{ "messages.activityAll": "Hemû Çalakî", "messages.activityComments": "Çalakiya Şîroveyê", "messages.activityProjects": "Çalakiya Projeyê", "messages.activityStudios": "Çalakiya Studyoyê", "messages.activityForums": "Çalakiya Forumê", "messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} payeya te ji bo rêveberiya studyoya {studio}ê berz kir.", "messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} te ji bo berpirsyariya studyoya {studioLink}ê vexwand. Ji bo qebûlkirina vexwandinê di studyoyê de serdana {tabLink}ê bike", "messages.curatorTabText": "hilpeka rêvebiran", "messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}", "messages.filterBy": "Parzûnkirin", "messages.followText": "{profileLink} êdî te dişopîne", "messages.forumPostText": "There are new posts in the forum thread: {topicLink}", "messages.learnMore": "Click here to learn more", "messages.loveText": "{profileLink} loved your project {projectLink}", "messages.messageTitle": "Peyam", "messages.profileComment": "{profileLink} commented on {commentLink}", "messages.commentReply": "{profileLink} replied to your comment on {commentLink}", "messages.profileOther": "Profîla {username}", "messages.profileSelf": "profîla te", "messages.projectComment": "{profileLink} commented on your project {commentLink}", "messages.remixText": "{profileLink} remixed your project {remixedProjectLink} as {projectLink}", "messages.scratcherInvite": "You are invited to become a Scratcher! {learnMore}!", "messages.scratchTeamTitle": "Messages from the Scratch Team", "messages.studioActivityText": "There was new activity in {studioLink} today", "messages.studioCommentReply": "{profileLink} replied to your comment in {commentLink}", "messages.userJoinText": "Welcome to Scratch! After you make projects and comments, you'll get messages about them here. Go {exploreLink} or {makeProjectLink}.", "messages.userJoinMakeProject": "make a project", "messages.requestError": "Oops! Looks like there was a problem getting some of your messages. Please try to reload this page." }