version: 2.1 orbs: node: circleci/node@2.1.0 slack: circleci/slack@3.4.2 defaults: &defaults working_directory: ~/project executor: name: node/default tag: 'lts' jobs: build-and-test: <<: *defaults steps: - checkout - node/install-packages #node orb cmd caches - run: npm run test - persist_to_workspace: root: ~/project paths: . deploy-npm: <<: *defaults steps: - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - add_ssh_keys: fingerprints: - "58:62:ab:1f:24:b9:39:5a:ee:8a:e7:28:b2:f2:61:a2" - run: ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts - run: name: "configure release version" command: | VPKG=$($(npm bin)/json -f package.json version) echo "export VERSION=${VPKG/%?/}$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)" >> $BASH_ENV - run: name: "publish" command: | npm --no-git-tag-version version $VERSION npm set //$NPM_TOKEN npm publish - run: name: "tag release" command: | git tag $VERSION git push $CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL $VERSION pull-translations: <<: *defaults steps: - checkout - node/install-packages - run: name: "pull editor and www translations" command: | npm run pull:editor npm run pull:www npm run test no_output_timeout: 20m - persist_to_workspace: root: ~/project paths: . - slack/status: fail_only: true failure_message: ":explosion: Pull editor and www translations failed, for help see:" only_for_branches: "master" commit-translations: <<: *defaults steps: - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - add_ssh_keys: fingerprints: - "58:62:ab:1f:24:b9:39:5a:ee:8a:e7:28:b2:f2:61:a2" - run: ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts - run: name: "commit translation updates" command: | git config --global $(git log --pretty=format:"%ae" -n1) git config --global $(git log --pretty=format:"%an" -n1) git add . git commit -m "pull new editor translations from Transifex" git push $CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL HEAD:master sync-help: <<: *defaults steps: - checkout - node/install-packages - run: npm run sync:help - slack/status: fail_only: true failure_message: ":boom: Scratch Help update failed, for help see:" only_for_branches: "master" workflows: version: 2 build-test-and-deploy: jobs: - build-and-test - deploy-npm: requires: - build-and-test filters: branches: only: master manual-pull: when: equal: [ tx-pull-manual, << pipeline.git.branch >> ] jobs: - pull-translations - commit-translations: requires: - pull-translations filters: branches: only: tx-pull-manual daily-tx-pull: triggers: - schedule: # daily at 3am UTC (10pm EST) cron: "0 3 * * *" filters: branches: only: master jobs: - pull-translations - commit-translations: requires: - pull-translations # don't commit if there were errors daily-help-update: triggers: - schedule: # daily at 5am UTC cron: "0 5 * * *" filters: branches: only: master jobs: - sync-help