{ "music.drumHandClap": { "message": "(8) Pakipaki-ā-ringa", "description": "Sound of two hands clapping together" }, "videoSensing.setVideoTransparency": { "message": "tautuhia te pūatatata o te ataata kia [TRANSPARENCY]", "description": "Controls transparency of the video preview layer" }, "pen.setColor": { "message": "tautuhia te tae o te pene kia [COLOR]", "description": "set the pen color to a particular (RGB) value" }, "pen.setColorParam": { "message": "tautuhia te [COLOR_PARAM] o te pene kia [VALUE]", "description": "set the state for a pen color parameter e.g. saturation" }, "music.drumCabasa": { "message": "(15) Cabasa", "description": "Sound of a cabasa being shaken" }, "music.getTempo": { "message": "tere", "description": "get the current tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played" }, "music.drumOpenHiHat": { "message": "(5) Hi-Hat Huaki", "description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting a hi-hat while open" }, "music.drumBongo": { "message": "(13) Pahū tamarua", "description": "Sound of a bongo being struck" }, "videoSensing.stage": { "message": "atamira", "description": "Subject for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block" }, "pen.colorMenu.brightness": { "message": "pīataata", "description": "label for brightness element in color picker for pen extension" }, "videoSensing.videoToggle": { "message": "hurihia te ataata kia [VIDEO_STATE]", "description": "Controls display of the video preview layer" }, "pen.setSize": { "message": "tautuhia te nui o te pene kia [SIZE]", "description": "set the diameter of a trail left by a sprite" }, "music.drumBass": { "message": "(2) Pahū Nguru", "description": "Sound of bass drum as used in a standard drum kit" }, "music.instrumentCello": { "message": "(8) Whiranui", "description": "Sound of a cello being played with a bow" }, "pen.changeHue": { "message": "panonitia te tae o te pene mā te [HUE]", "description": "legacy pen blocks - change pen color" }, "music.instrumentChoir": { "message": "(15) Tira Waiata", "description": "Sound of a choir singing" }, "music.drumVibraslap": { "message": "(17) Vibraslap", "description": "Sound of a Vibraslap being played" }, "pen.stamp": { "message": "waitohu", "description": "render current costume on the background" }, "music.instrumentPizzicato": { "message": "(7) Pizzicato", "description": "Sound of a string instrument (e.g. violin) being plucked" }, "music.instrumentWoodenFlute": { "message": "(13) Pūtorino", "description": "Sound of a wooden flute being played" }, "music.drumSnare": { "message": "(1) Pahū Rarā", "description": "Sound of snare drum as used in a standard drum kit" }, "music.drumCowbell": { "message": "(11) Pere-kau", "description": "Sound of a cowbell being struck" }, "videoSensing.onFlipped": { "message": "ina whakawhitia", "description": "Option for the \"turn video [STATE]\" block that causes the video to be flipped horizontally (reversed as in a mirror)" }, "videoSensing.sprite": { "message": "parehe", "description": "Subject for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block" }, "music.restForBeats": { "message": "tatari mō ngā taki [BEATS]", "description": "rest (play no sound) for a number of beats" }, "music.drumTriangle": { "message": "(12) Tapatoru", "description": "Sound of a triangle (instrument) being struck" }, "music.instrumentTrombone": { "message": "(9) Pūkumekume", "description": "Sound of a trombone being played" }, "music.instrumentVibraphone": { "message": "(16) Vibraphone", "description": "Sound of a vibraphone being struck" }, "music.instrumentSaxophone": { "message": "(11) Pūtohe", "description": "Sound of a saxophone being played" }, "music.instrumentBass": { "message": "(6) Reo Nguru", "description": "Sound of an accoustic upright bass" }, "pen.clear": { "message": "Kōmurutia te katoa", "description": "erase all pen trails and stamps" }, "music.instrumentClarinet": { "message": "(10) Rehu Matangi", "description": "Sound of a clarinet being played" }, "music.instrumentSteelDrum": { "message": "(18) Pahū Rino", "description": "Sound of a steel drum being struck" }, "pen.setHue": { "message": "tautuhia te tae o te pene kia [HUE]", "description": "legacy pen blocks - set pen color to number" }, "music.drumGuiro": { "message": "(16) Guiro", "description": "Sound of a guiro being played" }, "music.instrumentBassoon": { "message": "(14) Pūhoru", "description": "Sound of a bassoon being played" }, "pen.setShade": { "message": "tautuhia te kauruku o te pene kia [SHADE]", "description": "legacy pen blocks - set pen shade" }, "music.instrumentFlute": { "message": "(12) Pūtōrino", "description": "Sound of a flute being played" }, "pen.colorMenu.color": { "message": "tae", "description": "label for color element in color picker for pen extension" }, "music.drumConga": { "message": "(14) Conga", "description": "Sound of a conga being struck" }, "pen.changeSize": { "message": "panonitia te nui o te pene mā te [SIZE]", "description": "change the diameter of the trail left by a sprite" }, "videoSensing.on": { "message": "kā", "description": "Option for the \"turn video [STATE]\" block" }, "music.instrumentSynthPad": { "message": "(21) Kōtui Papatū", "description": "Sound of a \"pad\" synthesizer being played" }, "pen.colorMenu.transparency": { "message": "pūatatata", "description": "label for transparency element in color picker for pen extension" }, "music.instrumentGuitar": { "message": "(4) Kitā", "description": "Sound of an accoustic guitar" }, "music.drumClosedHiHat": { "message": "(6) Hi-Hat kua Kati", "description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting a hi-hat while closed" }, "pen.changeColorParam": { "message": "panonitia te [COLOR_PARAM] o te pene mā te [VALUE]", "description": "change the state of a pen color parameter" }, "videoSensing.whenMotionGreaterThan": { "message": "ina te nekenekehanga o te ataata > [REFERENCE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the amount of motion is greater than [REFERENCE]" }, "music.drumTambourine": { "message": "(7) Tatangi", "description": "Sound of a tambourine being struck" }, "music.playDrumForBeats": { "message": "whakatangihia te pahū [DRUM] mō ngā taki [BEATS] ", "description": "play drum sample for a number of beats" }, "music.instrumentMarimba": { "message": "(19) Pakakau", "description": "Sound of a marimba being struck" }, "music.instrumentMusicBox": { "message": "(17) Pouaka Puoro", "description": "Sound of a music box playing" }, "music.instrumentOrgan": { "message": "(3) Ōkena", "description": "Sound of an organ" }, "videoSensing.videoOn": { "message": "ataata [ATTRIBUTE] kei [SUBJECT]", "description": "Reporter that returns the amount of [ATTRIBUTE] for the selected [SUBJECT]" }, "music.drumCuica": { "message": "(18) Cuica", "description": "Sound of a cuica being played" }, "pen.penDown": { "message": "pene ki raro", "description": "start leaving a trail when the sprite moves" }, "videoSensing.motion": { "message": "nekenekehanga", "description": "Attribute for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block" }, "pen.penUp": { "message": "pene ki runga", "description": "stop leaving a trail behind the sprite" }, "music.changeTempo": { "message": "panonitia te tere mā te [TEMPO]", "description": "change tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played" }, "pen.colorMenu.saturation": { "message": "waiwai", "description": "label for saturation element in color picker for pen extension" }, "music.setInstrument": { "message": "tautuhia te taonga puoro ki te [INSTRUMENT]", "description": "set the instrument (e.g. piano, guitar, trombone) for notes played" }, "music.instrumentPiano": { "message": "(1) Piana", "description": "Sound of a piano" }, "music.drumWoodBlock": { "message": "(10) Paraka Rākau", "description": "Sound of a wood block being struck" }, "videoSensing.direction": { "message": "ahunga", "description": "Attribute for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block" }, "music.instrumentSynthLead": { "message": "(20) Kōtui Arataki", "description": "Sound of a \"lead\" synthesizer being played" }, "music.drumSideStick": { "message": "(3) Rākau Taha Pahū", "description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting the side of a drum (usually the snare)" }, "pen.changeShade": { "message": "panonitia te kauruku o te pene mā te [SHADE]", "description": "legacy pen blocks - change pen shade" }, "music.setTempo": { "message": "tautuhia te tere kia [TEMPO]", "description": "set tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played" }, "music.instrumentElectricPiano": { "message": "(2) Piana Hiko", "description": "Sound of an electric piano" }, "music.instrumentElectricGuitar": { "message": "(5) Kitā Hiko", "description": "Sound of an electric guitar" }, "music.drumCrashCymbal": { "message": "(4) Tīwēwē Wheoro", "description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting a crash cymbal" }, "videoSensing.off": { "message": "weto", "description": "Option for the \"turn video [STATE]\" block" }, "music.playNoteForBeats": { "message": "whakatangihia te oro [NOTE] mō ngā taki [BEATS]", "description": "play a note for a number of beats" }, "music.drumClaves": { "message": "(9) Poro rākau", "description": "Sound of claves being struck together" } }