{ "splash.featuredProjects": "Kenmerkende projekte", "splash.featuredStudios": "Kenmerkende Ateljees", "splash.projectsCuratedBy": "Projekte Saamgestel deur {curatorId}", "splash.scratchDesignStudioTitle": "Scratch Ontwerpateljee", "splash.visitTheStudio": "Besoek die ateljee", "splash.projectsByScratchersFollowing": "Projekte deur Scratchers wat Ek Volg", "splash.projectsLovedByScratchersFollowing": "Projekte waarvan Scratchers wat Ek Volg van hou", "splash.projectsInStudiosFollowing": "Projekte in Ateljees wat Ek Volg", "splash.communityRemixing": "Wat die Gemeenskap Hermeng", "splash.communityLoving": "Waarvan die Gemeenskap Hou", "messages.becomeCuratorText": "{username} het kurator van {studio} geword", "messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} is tot bestuurder van {studio} bevorder", "messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} het {projectLink} as 'n gunsteling aangeteken", "messages.followProfileText": "{profileLink} volg nou vir {followeeLink}", "messages.followStudioText": "{profileLink} volg nou vir {studioLink}", "messages.loveText": "{profileLink} hou van {projectLink}", "messages.remixText": "{profileLink} het {remixedProjectLink} hermeng as {projectLink}", "messages.shareText": "{profileLink} het die projek {projectLink} gedeel", "intro.aboutScratch": "Oor Scratch", "intro.forEducators": "Vir Opvoeders", "intro.forParents": "Vir Ouers", "intro.join": "Sluit aan", "intro.startCreating": "Begin Skep", "intro.tagLine1": "Skep stories, speletjies en animasies", "intro.tagLine2": "Deel met ander mense regoor die wêreld", "intro.watchVideo": "Kyk Video", "news.scratchNews": "Scratch Nuus", "donatebanner.askSupport": "Scratch is the world's largest free coding community for kids. Your support makes a difference.", "donatebanner.scratchWeek": "May 19-20 is Scratch’s 15th Anniversary! {celebrationLink}. Donate to support creative coding worldwide.", "donatebanner.learnMore": "Learn more", "teacherbanner.greeting": "Hi", "teacherbanner.subgreeting": "Onderwysersrekening", "teacherbanner.classesButton": "My Klasse", "teacherbanner.faqButton": "Onderwysersrekening AV", "hocbanner.title": "Wees Kreatief met Kodering!", "hocbanner.moreActivities": "Sien meer aktiwiteite", "hocbanner.imagine": "Verbeel 'n wêreld", "hocbanner.codeACartoon": "Kodeer 'n Strokiesprent", "hocbanner.talking": "Pratende Verhale", "hocbanner.makeItFly": "Laat dit Vlieg", "hocbanner.makeMusic": "Maak Musiek", "hocbanner.chaseGame": "Skep 'n Jaag Speletjie", "welcome.welcomeToScratch": "Welkom by Scratch!", "welcome.learn": "Leer hoe om 'n projek in Scratch te skep", "welcome.tryOut": "Probeer die aanvangsprojekte", "welcome.connect": "Maak kontak met ander Scratchers", "activity.seeUpdates": "Hier sal jy opdaterings van Scratchers wat jy volg kan sien", "activity.checkOutScratchers": "Sien Scratchers wat jy dalk sal wil volg" }