{ "gui.backpack.errorBackpack": { "message": "Erro carregando a mochila", "description": "Error backpack message" }, "gui.backpack.loadingBackpack": { "message": "Carregando...", "description": "Loading backpack message" }, "gui.backpack.emptyBackpack": { "message": "A mochila está vazia", "description": "Empty backpack message" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.label": { "message": "O navegador não é suportado", "description": "" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": { "message": "Sentimos muito, mas o Scratch 3.0 não suporta Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera ou Silk. Nós recomendamos tentar um novo navegador como Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, ou Microsoft Edge.", "description": "Unsupported browser description" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.back": { "message": "Voltar", "description": "Button to go back in unsupported browser modal" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaq": { "message": "Para aprender mais, vá para {previewFaqLink}.", "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 preview" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaqlinktext": { "message": "FAQ", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.cameraModal.cameraModalTitle": { "message": "Tirar uma Foto", "description": "Title for prompt to take a picture (to add as a new costume)." }, "gui.cameraModal.loadingCameraMessage": { "message": "Carregando a Câmera...", "description": "Notification to the user that the camera is loading" }, "gui.cameraModal.permissionRequest": { "message": "Nós precisamos de permissão para usar sua câmera", "description": "Notification to the user that the app needs camera access" }, "gui.cameraModal.retakePhoto": { "message": "Retomar Foto ", "description": "A button that allows the user to take the picture again, replacing the old one" }, "gui.cameraModal.save": { "message": "Salvar", "description": "A button that allows the user to save the photo they took as a costume" }, "gui.cameraModal.takePhoto": { "message": "Tirar Foto", "description": "A button to take a photo" }, "gui.cameraModal.loadingCaption": { "message": "Carregando...", "description": "A caption for a disabled button while the video from the camera is still loading" }, "gui.cameraModal.enableCameraCaption": { "message": "Habilitar Câmera", "description": "A caption for a disabled button prompting the user to enable camera access" }, "gui.cards.all-tutorials": { "message": "Tutoriais", "description": "Title for button to return to tutorials library" }, "gui.cards.remove": { "message": "Fechar", "description": "Title for button to close how-to card" }, "gui.cards.more-things-to-try": { "message": "Mais coisas para experimentar!", "description": "Title card with more things to try" }, "gui.cards.see-more": { "message": "Veja mais", "description": "Title for button to see more in how-to library" }, "gui.comingSoon.message1": { "message": "Não se preocupe, estamos trabalhando nisso {emoji}", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.comingSoon.message2": { "message": "Em Breve...", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.comingSoon.message3": { "message": "Estamos trabalhando nisso", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.connection.auto-scanning.noDevicesFound": { "message": "Nenhum dispositivo encontrado", "description": "Text shown when no devices could be found" }, "gui.connection.auto-scanning.prescan": { "message": "Have your device nearby, then begin searching.", "description": "Prompt for beginning the search" }, "gui.connection.auto-scanning.pressbutton": { "message": "Press the button on your device.", "description": "Prompt for pushing the button on the device" }, "gui.connection.auto-scanning.start-search": { "message": "Start Searching", "description": "Button in prompt for starting a search" }, "gui.connection.connecting-searchbutton": { "message": "Searching...", "description": "Label indicating that search is in progress" }, "gui.connection.auto-scanning.try-again": { "message": "Tente novamente", "description": "Button in prompt for trying a device search again" }, "gui.connection.connected": { "message": "Conectado", "description": "Message indicating that a device was connected" }, "gui.connection.disconnect": { "message": "Desconectar", "description": "Button to disconnect the device" }, "gui.connection.go-to-editor": { "message": "Ir para o Editor", "description": "Button to return to the editor" }, "gui.connection.connecting-cancelbutton": { "message": "Conectando...", "description": "Label indicating that connection is in progress" }, "gui.connection.device-name-label": { "message": "Nome do Dispositivo", "description": "Label for field showing the device name" }, "gui.connection.connect": { "message": "Conectar", "description": "Button to start connecting to a specific device" }, "gui.connection.error.errorMessage": { "message": "Ooops! Parece que deu algo errado. ", "description": "The device connection process has encountered an error." }, "gui.connection.error.tryagainbutton": { "message": "Tente novamente", "description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error" }, "gui.connection.error.helpbutton": { "message": "Ajuda", "description": "Button to view help content" }, "gui.connection.scanning.lookingfordevices": { "message": "Procurando por dispositivos", "description": "Text shown while scanning for devices" }, "gui.connection.scanning.noDevicesFound": { "message": "Nenhum dispositivo encontrado", "description": "Text shown when no devices could be found" }, "gui.connection.scanning.instructions": { "message": "Selecione seu dispositivo da lista acima.", "description": "Prompt for choosing a device to connect to" }, "gui.connection.search": { "message": "Atualizar", "description": "Button in prompt for starting a search" }, "gui.connection.unavailable.installscratchlink": { "message": "Confirme que o Scratch Link está instalado e funcionando ", "description": "Message for getting Scratch Link installed" }, "gui.connection.unavailable.enablebluetooth": { "message": "Verifique se o Bluetooth está ligado", "description": "Message for making sure Bluetooth is enabled" }, "gui.connection.unavailable.tryagainbutton": { "message": "Tente novamente", "description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error" }, "gui.connection.unavailable.helpbutton": { "message": "Ajuda", "description": "Button to view help content" }, "gui.controls.go": { "message": "Andar", "description": "Green flag button title" }, "gui.controls.stop": { "message": "Pare", "description": "Stop button title" }, "gui.customProcedures.myblockModalTitle": { "message": "Criar um Bloco", "description": "Title for the modal where you create a custom block." }, "gui.customProcedures.addAnInputNumberText": { "message": "Adicionar uma entrada", "description": "Label for button to add a number/text input" }, "gui.customProcedures.numberTextType": { "message": "número ou texto", "description": "Description of the number/text input type" }, "gui.customProcedures.addAnInputBoolean": { "message": "Adicionar uma entrada", "description": "Label for button to add a boolean input" }, "gui.customProcedures.booleanType": { "message": "booleano", "description": "Description of the boolean input type" }, "gui.customProcedures.addALabel": { "message": "Adicionar um rótulo", "description": "Label for button to add a label" }, "gui.customProcedures.runWithoutScreenRefresh": { "message": "Executar sem atualização de tela", "description": "Label for checkbox to run without screen refresh" }, "gui.customProcedures.cancel": { "message": "Cancelar", "description": "Label for button to cancel custom procedure edits" }, "gui.customProcedures.ok": { "message": "OK", "description": "Label for button to save new custom procedure" }, "gui.SpriteInfo.direction": { "message": "Direção", "description": "Sprite info direction label" }, "gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.allAround": { "message": "Tudo em Volta", "description": "Button to change to the all around rotation style" }, "gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.leftRight": { "message": "Esquerda/Direita", "description": "Button to change to the left-right rotation style" }, "gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.dontRotate": { "message": "Não gire", "description": "Button to change to the dont rotate rotation style" }, "gui.gui.addExtension": { "message": "Adicionar uma Extensão", "description": "Button to add an extension in the target pane" }, "gui.gui.codeTab": { "message": "Código", "description": "Button to get to the code panel" }, "gui.gui.backdropsTab": { "message": "Panos de Fundo", "description": "Button to get to the backdrops panel" }, "gui.gui.costumesTab": { "message": "Fantasias", "description": "Button to get to the costumes panel" }, "gui.gui.soundsTab": { "message": "Sons", "description": "Button to get to the sounds panel" }, "gui.importInfo.title": { "message": "Visualizar um Projeto Scratch 2.0", "description": "Scratch 2.0 import modal label - for accessibility" }, "gui.importInfo.betamessage": { "message": "Digite um link para um dos seus projetos Scratch compartilhados. As alterações feitas nesta versão 3.0 não serão salvas.", "description": "Import project message" }, "gui.importInfo.message": { "message": "Insira um link para seus projetos compartilhados do Scratch. Modificações na Visualização 3.0 não serão salvas.", "description": "Import project message" }, "gui.importInfo.invalidFormatError": { "message": "Ops! Esse link ou id do projeto não parece estar correto.", "description": "Invalid project link or id message" }, "gui.importModal.viewproject": { "message": "Visualizar", "description": "Label for button to load a scratch 2.0 project" }, "gui.importInfo.goback": { "message": "Voltar", "description": "Label for button to back out of importing a project" }, "gui.importInfo.previewfaq": { "message": "Para aprender mais, vá para {previewFaqLink}.", "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 preview" }, "gui.importInfo.previewfaqlinktext": { "message": "FAQ", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.comingSoon": { "message": "Em Breve ", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Buscar", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" }, "gui.loader.message1": { "message": "Criando blocos...", "description": "One of the loading messages" }, "gui.loader.message2": { "message": "Carregando atores...", "description": "One of the loading messages" }, "gui.loader.message3": { "message": "Carregando sons...", "description": "One of the loading messages" }, "gui.loader.message4": { "message": "Carregando extensões...", "description": "One of the loading messages" }, "gui.loader.message5": { "message": "Reunindo a gataria...", "description": "One of the loading messages" }, "gui.loader.message6": { "message": "Transmitindo nanos...", "description": "One of the loading messages" }, "gui.loader.message7": { "message": "Inflando gobos...", "description": "One of the loading messages" }, "gui.loader.message8": { "message": "Preparando emojis...", "description": "One of the loading messages" }, "gui.loader.headline": { "message": "Carregando Projeto", "description": "Main loading message" }, "gui.menuBar.LanguageSelector": { "message": "Seletor de idioma", "description": "accessibility text for the language selection menu" }, "gui.menuBar.tutorialsLibrary": { "message": "Tutoriais", "description": "accessibility text for the tutorials button" }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Arquivo", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" }, "gui.menuBar.new": { "message": "Novo", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, "gui.menuBar.saveNow": { "message": "Salvar agora", "description": "Menu bar item for saving now" }, "gui.menuBar.saveAsCopy": { "message": "Salvar como cópia", "description": "Menu bar item for saving as a copy" }, "gui.menuBar.uploadFromComputer": { "message": "Carregar do seu computador", "description": "Menu bar item for uploading a project from your computer" }, "gui.menuBar.downloadToComputer": { "message": "Baixar para o seu computador", "description": "Menu bar item for downloading a project to your computer" }, "gui.menuBar.edit": { "message": "Editar", "description": "Text for edit dropdown menu" }, "gui.menuBar.restoreSprite": { "message": "Restore Sprite", "description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted sprite." }, "gui.menuBar.restore": { "message": "Restore", "description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted item in its disabled state." }, "gui.menuBar.turboModeOff": { "message": "Desligar o Modo Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning off turbo mode" }, "gui.menuBar.turboModeOn": { "message": "Ligar Modo Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, "gui.menuBar.share": { "message": "Compartilhar", "description": "Label for project share button" }, "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { "message": "Ver a Comunidade", "description": "Label for see community button" }, "gui.menuBar.giveFeedback": { "message": "Dê Sua Opinião", "description": "Label for feedback form modal button" }, "gui.modal.help": { "message": "Ajuda", "description": "Help button in modal" }, "gui.modal.back": { "message": "Voltar", "description": "Back button in modal" }, "gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": { "message": "letras tamanho normal", "description": "Menu item to switch to the default monitor" }, "gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": { "message": "letras grandes", "description": "Menu item to switch to the large monitor" }, "gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": { "message": "controle deslizante", "description": "Menu item to switch to the slider monitor" }, "gui.previewInfo.label": { "message": "Experimente o Scratch 3.0", "description": "Scratch 3.0 modal label - for accessibility" }, "gui.previewInfo.welcome": { "message": "Bem-vindo ao Scratch 3.0 Beta", "description": "Header for Preview Info Modal" }, "gui.previewInfo.betawelcome": { "message": "Bem-vindo ao Scratch 3.0 Beta", "description": "Header for Beta Info Modal" }, "gui.previewInfo.invitation": { "message": "Nós estamos criando a próxima geração do Scratch. Estamos ansiosos para que você a teste!", "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 Beta" }, "gui.previewInfo.notnow": { "message": "Agora Não", "description": "Label for button to back out of trying Scratch 3.0 Beta" }, "gui.previewModal.tryit": { "message": "Experimente! {caticon}", "description": "Label for button to try Scratch 3.0 Beta" }, "gui.previewModal.viewproject": { "message": "Visualizar Projeto 2.0", "description": "Label for button to import a 2.0 project" }, "gui.previewInfo.previewfaq": { "message": "Para aprender mais, vá para {previewFaqLink}.", "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 Beta" }, "gui.previewInfo.previewfaqlinktext": { "message": "FAQ", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": { "message": "Para todos os atores", "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it available to all sprites" }, "gui.gui.variableScopeOptionSpriteOnly": { "message": "Apenas para este ator", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { "message": "Mais Opções", "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Esta variável ficará disponível para todos os atores.", "description": "A message that displays in a variable modal when the stage is selected indicating that the variable being created will available to all sprites." }, "gui.prompt.cancel": { "message": "Cancelar", "description": "Button in prompt for cancelling the dialog" }, "gui.prompt.ok": { "message": "OK", "description": "Button in prompt for confirming the dialog" }, "gui.playbackStep.stopMsg": { "message": "Parar", "description": "Stop/Play button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.playMsg": { "message": "Tocar", "description": "Stop/Play button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.loadingMsg": { "message": "Carregando...", "description": "Loading/Save button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.saveMsg": { "message": "Salvar", "description": "Loading/Save button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.reRecordMsg": { "message": "Regravar", "description": "Button to re-record sound in recording playback" }, "gui.recordModal.title": { "message": "Gravar Som", "description": "Recording modal title" }, "gui.soundEditor.sound": { "message": "Som", "description": "Label for the name of the sound" }, "gui.soundEditor.play": { "message": "Jogar", "description": "Title of the button to start playing the sound" }, "gui.soundEditor.stop": { "message": "Parar", "description": "Title of the button to stop the sound" }, "gui.soundEditor.trim": { "message": "Aparar", "description": "Title of the button to start trimminging the sound" }, "gui.soundEditor.save": { "message": "Salvar", "description": "Title of the button to save trimmed sound" }, "gui.soundEditor.undo": { "message": "Desfazer", "description": "Title of the button to undo" }, "gui.soundEditor.redo": { "message": "Refazer", "description": "Title of the button to redo" }, "gui.soundEditor.faster": { "message": "Rápido", "description": "Title of the button to apply the faster effect" }, "gui.soundEditor.slower": { "message": "Devagar", "description": "Title of the button to apply the slower effect" }, "gui.soundEditor.echo": { "message": "Eco", "description": "Title of the button to apply the echo effect" }, "gui.soundEditor.robot": { "message": "Robô", "description": "Title of the button to apply the robot effect" }, "gui.soundEditor.louder": { "message": "Mais Alto", "description": "Title of the button to apply the louder effect" }, "gui.soundEditor.softer": { "message": "Mais Baixo", "description": "Title of the button to apply thr.softer effect" }, "gui.soundEditor.reverse": { "message": "Invertido", "description": "Title of the button to apply the reverse effect" }, "gui.SpriteInfo.spritePlaceholder": { "message": "Nome", "description": "Placeholder text for sprite name" }, "gui.SpriteInfo.sprite": { "message": "Ator", "description": "Sprite info label" }, "gui.SpriteInfo.show": { "message": "Mostrar", "description": "Sprite info show label" }, "gui.SpriteInfo.size": { "message": "Tamanho", "description": "Sprite info size label" }, "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDuplicate": { "message": "Duplicar", "description": "Menu item to duplicate in the right click menu" }, "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDelete": { "message": "Apagar", "description": "Menu item to delete in the right click menu" }, "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuExport": { "message": "Exportar", "description": "Menu item to export the selected item" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromLibrary": { "message": "Selecione um Ator", "description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from library" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromPaint": { "message": "Pintar", "description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from paint" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromSurprise": { "message": "Surpresa", "description": "Button to add a random sprite in the target pane" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromFile": { "message": "Enviar Ator", "description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from file" }, "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeLarge": { "message": "Mudar para um palco maior", "description": "Button to change stage size to large" }, "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeSmall": { "message": "Mude para um palco pequeno", "description": "Button to change stage size to small" }, "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeFull": { "message": "Entrar no modo de tela cheia", "description": "Button to change stage size to full screen" }, "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeUnFull": { "message": "Sair do modo de tela cheia", "description": "Button to get out of full screen mode" }, "gui.stageHeader.fullscreenControl": { "message": "Controle de Tela Cheia", "description": "Button to enter/exit full screen mode" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addBackdropFromLibrary": { "message": "Selecionar Pano de Fundo", "description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from library" }, "gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromPaint": { "message": "Pintar", "description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from paint" }, "gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromSurprise": { "message": "Surpresa", "description": "Button to add a random stage in the target pane" }, "gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromFile": { "message": "Carregar Pano de Fundo", "description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from file" }, "gui.stageSelector.stage": { "message": "Palco", "description": "Label for the stage in the stage selector" }, "gui.stageSelector.backdrops": { "message": "Panos de Fundo", "description": "Label for the backdrops in the stage selector" }, "gui.turboMode.active": { "message": "Modo Turbo", "description": "Label indicating turbo mode is active" }, "gui.webglModal.label": { "message": "Seu navegador não suporta WebGL", "description": "WebGL missing title" }, "gui.webglModal.description": { "message": "Infelizmente seu navegador ou computador, {webGlLink}. Esta tecnologia é necessária para executar o Scratch 3.0.", "description": "WebGL missing message" }, "gui.webglModal.webgllink": { "message": "não suporta WebGL", "description": "link part of your browser does not support WebGL message" }, "gui.webglModal.back": { "message": "Voltar", "description": "Label for button go back when browser is unsupported" }, "gui.webglModal.previewfaq": { "message": "Para aprender mais, vá para {previewFaqLink}.", "description": "Scratch 3.0 FAQ description" }, "gui.webglModal.previewfaqlinktext": { "message": "FAQ", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseABackdrop": { "message": "Selecionar Pano de Fundo", "description": "Heading for the backdrop library" }, "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseACostume": { "message": "Selecionar uma Fantasia", "description": "Heading for the costume library" }, "gui.costumeTab.addBackdropFromLibrary": { "message": "Selecionar Pano de Fundo", "description": "Button to add a backdrop in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addCostumeFromLibrary": { "message": "Escolha uma Fantasia", "description": "Button to add a costume in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addBlankCostume": { "message": "Pintar", "description": "Button to add a blank costume in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addSurpriseCostume": { "message": "Surpresa", "description": "Button to add a surprise costume in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addFileBackdrop": { "message": "Carregar Pano de Fundo", "description": "Button to add a backdrop by uploading a file in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addFileCostume": { "message": "Carregar Fantasia", "description": "Button to add a costume by uploading a file in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addCameraCostume": { "message": "Câmera", "description": "Button to use the camera to create a costume costume in the editor tab" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.chooseAnExtension": { "message": "Escolha uma Extensão", "description": "Heading for the extension library" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.extensionUrl": { "message": "Insira o URL para a extensão", "description": "Prompt for unoffical extension url" }, "gui.projectLoader.loadError": { "message": "O arquivo do projeto selecionado falhou ao carregar. ", "description": "An error that displays when a local project file fails to load." }, "gui.recordingStep.alertMsg": { "message": "Não conseguiu iniciar a gravação", "description": "Alert for recording error" }, "gui.soundLibrary.chooseASound": { "message": "Selecione um Som", "description": "Heading for the sound library" }, "gui.soundTab.fileUploadSound": { "message": "Carregar Som", "description": "Button to upload sound from file in the editor tab" }, "gui.soundTab.surpriseSound": { "message": "Surpresa", "description": "Button to get a random sound in the editor tab" }, "gui.soundTab.recordSound": { "message": "Gravar", "description": "Button to record a sound in the editor tab" }, "gui.soundTab.addSoundFromLibrary": { "message": "Selecionar um Som", "description": "Button to add a sound in the editor tab" }, "gui.spriteLibrary.chooseASprite": { "message": "Selecione um Ator", "description": "Heading for the sprite library" }, "gui.spriteSelectorItem.deleteSpriteConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to delete this?", "description": "Confirmation for deleting sprites" }, "gui.tipsLibrary.tutorials": { "message": "Escolher um tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name": { "message": "Primeiros Passos", "description": "Name for the 'Getting Started' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.intro-move.step_stepMove": { "message": "Adicione um bloco de movimento", "description": "Step name for 'Add a move block' step" }, "gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": { "message": "Clique na bandeira verde para iniciar", "description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step" }, "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.name": { "message": "Anime um Nome", "description": "Name for the 'Animate a Name' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePickLetter": { "message": "Escolha um Ator Letra", "description": "Step name for 'Pick a Letter Sprite' step" }, "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePlaySound": { "message": "Toque uma Música Quando Clicado", "description": "Step name for 'Play a Sound When Clicked' step" }, "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePickLetter2": { "message": "Escolha Outro Ator Letra", "description": "Step name for 'Pick Another Letter Sprite" }, "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateChangeColor": { "message": "Mude cor", "description": "Step name for 'Change color' step" }, "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateSpin": { "message": "Escolha Outro Ator Letra & Faça-o Girar", "description": "Step name for 'Pick Another Letter Sprite & Make It Spin' step" }, "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateGrow": { "message": "Escolha outro Ator Letra & Faça-o Crescer", "description": "Step name for 'Pick Another Letter Sprite & Make It Grow!' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-music.name": { "message": "Faça Música", "description": "Name for the 'Make Music' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_PickInstrument": { "message": "Escolha um Ator Instrumento", "description": "Step name for 'Pick an Instrument Sprite' step" }, "gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_PlaySoundClick": { "message": "Toque Um Som Quando Clicado", "description": "Step name for 'Play Sound When Clicked' step" }, "gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_MakeSong": { "message": "Crie uma Canção", "description": "Step name for 'Create a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-music.step_MakeBeat": { "message": "Escolha um Tambor & Faça uma Batida", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Drum & Make a Beat' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-music.step_MakeBeatBox": { "message": "Selecione o Ator Microfone & Beatbox Surpresa", "description": "Step name for 'Choose the Microphone Sprite & Surprise Beatbox' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-a-game.name": { "message": "Faça um Jogo Clicker", "description": "Name for the 'Make a Clicker Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.Make-A-Game.step_GamePickSprite": { "message": "Escolha Um Ator", "description": "Step name for 'Pick A Sprite' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GamePlaySound": { "message": "Toque Um Som Quando Clicado", "description": "Play Sound When Clicked' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameAddScore": { "message": "Crie uma Variável de Placar", "description": "Step name for 'Create Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameChangeScore": { "message": "Quando Clicado, Aumentar a Pontuação", "description": "Step name for 'When Clicked Increase Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_Random": { "message": "Vá para posição aleatória", "description": "Step name for 'Go to a random position' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-music.step_GameChangeColor": { "message": "Mude a Cor", "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-music.step_ResetScore": { "message": "Reinicie a Pontuação", "description": "Step name for 'Reset Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-a-chase-game.name": { "message": "Faça um Jogo de Perseguição", "description": "Name for the 'Make a Chase Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_BG": { "message": "Adicione um Pano de Fundo", "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.chase-game.step_AddOcto": { "message": "Adicione um Ator", "description": "Step name for 'Add a Sprite' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-music.step_LeftRight": { "message": "Mova para a Direita & Esquerda com as Teclas Setas", "description": "Step name for 'Move Right & Left With Arrow Keys' step" }, "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_UpDown": { "message": "Mova para Cima & para Baixo com as Setas do Teclado", "description": "Step name for 'Move Up & Down With Arrow Keys' step" }, "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_AddStar": { "message": "Adicione Outro Ator", "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Sprite' step" }, "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_MoveRandom": { "message": "Mova Aleatoriamente", "description": "Step name for 'Move Randomly' step" }, "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_WhenTouch": { "message": "Quando Tocar no Ator Polvo, Toque o Som", "description": "Step name for 'In Octopus Sprite, When Touching Play Sound' step" }, "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_ScoreVariable": { "message": "Crie uma Variável de Placar", "description": "Step name for 'Create Score Variable" }, "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.ScoreWhenTouch": { "message": "Quando Tocar no Ator Polvo, Adicione a Pontuação", "description": "Step name for 'In Octopus Sprite, When Touching Add Score step" }, "gui.howtos.add-sprite.name": { "message": "Adicione um Ator", "description": "Name for the 'Add a Sprite' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.add-sprite.step_addSprite": { "message": "Adicione um Ator", "description": "Step name for 'Add a new sprite' step" }, "gui.howtos.add-a-backdrop.name": { "message": "Adicione um Pano de Fundo", "description": "Name for the 'Add a Backdrop' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.change-size.name": { "message": "Mude o Tamanho", "description": "Name for the 'Change Size' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.glide-around.name": { "message": "Deslize Por Aí", "description": "Name for the 'Glide Around' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.record-a-sound.name": { "message": "Grave um Som", "description": "Record A Sound' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.spin-video.name": { "message": "Faça-a girar", "description": "Name for the 'Make It Spin' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.hide-and-show.name": { "message": "Esconde-Esconde", "description": "Name for the 'Hide and Show' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.switch-costume.name": { "message": "Anime um Ator", "description": "Name for the 'Animate a Sprite' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.move-around-with-arrow-keys.name": { "message": "Use as Setas", "description": "Name for the 'Use Arrow Keys' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.add-effects.name": { "message": "Adicionar Efeitos", "description": "Name for the 'Add Effects' how-to" }, "gui.extension.music.name": { "message": "Música", "description": "Name for the 'Music' extension" }, "gui.extension.music.description": { "message": "Toque instrumentos e tambores.", "description": "Description for the 'Music' extension" }, "gui.extension.pen.name": { "message": "Caneta", "description": "Name for the 'Pen' extension" }, "gui.extension.pen.description": { "message": "Desenhe com os seus atores.", "description": "Description for the 'Pen' extension" }, "gui.extension.videosensing.name": { "message": "Detecção de Vídeo", "description": "Name for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "gui.extension.videosensing.description": { "message": "Detecte movimento com a câmera.", "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "gui.extension.googletranslate.name": { "message": "Tradutor Google", "description": "Name for the 'Google Translate' extension. Do not translate 'Google'." }, "gui.extension.googletranslate.description": { "message": "Traduza texto para várias línguas.", "description": "Description for the 'Google Translate' extension" }, "gui.extension.microbit.description": { "message": "Conecte seus projetos ao mundo.", "description": "Description for the 'micro:bit' extension" }, "gui.extension.microbit.connectingMessage": { "message": "Conectando", "description": "Message to help people connect to their micro:bit." }, "gui.extension.ev3.description": { "message": "Construa robôs e outras coisas interativas.", "description": "Description for the 'LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3' extension" }, "gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": { "message": "Conectando. Garanta que o pin no seu EV3 esteja configurado para 1234.", "description": "Message to help people connect to their EV3. Must note the PIN should be 1234." }, "gui.extension.wedo2.description": { "message": "Crie com motores e sensores.", "description": "Description for the 'LEGO WeDo 2.0' extension" }, "gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": { "message": "Conectando", "description": "Message to help people connect to their WeDo." }, "gui.backpack.header": { "message": "Mochila", "description": "Button to open the backpack" } }