all the languages currently being translated and reviewed on our {transifexLink}. If you want to help with translation or review, please contact {emailLink}.", "faq.transifexLinkText": "server tarjimasi", "faq.removedBlocksScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0 Scratch ning oldingi versiyalaridan bloklarni kodlashni olib tashlaydimi?", "faq.removedBlocksScratch3Body": "Dasturlash bloklari Scratch 3.0 versiyasida olib tashlangan, ammo bir qanchasi ozgina o`zgargan, boshqalari esa \"Kengaytmalar\" ichiga ko`chgan ( quyida ta`riflanganidek, 1 {extensionsFAQLink} sahifasidagi bo`limni ko`rib chiqing ). ", "faq.newBlocksScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0 yangi bloklarni kiritadimi?", "faq.newBlocksScratch3Body": "Ha! Scratch 3.0 da topasiz:", "faq.newBlocksSoundEffect": "Yangi \"ovoz ta'siri\" bloklari", "faq.newBlocksOperators": "Yangi operatorlar matn bilan ishlash uchun uni osonroq qilishadi ( tizimlarni )", "faq.newBlocksPen": "Yangi ruchka bloklari shu jumladan oshkoralik uchun qo'llab-quvvatlaydi", "faq.newBlocksGlide": "Sprite (yoki tasodifiy nuqtaga) osongina harakat qilishi uchun yangi slayd bloklar", "faq.newBlocksExtensions": "Ko'pgina yangi imkoniyatlar \"Scratch Ilovalari\" orqali ( quyidagi Ilovalar bo'limiga qarang ) ", "faq.biggerBlocksScratch3Title": "Nega Scratch 3.0 dagi bloklar oldingi versiyalardagiga qaraganda kattaroq? ", "faq.biggerBlocksScratch3Body": "In order to make Scratch 3.0 work well on touch devices (like many Chromebooks, Windows Surface laptops, and tablets), we needed to make the blocks bigger, so that it’s easier to drag and tap the blocks. In addition, blocks are slightly bigger in Scratch 3.0 to help address issues we observed with new users having trouble clicking and dragging small interface elements.", "faq.extensionsScratch3Title": "Where did the Pen blocks go? Where did the Music blocks go? Where did the Video Sensing blocks go?", "faq.extensionsScratch3Body": "The Pen, Music, and Video Sensing blocks have been moved into extensions. Extensions can be added by clicking the button on the bottom left of the screen (see the \"Extensions\" section below).", "faq.paintEditorScratch3Title": "Paint Editor dagi yangi xususiyatlar qanaqa?", "faq.paintEditorScratch3Body": "The Paint Editor has been redesigned to provide powerful new features while also making it easier to use. Changes and new features include:", "faq.paintEditorLayout": "Yangi tartib ko'proq ko'rish imkoniyatlarini va asboblarni mavjudligini yasaydi", "faq.paintEditorTools": "Yangi asboblar vektor rejimida \" o'chirg'ich \" ga o'xshab ishlaydi", "faq.paintEditorColors": "Ko'pgina imkoniyatlar ranglarni sozlash va tanlash uchun", "faq.paintEditorVector": "Ko'pgina boshqaruv vektor nuqtalari orqali ( egri dastak va nuqta usullari )", "faq.paintEditorLayers": "Qatlamlarni buyurtma qilish uchun qo'shimcha boshqaruvlar ( \"oldinga olib kelish\", \"orqaga harakatlantirish\" va hakazo. )", "faq.paintEditorGradients": "Yangi gradient boshqaruvlari", "faq.soundEditorScratch3Title": "Sound Editor dagi yangi xususiyatlar qanaqa? ", "faq.soundEditorScratch3Body": "Ovoz muharriri ovozlarni osonroq yozib olish va ishlov berish uchun qayta ishlangan. Bu yangi xususiyatlar sonini taklif qiladi: ", "faq.soundEditorRecording": "Yangi ro'yxatga olish tizimi foydalanish uchun osonroqdir", "faq.soundEditorTrimming": "Yangi audio formatlash tizimi foydalaniah uchun osonroqdir", "faq.soundEditorEffects": "Yangi ovoz efektlari ( *tezroq\", \"sekinroq\", \" aks-sado\" va \" robot\" ga o'xshagan )", "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "Scratch Tips Window ga nima bo'lgan?", "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Instead of the Tips Window, Scratch 3.0 provides similar material through the Tutorials Library, which can be accessed through the Tutorials link in the top navigation bar in the programming editor. You’ll find tutorials for entire projects (like \"Make a Chase Game\") or specific blocks and features (such as \"Record a Sound\" or \"Make it Spin\"). More tutorials will be added soon (such as \"Pong Game\" and \"Make It Fly\").", "faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "Remiks nima?", "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "Scratch foydalanuvchisi boshqa muallifning loyihasini olib, uni o‘zgartirib, o‘z g‘oyalarini qo‘shsa (masalan, skript va kiyimlarni o‘zgartirsa), uning ishi “remiks” deb ataladi. Scratchda e’lon qilingan istalgan loyiha remiks qilinishi mumkin. Kimningdir loyihasidan ma’lum qism foydalanilganda ham uning muallifi e’tirof etilishi tarafdorimiz.", "faq.remixableTitle": "Nima uchun Scratch jamoasi barcha loyihalarni “remiks qilinishi” mumkinligi talabini qo‘ygan?", "faq.remixableBody": "We believe that remixing other people’s projects is a great way to learn to program and to create interesting projects. Through remixing, creative ideas spread through the Scratch community, and everyone benefits. All projects shared on the Scratch website are covered by the “Creative Commons Share Alike” license, which means that you can remix any project you see on the Scratch website -- and everyone else can remix any of the projects that you share on the website.", "faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "Boshqalar mening loyihalarimni remiks qilishlarini xohlamasam-chi?", "faq.creativeCommonsBody": "Remixing is an important part of the Scratch community. If you don’t want others to view or remix your creations, you can still create projects on the Scratch website, but don’t share them on the website.", "faq.fairUseTitle": "Internetdan olingan rasmlar / musiqalar / mediyadan loyihalarimda foydalansam bo‘ladimi?", "faq.fairUseBody": "If you choose to integrate someone else’s work into your own, be sure to give them credit on the project “credits” section, and include a link back to the original. To find art / sounds that are already licensed for remixing, check out the {ccLink}.", "faq.ccLinkText": "Creative Commons qidiruv sahifasi", "faq.whyAccountTitle": "Nega Scratch hisobini borligi foydali?", "faq.whyAccountBody": "Even without an account, you can play other people’s projects, read comments and forums, and even create your own projects. But you need an account to save and share projects, write comments and forum posts, and participate in other \"social\" activities in the community (like \"loving\" other people’s projects).", "faq.createAccountTitle": "Qanday qilib hisob yaratay?", "faq.createAccountBody": "Just click \"Join\" on the Scratch home page. You’ll need to respond to a few questions, and provide an email address. It takes just a couple minutes, and it’s totally free!", "faq.checkConfirmedTitle": "Mening hisobim tasdiqlanganini qayerdan bilsam bo‘ladi?", "faq.howToConfirmTitle": "Hisobimni qanday tasdiqlashim mumkin?", "faq.howToConfirmBody": "After you create a new account on Scratch, you’ll receive an email message with a link. Just click the link to confirm your account. Once you confirm your account, you’ll be able to share projects, write comments, and create studios. Confirming your account also lets you receive email updates from the Scratch Team. If you cannot find the email with the confirmation link, check your Spam folder. If you still can’t find it, and want to receive another copy, go to your Account Settings, click the Email tab, and follow the instructions there. Please note that it may take up to an hour for the email to arrive. If you still don't see the email after an hour, {contactLink}.", "faq.contactLinkText": "keling bilib olamiz ", "faq.checkConfirmedBody": "To check whether your account is confirmed, login to your Scratch account and go to your {settingsLink} page. Confirmed email addresses will show a small green checkmark. Otherwise, you will see the text \"Your email address is unconfirmed\" in orange.", "faq.settingsLinkText": "Elektron pochta Sozlamalari", "faq.requireConfirmTitle": "Hisobimni tasdiqlashim shartmi?", "faq.requireConfirmBody": "You can still use many aspects of Scratch without confirming your account, including creating and saving projects (without sharing them).", "faq.forgotPasswordTitle": "Men foydalanuvchi nomimni va parolimni esdan chiqarib qo`ydim. Yana qanday o`rnatsam bo`ladi?", "faq.forgotPasswordBody": "Enter your username or email address on the {resetLink} page. The website will send an email to the address associated with your username and a link you can use to reset your password.", "faq.resetLinkText": "Parolni qayta o'rnatish", "faq.changePasswordTitle": "Parolimni qanday o‘zgartirsam bo‘ladi?", "faq.changePasswordBody": "Scratch dagi hisobingizga kiring, keyinchalik esa 1 {changeLink} sahifasiga tashrif buyurib parolingizni almashtirishingiz mumkin. ", "faq.changeLinkText": "Parolni sozlash", "faq.changeEmailTitle": "Elektron pochtamni qanday o‘zgartirsam bo‘ladi?", "faq.changeEmailBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeEmailLink} page where you can change your email address.", "faq.newScratcherTitle": "“Yangi Scratcher” maqomidan “Scratcher” maqomiga qanday o‘tsa bo‘ladi?", "faq.newScratcherBody": "When you create an account, you’ll be labelled as a “New Scratcher.” To make the transition to \"Scratcher\", you should make and share projects, comment helpfully on other Scratchers’ projects, and be patient! After you’ve met the requirements, a link will appear on your profile page inviting you to become a Scratcher, and you’ll have some additional capabilities on the Scratch website. (Note that we don't promote New Scratchers to Scratcher on request )", "faq.multipleAccountTitle": "Birdan ortiq hisobga ega bo‘lsam bo‘ladimi?", "faq.multipleAccountBody": "It's fine to have a few accounts on the Scratch website, as long as none of them are used to break the {cgLink}. In that case, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted.", "faq.multipleLoginTitle": "Bir hisobdan bir necha kishi foydalansa bo‘ladimi?", "faq.multipleLoginBody": "This is not allowed because the website and project editor can easily get confused when more than one person is logged in to the same account. When an account does something that violates the {cgLink}, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted. If you share an account with someone who does something bad with it, this means your accounts can be blocked for what the other person did.", "faq.changeUsernameTitle": "Foydalanuvchi nomini o‘zgartirsa bo‘ladimi?", "faq.changeUsernameBody": "The structure of the Scratch website depends on having a consistent account name, so it’s not possible to change your username. If you really need to switch to a new username, you can make a new account, but you'll have to copy your projects over to the new account on your own.", "faq.shareInfoTitle": "Hisobimda qanday ma’lumotlarni e’lon qilsam bo‘ladi?", "faq.shareInfoBody": "Please don’t share personal contact information, such as your physical address, email, phone number, or anything else that can be used to make contact outside of the Scratch website. Please report projects, comments, or forum posts that contain this kind of information, so the Scratch Team can remove the information, and remind the author of our policy against sharing personal contact information.", "faq.deleteAccountTitle": "Hisobimni qanday o‘chirsam bo‘ladi?", "faq.deleteAccountBody": "Login to Scratch, and then click your username in the top right-hand corner. Select \"Account Settings\", then click the \"I want to delete my account\" link at the bottom of the page. But you should only do this if you are absolutely sure that you want to delete your account.", "faq.scratchFreeTitle": "Scratch bepulmi? Undan qayerda xohlasam o`sha yerda foydalansam bo`ladimi? ", "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Yes! Scratch is available free of charge. You can use it in your school, and you can teach a course about it (even a course that costs money). You don't need to buy a license: it's free!", "faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Scratch skrinshotlaridan kitob yoki prezentatsiyada foydalansam bo‘ladimi?", "faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Yes, you can use screenshots / images of the Scratch application and website in a book or presentation, and consider them to be licensed under the {licenseLink} license. We ask that you include a note somewhere in your materials saying: \"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\".", "faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike", "faq.scratchDescriptionTitle": "Scratch haqidagi ma’lumotni broshura va boshqa materiallarga kiritsam bo‘ladimi?", "faq.scratchDescriptionBody": "Sure! We recommend the following description: \"Scratch is a coding language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. Scratch is a project of the {sfLink} in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\"", "faq.presentScratchTitle": "Konferensiyada Scratch haqida taqdimot qilsam bo‘ladimi?", "faq.presentScratchBody": "Iltimos dars beruvchilarga yoki boshqa guruhlarga Scratch haqida taqdimot o`tkazayotganingizda o`zingizni erkin tuting. ", "faq.supportMaterialTitle": "Scratch saytidan topgan qo‘llanmalar, rasm, ovoz va loyihalaridan foydalansam va qayta ishlasam bo‘ladimi?", "faq.supportMaterialBody": "Yes: Most Scratch support materials on the Scratch website are available under the {licenseLink} license. There are a few exceptions: the Scratch Logo, Scratch Cat, Gobo, Pico, Nano, Giga, and Tera are Scratch trademarks, and can not be used without explicit permission from the Scratch Team.", "faq.sellProjectsTitle": "Scratch loyihalarimni sotsam bo‘ladimi?", "faq.sellProjectsBody": "Yes: Your Scratch project is your creation. But keep in mind that once you share your project on the Scratch website, everyone is free to download, remix, and reuse the project based on the terms of the {licenseLink} license. So if you intend to sell your project, you may want to un-share it from the Scratch website.", "faq.sourceCodeTitle": "Scratch manbalari kodini qayerdan topsam bo‘ladi?", "faq.sourceCodeBody": "The source code for the Scratch programming editor can be found on {guiLink}. The source code for {flashLink} and {scratch14Link}, are also available on GitHub. For updated information on development projects relating to the Scratch website, please visit our {developersLink}.", "faq.scratch14": "Scratch 1.4", "faq.okayToShareTitle": "Scratch saytida nimalar e’lon qilish mumkin/mumkin emasligini qanday bilsam bo‘ladi?", "faq.okayToShareBody": "Check out the Scratch {cgLink} - they’re brief and don’t include a lot of legal stuff. There’s a link at the bottom of every page on Scratch.", "faq.reportContentTitle": "Biron noma’qullikni ko‘rsam nima qilishim kerak?", "faq.reportContentBody": "You can click the link that says \"report\" on any project, comment, discussion post, studio, or profile page where you see something that isn't ok for Scratch. If the situation is complicated, you can use the {contactLink} link (available at the bottom of every page) to explain. Be sure to include as much detail as you can, with links to relevant pages.", "faq.noFlameTitle": "Kimdir behurmatlik qilsa nima qilishim kerak?", "faq.noFlameBody": "Qizishmang! Qo‘pol izohlarga qo‘pollik bilan javob qaytarish orqali vaziyatni og‘irlashtirasiz, xolos. Natijada sizning ham hisobingiz bloklanishi mumkin. Undan ko‘ra bunday vaziyat haqida bizga xabar bering, muallifni tekshirib, tegishli chorani qo‘llaymiz. Biz shikoyatlarni har kuni, kuniga bir necha marta o‘rganib chiqamiz — xavotir olmang, vaziyatni hal qilamiz.", "faq.reviewContentTitle": "Kimdir biron kontent yuzasidan shikoyat qilsa Scratch jamoasi nima qiladi?", "faq.reviewContentBody": "The Scratch Team reviews reported comments and projects every day. If something breaks the Scratch {cgLink}, we will remove it and send a warning to the account. We may also block the accounts or networks that were used to share it, depending on what was shared and if the person has been sent warnings before", "faq.blockedAccountTitle": "Hisob blok qilinsa nima bo‘ladi?", "faq.blockedAccountBody": "When an account is blocked, the owner can no longer access their account, use it to create projects, or post new comments. When they login, they see a page that explains why the account was blocked, along with a web form they can use to request to be unblocked. If the owner can show that they understand why their account was blocked, and promises to follow the Scratch {cgLink} in the future, they will be unblocked.", "faq.stolenAccountTitle": "Kimdir mening hisob qaydnomamga kirib olgan va uni bloklab qo`ygan. Men nima qilisam bo`ladi?", "faq.stolenAccountBody": "You are responsible for keeping your password secure. If someone you know took control of your account and did bad things, tell the adults in charge of the computer they used. If you think someone you don’t know has access to your account, change the password and / or use the {contactLink} link to explain the situation. If your account was blocked for doing something that you did which broke the Scratch {cgLink}, please don’t tell us that someone else did it. When people tell us someone else used their account to do something bad, we then need to try and talk to that person before we can restore the account. This means your account will just stay blocked for a lot longer than if you are honest with us about what happened.", "faq.aboutExtensionsTitle": "Qanaqa kengaytmalar?", "faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ", "faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Kengaytmani loyihaga qanday qilib qo`shaman?", "faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.", "faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Qanday qilib Scratch uchun o`zimni shaxsiy kengaytmamni yaratsam bo`ladi? ", "faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.", "faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?", "faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.", "faq.cloudDataInfoTitle": "What are cloud variables?", "faq.cloudDataInfoBody": "Cloud variables allow for data from a project to be saved and shared with other people in the Scratch community. You can use cloud variables to make surveys and other projects where others in the community to access and modify the data over time.", "faq.makeCloudVarTitle": "Bulutli o`zgaruvchini qanday qilib qilsam bo`ladi?", "faq.makeCloudVarBody": "Go to the \"Variables\" section of the blocks palette, select \"Make a Variable\", and then click the checkbox next to \"Cloud variable (stored on server)\". The data associated with your cloud variable will be stored on the server, preserved over time, and accessible to anyone who opens the project.", "faq.onlyNumbersTitle": "Qanday turdagi ma`lumotlar bulutli o`zgaruvchilarda saqlangan bo`lishi kerak? ", "faq.onlyNumbersBody": "Only numbers can be stored in cloud variables.", "faq.storedCloudInfoTitle": "Bulutli o`zgaruvchilardagi saqlangan ma`lumotlarni kim ko`ra oladi? ", "faq.storedCloudInfoBody": "When you interact with a project using cloud variables, the data associated with your interactions can be stored along with your username, and others can view it.", "faq.reportCloudTitle": "Agar kimnidir bulutli o`zgaruvchilardan foydalangan holda noto`g`ri mazmundgi xabar yuborishini ko`rib qolsam, bu haqida qanday xabar bersam bo`ladi?", "faq.reportCloudBody": "Click the \"Report this\" button (under on the project player on the project page) to report inappropriate content in cloud variables. Make sure that you mention \"cloud variables\" when you type your reason in the report.", "faq.chatRoomTitle": "Can I make chat rooms with cloud variables?", "faq.chatRoomBody": "While it is technically possible to create chat rooms with cloud variables, they are not allowed on the Scratch website.", "faq.changeCloudVarTitle": "O‘zgaruvchan bulutli ma’lumotlarni kim o‘zgartira oladi?", "faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Only you and viewers of your project can store data in your project’s cloud variables. If people \"see inside\" or remix your code, it creates a copy of the variable and does not affect or change the original variable.", "faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "Men tizimga kirdim, ammo bulutli ma'lumotlar bilan loyihalarni ishlata olmayapman. Nima bo'lyapti o'zi? ", "faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "Agar siz haliyam veb-saytdagi \" New Scratcher \" sahifasida bo'lsangiz, bulutli ma'lumotlar bilan loyihalarni ishlatish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lmaysiz. Bulutli ma'lumotlarga kirish uchun \" Scratcher \" bo'lishingiz kerak. \"New Scratcher\" dan \"Scratcher\" ga o'tish haqidagi ma'lumotni ko'rish uchun ( yuqoridagi ) Hisoblar bo'limiga kirib ko'ring.", "faq.multiplayerTitle": "Bulutli o'zgaruvchilar bilan mutiplayer o'yinlarini yaratishni ilojisi bormi? ", "faq.multiplayerBody": "Sinxronlashtirish masalalari va tarmoq tezligi sababli multiplayer o'yinlarini yaratish qiyin bo'lishi mumkin. Ammo, o'yinning boshqa turlari va navbat bilan burilish uchun bulutli o'zgaruvchilardan foydalanish yo'llarini yaratish bilan ko'tarilishyapti. ", "faq.schoolsTitle": "Scratch maktablarda", "faq.howTitle": "Maktabda Scratchdan qanday foydalansa bo‘ladi?", "faq.howBody": "Scratch dan dunyo bo'ylab yuz minglab maktablarda, turli mavzulardagi sohlarda ( informatika, matematika, tarix, ilm-fan shu jumladan tilshunoslikda ) foydalaniladi. Bizning 1 {educatorsLink} sahifamizdagi boshqa o'quv muhitlari ( hamjamiyat markazlari, kutubxonlar, muzeylar kabi ) va maktablarda Scratch dan foydalanish uchun manbalar va strategiyalar haqida ko'proq o'rganib olishingiz mumkin. ", "faq.educatorsLinkText": "Dars beruvchilar sahifasi", "faq.noInternetTitle": "O‘quvchilar Scratchdan internetga kirmasdan turib ham foydalana oladilarmi?", "faq.noInternetBody": "Ha. {downloadLink} noutbuk komputeri yoki ish stolida Scratch versiyasini ishga tushiradi. Hozirgi kunlarda, Scratch Desktop Mac va Windows mashinalari uchun mavjud.", "faq.communityTitle": "Onlayn hamjamiyatni o‘quvchilar uchun o‘chirib qo‘ysam bo‘ladimi?", "faq.communityBody": "Scratch online hamjamiyati moderatsiya qilingan jamiyati tomonidan boshqariladigan Scratch 1 {cgLink} sahifasi mobaynida tengdoshlari bilan o'rganish, hamkorlik qilish, bir-biriga ulashishni yoshlar uchun ta'minlaydi. Biroq, ba'zi-bir dars beruvchilar online hamjamiyatida o'quvchilarini ishtirok etmasligini afzal deb bilishlarni biz tushunamiz. Bunday o'qituvchilar Scratch Desktop ni o'rnatishni noutbuk komputerida yoki ish stolida mahalliy va offline ishga tushirishni xohlab qolishlari mumkin. ", "faq.teacherAccountTitle": "Scratch o‘qituvchi hisobi nima?", "faq.teacherAccountBody": "Scratch O'qituvchi Hisobi o'quvchilarni izohlarini nazorat qilish, o'quvchilar loyihalarini studiolarga tashkil qilish, o'quvchilar hisoblarini yaratish kabi qobilyatlarini shu jumladan, Scratch da o'quvchi ishtirogini boshqarib turish uchun qo'shimcha xususiyatlar bilan boshqa dars beruvchilar va o'qituvchilarni ta'minlab turadi. Scratch O'qituvchi Hisobi haqida ko'proq mq'lumotga ega bo'lish uchun 1 {eduFaqLink} ga kirib ko'ring. ", "faq.eduFaqLinkText": "Scratch o‘qituvchi hisobi savol-javoblari", "faq.requestTitle": "Scratch o‘qituvchi hisobini qanday ochsam bo‘ladi?", "faq.requestBody": "Scratch dagi 1 {educatorsLink} sahifasidan Scratch O'qituvchi Hisobi haqida so'rashingiz mumkin. Biz yana dars beruvchi sifatida tutgan o'rningizni tekshirish uchun registratsiya qilish jarayoni mobaynida qo'shimcha ma'lumot so'raymiz.", "faq.dataTitle": "Scratch o‘quvchilar haqida qanday ma’lumotlarni yig‘adi?", "faq.dataBody": "O‘quvchi Scratchda ro‘yxatdan o‘tganda biz undan jinsi, yoshi (tug‘ilgan oyi va yili), mamlakati va hisobni tasdiqlash uchun elektron pochta ma’lumotlarini so‘raymiz. Bu ma’lumotlardan (shaxslar oshkor etilmagan holda) Scratchni ishlatuvchilar haqidagi tadqiqotlarda foydalaniladi. O‘qituvchi hisobidan foydalanib, o‘quvchi hisobi ochilganda elektron pochta talab qilinmaydi.", "faq.lawComplianceTitle": "Federal ma'lumotlar maxfiylik qonunlari va mahalliy Qo'shma Shtatlar bilan Scratch ( online versiyasi ) bir-biriga muvofiqmi? ", "faq.lawComplianceBody1": "Scratch platformamizdan foydalanadigan barcha talabalar va shaxslar maxfiyligi haqida chuqur qayg'uradi. Bizda mavjud bo'lgan jismoniy holat va elektron tartib-qoidalar Scratch veb-saytida biz to'playdigan ma'lumotni homiya qiladi. Bizda bepul ta'lim mahsulotimizdan foydalanadigan har-bir tashkilot bilan shartnoma kafolatlarini taklif qiladigan holat mavjud bo'lmasa ham, Scratch ni yaratgan va himoya qiladigan tashkilotlar, Scratch Fondi va MIT ga amal qilish mumkin bo'lgan butun Qo'shma Shtat federal qonunlari bilan muvofiqligdamiz. Biz ko'proq ma'lumot olish uchun Scratch Maxfiylik Siyosati haqida o'qishga sizni rag'batlantirib boramiz. ", "faq.lawComplianceBody2": "Hech qanday Shaxsiy Ma'lumotni bizga yubormasdan turib Scratch bilan loyihalarni qurishni istasangiz, unda 1 {downloadLink} ni yuklab olishingiz mumkin. Scratch Desktop idagi yaratilgan loyihalar Scratch Jamoasi tomonidan foydalanish imkoniyatiga ega emas, agar Scratch online hamjamiyatiga bu loyihalarni yuklab olmasangiz, unda Scratch Desktop idan foydalanish shaxsni aniqlovchi ma'lumot Scratch ga oshkora bo'lmaydi. " }