{ "paint.paintEditor.redo": { "message": "Làm lại ", "description": "Alt to image for the button to redo an action" }, "paint.paintEditor.fill": { "message": "Tô", "description": "Label for the color picker for the fill color" }, "gui.comingSoon.message3": { "message": "Chúng tôi đang tiếp tục phát triển tính năng này {emoji}", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "paint.modeTools.eraserSize": { "message": "Kích thước tẩy", "description": "Label for the eraser size input" }, "paint.paintEditor.more": { "message": "nhiều hơn", "description": "Label for dropdown to access more action buttons" }, "gui.comingSoon.message1": { "message": "Đừng lo, chúng tôi đang phát triển tính năng này {emoji}", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "paint.modeTools.pointed": { "message": "Đã chỉ", "description": "Label for the button that converts selected points to sharp points" }, "paint.paintEditor.backward": { "message": "Lui", "description": "Label for the `Send backward on canvas` button" }, "paint.paintEditor.bitmap": { "message": "Chuyển thành Bitmap", "description": "Label for button that converts the paint editor to bitmap mode" }, "paint.paintEditor.group": { "message": "Nhóm", "description": "Label for the button to group shapes" }, "paint.modeTools.paste": { "message": "Dán", "description": "Label for the paste button" }, "paint.modeTools.lineSize": { "message": "Line size", "description": "Label for the line size input" }, "paint.paintEditor.saturation": { "message": "Độ bão hòa", "description": "Label for the saturation component in the color picker" }, "paint.modeTools.curved": { "message": "Uốn cong", "description": "Label for the button that converts selected points to curves" }, "paint.modeTools.brushSize": { "message": "Kích thước cọ", "description": "Label for the brush size input" }, "paint.paintEditor.undo": { "message": "Hoàn tác", "description": "Alt to image for the button to undo an action" }, "paint.paintEditor.forward": { "message": "Tới", "description": "Label for the `Send forward on canvas` button" }, "paint.modeTools.flipVertical": { "message": "Lật theo chiều dọc", "description": "Label for the button to flip the image vertically" }, "paint.paintEditor.brightness": { "message": "Độ sáng", "description": "Label for the brightness component in the color picker" }, "paint.paintEditor.vector": { "message": "Convert to Vector", "description": "Label for button that converts the paint editor to vector mode" }, "paint.paintEditor.costume": { "message": "Hóa trang", "description": "Label for the name of a costume" }, "paint.paintEditor.back": { "message": "Trở về", "description": "Label for the `Send to back of canvas` button" }, "paint.paintEditor.ungroup": { "message": "Hủy nhóm", "description": "Label for the button to ungroup shapes" }, "paint.modeTools.flipHorizontal": { "message": "Lật theo chiều ngang", "description": "Label for the button to flip the image horizontally" }, "paint.paintEditor.hue": { "message": "Màu sắc", "description": "Label for the hue component in the color picker" }, "paint.modeTools.copy": { "message": "Sao chép", "description": "Label for the copy button" }, "paint.paintEditor.front": { "message": "Trước", "description": "Label for the `Send to front of canvas` button" }, "paint.paintEditor.stroke": { "message": "Viền", "description": "Label for the color picker for the outline color" }, "gui.comingSoon.message2": { "message": "Sắp có...", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" } }