{ "general.accountSettings": "Ngā pūkete kōwhiringa", "general.about": "Mō te kaupapa", "general.aboutScratch": "Mō Scratch", "general.birthMonth": "Te Mārama o te Rā Whānau", "general.birthYear": "Te Tau o te Rā Whānau", "general.donate": "Koha mai", "general.collaborators": "Ngā Kaituitui Mahi", "general.community": "Te Hāpori", "general.confirmEmail": "Whakakū Ī-mēra", "general.contactUs": "Pā mai i a Mātou", "general.copyright": "Ko Scratch tētehi kaupapa o te Lifelong Kindergarten Group ki te MIT Media Lab", "general.country": "Whenua", "general.create": "Hanga", "general.credits": "Ngā Mihi Mahinga", "general.dmca": "DMCA", "general.emailAddress": "Wāhitau Ī-mēra", "general.error": "Aue! Kua hē kē tētehi mea", "general.explore": "Tūhura", "general.faq": "Pātai Ka Auau te Pātaihia", "general.female": "Wahine", "general.forParents": "Mō ngā Mātua", "general.forEducators": "Mō ngā Kaiwhakaako", "general.forDevelopers": "Mō ngā Kaiwhanake", "general.getStarted": "Me Tīmata", "general.gender": "Tangatatanga", "general.guidelines": "Ngā Tohu Arahi ā Hāpori", "general.jobs": "Ngā Mahi", "general.joinScratch": "Whakauruhia a Scratch", "general.legal": "Ture", "general.loadMore": "Uta ake", "general.learnMore": "Ako ake", "general.male": "Tāne", "general.messages": "Ngā Karere", "general.monthJanuary": "Kohitātea", "general.monthFebruary": "Huitanguru", "general.monthMarch": "Poutūterangi", "general.monthApril": "Paengawhāwhā", "general.monthMay": "Haratua", "general.monthJune": "Pīpiri", "general.monthJuly": "Hōngongoi", "general.monthAugust": "Hereturikōkā", "general.monthSeptember": "Mahuru", "general.monthOctober": "Whiringa-ā-nuku", "general.monthNovember": "Whiringa-ā-rangi", "general.monthDecember": "Hakihea", "general.myClass": "Taku Akomanga", "general.myClasses": "Aku Akomanga", "general.myStuff": "Taku Mea", "general.noDeletionTitle": "Kāore e Mukua tō Pūkete", "general.noDeletionDescription": "Your account was scheduled for deletion but you logged in. Your account has been reactivated. If you didn’t request for your account to be deleted, you should {resetLink} to make sure your account is secure.", "general.noDeletionLink": "change your password", "general.notRequired": "Kāore he Take", "general.other": "He Mea Anō", "general.offlineEditor": "Pūmanawa Whakatika Tuimotu", "general.password": "Kupu Muna", "general.press": "Pato", "general.privacyPolicy": "Kaupapa Here Tūmataitinga", "general.projects": "Ngā Kaupapa", "general.profile": "Huanga", "general.resourcesTitle": "Ngā Rauemi Kaiwhakaako", "general.scratchConference": "Hui Scratch", "general.scratchEd": "ScratchEd", "general.scratchFoundation": "Tūāpapa Scratch", "general.scratchJr": "ScratchJr", "general.scratchStore": "Te Toa o Scratch", "general.search": "Rapuhia", "general.searchEmpty": "Nothing found", "general.signIn": "Kuhua ki roto", "general.statistics": "Tatauranga", "general.studios": "Ngā Taupuni Mahi", "general.support": "Tautoko", "general.tips": "Ngā Tīwhiri", "general.tipsWindow": "Tīwhiri Matapihi", "general.termsOfUse": "Ngā Tikanga o te Whakamahi", "general.username": "Ingoa Kaiwhakamahi", "general.validationEmail": "Tēnā koa, whakaurua tētehi wāhitau ī-mēra pono", "general.validationEmailMatch": "Kāore ngā ī-mēra e rite ana", "general.viewAll": "Tiro Katoa", "general.website": "Pae tukutuku", "general.whatsHappening": "He Aha te Tikanga?", "general.wiki": "Scratch Wik", "general.all": "Katoa", "general.animations": "Ngā Hākoritanga", "general.art": "Toi", "general.games": "Ngā Kēmu", "general.music": "Puoro", "general.results": "Ngā Hua", "general.stories": "Ngā Kōrero", "general.tutorials": "Ngā Akoako", "general.teacherAccounts": "Ngā Pūkete Pouako", "footer.discuss": "Ngā Wānanga Matapaki", "footer.scratchFamily": "Te Whānau Scratch", "form.validationRequired": "Ko te hiahia i tēnei wāhi", "login.needHelp": "E hiahiatia ana te Āwhina?", "navigation.signOut": "Whakaputaina ki waho", "parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "Akakoa rā he pūmanawa matua a Scratch mō ngā tau 8 ki te 16, he mea hoki e whakamahi ana i ngā tāngata o ngā tau katoa, tamariki mai me ō rātau mātua.", "parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "He aha te tau whānui mō Scratch?", "parents.FaqResourcesQ": "He aha ngā rauemi hei ako i a Scratch ināianei?", "parents.introDescription": "He reo tāhiko, he hāpori tuihono hoki a Scratch, he wāhi mō ngā tamaiki hei papatono, hei toha hoki i ngā tauwhiti pāpāho, arā, he kōrero, he kēmu, he hākoritanga hoki ki ngā tāngata nō ngā pito katoa o te ao. I ngā tamariki e waihanga ana ki te Scratch, ka ako rātou ki te whakaaro auaha, ki te mahi tahi, ki te whakaaro hakune i te kanohi hōmiromiro. Kua hoahoaina, kua tuarātia a Scratch e Lifelong Kindergarten group ki te MIT Media Lab.", "registration.checkOutResources": "Me Tīmata ki ngā Rauemi", "registration.checkOutResourcesDescription": "Tuhura ngā rawa mō ngā kaiwhakaako, mō ngā kaiwhakahaere hoki, kua tuhia e te Tīma Scratch, tāpirihia ngā tīwhiri, ngā akoako, me ngā mea ārahi.", "registration.choosePasswordStepDescription": "Patohia he kupu muna hou mō tō pūkete. Ka whakamahi koe i tēnei kupu muna i te wā ka whakauru anō koe ki roto ki a Scratch.", "registration.choosePasswordStepTitle": "Waihanga tētehi kupu muna", "registration.choosePasswordStepTooltip": "Kaua koe e mahi tō ingoa, tētehi mea rānei ka tere tīwhiri tētehi atu tangata.", "registration.classroomApiGeneralError": "Aroha mai, tē taea te whai te mōhiotanga rēhitatanga mō tēnei akomanga", "registration.generalError": "Aroha mai, katahi anō ka puta tētehi hapa hou.", "registration.classroomInviteExistingStudentStepDescription": "kua tonoa koe te hono te akomanga:", "registration.classroomInviteNewStudentStepDescription": "Kua tono tō pouako kia hono koe i tētehi akomanga:", "registration.confirmYourEmail": "Whakaū Tō Ī-mēra", "registration.confirmYourEmailDescription": "Mēnā kahore anō koe kia mahi, tēnā koa, pāwhirihia te hononga i tō īmēra whakaū kua tukua koe:", "registration.createUsername": "Waihanga tētehi Ingoa Kaiwhakamahi", "registration.goToClass": "Haere ki te Akomanga", "registration.invitedBy": "Kua tonoa e ", "registration.lastStepTitle": "Ngā mihi ki a koe i tono ai i tētehi Pūkete Pouako Scratch", "registration.lastStepDescription": "E whakamahi ana mātou i tō tononga.", "registration.mustBeNewStudent": "Me he akonga hou koe ki te whakaoti i tō rēhitatanga", "registration.nameStepTooltip": "He mōhiotanga tēnei hei whakamahi i te whakatūturutanga, hei whakatapeke i te tataunga whakamahi hoki.", "registration.newPassword": "Kupu Muna Hou", "registration.nextStep": "Te Pae Eke", "registration.notYou": "Ehara i a koe? Whakaū mai hei kaiwhakamahi anō", "registration.optIn": "Tukua mai ki ahau ngā whakahoutanga ki te Scratch mai i te pūkete whakaakoako", "registration.personalStepTitle": "Mōhiohio Whaiaro", "registration.personalStepDescription": "Ka kore ō ake whakautu e whakaputa ki te marea, nā ka mau tūmataiti kia tina", "registration.selectCountry": "kōwhiria te whenua", "registration.studentPersonalStepDescription": "Ka kore tēnei mōhiohio e whakaputa ki te pae tukutuku Scratch.", "registration.showPassword": "Whakaatu kupu muna", "registration.usernameStepDescription": "Whakakīngia ngā puka e whai ake nei hei whakatono i tētehi pūkete. Ko te roa o te tukunga whakaaetanga, ko tētahi rangi pea.", "registration.studentUsernameStepDescription": "Ka taea e koe te hanga kēmu, hākoritanga, kōrero hoki ki te Scratch. He māmā noa te whakarite i tētehi pūkete, he utu kore hoki.", "registration.studentUsernameStepHelpText": "Kei a koe tonu tētehi pūkete Scratch?", "registration.studentUsernameStepTooltip": "Ka hiawaihanga koe i tētehi pūkete Scratch hou hei hono i tēnei akomanga.", "registration.studentUsernameFieldHelpText": "Hei haumarutanga, kaua e whakamahi i tōu ingoa pono!", "registration.usernameStepTitle": "Tonoa ki tētehi Pūkete Scratch", "registration.usernameStepTitleScratcher": "Waihangatia tētehi Pūkete Scratch", "registration.validationMaxLength": "Aroha mai, kua hipa koe i te tepe mutunga rawa o ngā pūāhua.", "registration.validationPasswordLength": "Kia ono te itinga o ngā pūāhua o ngā kupu muna.", "registration.validationPasswordNotEquals": "Kei kore tō kupu muna ko \"kupu muna\"", "registration.validationPasswordNotUsername": "Kei kore tō kupu muna ko tō ingoa kaiwhakamahi", "registration.validationUsernameRegexp": "Me nohotau noa iho tō ingoa kaiwhakamahi hei pū, hei tau, hei \"-\", hei \"_\" hoki.", "registration.validationUsernameMinLength": "Kia 3 te itinga o ngā pūāhua o ngā ingoa kaiwhakahaere", "registration.validationUsernameMaxLength": "Kia 20 te rahinga o ngā pūāhua o ngā ingoa kaiwhakahere", "registration.validationUsernameExists": "Aroha mai, kei te ora tēnā ingoa kaiwhakahaere", "registration.validationUsernameVulgar": "Aue, he āhua kōtīti tēnā", "registration.validationUsernameInvalid": "He ingoa kaiwhakahaere muhu", "registration.waitForApproval": "Taihoa ki te Whakaaetanga", "registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "Ka taea e koe te uru ki roto ki tō Pūkete Scratch ināianei, erangi ko ngā āhuatanga tōtika o te Pouako kāore anō kia rite. Kei te arotakengia tō mōhiohio. Tēnā koa kia manawanui, kia kōtahi rangi te roa o te tukunga whakaaetanga i ētehi wā. Ka riro i a koe tētehi ī-mēra e tohu ana kua whakahoungia tō pūkete nā te whakaaetanga o tō pūkete.", "registration.welcomeStepDescription": "Kua whakarite tika koe i tō pūkete Scratch! He mema koe ināianei o te akomanga:", "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Kia tīmata, patohia te pātene ki raro.", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Ka wani kē! Nau mai ki a Scratch!", "thumbnail.by": "nā" }